ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlX—Number 32. Edenton Will Be Host For District Democratic Rally Scheduled For October 9 Congressman Bonner, Gov. Sanford, Other Party Leaders Are Expected to Attend Tom Shepard, secretary and ' treasurer of the Chowan County Democratic Executive Commit tee, announced early this week that Edenton has been selected (as a meeting place for the First Congressional District Rally. The -rally is scheduled to be held Tuesday, October 9. Mr. Shepard expressed ,ihe opinion that between 600 and 800 Democrats from the district are expected to attend the rally. It is the first time Edenton has been selected for the district rally. The rally will be held in the Edenton Armory and a dinner will be served by the Chowan County Democratic Ex ecutive Committee. Mr. Shepard stated that among those expected to attend the rally will be Congressman Herbert C- Bonner, Governor Terry Sanford and Bert Ben nett, chaihnan of the state Dem ocratic Executive Committee. Many other prominent Demo crats are also expected to be present at the rally. District Governor Witt Visit Edenton; Club August 23rd f Plans to Hold Confer ence and Deliver an Address at Weekly ...Meeting; of Club , * —‘— Charles Brantley Martin of Tarboro, district governor of Ro tary International, District 771, will make his official visit to the Edenton Rotary Club at its meeting Thursday afternoon, Au gust 23. The meeting will be held at the Parish H6use at 1 o’clock. While in Edenton Governor Martin will hold a conference with the president, W. B. Rose vear, and secretary, John Shac kelford. He will also address the club during the meeting and hold a club assembly with offi cers and committee chairmen of the club. / Mr. Martin is a member of the ''Tarboro Rotary Club and super ; intendent of the Tarboro city schools. President Rosevear is especial ly anxious to have a 100 per f cent attendance at this meeting/ Story Hour Monday At Local Library / The story of Moses will be .told Monday morning, August 13, at 10 o’clock at the Story j flour at the Shepard-Pruden Lir brary. Jo Ann Leary and Ann Wells will be in charge of the 0 hour. S All children between the ages 6f five and eight are invited to » Attend. 20 Years Ago - A* Found In T.jO File* Os The Chowan Herald X Construction equipment arrir ftt and about 4.000 acres of land Were being cleared at the Ma tolal expected to reach 2,000. M construction headquarters Mauling with activity all week -a-i v 1 As j 1 THE CHOWAN HERALD ' # * Rotary Guest ■sr i.v«r I gj. St S Charles Brantley Martin Edenton's Hoiarians will have as their guest Thursday, August 23, C. B. Martin of Tarboro. Mr. Martin is governor of Rotary District 771 and this will be his official visit to the Edenton Ro tary Club. High School Is Complimented For Audio-Visual Handbook An official statement has been received by Hiram J. Mayo, su perintendent of Edenton City Schools, from the North Carolina State Department of Public In struction complimenting the staff of the John A. Holmes High School for their ‘‘outstand ing audio-visual handbook.” The State Department is using the local handbook as a stand New Ocean Hiway Sign Planned To Attract XouristtiloXJ.S. 17 A new Ocean Hiway ‘Travel U. S. 17” sign will shortly be erected near the Y south of Windsor. “It is being construct ed -and will greet travelers mov ing north September 1,” accord ing to Joe H. Conger, Jr., presi dent of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce. “This large sign, 12x30 feet, will take the place of a much smaller one formerly sponsored by the Southern Albemarle As sociation,” Conger vgaid. “In ad dition to the Edenton Chamber, the large Sign is being jointly sponsored by the Chambers of Elizabeth City and Hertford, who will divide the rental costs on a pro-rated basis.” Good Neighbor Representative pIF HgggK sj -#-4- £• X | '■# HfL*, jBSBS&X:-:. V ~ii pi-- SK , Mbs Susan Ellis Holmes, a student at John A. Holmes High Sc&ool. will visit in Norfolk' arid Portsmouth as a guest of the Good Neighbor Days committee F riday and Saturday. August 94.95 Miss Holmes, with 12 other high school girls selected to , represent, their communities as Miss Qood Neighbor, will tour 'he Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 9,1962. Scott Tire Ai! Recapping