ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXX. —Number 10. Over Twenty PlacesTo Be Open For '63 Pilgrimage In Edenton April 19-20 Deerfield and Rocky Hock €hurch Will Be Open to Visitors For First Time Over twenty historic houses and buildings will be open dur ing the three day Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Country side, April 19-20. The Pilgrim age will be sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club in con nection with the Carolina Char ter Tercentenary observance. Opening for the first time is the colonial countryside home, Deerfield, built between 1700 and 1780 and just restored by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. Also to be open for the first time will be the Rocky Hock Baptist Church, organized in 1835. Hayes, the home of Samuel j Johnston, early governor and' first senator from North Caro lina and one of the most out-1 standing houses in the Albe-j marie, will be open for the first! time in over 10 years. Two houses not open for the' last tour, which will be open are Pembroke Hall and the Pax ton House. Hours for the tour will be Fri day and Saturday from 10 A- M., to noon and 2 P. 'M., to 5 P. M., Continued on Page 4—Section * 28 Are Enrolled In i Hospital Auxiliary j With the Chowan Hospital j Auxiliary membership drive now j in progress, 28 members were i enrolled during the week. Those enrolled were: Mrs. Roy Spruill, Mrs. Preston Rogerson, Mrs. W A. *tundw». Mrs. M. J. Skeen, Mrs. Louise Erving, Mrs. J. G. Austin, Mrs., Carl Woolard, Mrs. David Otto-1 way, Mrs. Hattie Farmer, Mrs. I Juanita Cozzens, Mrs. Iris Mills,' Mrs. J. N. Oglesby, Mrs. John R. j Spruill, Mrs. Ernest White, Mrs.; T. B. Williford, Mrs. W. H- Cof field, Mrs. John Habit, Mrs. I Herbert Small, Mrs. Geddes Pot- j ter, Mrs. LaDell Parker, Sr., Mrs. Rebecca Wheeler, Mrs. Her bert Baker, Mrs. Irene Dunbar, Mrs. George Mack, Mrs. J. N. Pruden, Mrs. Lelian Plant, Mrs. ( John Mitchener and Mrs. Chester Weikel. I 31 JAILED IN FEBRUARY Jailer Bertram Byrum reports that during February 31 persons! were placed in the Chowan County jail. Confinements rang ed from one to 28 days and the 1 expense $517.12, which included jail and turnkey fees. I 20 Years Ago A* Found Ja T .* Files Os Ihe Chowan Herald The Rev. W. C, Benson. Chair men of the Service Men's Recre ation Committee, was notified that the New York office had passed favorably 'on the recom mendation to designate a USO Club for Edenton. The YMCA was selected as the agency to 'manage the operation. Dr. J. M. Jackson assumed the duties of health officer for the Bertie-Chowan Health District. He succeeded Dr. J. S. Chamblee, who resigned to accept a similar position in Nash County. Because no further WPA aid was available, the possibility loomed that the Chowan High School lunch room would be dis continued. _ Continued on Rage 3—Section 1 Edenton Golf And Country Club Member Ifcanoke Association Local golf enthusiasts will be interested to learn that the Edenton Golf and country Club has been admitted to the Roa noke Golf Association and that members are eligible to partici pate in the 1968 tournament. The first match is scheduled to be played Sunday, March 10, when Edenton plays at Ahoskie, Windsor at Washington and Wil- All local golfers who desire to THE CHOWAN HERALD New Rotary President ’ s' III" ... ' - k; P Iplpfe HIRAM J. MAYO Edenton Rotarians at their meeting Thursday afternoon elected Hiram J. Mayo as presi dent. He will be installed at the first meeting of the club in July and will succeed W. B. Rosevear. Seminar On 18th Century Living At School March 18 i , Donald R. Taylor, the Curator of Historic j Tryon Palace, Will Be In Charge A seminar on eighteenth cen tury living to be conducted by .j Donald R. Xayloaf yiusdor catien at Tryon Palace, will be i held Monday, March 18, at the John A. Holmes High School au ditorium from 9:30 A. M., to ,IP.M. The seminar, sponsored by the ; Edenton Woman's Club, is being held as preparation for the Pil ! Continued on Page 4, Section I LEGION AUXILIARY WILL MEET TONIGHT AT 0:30 I The American Legion Auxili ary will meet tonight (Thursday) !at 8:30 o’clock at the home of I Mrs. Johnetta White. Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt, president, calls at ! tention to the change in time to 8:30 p’clock, due to the ob ! servance of Week of Prayer. Revival Speaker DR. ROGERS SMITH At the spring revival services at Rocky Hock Baptist Church March 25-31, Dr. Rogers Smith of Richmond, Va.. will be the speaker for the week. Services will be held each night begin ning at 7:30 o'clock. up for the matches on March 10 are urged to contact Dr. A. F. Downum, chairman of the Golf Committee. It is also pointed out that to be eligible to qualify for the tournament to be played at Windsor on Sunday, June 23, 10-1 cal players must have played inj at least five matches during the season. At'the Windsor tournament a banquet will be held at 7 P- M-, at which time trophies will be, awarded. Eaento j iowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 7, 1963, 50 Men Drawi P 1 As Jurymen Fo |i Term Os Court Term Will Convene Monday, April Ist; Judge Elbert Peele Scheduled to Preside Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday morn ing pulled 50 names from the jury box, all of whom will be ; summoned as jurymen for the I April term of Chowan Superior i Court. The mixed term will be -1 gin Monday morning, April 1, with Judge Elbert Peele of Wil liamston scheduled to preside. Those drawn for jury duty in clude the following: C. Lloyd Lane, Elton Evans, Charles B. Morgan, George Wil liam Downing, Jesse Graham Spruill, C- C. Privott, Horace J. Boyce, L. H. Haskett, Willie Overton, Vernon Lee Jerkins, Walter S. Lane, C- A. Perry, Jo seph A. Byrum, Levie Toler, George E. Privott, Billy Ray Phelps, Robert Marvin Turner, Norman Earl Lane, Jr., T. C. Bunch, Arthur J. Charbonneau, Alma Twine, Anthony Gosser, E. G. Blanchard, John p. Ar caro, Alexander E. Deßlois, C- C. Baker, Jr., Jesse T. Harmon, Terry M. Phillips, C- T. Dixon, Jr., E. L. Brinkley, W. W. Per ry, Hubert F. Jordan, Haughton Ehringhaus, E. R. Eason, William G. Lassiter, Clarence L. Badham, John N. Bunch, M. F. White, Clarence P. Harrell, Hoskins Harrell, William Augustus Perry, Duncan R. Scruggs, Stephen H. Long, Jr., John H. White, Albert Hobbs, William Collins, Johnnie Ray Tripp, R. S- Ward, K. L. Perry and Ervin Trotman Spivey. Mayor Requests County Help In New Stamp Sale Mayor John Mitchener appear ed before the County Commis sioners Monday to ask county assistance in financing the cele bration in connection with first day sale of the new Carolina Charter commemorative stamp. The stamp will be on sale in Edenton Saturday, April 6. Mayor Mitchener stated that it was a much bigger affair than he at first thought and that be sides a program which will in clude prominent state and na tional figures, it is estimated that over 5,000 visitors will be in Edenton for the event. Special invitations will be sent to at least 200 people for whom a dinner will be served and though the expense involved is now sort of a mystery, Mr. Mitchener urged the Commis sioners to share in the expense, and the Commissioners agreed to go along with meeting the ne cessary expenses. Mrs. Ricks Chosen For DAR Contest j The Edenton Tea party Chap ter, DA'R, has selected Mrs. James P. Ricks, Jr., as the chap ter’s entry in the DAR 1963 Outstanding Junior Member con test. The state winner will be an nounced at the North Carolina State Conference March 12-14 at Winston-Salem. The state winner will repre sent North Carolina at the Na tional DAR Continental Con gress in Washington, D. C-, in April. Mrs. Ricks was selected for her activities with the local chapter and in the community. Representative Evans Visits Commissioners Representative B. Warner Ev ans was a visitor at Monday’s meeting of Chowan County Com missioners. Mr. Evans told the Commis sioners that if they are interested in any local legislation, he will be delighted to have bills drawn up and put in motion. Mr. Evans stated that he was primarily interested in holding the county tax fate where it is or even having it curtailed. He stated that he still thinks the Hotel Joseph H«wes property is a liability to the county and; Continued on Page t-Sectioa 1| Japanese Girls Guests Os Rotarians Today j/? eH / .