ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN v CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXX—Number 6. County Commissioners Indignant About Criticism Attributed To Representative 6. Warner Evans _ < Refute Almost Doub ling of Tax Rate and Wasting of Money In Using State and Fed eral Funds Chowan County Commission ers as a body appeared right much concerned at Jheir meeting Monday morning relative to one of a number of feature storie? concerning Eastern North Caro -4 lina legislators. The series has been appearing in the Virginian- Pilot and a recent one was writ ten by F. Roy Johnson about B Warner Evans, Chowan County’s new representatives' in the House of Representatives. Some of the statements quoted in the article were very critical of Chowan County Commission ers,. and they, as a group, feci that for the most part there is no foundation for this criticism. In the first place the article stated that Chowan County’s tax rate has nearly doubled in the past two years. The Commis-. sioners point out that this is far from true in that the 1961-62 rate was $1.32 with 10 cents add ed for fire protection. The 1962- 63 rate is $1.58 plus the 10-cent fire protection levy. In defense of the raise in this year’s tax rate, the Commission ers point out that the major rea son for this increase was due to a $289,000 bond issue for schools which was passed by voters in the county. This money was used for additions to Chowan 1 High School, John A- Holmes High School and D. F. Walker High School. Os the bond issue $201,000 went to the two schools in Edenton. -It included eight class rooms at D. F. Walker High School, a library, vocational agri culture building and covered walkways. It also was used to add a dressing room to the John A. Holmes High School gym nasium. In the county SBB,OOO was used at Chowan High School for building a new and much needed lunch room, necessary equipment and two class rooms. In connection with schools, it will be interesting to note a pro Conlinued on Page 3—Section 1 20 Years Ago) A* Found Jn V;• Files Os j The Chowan Herald* Members of the service men's recreational committee, together with a few other interested per sons, discussed whether or not application should be made for a direct government grant to es tablish a recreation center for EL S> Marines and other service rften, or operate a program local ly or invite the USO to estab lish a center in Edentbn. It was decided to write the USO, Inc., inviting the establishment of a USO center. Dr. G. L. Gilchrist, formerly employed by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, ar rived in Edenlon to begin pri vate practice as veterinarian. The Chowan War Price and Ration Board was notified that Coni'd. on **age 2—Section 1 National Boy Scout Week Is Being Observed Feb. 7 To 13 Boy scout Week will be ob- j served throughout America. February 7-13. Sunday the lOth is designated as Boy Scout Sun- 1 day. In many towns and cities there will be special church ser vices for the Scouts, who will attend in uniform and as troops. , No special service has been ar ™ ranged here in Eden ton, but the Scouts are asked to attend the church they belong to in uni form. /' ia- Locally, Scout Week will be f observed first by a Parents '* Night at the ,Scout Hut on Mon day the llth at 7 P. M. The Area Scout Campbtf Program will be presented at this time in . picture. On Saturday, the fth, there THE CHOWAN HERALD Ed Bond Post, American Legion Exceeds Membership Incentive Goal For ’63 With 99 Members 'Post No. 40 of the American Legion has exceeded its member ship Incentive Goal for 1963 ac cording to information received from State Headquarters of The American Legion in Raleigh. Alexander Deßlois, command er of the post, has received a letter from the Legion otate Adjutant, Nash McKee, express ing congratulations and thanks to the membership chairman, all post officers, and membership workers for their effort. Leslie R. Brady, Sr., of New ton, N. C-, Department Com mander of The American Le gion, issued a statement of high praise for the local post. Commander Brady said, “I am proud to congratulate the offi cers and members of Post No. 40 upon this notable achievement. All of the programs and ser Kev. MicKael Malone Speaker z At BPW Club Bosses’ Banquet The Rev. Michael Malone of Ahoskie, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Malone -of Edenton, will be guest speaker for the Edenton Business and Profesional Wo men’s Club annual Bosses’ Night banquet. The banquet will be held Thursday night, February 14, at 7 o’clock at the Masonic Tem ple. Hiram A. Weeks Wins High Award From Motor Club Hiram A- Weeks of Edenton, State Motor Club district man ager for Chowan, Tyrrell, Wash ington and Hyde counties, has won one of the company’s top annual awards for outstanding performance during 19G2, Thomas B. Watkins, president of the Mo tor Club, has anounced. Weeks received a plaque and a large cash award for placing first in membership increase in thp top category, leading the en tire company in sales increase. Watkins and Lewis Scruggs, Rocky Mount division manager, highly commended Weeks for his fine achievement. Collection Os Taxes Brisk In January Sheriff Earl Goodwin reports rather brisk tax collections dur ing January, when 1962 taxes collected amounted to $86,106.75. Taxes collected after Saturday will carry a penalty of one per cent during February. The 1962 tax levy is $357,863.61, so that the blance of 1962 tax es uncollected amounts to sll3- 061.11. During January Sheriff Good win also collected $1,620.09 in delinquent taxes for the 10-year period 1962 through 1961. The total of uncollected taxes for this I period stands at $68,861.20. water Council. This banquet will be held in the high school au ditorium at 7 P. M., in Eliza beth City.