ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXlX.—Number 50. Edenton Schools Planning Unique Method To Teach Children In Arithmetic First School In State' To Adopt Program;) Two Teachers Take Special Training Two Edenton teachers, Miss Mary Mac Holmes and Miss | Frances Marshburn, returned * Home Sunday from Washington, | D. C., where they studied a, unique method of teaching arith-; metic -to first and second grade children. Miss Marshburn teach ►, es the first grade and Miss Holmes the second grade in the Edenton Elementary School. The new approach, which was develpped by the Cleveland, Ohio school system, involves pre senting students with material that is so arranged that they set their own pace of learning, usually much faster, and receive little help from a teacher. Edenton will be the first school in the state to try the new method in its elementary schools. Dr. Ed Brown of the State De partment of Curriculum Study and Research made the trip to Washington with the two Eden ton teachers. He will work with them when the method is intro duced here. The department will follow the EdentQn study and report re sults to other schools across the state. The method will be introduced in Edenton on a trial basis and then one grade a year through the sixth grade. In commenting on the pro posed program, Superintendent Hiram Mayo said: ‘‘This pro gram is more expensive than the conventional method, but we feel that it •is far better. The new program will be introduced 'in one of three first grade class es after Christmas, with about 27 pupils being involved. Next fall the method will be used in a first and second grade class. If it proves itself, as we expect it will, then we will go into all sections and introduce it the fol lowing year in the third grade, and so on.” Mayo stated that the school has already purchased specialised textbooks and teaching materials for the new program. i 20 Years Ago ) A* Found Tn T.e Files Oi The Chowan Herald S P Another Liberty ship named in honor of one of Edenton's out standing citizens of Colonial days was launched at Wilmington, N. C. The ship was named ! "James Iredell". It was the fourth Liberty ship to be named after an Edentonian. Due to extreme difficulty in busses getting to school on time. Superintendent John A. Holmes inaugurated -a new schedule of hours with school beginning at 9:05 o'clock instead of 8:35. Chowan County- Commission ers were very- much concerned relative to a Grand Jury report which commented upon the un satisfactory condition of school buses in the county. Continued on Page 3, Section 1 Request Made For Local Sites To Be Featured In Proposed Tercentenary Commission Film Mrs. John A. Kramer is in re ceipt of a letter from Max F. Harris of the N- C- Department of Archives and History relative to making a film for the Car'Mona Hoffler to take a watch in the rear for H. A. Campen to inspect, they pick ed from the display window two diamond rings and hurriedly fnade their escape,. The, -rings were valued at S6OO and $275. The two men, Joseph Chap man, 18; of Portsmouth and Tony Lee Wood, alias Warren E. Her ring, 18, also of Portsmouth, ap parently went from Edenton to Washington, N. C- There Chief of Police Philip Paul and Alton Selby of Bath became suspicious and jotted down the license number and reported to thd Nor folk police. They were later ar rested in Washington and turned Holiday Hours For License Examiner J. E. White, local automobile, license examiner, announces that his office at the Police Depart-1 ment will be closed Monday and i Tuesday, December 24 «r. 1 25. j The office will also by closed Tuesday, January 1, so those whose driving licenses expire should act accordingly. Post Office Open Longer Saturdays Postmaster J. L. Chestnutt an nounced early this week that the Edenton Post Office will be open the next two Saturdays, Decem ber 15 and 22, from 8:30 A- M-, to 5 P. M. This extra opening time is for the convenience of local patrons in getting off their Christmaz mail. film “Ye Towne on Queen Anne’s ; Creek.” He requested a book | ing of the film for the film : board’s use. “It is possible,” j said Mr. Harris, that we might | get some good ideas from the film and we want to review, as far as possible, all things that i have to do with colonial history (pre-colonial days to 1763). If you could let us know when we could receive this film, we would certainly appreciate it” Mr. Harris also stated that he had spoken to David Warren, Inr | glis Fletcher and others in Eden ; ton about the projected film and that some shooting will be done in Edenton, probably early next year. He expressed regret that both Mrs. Kramer and Miss | Elizabeth Moore were away from home when he was in Edenton. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December .13, 1962. Miss Jo Anne Leary Is Third In Contest For “Good Citizens’ Local DAR Chapter Is Host at Eighth Dis trict Meeting Held Here Saturday Edenton Tea Party Chapter was host to the District 8, Daughters of the American Rev olution Good Citizens Day here Saturday. MiSs Virginia Kern Aldridge of Rocky Mount was named Good Citizens of District 8 of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution at the Good Citizens Day luncheon. Thirty-three Good Citizens from 12 chapters in the'district competed for the honor. Miss Aldridge, sponsored by the Mi cajah Pettaway Chapter and a senior at the Rocky Mount Sen ior High School, will compete with winners from the other seven BAR districts in March at Winston-Salem, The national Good Citizen will be announced at the DAR Continental Congress in April. Miss Louise Green Carlisle, sponsored by the Miles Harvey Chapter and a senior at the Tar boro High School, was first run ner-up. Second runner-up was Miss Jo Anne Leary, sponsored by the Edenton Tea Party Chap ’nntiniipo on Paae 4—Section over to Edenton police over the week-end. Both were given a preliminary ’ hearing i:a Chowan County Re | corders Court Tuesday morning : and bound over for trial in Su perior Court. They are in jail I here,ooo. bejnd each. Previous to the Edenton epi | sode, the two men were in the j Norfolk City Jail but escaped from their sixth floor cell by lowering themselves to the | ground by using bed sheets tied i together to make their escape. Following their trial m Su ; perior Court, they will be turn -1 ed over to Norfolk police to face a charge of stealing an automo : bile and other jewelry theft charges. T. B. Williford Is BectedMasterOf Unanimity Lodge New Slate of Officers Scheduled to Be In stalled on Thursday Night, January 3 Officers for the year 1963 were elected for Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A- M., at a stated communication held Thursday night. The officers elected were: T. B. Williford, master; Daniel P. Reeves, senior warden; W. M. Rhoades, junior warden; R. E. Leary, treasurer; W. P. Good win, secretary and Walter M. Wilkins, a trustee for a three year period. These and the appointed of ficers are scheduled to be in stalled at a meeting of the lodge Thursday night, January 3. Lions Christmas Party On Monday Edenton Lions Club will hold its annual Christmas party on Monday night, December 17. The party will be held at the Ameri can Legion building beginning at 7:30 o’clock. Dr. A. F. Downum is in charge of the program and announces that a feature will be the ap pearance of Don, the Magician from Portsmouth. President Herbert Hollowell, Jr., urges all Lions and their wives to attend. EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, December 17, at 8 o’clock. A Christmas program has been planned, so that all members are especially urged to be present. Welcomed At Pensacola, Florida V ........... y:- Navy .Lieutenant Larry T. Lowe, son of Mr. and Mis. Woodrow Lowe, Route 3, Edenton, is p ; cluied as he is welcomed to the naval complex at Pensacola, Florida, by Rear Adm'ral M. H. Tuttle, chief of the Naval Air Basic Training Command. Officers at Pen sacola aid in the training of the naval aviators of the future. Mrs. Anita Baker Chosen f 62 Club Woman 01 Year By Edenton's BPW Club Honor Is Announced At Annual Christmas Party of Club Held Friday Night At the annual BPW Christmas Party, Mrs. Anita Leigmyere Baker was named as the 1962 BPW Clubwoman of the Year. This is the highest honor that can be given to an, individual member in the Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club. The selection of the award is based primarily on one year’s activities including outstanding service to the club, interest in club work, loyalty at all times, faithfulness and dependability. A rotating silver bowl is pre sented annually to the dub wo man. Conl'd. on Page 2—Section 1 Varsity Club Dance Dec. 25 Edenton’s Varsity Club will sponsor its annual Christmas dance, which will be held Tues day night. December 25. The dance will be held in the Edenton armory beginning at 9 o’clock and continuing until 1 A. M. Music for Ibc dance will be provided by The Notables of Suffolk, who have the reputa tion of being the area’s top dance band. Table reservations may be made by telephoning 2105, 4107 or 3264. New Heating System In Legion Building Members of Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion are now having installed a new heat ing system in the Legion build ing. According to Legion offi cials, the new system will pro vide adequate heat for the entire building and will be practically noiseless. The work will be completed in time for the Cotillion Club dance Saturday night and, of course, will be in operation for the vari ous holiday functions scheduled to be held in the building. Sisters Hospitalized At Same Time ye’* In above picture two sisters are shown when last week thev were both patients at the same time in Chowan HospitaL At left Mrs. Paul Char pell, the former Miss Pago Caylon, is pictured hold ing her. infant son. At right is Mrs. Roy Linwood Harrell, the for , mer Miss Syble Caylon. holding her daughter. Both are daughters of the Rev. and Mrs. Preston Cay ton of Edenton. Store Hours FOR CONVENIENCE OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Beginning Monday, Decem ber 17. practically all stores ,n Edenlon will remain open each nighl until 9 o c ock, :n --:ludin3 Monday, Decern er 24. Most stores will be closed