ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume X*XX —Number 9. Edenton Is Represented At 'North Carolina Day' Held In New York Tuesday 10 Local Leaders De part In Three Groups To Attend Eleborate Luncheon Edenton was well represented at “North Carolina Day’’ Tuesday when 10 local men were on hand as guests at a luncheon held at the Sales Executives Club of New York. Harry R. White, executive director of the club, said the “North Carolina Day” luncheon was the largest ever held. It was reported that guests at the luncheon included 1,320, of whom about 700 were North Carolinians, who attended the luncheon at their own expense. The Edenton delegation trav eled in three groups. Mayor John Mitchener, John Kramer,' Billy Gardner and William P. Jones left by car Monday morn ing. On Monday afternoon Dr. Richard Hardin, Nick George, George A. Byrum and Bruce Jones took off in Dr. Hardin’s plane. West Byrum, Jr., and James Robinson left by car Monday afternoon. The Edenton group also in vited the treasurer of the Con tinental Baking Company of Rye, N. Y., to join the local delega tion. Governor Terry Sanford was one of the speakers at the lunch eon during which he pointed out the desire and advantages of in dustries. The Edenton delegation was very much enthused about the trip to New York in that ap pointments had been made with several prospects and individual realtors. 's j Young Churchmen i- To Sponsor!Supper A barbecue supper will be sponsored by St. Paul’s Young Churchmen Saturday, March 9, from 6 to 7 P. M. Plates will be served at the Parish House or they may be taken home. Anyone who has not been contacted '■in secure a ticket by calling Mrs. David: Ottaway, phone J*sol. | IN NORFOLK HOSPITAL 1 Mrs. W. J. Daniels left Tues- j day for Norfolk General Hospi tal, where she is now a patient. ■ Mrs. Daniels on Wednesday un derwent an operation on her eyes. 20 Years Ago A* Found In !.«• Filet Ol Ihe Chowan Herald W. J. Berryman, general chair - tman in the Red Cross war fund drive, announced that a cam paign would be started to raise $4,200 as Chowan County’s quo ta in a national effort to raise $125,000,000. ) D. M. Warren, vice president) of the Bank of Edenton, posted] a conspicuous sign on one of the pillars in the bank which read: "Notice! We will be closed on the day of Hitler's Funeral. Thank God." Representative John F. White Continued on Page 4-—Section 1 Robert R. Weintraub Named Belk-Tyler Assistant Manager Robert R. (Bob) Weintraub has j been chosen as assistant mana-l ger for the local Belk-Tyler store | by A- L. Tyler, executive vice j president of the Belk-Tyler; stores. This announcement was made Monday of this week byj Alton Elmore, local store mans- 1 ger. Weintraub will be replaced as bjuyer-manager of the men’s department by Paul Viverette, yvho- has just come to the local store from Belk-Tyler’s in Rocky Mount, where he worked five Weintraub was born and rais ed in Philadelphia, attending the city schools there, lie came to Edenton in 1955 with the U. S- Marinas, after boot camp at Paris, THE CHOWAN HERALD President Os Trustees it .-atyliiiii 1,-1 - T ~ ’ ■„• ... I ,-yV Bra JESSE L. HARRELL At a meeting of Chowan Hos pital trustees held Thursday night Jesse L. Harrell was elect ed president of the group. He succeeds J. H. Conger, Sr. District Health Officer Called To Serve In Army Medical Corps Dr. W. Heymore Schettler, who has been serving as district health officer since January l, completed his duties Thursday due to being ordered to serve in the Medical Corps of the U. S- Army. Dr. Schettler is scheduled to report to the center at San Antonio, Texas on March 13 for a refretber course." Upon Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Is Scheduled For Monday Nighl Plans have been completed to organize an Edenton unit of Al coholics Anonymous with a meeting scheduled to be held Monday night, March 4. The meeting will be held in the base ment of St. Ann’s Catholic Church beginning at 8 o’clock. While St. Ann’s Church is in no way sponsoring the movement, the facilities for holding the meeting have been offered. Present for the meeting will be prominent AA visitors from J Norfolk and other nearby towns, Film Is Released On Bridge-Tunnel Preview of “Over and Under the Sea” Pre sented Last Week George A. Byrum, president of the Edenton Chamber of Com merce, has received word that “Over and Under the Sea,” a new motion picture film on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, was previewed in Norfolk last Continued on Page B—AHion l (the Marines in January, 1958, he ! worked for J. H. Conger & Son J until he became employed by j Belk-Tyler Company in June, 1959. Very soon after joining ! Belk-Tyler’s, he became the 1 men’s department buyer-mana jger. He has been the leading j J sales person in the local store for the past three years and has been among the top five men’s wear salesmen of the fourteen Belk-Tyler stores for the past two years. In connection with his new job, he will be attending many special courses and semi nars in Charlotte. _ t - He and his wife, the former