- The local Rotary Club, which sponsors Scouting in Edenton, will be represented by .John W. Graham and the Rev. F. B. Drane. Scoutmaster Jack Habit will attend if busi ness permits. On Saturday the Edenton Troop will be taken on a hike by their Scoutmaster. Credit should be given to Jack Habit for his work as Scout master. Himself an Eagle Scout, he has a fine group of some 30 odd boys, and the troop is grow ing. At present Jack has the whole job of drilling, instructing, and keeping the boys in order, all by himself. He very much needs the help of an assistant Scoutmaster. Any volunteers? Edenton, van County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 7, i%3. vices of the Legion are made possible through dues paid for membership, and we appreciate the great part played bv Post thanks to every member of the post who had a part in the membership work.” The incentive Goal of Post No. 40 is 93, and the member ship for 1903 to date is 99. In centive Goals are assigned each American Legion Post by the State Headquarters and are bas ed on last year’s membership of the post plus 2 percent. “We do not intend to stop our membership drive now that we have reached our Incentive Goal,” post Commander Deßlois said. “There are many more eligible veterans who have not yet joined our Post, and we in vite them all to become mem bers.” Another feature of the banquet will be naming the 1962 ‘'Woman of the Year”. The dinner will be served by members of the Edenton Chap ter of the DAR. Tickets are available to the public at $1.75 each and can be obtained from any member of the BPW Club, but reservations must be made before Sunday, February 10. February Set As American History Month Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR is joining the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution in sponsor ing February as American His tory Month. It is pointed out that February is an important month in America’s history, be ing the birth month of its two greatest Presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lin coln and the knowledge of American history is the founda tion on which rests the sound activities of the citizens of the future. Mayor John Mitchener has is sued a proclamation declaring February as American History Month in Edenton and calls upon all organizations, including the schools to emphasize the study of American history during the designated month in order that citizens may better appreciate their good fortune in living in a free country based on the dedi cation of our ancestors to the love of self-government and per sonal freedom. During the .month American History Month will be called to the attention of school students and appropriate projects will be carried out in observance of the event. Named Alternate ,» <*, 4s, v HR 1 JERRY YARBOROUGH Pictured above is Jerry Ken neth Yarborough, who last week was appointed by Congressman Herbert Bonner to the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Jerry was among the alternates select ed by Mr. Bonner. |£ v Speaker For DAR Meeting i 3 ft tfi e» H ■ - : ■:* ‘ £ 'mßm. -Hall eml ;, *W J * -W 1;' DR. BERNICE KELLY HARRIS Featuring the meeting of Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR Wednesday afternoon. February 13. will be an address by Dr. Bernice Kelly Harris of Seaboard. N. C. The meeting will be held at the Edenton Restaurant at 1 o'clock. Dr. Harris was president of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Societv in 1961. She is an author and holds two doctor's degrees, from Wake Forest and WCUNC. She will also be one of the principal speakers at the annual North Carolina Literary Forum to be held at Stale College Union Thursday, March 28, where books and writing will be discussed. Edenton Group j Visits Smithfield; i View Projects Com- j pletcd, In Progress i And Proposed ‘The Smithfield Plan” was presented Wednesday of last week to ten business and civic j leaders from Edenton. The ■ group, headed by Mayor John A j Mitchener and Chamber Presi-j dent George A. Byrum, arrived at the Smithfield Chamber of Commerce office at 10:30 A. M-, where Mayor Hugh C. Talton extended an official welcome. The details of ‘‘The Smithfield Plan” were outlined and the group toured the town viewing the projects completed, in pro-1 gross and proposed. After the tour, the group met at Nelson’s Restaurant for lunch and a ques tion and 'answer period. Members of the Edenton dele gation, other than Mitchener and Byrum, were Alton Elmore, Ross- Inglis, Hector Lupton, W. E. Malone, M. E. Parker, H. M. Phthisic, Jim Robertson and George Twiddy. “The Smithfield plan” is a town-wide improvement program formulated to motivate individ uals and organizations to make needed improvements. The story j of “The Smithfield plan” hasj been presented in recent months to delegations from more than two dozen towns in North Caro lina, South Carolina, Virginia, and other states. MASONS MEET TONIGHT • A stated communication of Unanimity ‘Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M