CHOWAN COUNTY ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN Volume XXlX.—Number 19. Mrs. Elton Forehand, Jr. Installed New President Os Edenton Woman's Club Mrs. R. H. Vaughan, First President of Club, Installs New Officers New officers of the Edenton Woman’s Club were installed at a luncheon meeting of the club Wednesday of last week at the Edenton Restaurant. The instal lation was in charge of the clubfs first president, Mrs. Ro land H. Vaughan. Mrs. R. H. Forehand, Jr., was installed as president; Mrs. Ed ward G. Bond, vice president; Mrs. R. L. Bunch, secretary; Mrs. J. H. Woolard, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. Leo Katka vcqk, treasurer, and Mrs. Wen dell Copeland, historian. Mrs. Vaughan on behalf of former presidents of the club presented to the club in honor of Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt a check for a tree to be planted on the Court House square as part of the club’s beautifica tion program. Mrs. W H. Holtowell, Jr., re tiring president, announced that 10 members are expected to at tend the State Woman’s Club Convention May 16-18 in Win ston-Salem. It was reported that to date $763 had beei. collected during the Cancer Drive, sponsored by the club. The recent baby con test sponsored by the cluh was a success with over $360 raised. Roger Lamb, the club entry, won first place in the District Music Contest and received an excellent rating at the State Contest in Raleigh. Following the# business ses sion the annual meeting was held at which time the presi dent’s and treasurer’s reports were presented. As a gift of appreciation the club presented Mrs. Hollowell with a silver pitcher. Chowan PTA Meets May 14 Jens. ,ngs Bunch, president of the Chowan High School Parent- Teacher Association, announces that the May meeting will be held Monday night, May 14, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. He says this will be the closing meeting for this school term and for that reason all parents are especially urged to attend. , Replacing the usual civic pro gram, the girls from Mrs. Lor raine Rogerson’s ninth, tenth and eleventh grade classes will pre sent a fashion show. The girls Will model fashions they de signed. 20 Years Ago] A( Found In I■# Files Os j The Chowan Herald -I-—.-.- —^ Chowan County citizens joined with the remainder of the na tion in awaiting their turn in securing sugar with ration books. fdenton's Garden Club staged * "spring flower show in the Rose Room at Hotel Joseph Hewes. Chowan County's largest and onp of the most modern barns -was destroyed by fire when the bdge building on Herbert Small’s Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Saturday Final Day To Register For Primary Election May 26th Next Saturday, May 12, will b* the final day registration bioks will be open in order to hf properly registered for thej Democratic primary election Sat ufday, May 26. It is important, in order to* cast a baUot in this election, to i be registered op the county rMstration books. Registration oit the Town of Edenton’s reg istration booto entitle - _ . lit —i, q i nmimr ;^ C 9 r M tos^etforthe THE CHOWAN HERALD New Coach A ■ - r -. T i- v *- >• % j . . r 1 i GERALD (Jerry) McGtIE | Announcement was made this | week that Gerald (Jerry) Morri-, son-McGee had been employed! as teacher and football coach at j John A. Holmes High School for the 1962-63 school year. He will succeed William D. Billings, who . recently resigned. Legion Honors R. E. Leary As Champ Membership Producer Roy E. Leary was signally honored at last week’s meeting of Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion when he was presented a citation of the ‘*Well Done Flag Hat Pin” as cham pion membership producer of the post. Mr. Leary turned in | 39 paid members to the post ad jutant. Skinner White. The honor was bestowed upon Mr. Leary by Alexander E. De Blois, Chairman of the 1962 membership committee, who presided over the meeting in the absence of Robert Powell. Mr. Decided Progress Realized On ! Golf Course And Country Club j \ Dr. A. F. Downum, J. p. Par . tin and John Shackelford, mem bers of the finance committee of the recently organized Chowan Golf and Country Club, are very much elated over the pro gress made in the current membership drive. . Dr. Downum, chairman of the committee, stated Tuesday that he was surprisingly pleased with | the response to a solicitation , and that up to Tuesday a total Chowan Falls Down On Blood Donors Chowan .County fell down miserably in its donations of: blood Thursday when the Red j Cross bloodmobile appeared at [ the National Guard armory. | The quota was 135 pints, of which only 57 pints were do nated during the day. It is pointed out that since; January 127 pints of blood have j been used for patients at Cho- 1 wan Hospital and only 98 pints donated to the blood bank. LIBRARIES CLOSED TODAY x j Both the Shepard-Pruden Me morial Library and Brown-Car ver Library will be closed all day toSay (Thursday). The clos ing is due to observance of Con- ] federate Memorial Day. The registrars and registration