Patricib Ann Harrell pi Eden ton, have one son, Ronald, age 1 4. Weintraub is a member of |St Ann's Catholic Church and Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 28, 1963. Aces And Ace 10 *' Play First 6 v In Tourney Fr 4 Start of Tournam %\ Is Postponed Fr - Tuesday to Wednes day In Plymouth Paul Stanton, coach of the Edenton Aces basketball team, was advised Tuesday that the start of the Albemarle Confer ence basketball tournament had been postponed from Tuesday night of this week until Wed nesday night. Both the Edenton boys’ and girls’ teams are conference champions for the regular season and will play in tho tournament, which will be held at the Fly mouth High School gymnasium. The local teams will play their first game in the tournament Friday night with the girls’ game beginning at 7 o’clock and the boys’ game at 8:30 o’clock. The final games in the tourna ment will be played Monday night. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. T. B. Williford, master of the lodge, urges all Masons to be present. completion of this course he is scheduled to join the special guerilla forces at Okinawa to al ternate between these and Viet He holds the rank of cap tainp in the Army Reserve and his-~4our will be for two years. District Health Department of ficials are expected to meet very shortly in order to make plans for carrying on the .work in the 'district. ' - ' the purpose being to familiarize the public and especially those interested in the aims and goals of AA in regard to combatting the disease of alcoholism. Several Edenton doctors have expressed the opinion that there is a need for an AA unit in Edenton. Monday night’s meet ing is open to the public and it is hoped many will attend. A very interesting film will be shown during the meeting which will j point out some of the activities Continued on Page B—Section ) Lenten Service At St Paul’s March? Rev. Angus Miller to Speak at 4 O’clock In Parish House St. Paul’s Episcopal Church will sponsor a guest preacher each Tuesday during Lent again this year. Tuesday afternoon, March 5, at 1 o’clock in the Parish House on Gale Street will be the first occasion. The Rev. Angus Miller, a na tive of Lees, England, now resi dent in East Carolina, and serv ing Saint James' Church, Belhav en, will be the first speaker. Mr. Miller came to North Car olina from Texas. Prior to that time he served also in England, Canada, Nevada, and California. He is an author and has held several responsible positions in the Anglican Communion. Sessions each Tuesday are for one hour and include lunch. For details calls the parish House, 3522. Another Herring Breakfast March 2 The Methodist Men’s Club will hold another pickled herring and herring roe /breakfast Sat urday 'morning, March 2. The | breakfast will be served from 7 to o o’clock, and the men are hopeful that many will patronize the affair. v mwm lip ijm jssi g£Es <§ \ Sal m§ a p -jw SNOW Sl.lDK— Tribute to tbe Soviet Union's cosmonauts is sculptured in snow in this Soviet source photo, taken in Kirov. The image of a waving Soviet spaceman tops the snow-slide ride in a city children's amusement park. Jesse L. Harrell Elected New President Os Chowan Hospital Board Trustees Succeeds J. H. Conger, j Sr., Who Has Served Since Local Hospital! Was Organized Jesse 1. Harrell., was elected president of the board of trus tees of Chowan Hospital at a meeting held Thursday night of ast week. Mr. Harrell succeeds J. H. Conger. Sr. Harrell, who t is secretary and treasurer of the Sdenton Furniture Company, a nember of the Town of Edenton | 3&W Department, past president if the Lions Club, has been a nember of the board of trustees for seven years and has served as secretary to the board for four years. Other officers elected were J. j Clarence Leary, Sr., vice presi- j dent, C- A- Phillips, secretary, ind James M. Bond, treasurer. 'ontinupd on Page 4—Section * j 181.3 Acres Cotton Released In County March 15 Is Deadline To Release Cotton Acreage To date Chowan County has 19 farms that have released 181.3 »cres of cotton. There are 85 farmers who have filed requests for 1 050.6 acres of cotton. Farmers who know that their allotment will not be planted are urged to visit the ASCS of fice and preserve their history ay releasing their allotment for ase by other cotton farms. It is pointed out that March 15 is the final date that cotton acreage can be released. Geodetic Reconnaissance Party Now Working Out Os Edenton James M. Robinson, executive vice president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, has been notified by John A. Webb of the Coast and Geodetic Survey that a two-man reconnaissance party is working out of Edenton to de termine to geodetic control ne cessary for re-mapping purposes in the Albemarle Sound area. The original work was establish ed in 1914-1915 and in 1917 with additional work in 1931 and 1957. Mr. Webb points out that the work now being done is to try to recover much of this old work as possible in the Chowan, Per quimans, Little, Pasquotank and North Rivers. Where this old j Assistant