v will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. T. B. Williford, master of the lodge, urges all Masons to attend. Dr. Bernice Kelly Harris Will Be Speaker For DAB Feb. 13 Dr. Bernice Kelly Harris of Seaboard, Mayflower Cup win ner, will be the guest speaker at the Edenton Tea Party Chapter, DAR, luncheon meeting Wednes day afternoon, February 13, at 1 1 o’clock at the Edenton Restau rant. Mrs. Harris was the first wo man author to receive the covet ed award and it was far her-first book, Purslane. The book, ‘pub lished in 1939, was the first novel printed by the University Tests Planned For College Students Will Be Used In De ciding Deferment In Service Applications for the Selective Service College Qualification Test to be given on April 18 are now available to college students at the Selective Service local boards throughout North Caro lina, according to William S. El liott, Chairman of Local Board No. 21. The test will he given at more than 500 colleges in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Canal Zone. In North Carolina, the test will be offered at the following schools: Asheville-Biltmore College at Asheville. Appalachian State Teachers College at Boone. Brevard College at Brevard. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Davidson College at Davidson. Duke University at Durham. Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Tax Listers Given Increase In Salaries Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday morn ing agreed to raise the salary of three township tax listers. It was pointed out that these listers had worked for many years without any increase in pay and that their duties had gradually increased. It was voted to grant an in crease amounting to SSO for the three listers for the .month they [list property in their respective townships. The listers involved are Henry Bunch, Ward Hoskins j and Tommy Berryman. ot North Carolina Press. Other novels by Mrs. Harris have included portulaca, Sweet Beulah Land, Hearthstones and others. Her latest book is The True Story of Christmas. According to the author “I have tried to record in my writ ing deeply felt impressions of scenes and people in terms of their universality.” Reservations for the luncheon for members and guests must be made by Monday with Mrs. A. B. Harless, Jr. National Beauty Salon Week Will Be Held Feb. 10-16 Feature Will Be Beau ty Show With Miss Betsy Cam pen Rep resenting Edenton National Beauty Salon Week will be observed February 10-16 during which hairdressers and cosmetologists will be dedicated to the magic wrought by beau tification everywhere and con eived in a spirit of genuine helpfulness to those in need. Max Leary is area chairman and says Edenton boasts an ex cellent number of professional hairdressers and cosmetologists who have contributed not only to the financial well-being and progressive spirit of the com munity, but also to the personal beautification and grooming of citizens—even to those who are hospitalized. “We see on every hand,” said Mr. Leary, ‘‘the ma gic this new look has wrought in the business and residential areas of our city and on its road ways, which in turn inspired our hearts uplifted pride and cn thusir an.” Mr. Leary says a feature of the observance will be a beau ty contest and dance to be held jin Washington, N. C., Friday night, February It. The contest I will be held at the Country Club j at 8 o'clock and will be followed by a dance. Miss Betsy Dampen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Campen, has been entered to represent Edenton. Miss Cam- Conl'd. on Page 2—Section 1 George Alma Byrum Lions Club Speaker .George A. By rum. president of the Edenton Chamber of Com merce, was the principal speak jer at the,, Edenton Lions Club meeting Monday night. He was introduced by Al Phillips, who had charge of the program. Mr. Byruin presented a very j interesting and informative re hearsal of the accomplishments of the Chamber, as well as out lining some of the activities in the future. Mr. Byrum pointed out that the recent membership drive was somewhat short of its goal and stated that it requires sufficient funds for the Chamber to func tion properly. He urged any who have not paid for a mem bership to du so at once. ’63 Christmas Saving Club (-loses Feb. 11 I Officials of Peoples Bank & Trust Company have announced that next Monday, February It. will be the final date to join the bank’s 1963 Christmas Sav ing Club. After February it the club will be closed and no more mem bers will be allowed to join. JAYCETTES MEET TONIGHT Edenton Jaycettes will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock at Hotel Joseph Hewes. Mrs. Ethel LaVoie. president, re quests all members to be pres ent. Clinic Lecturer jiffy \ v» DR. KENNETH WARREN Diagostic problems and the ne cessity of surgical treatment was discussed at tha Edenton Post graduate Medical Courses held Wednesday afternoon and night at the Edenton Restaurant by Dr. Kenneth W. Warren. Dr. War ren is a member of the general surgery staff of Lahey Clinic in Boston. Mass. $2.50 Pei* Year In North Carolina Woman's Club Annual Art Show Is Scheduled To Be Held On Tuesday, Feb. 19 BPW Speaker if .