places for the six precincts are as follows: East Edenton Mrs. William ■ Stokely, Court House. ! West Edenton Mrs. George *C. Hoskins, Municipal Building. Rocky Hock Alphonso Spi vey, Henry Bunch’s store. Ceriter Hill Ralph Goodwin, Ross Bunch’s store. Wardsville— T. A. Berryman, Herbert Peele’s Store. Yeopim Thomas Hoskins, St. Harry. Perry’s Store. The election will be held Sat urday, May 26 from 6:30 A. M . Edenton, Chowan County, iNorth Carolina, Thursday, May 10, 1962. Democrats Hold i County Convention Saturday, May 12 Delegates Will Be Se lected to State Con vention in Raleigh Thursday, May 17 Democrats of Chowan County will hold their county conven tion Saturday afternoon, May 12, at 3 o’clock in the Court House. At precinet meetings held last ~ Saturday delegates to the Coun ty Convention were elected and each one is expected to attend the County Convention next | Saturday to represent his or her I precinct. At the County Convention it I will be the purpose to consider ! the plan of organization of the Democratic party for the forth coming election and to elect delegates to the State Dcmo , cratic Convention. The state convention will be held in Me moriM Auditorium in Raleigh 1 Thursday. May 17, beginning at I 12 o’clock noon. | AWARD AUDIT CONTRACT | Chowan County Commission ’ ers on Monday morning award :ed a contract for auditing the ( county books. The contract was given to Holland & Warren. De Blois stated that the two flags are the allied naval code for the letters B (Bravo) and Z fZula)), which together mean Well Done. ‘As a Navy veteran,” said Mr. De Blois, “I know of no better way to describe your accom plishment in the 1962 member ship program. You have helped the American Legion to achieve one of its primary objectives— to strengthen itself for the tasks which lie ahead.” Also included with the cita- Contmtipd on Poop 4—Section 1 of 120 memberships were sign |ed up. The membership will ; be limited to 150. To date Dr. Downum stated , the canvassers have not solicited i membership out of the cour.ty. He believes enough members I will be secured in the county but if not, he said, quite a few golf enthusiasts in adjoining counties are desirious to become members, so that he is very op- Contir.ued on Page S, Section 1 Herring Breakfasts Are Discontinued The Methodist Men’s Club has discontii.ued the popular pickled ; herring breakfasts which have j been held during the past few j months. Members of the club ! express their appreciation for the generous patronage and state that the breakfasts will be re sumed next fall. Gets Appointment I -■ McKINLEY WRIGHT An outstanding student at the John A. Holmes High , School 2 *lan Joint,Farm Bureau Facilities “ s 111 •- CD |g|tf Mi Pictured above is a committee appointed to study the poss ili ties of setting up joint tri-county facilities to serve Chowan, Per quimans and Gates County Farm Bureaus. Front row. left to right, Clifford Winslow, president of Perquimans County Farm Bureau; Woodrow Lowe, president of Chowan County Farm Bu reau; Alfred Junior Stallings, Gates County Farm Bureau mem ber; Frank Russell, president of Gates County Farm Bu’-eau. Back row, Rollo White. Perquimans County and Tom Asbell, Chowan County board member. Three Counties Consider Merging Farm Bureaus In Effort To Expand Service Committee Will Make Report at Meeting at Hobbsville Thursday May 17 i Presidents and directors of 1 Farm Bureaus in Chowan, Per- j quimans and Gates Counties met recently in Edenton to dis cuss the possibility of merging their offices and having one of- ; fice for the three counties cen- j trally located to serve each bu reau. The group appointed a com mittee representing each county for the purpose of making a study of the plan which met Tuesday night of this weex. Their recommendation will be presented at another meeting of the three-county board which will meet' at Hobbsville Thurs day, May 17 to consider where the central office will be locat ed. i The purpose of the combining of the three counties’ farm bu reaus is an effort to exp.-id the service to the members in each of the counties. There are ap proximately 600 Farm Bureau members in the counties of Per quimans, Chowan and Gates. Edenton Merchants Polled On Wednesday Afternoon Closing At the Chamber of Commerce Merchants Committee meeting held at Hotel Joseph Hewes Thursday, May 3, there was a lengthy discussion concerning retail store hours in Edenton. j Os particular concern to mem bers was the question of Wed- | nesday afternoon closings, ob- 1 served more or less by the ma-1 jority of Edenton merchants for i a n amber of years past. However, the trend in Eden-1 Annual Meeting Os WMU May 15 | Sessions Will Be Held At Rocky Hock Bap tist Church Tjje Chowan County Woman’s Missionary Union of the Cho wan Baptist Association will meet for the annual session on Tuesday morning, May 15, at 10:30 o’clock at Rocky Hock Continued on Page 7, Section 1 Dillon, Hendrix And Edmonds Arle Leaders In Fishing Contest Roger Dillon of Hertford, Mark Herfdrjx of Tyner and Billy Ed wards' are at present