Co. || Goodyear font 20,000 Lucky Licen x Will Be Drawn For Prizes Until Septem ber 15th A story on the front page of last week’s Herald concerning a "Ifjucky license” sweepstakes contest, sponsored by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, in idvertently omitted the name of Scott Tire and Recapping Com pany. The contest will run from August 6 until September 15< luring which time nearly 20,000 lucky licenses’’ will be drawn :ach week. The winners will eceive prizes, the most valuable iof which is a vacation for two i in Paris. During the sweepstakes, week ly lists of the ‘‘lucky- license | numbers” will be posted at ! Scott Tire and Recapping Com pany on West Eden Street. Scott has been a Goodyear deal er in Edenton for 15 years. The Herald regrets that the name of all local Goodyear deal-’ ers were not included in the original story. ard in evaluating the handbooks j received from all other public j schools in North Carolina. The handbook has been given this j honor for its completeness, being j easy to read, and establishing | new ideas in the field of audio visual education. An ‘‘excellent ' accomplishment is the statement used in summarizing the hand-, book. The new sign directing traffic to the right lane (U, S. 17) is intended to offset the compet ing route to the Little Creek Ferry over U .S. 13 and bring additional traffic through the north Albemarle counties. A lease for a 12-month period has been signed by the participat ing Chambers with the R. O. Givens Sign Company of Eliza beth City,, who will maintain the sign. Shelton Moore, Ocean Hiway Association vice president from North Carolina, contributed to the Chamber’s general fund to defray some of the expenses connected with the lease. Local Girl Majorette Instructor ■i niTurnnunnifr nMauTf vr -* — jjMPW WWR « Visiting majorette instructor at East Carolina College was Mrs. Linda Leary Beach of Edenton and Richmond, Va. With 115 ma jorettes attending the ninth summer music camp from July 22 through August 4, Mrs. Beach was instructor of intermediate ma jorettes. She is a former majorette at John A. Holmes High School and a 1962 graduate of East Carolina College, where she received the Bachelor of Music degree.—Photo by Michael Lewis. East Carolina College News Bureau photographer. Coach Jerry McGee Calls First Football Practice For Aces Oil August f 5 Jaycees Now Selling Season Tickets and Preparing Programs For Season Head Coach Jerry McGee an nounced Tuesday morning that football practice will begin at John A- Holmes High School on Wednesday, August 15. Coach McGee requests that all candidates meet at the school gymnasium at 1 o'clock Wednes day afternoon. He will begin organization of the team and is sue equipment at that time. Both Coaches McGee and Bill Hardison expect a large crop of prospects to report to practice. Continued on Page 4, Section 1 [Meeting Changed i Chowan County Commission ers will hold their September meeting on Monday morning, September 10. instead of the first Monday, September 3. The change in meeting has been made due to Labor Day falling on the first Monday. Anyone having business to transact with the Commissioners is requested to note the change in meeting. Jurymen Selected To Serve At September Term Os Court Chowan County Commission- j ers at their meeting Monday morning picked 50 names from ; the jury box and these men will be summoned to serve as jury- j men at the September term of Chowan Superior Court The mixed term 6i court will convene Monday morning, Sep tember 10, at 10 o’clock with, ! Judge William J. Bundy of Greenville scheduled to preside. Those chosen for jury duty in clude the following: / Thomas. Roy Goodwin, W. T. Nixon, T. C. Byrum, Jr., Thomas F. Hopkins, Arthur R. Chappell, G. W. Burtch, Edgar Frederick: Bunch, Herman Adams, Emmett: iP. Jones, J. T- Byrum, Hoskin ‘ Bass, Howard M. Ange, Sam Thomas Wright, Aaron Caswell ■V. - * . ..