**os mm P K Jmbl REV. MICHAEL MALONE Featuring the Edenton Busi ness and Professional Women's, Club annual Bosses' Night ban quet Thursday night, February 14, will be the Rev. Michael Ma lone of Ahoskie. Mr. Malone is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E- Malone of Edenton. pMfm People Edenton police report that a purse was snatched from Mrs. Richard Dixon. Sr., about 6:30 o'clock Tuesday night. Mrs. Dixon was walking on West King Street at the time when a man grabbed her purse. She was ptefliod against a fence causing her coat to be torn and sustaining several scratches. The man has not been appre hended but police are making an investiga’ion. The police also report the ar rest Tuesday night of Jeff King. 52-year-t Id white man, who is charged with attempted rape of a six-vcai-old gir l. He was placed in jail to await a prelim inary hearing in Recorders Court Tuesday. Trio Reappointed To Hospital Board Chowan Comity Commissioners it their meeting Monday morn ing re-elected three members to the Chowan Hospital hoard of directors. The trio included Gra ham White. Benny Bateman and I t;. Perry. The reappointments were for three year terms. FIREMEN MEET TONIGHT Edenton firemen will hold their monthly dinner meeting tonight (Thursday) at 7 o'clock ;Vt the lire station. Fite Chief W. J. Yates urges every fireman to be present. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed Order of Red Men, will meet Monday night, February |l. at 7:30 o’clock. Robert Brooks, sachem of the tribe, urges a large attendance. Rylaiul Ruritans Request Peaee Officer For Upper End County Two delegations appeared be fore Chowan County Commis sioners Monday, one requesting a full time peace officer in the up per end of Chowan County and the other seeking a stop sign on a Rocky Hock road and calling attention to the blind corner at Cross Roads. The up-county delegation, rep resenting the Ryland Ruritan Club, had Lester Copeland as its spokesman, who stated that the Rurtans * approved such an of ficer and pointed out that such :a recommendation had been pre vously made in a Grand Judy ' report. The Rev. H. C. Leake also spoke in favor of such an , officer, stating that there are I splendid people living in that i section, of the county but, like all commuinties, there are times .when a peace officer is .needed. I The Commissioners were in FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK , Various Exhibits Will | Be Displayed In Con | junction With Meet ing of PTA The annual art show sponsor ed by the Edenton Womans ’ Club will be held at the Eden ton Elementary school auditcr ium Tuesday night, February ly, at 8 o’clock in conjunction witn the Edenton Parent-Teacher As ' sociation meeting. Mrs. harry Venters, art in j structor at John A Holmes High j School, will present the Pi A | program at that time. She will (discuss the art program at the ,high school. Ait work will he displayed from (he Efftmton Elementary School. John A Holmes High School and Chowan Elementary land High St hoofs. | Any individuals desiring to en ter any art work are requested to contact Mrs. Thomas Ward, Mrs. Warren Twiddy or Mrs. J. M. Thorud before Monday, Feb ruary 11. Edenton St mien Is Pract ice Tt *ac li i n » East Carolina College’s student teaching program for the winter (quarter includes 207 seniors who j are conducting classes in more than thirty, public schools in Eastern North Carolina. Sixty ; eight are doing work in the pri i mary and grammar grades; 130 ! in high schools, and nine are teaching either art or music at all grade levels. Os the total number of stu dents participating in the pto ' gram 196 -are from North Caro • lina. and eleven are from other ! states. Assignments of sei “urn s-.t the j college who arc now f aming ex perience as classroom instructors have been anounced by Dr. J. 1,. Oppclt. director of student teaching at East Carolina. Students who are teaching from Chowan County, listed with their teaching assignments, are: Jacqueline If. Asbeit. T.vner, Wshl-Coates Laboratory School at Fast Carolina. sth grade; C’ar olista c. Fletcher. Edenton. Rocky Mount Schools, art. jTrnc 7 CA leni >ar 1 Peoples Bank & Trust Com | par.y's ]963 Christmas Saving | Club will close Monday, Feb j ruary 11. Edenton Jaycettes will meet - tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock ! at Hotel Joseph Hewes. j The Rev. Michael Malone of j Ahoskie will be principal speak !er at the Edenton Business and ! Professional Women’s Club an nual Bosses' Night banquet Thursday night, February 14. at I the Masonic T em Pl e at 7 o'clock. Annual art show sponsored by ; the Edenton Woman's Club will be held at the Edenton Element ary School auditorium Tuesday night. February 19, at 8 o'clock. ; VFW Auxiliary will meet to night (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Continued or. Par> s—Section I accord wth the request, but pointed ctut that no provision had been made in the budget, but that consideration would be give.n to the idea when the next budget is made up. Marvin Evans was spokesman for the Rocky Hock delegation qf a dozen or more. He pointed out the danger at a road inter section in the Rocky Hock sec teion and requested that proper signs be placed in order to elim inate a traffic hazard. He also called .attention to the blind corner at Cross Roads, where a small brick building obstructs the view. W. F. Sessoms, high way district engineer, was pres ent at the time and advised the Commissioners to send the re quest to W. H., Spruill, division engineer at Ahoskie, and that the proper department would be no tified.