leading contenders in the fishing contest sponsored by the Edenton Cham ber of Commerce. Dillon tops the list in the largemouth bass division with one measuring 22 inches arid weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Hendrix leads in the crappie race : with one weighing one potrrid and 14 ounces. It was 16 inches long. The runner-up is Bill Stallings of Edenton with Mrs.J.LChestnutt Elected President Legion Auxiliary Jo Ann Leary, Judy Haste, Nelia Lowe Selected to Attend Girls State The Edward G. Bond Unit No. 40, American Legion Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Jessie Porter Thursday night, May 3, with eleven members present. The meeting opened in the usual manner with the chaplain, Mrs. Mary . f Leary, leading in prayer. The roll was called and the I minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. The treasurer gave a report. Girls selected to attend Girls’ State are Judy Haste from Cho way High and Nelia Lowe and Jo Ann Leary from John A. Holmes High School. Continued on Page 4. Section 1 ton, as in many cities of -the Northeastern counties and in the Tidewater area, is for more and more stores to remain open all day Wednesday. This trend has been dictated by economic reasons. It has proven profitable, especially when special Wednesday pro motions are advertised. In some areas discount houses have persuaded the move for re-' Continued en Pag* 7—Section I Recent Hoe Down Nets $476 Profit Mrs. Ed Bond, Chair man, Thanks All Who Helped Mrs. Edward G- Bond, gen eral chairman of the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary’s hoe-down, is quite gratified with the suc cess of this recent event which was held in the National Guard Continued on Page 4, Section 1 one 11 inches long and weighing a pound and three ounces. In the bream class Edwards leads with one weighing lVi pounds. Scott Harrell, chairman of the Recreation Committee, reminds sportsmen that there is no creel limit this year on bream or any variety of perch and that the Edenton area offers good fishing in both open and protected wa iters. It also offers top boattQg facilities, bathing and water ski ing areas. Herbert Hollowell! Elected President 1 By Edenton Lions i Group of Officers to | Be Installed at First ! j Meeting of Club In I July i Edenton’s Lions Club elected i new officers at the meeting held Monday night at the Edenton Restaurant. Herbert Hollowell, Jr., was elected as president to succeed John Mitchener. Other officers elected were: First vice president. Dr. A. F. Downum; second vice president, . Joe Thorud; third vice president, 1 Dr. Richard Hardin; Lion tamer, Lewis Leary; tail twister, George Lewis; secretary-treasurer, W- J. Taylor; chorister, J. Clarence ! Leary, and directors for two | years. West Leary and William S. Privott. This group of officers will be I installed at the first meeting of the club in July. At Monday night’s meeting it | I was announced that the Easter, | Seal drive will be closed Tues day, May 15. It was reported that contributions are lagging with only $658 collected toward a goal of SI,OOO. W.. E. Ma lone, chairman of the drive, asks, all to return or contribu - j lions as soon as possible to Hay wood Bunch, treasurer. The 1 money will be used for crippled children and work among the blind, so it is hoped a si~eabl*> amount will be returned before May 15. Jerry McGee Secured As Coach To Succeed William D. Billings The board of trustees of the ; Edenton City Schools elected Gerald (Jerry) Morrison McGee as teacher and head football coach in the John A. Holmes HigTi ScEool for" the school 'year 1962-1963. He will succeed Coach William D. Billings, who recently resigned to accept a po sition in Delaware. Mr. McGee was born in Wash ington, D. C., but spent most of his early childhood years in Elizabeth City where his fathe was in the Coast Guard. He returned to Elizabeth City in Miss Catherine Aman Resigns ! As Assistant Economies Agent Chowan County Commission ers at their meeting Monday re ceived the resignation of Miss Catherine Aman as assistant home economics agent for Cho wan County. Her resignation will become effective Thursday, May 31, and was accepted with regret by the Commissioners. Adams And Turner Given Scholarships Herbert Adams of John A. Holmes High School and Jim my Turner of Chowan High School have "been awarded full two-year scholarships to the College of the Albemarle. These scholarships are award ed on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character and need. Sings In ‘Oklahoma’ s ... ' -fg : Miss Pat Mooney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mooney, for-; mer Edentonians. sang a major role in ''Oklahoma" in a musi cal presented at the Needham Broughton High School in Ra leigh May 4 and 5- $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Episcopalians Will Meet At St. Paul's May 16-17 For Diocesan Convention Resigns ' J luILS CATHERINE AMAN At Monday's meeting of Cho wan Commissioners Miss Catherine Aman tendered her resignation as assistant home economics agent for Chowan Cou-’ty. Her resignation will be effective as of May 31. 