Manager . fgp; - •''-ifiTiXft; ■ : >- - v A V m 1- JUi ROBERT R. WtUNTRAUB | Alton Elmore, manager of Edenton's Belk-Tyler store, this week announced that Robert (Bob) Weintraub had been ap pointed assistant manager of the local store. Rotarians Will Elect New Officers Today Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. At this meeting officers for the I club will be elected for the new I Rotary year which begins on July Ist. Due to this important business. I President W. B. Rosevear urges! every member of the club to make a special effort to be pres ent. POCAHONTAS MEETING Chowanoke Council No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Edith Byrum, Pocahontas, urges all members to attend. geodetic control has been lost iue to erosion, etc., plans are nade for the establishment of -lew control. At a later date a survey party will come into the area and make the necessary surveys to establish a new con trol. A re-survey of the work along the outer coast was made last year after the storm. The geodetic survey referred to by Mr. Webb is a survey of latitude and longitude points about every four to six miles along the waterways to give ground control to the aerial pho tographs for the nautical charts of the area. Tins work will tie into the revised charts of the coastal area made necessary by last year’s storm. Officers Elected ForDistrictMental Health Association Mrs. Ed Bond Named Vice President; Vari ous County Appro priations Released At a meeting of the Albemarle Mental Health Association held in Hertford Monday night, Jim Newby resigned as vice presi dent and the Rev. Heath Light of Elizabeth City was chosen new president. Mrs. Ed “Snooky” Bond of Edenton was elected vice president. Goals for the four counties are Pasquotank, $11,025: Perquimans, $4,050; Camden, $2,475 and Cho wan, $4,950. All monies will be matched by state and federal funds. The Albemarle Mental Health Association is now working on Continued on Page T—Section » EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302. Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, March 4. at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. School Fair Scheduled At John A. Holmes High School Mar. 6-7 The School Fair of the John A. Holmes High School will be I held on Wednesday and Thurs- 1 day, March 6 and 7, in the gym nasium of the school. The fair will be open to the public on Wednesday night from 7 o'clock until 9 o’clock, and on Thurs day from 8:30 A- M-, until 3:30 P. M., and again from 7 o'clock I until 9 o’clock. The fair has I been extended to two days this, year because of the public in- j terest shown in the fair in the Albcmatle Ai*ea Farmers Repay $225,000 FHA Loans In 1962 In 1962 farmers of the Albe marle area repaid over $225,000 in principal and interest on loans from the N. C. Farmers Home Administration, Donald W. Norman, county supervisor of the agency in Camden, Cho wan, Currituck. Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties, has an nounced. A total of 22 farm families in these live counties completely j repaid their Farmers Home Ad ministration loans last year. Mr. Norman said. “The record Plans Completed For Day Os Prayer Community Service at St. Paul’s Parish House Friday All arrangements for the com munity World Day of Prayer to be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Friday afternoon, March 1, at 4 o’clock, have been com pleted. Women from all denominations are requested to attend and members from several churches will be participating in the ser vice. World Day of Prayer is being observed around the world on the same day and emphasis is placed upon today’s many needs. Scottish Rite Dinner Scheduled March 8 W. M- Rhoades, president of the Edenton Scottish Rite Club, announces that a Scottish Rite dinner will be held Friday night, March 8. - The dinner will be served at the Edenton Restaurant at 7:30 o’clock and If is hoped every member will attend. Diverted €orn Acres Brings In $24,447.69 According to figures released this week by the Chowan County Agricultural ■ Stabilization and Conservation Service. Chowan County has 1,596 acres of corn diverted. Advance payments amounting to $24,447.69 have been paid to fanners in this county. $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Edenton Chosen For First Day Sale April 6 For New Carolina Chapter Stamp New Chief Os Police I 11 4 1 v # Sfcj* -.... ' JAMES H. GRIFFIN Last week James H. Griffin, a Kinston patrolman, was ap pointed as Edenlon's Chief of Police. He is scheduled to as sume his new duties in Edenton March 1. i past. There will be entries from the 'following departments: Science, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Art, and Social studies. The public is invited to come and visit the school and view the projects on display at this time. The projects in the Science I Department will be judged, and I the winners will participate in ,the District Science Fair to be [held in Greenville on Friday, March 22nd. jof farm families in the Albe marle area using Farmers Home Administration credit proves | once