-mr / . ,i IfllWlil Plipiffla pJ 1 11 1 'i l & < 1- * mtßm’wi MSS AIKiKO HONDA Two Jararere girls. Miss Aik'ko Honda and Miss Yuk ko Wat snate. will be guests of the FCvnion Rota y Club at its meeting his (Thursday) afternoon a*. 1 o'clock i > the Parish House. The w 6 nirL are s'udents at Woman's College. University of North Carolina. Greensboro. They will freak at the Rotary Club meet ing. Onen house was held at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram J Mayo Wcdnc dav night in order for Rotarians and their wives to greet and talk With the young ladies. Two Japanese Girls Guests Os Edenton Rotary Club Today Edenton’s Rotarv Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock at the parish House. A feature of the meeting will be the presence of two girls from Japan. The program will be in charge of Hiram Mayo, who will present Miss Aikiko Honda and Miss Yukiko Watan abe. Miss Honda is studying at Wo- 1 man’s College, University of North Carolina, Greensboro. She' is a graduate of Keo University Harding Speaker For DAR Meeting Group Will Meet at Edenton Restaurant March 13 Grayson Harding, president of the James Iredell Association, Incorporated, will be the guest speaker at the Edenton Tea Party Chapter, DAR, luncheon meeting Wednesday, March 13, at the Edenton Restaurant at 1 P. M. 'He will report to the chapter on the association and discuss plans for restoration of the old kitchen at the Iredell House. Mrs. P. S. McMullan, vice re gent, will preside in the absence of Mrs. George Hoskins, regent, who will be attending the North Carolina State DAR Conference in Winston-Salem. * Also attending the Conference March 12-14 from the local chap ter are Mrs. Wood Privott, dis trict director, and Mrs. Frank McCrery, district secretary. Girl Scouts Will Conduct Cookie Sale In Edenton Mareli 10 To 16 The Girl Scout cookie sale will be held during Girl Scout Week, March 10-16, by local Girl Scouts and Brownies. The observance of the week will begin Sunday with all girls in uniform attending the church of their choice. A special radio show about the Edenton Girl Scouts will be broadcast Sunday morning at 9:15 and again Sunday afternoon at 4:10 over WCDJ. Eppley Sisters At Christian Church Friday The Eppley Sisters Gospel Quintette of York, Pa., pictured above, will appear at the First Christian Church Friday night. March 8, at 7:45 o'clock. The five sisters. Sara. Mary, Verna. Lorraine and Pauline, render a deeply spiritual program featuring vocal quin tette*. soprano and alto solo*, artistic piano playing and numbers on the following instruments: Vibra-harp, violin, electric Ha waiian guitar, saxophone, accordions, cathedral chimes, musical mw and organ. The five sisters ere known from coast to coast and have appeared in churches in 48 states. Canada, Old Mexico, British Isles, South America and Europe. The public is cerdially invited to attend. M SS YUKIKO WATANABE in Japan, the oldest university in the country. She graduated in 1960 and has worked with an airlane company for the pastj two years. She is a scholarship student of the Woman’s College student body. Her field of study is physica’ education. When in college in Japan she was at one time the champion college tennis player in Japan. Miss Watanabe is fiom Tokyo, Japan, and is also a graduate Continued on Page 7, Section 1 Hiram Mayo New Rotary President Officers of Club Chos en at Meeting Held Thursday At a meeting of the Edenton Rotary Club Thursday afternoon new officers for the Rotary year were elected. For president the Rotarians elected Hiram J. Mayo, who will succeed W. B. Rose vear. West Byrum, Jr., was elected vice president and the following were elected members of the board of directors: Richard Dix on, Zech Bond, Blair Gibson and W. B. Gardner. The officers will be installed 1 at the first meeting of the club in July. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A- F. & A. M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. T. B. Williford, master of the lodge, urges a large attendance. Mrs. J. P. Ricks, Jr., chairman of the Edenton Girl Scouts, will moderate the show. Two repre sentatives from each troop will also be on the show. They are: Brownie Troop 6 —Beth Katka veck and Jill White; Brownie Troop I—Nancy Twiddy and (Joyce Umphlett; Girl Scout I Troop 2—Dabney Forehand and i Marion Bedell; Girl Scout Troop B—Martha Britton and Mary ! Continued from Page 6—Section ‘ Urgent Need For More Equipment For loan Closet Group Meets to Con sider Enlarging thej Amount of Equip- 1 ment Now on Hand Because of the urgent need for i well equipped Loan Closet, epresentatjves of several organi sations as well as interested citi zens. with Dr. L. P. Williams, Jr., president of Chowan Coun .y Cancer Unit, presiding, met rt the Edenton Restaurant to dis cuss the of enlarg ing the amount of equipment now on hand. The present Loan Closet is bo ng operated, in a voluntary ba sis, by T. B. Williford, who per sonally provides storage and re pairs of equipment as well as loan service At the present 1 time all equipment is on loan plus numerous requests that have to be turned down due to lack of equipment. .Dr. Williams stated at the meeting that the greatest need was for beds and that equip uontinuea on Page 6 Sivtion i Chowan County’s Quota Os Savings Bonds Is $111,328 Sales In January Total $5,869, Which Is 5.3 Per Cent of Quota For 1963 R. Graham White, Chowan County volunteer chairman for the sale of U. S- Savings Bonds, reports Chowan County’s 1963 quota is $111,320. Purchase of E and H bonds by Chowan County citizens in January amounted to $5,869, which is 5,3 per cent of this quota. The 1963 quota for North Car olina is $50,600,000. January sales in the state amounted to $4,874,874, which is 9.6% of the state's quota for this year. Series E Bond sales in North Carolina during January were the greatest for any month since January, 1957. The combined E & H Bond sales during Janu ary in the state were the third highest for any month since 1956. Due to a drop-off in H Bond sales, the total of E & H Bonds sold in January were 4.6% be hind sales made in January, 1962. Paul Viverette Joins Local Belk - Tyler’s Succeeds Robert Wem traub In Men’s De partment Paul D. Viverette of Rocky Mount has just been transferred to the Edenton Belk-Tyler store as buyer-manager of the men’s department, according to Alton Elmore, local store manager. This change comes following the announcement last week that Robert R. (Bob) Weintraub, for mer men's department manager, had been made assistant mana ger of the store. Viverette is a native of Nash County, having graduated from Benvenue High School at Rocky Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Evans Is Named On Twelve Committees With Clifton Blue, speaker of the House of Representatives last week completing the list of assignments to standing commit tees, B. Warner Evans, Chowan County’s Representative, was named on 12 committees, i The committees on which Mr. Evans is a member are the fol lowing: Agriculture; Banks and Bank ing; Commercial Fisheries and Oyster Industry; Conservation and Development; Employment Security; Finance; Highway Safety; Irrigation and Drainage; Continued on Pag* 3—Section 1 $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina 7-Digit Dialing System Is Scheduled To Go Into Effect Sunday, March 17 Conducts Seminar DONALD R. TAYLOR At a seminar on 18th century living to be held at John A. Holmes High School Monday, March 18. from 9:30 A. M-, to 1 P. M.. Donald R. Taylor of New Bern will be the conductor. Mr. Taylor is curator of educa tion at Tryon palace at New Bern. Any Complaintsf Chowan County Commissioners will meet as a board of equali zation and review Monday morn-! ing, March 18. The meeting will j be held in the tax supervisor’s office in the Hotel Joseph Hewes building, starting at 9 o'clock. Any person who has a com plaint relative to the valuation of property in the county should appear at this meeting. This is the only time the Com-1 missioners can legally change property valuation. Benefit Supper At Advance March M The Advance Home Demon-! stration Club will