47 JAILED IN APRIL Jailer Bertram Byrum reports that 47 persons were placed ir the Chowan County Jail during the month of April. Confine nents ranged from one to six lays with the expense, includ ing jail and turnkey fees and soap, amounting to $279.77. 1952 and graduated from Eliza beth City High School in 1956 where he was a member of the football, baseball and basketball teams. After high school he at tended Duke University and won two letters in football and received an award as the great est contributor to team morale. During his senior year at Duke University, the Blue Devils were Atlantic Coast Conference football champions and beat Ar kansas in the 1961 Cotton Bowl. He graduated from Duke in Continued on Page 7. Section 1 Miss Aman has served as as sistant agent in Chowan County for over four years and is re signing to accept a position in Brunswick County, where she will become home economics agent. Her office will he lo cated at Supply. Continued on Page 7, Section 1 GSA Accepts Bids For Sale Base Property The General Services Adminis tration in Atlanta, Ga.. is accept ing the high bids received at the auction sale in Edenton on April 16 for the purchase of the gov ernment’s interest in the Marine Corps Outlying Field at Edenton. The 11 parcels, containing 2.369.82 acres of land and 59 buildings, were sold for $368,800. The 20 buildings located on the property transferred to the Town of Edenton for airport purposes and which were offered for sale for removal from the site, weie sold for $6,940. making a total of $375,740 for the entire property. Big Attractions Lined Up For I Edenton Water Carnival May 30 Beautiful boats, beautiful girls, beautiful aerial fireworks. These are just a few of the big attrac- I tions in store for the public in a ; fabulous free show coming up i Wednesday, May 30 in Edenton. It will be Edenton Water Car ' nival Day and festivities will be \ centered on Pembroke Creek off i the former fish hatchery proper ty beginning ft l P. M. Bleach i er seats will be available. I After the aqua parade of mots than 50 boats the lead off sea- FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK 'Two Day Program Is ' Arranged For Some 200 Delegates Ex pected to Attend The 79th annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina will be held at St. Paul’s Church May 16 and 17. Nearly 200 delegates and clergy are expected to attend. The Rt. Rev. Daniel Corri : gan, D.D., director of the Na -1 tional Council's Home Depart ment will be guest-speaker. He was S ffragan Bishqp of Colo rado before his appointment as ; lirector in 1960. As head of the i department he directs domestic | missions, college work, armed forces and Christian ministries. The two day program will be in with the celebration of Holy Communion Wednesday at 11 \. M., at which time the Rt. dev. Thomas H. Wright. Bishop ■f East Carolina, will deliver his tddress. Following a luncheon at the carish house a business session vill be held. Os particular im wtance is the consideration of he ‘new Stewardship Studies, whereby the diocesan apportion nent may he abolished. A banquet will lie held at 6:30 '. M. A recital will he ren ered by the St. Mary’s Bell inging Choir of Kinston prior lo the evening prayer service. The Rt. Rev. Corrigan will speak at this service. Thursday will begin with Holy Communion at 7:30 A- M. Two b .si.less sessions and a lunch eon are on the agenda. The Rev George B. Holmes is in charge of arrangements for the convention. The first an nual convention ever held in Edenton was in 1820 at which time there were five churches ind 7 clergymen represented. Choral Concert Friday, May lltii Groups Will Sing In Holmes Auditorium At 8 P. M. On Friday night. May 11, _t 3 o'clock there will be a choral program at the John A. Holmes High School auditorium. The program will include songs by the Junior High Girls’ Chorus, the Senior High Chorus and the Treble Clef and Bass Clef. The program will be un der the direction of Miss Suz anne Hardison. There will be no admission charge and the public is not only invited but urged to at tend. fcmCCALENDAR] > Gala Edenton Water Carnival scheduled to be held Wednesday, May 30. Chowan County Democratic Convention will be held at the Court House Saturday afternoon, May 12. at 3 o'clock. The 79th annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina will be held at St. Paul’s Church May 16 and 17. A choral program will be pre sented in the John A. Holmes High School auditorium Friday night. May 11. at 8 o'clock. Chowan PTA will hold the Continued on Page 3—Section I ture will be the. handicapped marathon boat race. The race course will be from the finish line barge in Pembroke Creek to the bell buoy in Albemarle Sound and back; six laps to to tal approximately 35 miles. Fol lowing this event 40 performers in the Outer Banks Water Sid Club will furnish spills and, thrills. Beautiful girls—yes. At leagfc a total of 21! They will be b|jj <7ontri>oad oa Page « Sactfaa I

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