- Visiting Speaker REV. WM. HOLMES TURNER For the 38th annual camp meeting at Happy Home Church, the Rev. William Holmes Turn er will be the speaker. The services will be held August 16 through August 26. Town Councilmen Will Meet Aug. 16 Edenton’s Town Council will hold its August meeting Thurs day night, August 16. The meet ing has been postponed from Tuesday night, August 14, due to the necessity of Mayor John Mitchener being obliged to be out of town on the regular meet ing night. Edmundson, Alton Alexander, Frank Spruill, James M. John son, J. A. Curran, Robert Britt, Cecil H. Hollowell, Herbert E. Hollowell, Harold Max Leary, Ervin D. Spivey, Harry E- Belch, Joseph H. Stroud, Claude J. Stillman, John Sam Martin, Jr., Ralph K. Hollowell, Henry G. Quinn, John P. Bass, William Edward Shaw, Ergar Ray Boyce. Thomas Clifton Boyce,* Luther Graham Sawyer, •R. Graham White, Davis W. Cartwright, Carey A- Phillips, Joseph G- Storfe, Sr., Robert L. Bunch, Sr., Jesse Privott, Sr., Wilford M. i Toppin, Donald S- Bell, Alton J. Lane. J. D. Peele, William jW. Adams, Frank J. Ward, Thomas E. Parker, Jr., Russell > Byrum, J. E. Peele and George •W. Lewis. Contest To Name New Development Closes August 11 2,500 Pennies Will Go To Person Whose Name Is Selected By Judges A contest to name a 672-acre development to be built on the marine Air Station will close this Saturday, August 11. A $25 prize will be given for the name selected to appear in a brochure being prepared for United Properties, Inc., builders of the proposed development. Post ards with suggested names should be received at Post Of fice Box 548 in Edenton by Sat urday. l ne judging committee for the contest will consist of Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr., C. D. Bowles, Warren Twiddy and Joe Conger, Jr. the development is scheduled to' be built on a waterfront sec tion of the former base and will have residential areas, a marina, a shopping center, and addition al airport facilities. Merchants Committee Planning Three Dollar Davs, Aug. 16-18 The Merchants Committee of the Edenton Chamber of Com merce announces through its chairman, W. J. P. Earnhardt, that three Dollar Days will be held by a group of Edenton merchants. The three dollar days are scheduled to be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday. August 16. 17 and 18 and during this event the merchants who co operate will offer' sensational bargains in timely and season able merchandise. Happy Honie Camp Meeting Will Be Held August 16 To 26 The 33th annual camp meet ing will convene at Happy Home Church Thursday, August 16. and continue through Sunday, August 26. The invited speaker is the Rev. William Holmes Turner of Andrews. S- C- Mr. Turner will speak twice daily, at 3 o'clock and again at 7:45 o’clock. There will also be morning services at 10 and 11 o’clock with visiting speakers conducting the services. One special feature of the Special Sermon At Methodist Church The Why of the Pow erless Church Will Be Discussed The Rev. Van T. Crawford, r pastor of the Edenton Metho dist Church, has announced for his theme Sunday morning at 9 i o’clock, ‘The WHY of the Pow-1 erless Church.’” The answer to this question I which troubles millions of peo ple today is to be found in the ! little word ••and” in its proper j Scriptural setting. The members and friends of the church and all other persons who may be interested in this ; question, are cordially invited. , The service will begin promptly | at 9 o’clock. Project Considered For Base Stattions Murray Ashley, civil defense director for Chowan County, ap peared before the Chowan Coun ty Commissioners Monday with ; a proposal for base stations for! fire fighting and civil defensej purposes in Chowan County. Equipment tor the project can be purchased on a matching •basis, but the Commissioners took no definite action pending further study of the work and expense involved. JAYCEES MEET TONIGHT Edenton 's Junior Chamber of Commerce will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. President Carlton Jackson is very anxious to have every Jaycee present. $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Miss Frances McCaskill Named Assistant Home Agent For Chowan County Guest of Lions i y.v jSgpTg J. LD KNOTT Edenton Lions had as their gussi Monday night J. Ed Krott of Roanoke Rapids. Mr. Knott is governor of District 31-J of L.ons International, and made an official visit to the Edenton club. Letters have been written to all types of business concerns in Edenton in the hope that prac tically all merchants as well as other types of business will join in making this dollar day event one of the most outstanding ever held in Edenton. The event