J, - "T; ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXX—Number 13. Plans About Completed For First Sale Os Carolina Charter Stamp April 6th Brig. Gen. John Phil lips Goes Over Plans for Event With May or John Mitchener Plans are gradually being Whipped into shape for the fifst day sale of the Carolina Charter commemorative stamp in ’Eden ton Saturday, April 6. Brigadier Genertil John W- D- Phillips, executive secretary of the Carolina Charter Tercenten ary Commission of Raleigh, was in Edenton Monday going over various details of the event with Mayor John Mitchener, general chairman, who will act as mas ter of ceremonies. General Phillips went over the work lined up for the various committees and offered some pointers for the mayor to carry out in order to make the oc casion a success. “Edenton’s plans for the cererhony appar ently are going into effect for a smooth functioning ceremony,’’ stated General Phillips. George A- Byrum, president of the Chamber of Commerce, urg es Chamber of Commerce mem bers to cooperate •in any way possible and says he is very proud of the efforts made to stage a celebration which will bring a great deal of credit to Edenton. The program in the Edento' Elementary School auditoriun will begin at 11 A- M., witi Mayor John Mitchener as maste of ceremonies. The invocatioi will be by the'Rev. George B Holmes, followed by greetings by Gilliam Wood. Following re marks by Congressman Herbert C. Bonner and Senator B. Ev erett Jordan, the commemorative stamp will be presented by 'Postmaster General J. Edward Day. Music for the meeting will be furnished by the John A. Holmes High School Band under the di rection of James Cozart. 20 Years Ago As Found In l.i# (Vm Os Tho Chowan Herald Plans were started to house the Edenton USO Club in the east wing of Hotel Joseph Hewes, taking in the portion formerly occupied by the flours Electric 8c Plumbing I E. W. Spires, county civilian defense chairman, stated that a 1 test black-out was almost per fect. The only thing to mar a perfect record was two or three instances of light* allowed to burn while occupants of offices were out of the buHding. Another group of Chowan County while boy* left for Fort Bragg to undergo -* physical examination to determine wheth er or not they will be inducted Into the U. S. Army, Edenton High School's debat ing team split honors with Wash ington High in the state-wide debate. Continued on Page 7, Section 1 . Promoting: History As Travel Attraction B 4®S '4r I Mtfdk \* jlitt nf of th*ii ngion , i Toiotirrln THE CHOWAN HERALD fan*?!! v. s - > Stores Closed Piaster Monday Stores in downtown Eden ton will be closed Easter Monday, April 15. This an nouncement was made early this week by Alton Elmore, Chairman of the Merchants Committee of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce. Boy Scouts Plan Pop Bottle Drive Boys Making Effort Raise Money to At tend Camp Edenton Boy Scouts will con duct a pop bottle drive Saturday afternoon, March 30. The Scouts will make a house-to-house can vass to pick up empty pop bottles. The purpose of the drive is to sell the bottles in order to help raise money to serid the Scouts to camp this summer and it is hoped those having empty bot tles will have them collected to give to the boys. Twenty-seven Scouts have :igned up to attend camp, which vill be held at Camp pipsico on he James River July 7-13. Band Association Will Meet Monday Edenton Band parents Asso ciation will meet Monday night, April 1, at 7:30 o'clock in the band room. tyrs. John Bunch, president, urges all members to be present. Restoration Started This Week On Old Iredell House Kitchen Restoration of the old kitchen at the James Iredell house began this week. While the kitchen is not as old as the Iredell house, built in 1757, it is .noteworthy as one of the few detached kitchens still standing. i Work on the 14 foot by 20 foot frame building by the Edenton i Construction Company, is under the direction of the James Ire dell Association and the Eden Local Nurse In Special Training Eight nursing students from the Louise Obici'Hospital in Suf folk are taking three-months spe cial training in pediatric nurs ing at the University of Virginia Hospital at Charlottesville, Va. Among the group is Miss Mar ginette Faire Lassiter of Edenton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lassiter. ’ - Edenton, Cho\ \% bounty, North Carolina, Thursday, March 28, 1963. Edenton Tri « s T . Host For District Meeting ... mu rt f mLSm * dfl JbC . j ’HHms Hi *,, if--’ . % The Edenton Tri-Hi-Y was host to the annual meeting of the Hi-Y - Tri-Hi-Y District No. 5 on March 16. There were over 80 delegates attending from Morehead City. Kinston. Rocky Mount and Edenton. The theme for The day was "What Do You Want ." as pertaining to the individual and the club. Presiding over the meeting was Alan Kleinmaer. president of District No. 5. The following officers were elected: President, Richard Cummings, Morehead City; vice president. Emily Holmes, Edenton; secretary, Clark Suggs. Kinston; chaplain. Jane Patrick. Morehead City; Council mem bers. Hvman Sladiem, Kinston and Richard Cummings, Morehead City; Sandra Bunch. Edenton and Nancy Nelion, Morehead City. The Tri-Hi-Y expresses its deepest appreciation to the faculty of John A. Holmes High School and to W. A. Long. Interstate Secretary of YMCA of the Carolinas, for IheiT cooperation and help in making the meeting such a success.—(Ricks Photo). Vaughan And Jones Are Elected As New Directors Os Bank Announcement Made By W. W. Shaw, Pre sident of Bank at Rocky Mount Two well known Edentonians have been added to the board of managers of the Edenton Branch of the Peoples Bank & Trust Company. W. B. Shaw, presi dent of the Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Rocky Mount, has announced that the board of directors at a meeting held in Rocky Mount on March 20 elect- Continued an Page 6—S'»-tion i ton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR. The kitchen will house the : Edward Crawford Williams antique iron collection, on loan to the house. Due to limited funds, the 'pro ject will not be completed this year, Grayson Harding, presi dent of the Iredell Association, told members of the DAR at their March meeting. 