again that with adequate | credit plus technical advice on farming problems, small farmers | can operate successfully under j modern agricultural conditions, i The family farmer is not obso i lete. as some commentators charge. Given access to the best I farming information available and capital to do a modern job of farming, he is and will re- Coniinued on Page 5, Section ! Band Parents Will Meet On March 4th Edenton s Band Parents Asso-! ciation will hold its monthly meeting Monday night, March 4. The meeting will be held in the band room at 7:30 o’clock and; Mrs. John Bunch, president, urg es a full turnout of members. LOCAL LIBRARIES CLOSED WEDNESDAY, MARCH Gth The Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library and Brown Carver Li brary will be closed all day Wednesday. March Gth so that j the Librarians may attend a Regional Staff Meeting in Ply mouth. Many Eastern Star Dignitaries Meet In Edenton Monday Night j ~ Over ICO members of the Or-j der of the Eastern Star gather-! ed at the local Masonic Temple Monday night when an official | visit was made by Grand Matron Mary Smith carter and Robert F. Spence, Grand Patron. Many prominent visitors at tended the meeting from the eastern part of the state as well las Virginia. Included among the visitors were Rita Henley and Ella Mae Stokes, past grand ma trons; Lydia Cooke, past grand matron of Virginia; Margaret Tillett, grand warder; Emil Hamm, grand sentinel of Vir ginia; Aubrey Kirkwood, district deputy grand matron and Obed Reynolds, district . deputy grand patron of the First District; Ruth Basnight, district deputy grand matron and Hilton Dunbar, dis trict deputy grand patron of the FIGHT CANCER WITH 4 CHECKUP AND CHECK Stamp Will Be Unveil ed In Ceremony at Nation’s Capitol To day at 11:30 A. M. j Edenton people were right much enthused early this week j when it was learned that the j new Carolina Charter commem- I orative stamp will go on sale for i the first time in Edenton Sat | urday, April G. This first day I sale has been arranged to eoin j tide with the observance of | Carolina Charter Tercentenary. The stamp marks the 300th i anniversary of Charles Il's grant ; of land to eight lords proprietors who helped him regain the .throne England. Edenton. ole j of the state's earliest settlements, I was chosen for the stamp's dedi cation by the Charter Tercen -1 tenary Commission. The design of the stamp is j scheduled to be shown at the j United States capitol today ! (Thursday). The 5-cent stamp j will be unveiled by postmaster ; General J. Edward Day at 11:30 'A. M. Present for the ceremony j will be Secretary of Commerce I Luther H. Hodges, former Gov | ernor of North Carolina, and \ Governor Terry Sanford. Collectors who want first day I cancellations of the stamp are | requested to send an addressed I envelope, with remittance to eov er the cost of the stamps to be affixed to the Edenton postmas ter, J. L, Chestnutt. The enve lope should be marked in pencil lin the upper right hand corner indicating the number of stamps to be affixed. The Outside en velope should be marked "First- Day Covers Carolina Charter j.Stamp". Requests f ''C first day •j covers should not be sent to the Philatelic Sales Agency in \ Washington. Arrangements are already on ; foot when the stamp goes on sale in Edenton on April 6. Many prominent people are ex pected to be* on hand for the oc- I casion. (ui : viecalendar] Home Demonstration County Council will meet Wednesday af ternoon. March 6. at 2 o'clock at the Advance Community Building. The Rev. Angus Miller, a na live of England, will be the speaker at the first Tuesday Lenten services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Tuesday after noon, March 5. at 1 o'clock. A school fair will be held in the John A. Holmes High School gymnasium Wednesday and Thursday, March 6 and 7. An Alcohol Anonymous meet ing will be held in the base ment of St. Ann's Catholic Church Monday night, March 4, at 8 o'clock. World Day of Prayer will be observed at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Friday afternoon, March 1, at 4 o'clock. D. F. Walker High School Parent-Teacher Association will meet in the gymtorium Tuesday night. March 5. at 8 o'clock. Both libraries in Edenton will i Continued on Page 8. Section ! Second District; and the follow ing grand representatives: Annie Laurie Mullen, Delaware; Alma Spence. Pennsylvania: Josephine Twiford, Illinois, and Margaret Bell, District of Columbia. Wor j thy matrons and worthy patrons from many Chapters were also present. j During the meeting Mrs. Car ter and Mr. Spence made very inspiring addresses pointing out the friendship and brotherly love among Eastern Star members and the work of the organiza tion in the state as a whole. An appropriate program was presented during the meeting in honor of Mrs. Carter and Mr. Spence. Prior to the meeting an elaborate buffet dinner was ser ved and after the meeting the group met in the dining room for light refreshments and enjoyed singing, led by Q. Vif.Qvenuan.

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