hold its an-1 nual benefit supper Thursday 1 night. March 14. at the Advance Community Building beginning at 6:30 o’clock. Mrs. Woodrow Lowe, president of the club, says tickets can be secured from any member of (he club Joins Belk-Tyler’s PAUL D. VIVERETTE With Robert Weintraub being promoted to assistant manager of the Edenton Belk-Tyler store, Paul D. Viverette has been trans ferred from she Rocky Mount store as manager of the men's department. Spring Revival At Rocky Hock Church Week Os March 25 ■ 31 The spring revival services at Rocky Hock Baptist Church are scheduled for the week of March 25 through March 31. Dr. Rogers Smith of Richmond, Va., serving as Administrative Associate to the Executive Secre tary of the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, will be the speaker for the week. The preaching ser vices will be evangelistic. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights following the preaching services, Dr. Smith will conduct a period of mis sionary information, at which times slides from some of the tours which he has made to for FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Long Distance Calls Will Be Handled as Usual Until About October 6 Eeginning March 17, subscrib ers in the six-county area serv 'd by Norfolk & Carolina Tele phone & Telegraph Company, will have seven-digit, instead of he present four-digit, numbers. Company president L. S- Hades, Jr, said complete de ails were released March 1 and lew directories we;e mailed .hat day. Inside plant Superintendent 4. O. Alsxander explained tnar the change-over will not involve new dialing techniques—it will simply add a three-digit prefix exchange number. Long distance calls will con tinue to be made in the usual manner until October 6 when the company joins the nation wide, Direct Distance Dialing system. Ihe March conversion is a step toward that and in October an area code of three more numbers will be added, making it then possible to dial directly to long distance exchanges. Most present basic numbers will be unchanged, except in the town of Hertford where com pletely new numbers will be re j quired because of a revamping i and expansion of the central of fice equipment. , In the other exchanges, Eliza |bcth City, Edenton, Sunbury, : Coinjock. Mam : -e, Kill Devil Continued on Page B—Section 1 , - - Edenton Jaycettes Will Meet Tonight Edenton's Jaycettes will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Mrs. Lena Leary will be the guest speaker and Mrs. Ethel j I.aVoie, president, urges all j members to be present. ! Commissioners Study Mental Health Plan For Chowan County The Rev. George B Holmes appeared at the Countv Commis sioners meeting Monday morning relative to Chowan County par ticipating in the rejuvenated Al ibemarle Mental Health Associa tion. Mr. Holmes is chairman of the Chowan County board and explained briefly the need and purpose of the association, as well as the county’s part of the expense, which is $4,950. The Commissioners made no commitment but agreed to give the matter further consideration when they met Monday, March 18th. CIVIC CALENDAR Edenton Girl Scouts will hold a cookie sale during Girl Scout Week. March 10-16. A sepunar on 18th century liv ing will be held at John A. Holmes High School Monday. March 18. from 9:30 A. M., to 1 P. M. The Rev. Michael Malone of Ahoskie will be the Lenten speaker at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Tuesday afternoon, March 12. at 1 o'clock. Continued on Page 7. Section 1 eign mission fields and will give an account of the work observed. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, following the regular ser vice, there will be a special pe riod devoted to young people, giving the young people an op portunity to ask questions con cerning common problems facing young people during these days. For about 14 years. Dr. Smith worked with college young peo ple in Tennessee. Services will begin at 7:30 each evening, with special music being scheduled for each service. The pastor and people of Rocky Hock Baptist church extend a cordial invitation to those who would desire to