will be given wide spread publicity, so that many shoppers will have an opportuni ty to share in the bargains which will be offered during the three days. meeting will be a concert by a group from the Falcon Chil dren’s Home. This program will be presented Monday night. Au gust 20, at 7:45 o’clock. Visiting choirs and groups will also fur nish singing each, evening, with the Meads Chorus singing Sat urday night. August 18. The camp meeting will be in charge of the Rev. Harold C. Leake, who assures a hearty welcome to everyone who at tends the worship services. Macedonia Revival Begins August 20 Rev. R. Donald Wag ner of Gatesville to Be Speaker * Revival services will begin at Macedonia Baptist Church Mon day night. August 20. at 8 o’clock with the Rev. R. Donald Wagner, pastor of the Gatesville Baptist Church, bringing the i messages at each service. Mr. Wagner is a native of ; Thomasviile, N- C. He is a Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Jones Reappointed As Tax Supervisor i | Chowan County Commission • ers at their meeting Monday ! morning reappointed William P. i Jones as tax supervisor for Cho wan County. Mr. Jones' appoint ment expired July 31 and his i new appointment is for a term ! of- two years. New Sinclair Service Station Scheduled To Open August 15 The Sinclair Refining Com-' . pany announces the opening of 1 a new Sinclair service station at ■ the corner of Broad and Queen Streets, under the management ! of Erwin C- Griffin on Wednes i day, August 15. This new out j let for Sinclair gasolines, motor ' oils, greases, and automotive ac j cessories will be devoted to the j service of car owners of this area. -v FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK A Appointed By Count ty Commissioners to Succeed Miss Cath erine Aman Chowan County Commission ers on Monday appointed Miss Frances McCaskill as assistant home economics agent for Cho wan County. She succeeds Miss Catherine Aman, who accepted a position as home agent in Brunswick County Miss McCaskill is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Mc- Caskill of Carthage, N. C. She is a graduate of Peace College and holds a BS degree in home economics from Woman's Col lege. Greensboro, where she graduated in June .of this year. Miss McCaskill did her prac tice teaching in Denton High School at Denton, N. C. While in college she was edi tor-in-chief of Peace College an nual. managing editor of- Pine Needles.” Woman's College an nual, member of the student legislature and worked on a lighting research project housed on the campus of Woman’s Col lege in Greensboro. Miss McCaskill is a Presby terian and has worked as coun selor for church groups at Camp Monroe in Laurinburg. Christian Church Revival Services Begin August 13 Bill Gardner of Eliza bethan, Tenn., Is To Be Guest Speaker For Meeting's The First Christian Church of Edenton will begin fall revival ! services Monday, August 13. and i ‘.'ill continue them through Sun day. August 19. The Rev. E. C. Alexander, pas | tor of the church, announced .‘his week that Bill Gardner, f evangelist from Elizabethan. Term, will be the guest speak> r lat the meetings, which will be j held each evening at 7:30. The public is cordially invitr-d I to attend the services each even : ing. Governor Os Lions Visits Edenton dull !J. Ed Knott Relates Experiences at Con vention In France The Edenton Lions Club was | told of the Lions International |in Nice, Fi ance, by the district governor at their regular meet ing at the Edenton Restaurant Monday night. J. Ed Knott of Roanoke Rap ids, governor of Lions Interna- Continued on Page 3—Section 1 CIVIC CALENDAR Ederlon merchants plan to stage three outstanding dollar days on August 16. 17 and 18. September term of Chowan Superior Court will convene on Monday morning. September 10, at 10 o'clock. First Congressional District Continued oi. Par- s—section I Mr. Griffin was bom and reared in Chowan County, was educated in the local schools, and has served the people of this community in. various capacities all of his life—including a num ber of years in service station employment. For this reason he is well known in the communi 'ty and is thoroughly equipped to render efficient service to the * Continued Oft Pay 3 ■ StciMHi 4

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