Jhrisimas Day. The major ty, the day following and also Jew Year's Day. Aces Down E. City Yellow Jackets In 56 To 49 Thriller Jay Ross Leads Aces In Scoring With 24 Points and Grabbing 22 Rebounds By KEN D. HOPKINS The Edenton' Aces, led by lanky 6-7 Jay Ross, defeated live Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets by a score of 56-49 last Friday night, in a hard fought contest which saw tempers flare in the wild and wooly fourth quarter. It. was the Aces’ second straight, win. Ross, who was one of the Aces’ big guns last week, looked more impressive this game, and pi t on a great performance in the final quarter, hitting crucial baskets time after time and clearing the hoards for key rebounds, Ross was .magnificent as he scored 24 points, shot a very high 51!'’ and grabbed 22 rebounds to lead the Aces in all of these depart ments. Continued on Page s—Section ! Carol Service At Methodist Church A Christmas service will be held at the Methodist Church, Sunday morning, December 23 at 11 o'clock services. A Christmas carol service will also be held the same night at 7:30 o’clock. The public is in vited to attend both services. Woodrow Lowe At Meeting Os Farm Bra In Atlanta Chowan Man Elected To State Farm Bu reau Board of Di rectors Woodrow Lowe, president of the Chowan County Farm Bu reau, was. elected to the State Farm Bureau board of directors at the recent annual Faith Bu reau . conventim held in Ashe ville. Mr. Lov/c reported that at the (invention it was revealed that 19 states have already shown an increase in membership over 961. North Carolina reached the national quota of over 95,000 members in the fat c of increased lues. This is a real feat since jo other state with a me mbe r ;hip the..,size of North Carolina das ever readied the quota the first", year after raising dues; Mr. Lowe was also named a delegate lo the American Farm surea.i Federation's annual no ion a I eon veii lion being held in Atlanta, Ga., this' week. Mr Lowe left Sunday to attend the convention which is scheduled to adjourn today (Thursday). Attending the state convention from the Chowan County Farm Bureau were Mrl Lowe and Thomas Paul Griffin. C. Os T. President Geo, By rum Appoints Committee Chairmen Two more committee chairmen have accepted appointments to head planning groups within the Chamber of Commerce for the ensuing year, according to George. A, Byrum, Chamber pres idem. T. 15. Williford will seek members for his Beautification Committee and Herbert Hollo well for the Health and Safety Committee, Both chairmen will activate short term as well as long range plans. These appointments, Mr. By rum said, complete the fifteen standing committee chairman ships of (he Chamber of Coin- Decorations Will Be fudged On Dec. 23 “Christmas Spirit” Is Theme at Woman’s Club Meeting "Christmas Spirit” was the theme of an informal party which highlighted the December meeting of the Edenton Woman’s C.loh. Arranged by Mrs. James P. Hicks. Jr., the party consisted of Christinas music by a Wo man’s Club chords, the reading of Christmas stories and prayer, and other special entertainment. The chorus, which rendered a medley of familiar carols, was composed of Mrs. Harold Shore, Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr., Mrs. Charles H Small, Jr., Mrs, John Raines, Mrs. J. M Tlmrud. Mrs: Bruce Jones and Mrs. Tom Bass. They were accompanied at the piano by Mrs, Anne Bootwright. Mrs. Ricks read "Christmas Is A Time Os Giving’’ and a prayer was read by Mrs. T. B. Smith. Officers of the dub were par ticipants in playing the television i game "Password”, conducted by j Mrs. Thorud. During the business session plans of the Welfare Committee: which will help a needy family I in the county this Christmas were revealed. The club was advised that judging of outside Christmas decorations will be conducted on Sunday, December 23. Mrs. John Raines, fine arts chairman, is in charge of this project. Guests at the meeting were Mesdames A. W. Wooten, Erwin Griffin, R. H. Hardin, C. 3. Has ford, Clarence Britton, O. B. Perry and Miss Sara Sopo. Hostesses were Mrs. W M. Co wart, Mrs. John Douglas, 'Mrs. J. D. Elliott and Mrs. A. F. Downum. ROT ARLANS MEET TODAY Edenton Rotarians will meet thiTs (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of Thomas Byrum and President W. B. Rosevear urges a 100 per cent attendance, $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Joseph S. Crisanti Now Developing 'Montpelier Acres' At Old Marine Base Bonds Sold Mayor John Milchoncr and Town Clerk W. B. Gardner wet a in Raleigh Tuesday in connec lion with the sale of 1370 000 bonds for the construction oi a sewage disposal system for Edenton. Both we'e gratif.ej to report upon their return that the bold were sold at an interest rate of 2.9523 per cent. The purchase was made fcy GoedVody 8r Com pany of New York. Mayor Mittherg- : s of th~ opinion that the toady sale of the bonds and the low i itere t rate ys due in large measure to the progre . and appearance o' Edenton, operation of the gov ernment and general manage ment, as well a; a very favor able firm icial statement. Fellowship Dinner At Methodist Church A fellowship mr ner and Christ inas party for children of the Methodist ( hurch will be held Sunday night, December 16. be ginning at 6:30 o’clock. All children of the church are. cordial I v invited to: attend. men o with one exception. “I am still seeking someone to car ry the ball as chairman of the important; State and National Af j lairs. Coir miltee," she said, j The Edenton Ctiaiiibei' i an affiliated member ol the Cham her of 'Commerce of the United States which represents a cross section of all .‘categories of busi ness in the country. Its board of directors determines what Istand it will take on Congress ional issues that affect the busi ' nessman and merchant in Eden ton as well as in New York or. '"ontinued on Page 4—Section 1 (ilee (’hi!> Concert Sunday, Dee. I6lh The Glee Clul.i of John A. Holmes High School will give its annual Christmas concert on Sunday afternoon. December 16, at 5 o'clock in the high school auditorium. The Glee Club is directed by James Cozart and accompanied by Miss Jo Ann Leary. Carols from many lands, in cluding Franco. Finland-, Rus sin and America, will be present eel in tile first portion' of the pro gram. The second half will con sist' of Selections by Bach and Handel. The public is cordially invited to attend. Town ( miucil Meets Tonight Edenton':. Town Council will meet tonight (Thursday) at K o’clock in "the Municipal Build mg. The meeting was postponed from Tuesday night of this week due to Mayor John Mitehener being obliged to be out of town Llovd C. Bunch Re elected As j District Supervisor Last Week Lloyd (\ Bunch was re-elected to the office of soil and water conservation district supervisor in Chowan County during the supervisors election week. De cember 3-8. Mr. Bunch’s three year term will begin January 1. 1963. The supervisors wish to express their appreciation to those who helped conduct the election. Other members of the local board are H. Fahey Byruin and Joe Webb, Jr. As a member of the board, Mr. Bunch will assist in program planning, policy making and the carrying out of a soil and water conservation program for Chowan County and the Albemarle Soil and Water Conservation District. Members of the county and district boards will meet regular ly with agricultural agency rep FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Without Any Fanfare, Newcomer Is Work ing on Valuable As set to Community By HAUGHTON EHRINGHAU3 i i. see u story and j must writ.* : it. Perhaps some of ,us in this (immunity are too close to the iforest to see the tree... but i feel iuu.r .county and city folks,. after : reading it, will treat it as rich and realize that it should have been told earlier-so here goes: I’m certain several hundred ; (,'h-wan c ounty residents have viewed with both amazement and < ro;.;!y a prle | Mahan born gentleman placing , his bid on a certain tract of land when the base" was auctioned several months ago; and none of ns ! new what was in the back cf bis mind Seme of us, know mow. however, that Joe knows iwhere he';, going. and how he'll i cp| |here o much llie | biography. : There have lieen civil* tor- I tes and words put out for pu- Continued on Page s—Section 1 Rotary ( liristmas Party I)<*< enibrr 20 | . . j Edenton Rotarians: will .hold their annual Christmas party I Thursday night. December vo i This year's party will be held at. the American Legion buildi i; , beginning Mat 7 o'clock and Presi ' cient -W. 'H. Rosea ear urges ev ery Rntarian and in wife to at tend. An interesting program lias been planned by a committee .'consisting n f W. .1 P. Earnhardt, 11. A Campon, West Byrum, Jr., and Keith Reeve. jTwfcicalendar! Town Council will hold its De cember meeting tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o'clock in the Munici- I d Budding. Outside Christmas decorations will be judged Sunday, Decern her 23. Glee Club of John A. Holin*» High School will mesent its « nual Christmas concert in the school auditorium Sunday after noon. December 16, at 5 o'clock. Rocky Hock H Club will hold its Christmas oariy Wed nesday. December 19. Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, December 17, at 8 o'clock. A Christmas carol service will be held at the Methodist Church Sunday night, December 23, at 7:30 o'clock. A public hearing will be held in the Municipal Building to- Cont : nu<-d on Page 4, Section \ ; reselltatrees and others interested !in this important program. Dis ! tri< t supervisors are non-salaried ! officials, serving the district, [state and nation in this import ant role largely at their own ex [ pense and without compensation in tjie form or salary. The Albemarle District is a subdivision of the N. C. State government, organized under the i provisions of the General Stat utes of North Carolina. As such, supervisors and districts have a responsibility to the people of ! the county and district. Many .individuals, agencies and other ! groups supply assistance of one form or another. Conservation goals* and objectives are set up ! each year. District supervisors ! are elected representatives to co | ordinate the various aspects [this program.