1 Continued on Page 4. Section t D. F. Walker High School UFA Plans tteanupCanpgn Event Will Celebrate Anniversary of Birth Os Booker T. Wash ington Since April sth is the birth date of the late Dr. Booker T. | Washington, whom many regard as the “Father” of vocational education, the D. F. Walker High School chapter of New Farmers; of America decided on a Clean- Continued from Page S—Section J Edenton Ladies Present Program At Rocky Mount Mrs. J. M. Thorud, Mrs. Ed ward G- Bond and Mrs. Jesse Harrell were in Rocky Mount Monday and had charge of the program at the Rocky Mount Woman’s dub. Appearing in Colonial costume, they showed the film “Ye Towne on Queen Anne’s Creek,” and is sued invitations to the Edenton tour April 19-21. The meeting was held at the pew Wesleyn College and the Edenton ladies were guests at the college for lunch. Mrs. Ernest Ward, former Edenftonian," is program chair man of the Rocky Mount club. C. Os C. To Again Sponsor Spring Fishing Contest Which Begins On April 1 Contest This Year to Be Open For Boys And Girls Under 16 Years of Age The fifth annual spring fish ing contest will begin Monday, April 1, it is announced by George A. Byrum, president of the Edenton Chamber of Coji merce. The contest will run through Saturday, June 29. Dr. Ed Bond, chairman of the Recreation Committee which is promoting the fishing contest, stated that this year boys and girls under 16 will have an op portunity also to win prizes. The Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Study Course At Methodist Church A Methodist Study Course will be held at the Methodist Church Friday night, March 29. The book to be considered will be “Dimensions of Prayer,” written by Douglas V. Stere The course will be conducted by Charles O. Tysor and will last only one hour, from g to 9 o’clock. All members of the congrega tion and friends of the church are cordially invited to attend. Mental Health Assoeiation Asks State For Mental Health Clinies Last Thursday another meet ing of the Albemarle Mental Health Association was held in the Parish House of the Episco pal Church in Elizabeth City. Representatives from Edenton included Dr. and Mrs. Ed Bond, Mrs. Warren Twiddy and Frank Roberts. During the meeting it was de cided that letters would be sent to Representatives urging further support of a bill favoring estab Pcstmaster J. L. Chestnutt Gives Information About First Day Sale Os Carolina Charter Stamp In connection with the first day sale of the Carolina charter commemorative stamp, Postmas ter J. L. Chestnutt points out that the stamp marks the 300th anniversary of Charles H’s grant of vast land areas to eight men who had helped him regain the throne. It-, extended coast-to coast in a strip that was roughly the present day border of Vir ginia te the north, and Florida to the south. Edenton'* position in the Caro lina Charter area has a unique and interesting history. Edenton was selected as the site for the stamp’s dedication, ■ Welding Is Taught At Chowan High .36 Students Enrolled With E. P. Jones as Instructor E. S. White ot the Agriculture Department of Chowan High School, in connection with the Vocational Agriculture Depart ment, has started classes in farm equipment welding with E: P. Jones as welding instruc tor. The class which was scheduled for one night a week, has been so popular that three full classes are being taught on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights of each week with 36 enrolled. Continued on Paga 7—Paction 1 RED M.EN TRIBE CHANGES MEETING TIME TO 8 O'CLOCK Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed rder of Red Men, will meet Monday night, April 1, at 8 o’clock. Robert Brooks, sachem of the tribe, calls attention to the new meeting hour of 8 o’clock instead of 7:30 o’clock which has been the .meeting time during the winter months. ■ lishment of mental health clinics. [ There was discussion concerning i new bills introduced in both the House and the Senate at Ra leigh, calling for the creating of a new State Department of Men tal Health. A commissioner of mental health would be the chief execu tive for the new department, . with a 15 member board to set • policy for the state’: services to ! Continued on Pag* B—Section ) the Tercentenary Commission ! said, "because of its unique his | tory as the center of population for the old Albemarle area, the | first permanently settled area in .North Carolina.” In explaining its selection of 1 Edenton as the first-day-sale site, | the Commission noted that the! original Carolina Charter includ ed the area between the 31st and 36th parallels north latitude, and early surveys indicated that it 4 included the settlements in the 1 Albemarle area. Later, surveys 1 showed Edenton and other set- i tlements in the area just outside 1 on Pag* S. Section I » Golf And Country Club Plans Open House Two Days Applicants Now Being Interviewed For Pro And House Manager Positions Members of the board of di rectors of the Chowan Golf and Country Club at a meeting held last week decided to hold open house at the Country Club Sat urday afternoon and evening, and Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 o’clock. This open house, of course, will be for members only. Even though grading and land scaping around the club house and parking facilities are far from complete and the club house has not been finished completely, Ralph Parrish, presi dent, says he feels sure many of the members will like to see what has been accomplished thus far. Mr. Parrish also says appli cations for the position of pro and clubhouse manager are be- Continued on Page /—Section 1 Jim Keeter New Manager P & (J Meat Department Announcement was made this week that Jim Keeter has been promoted to manager of the P&Q Super Market’s meat department. Mr. Keeter, who has been as sociated with the P&Q for about 12 years, succeeds Ralph Knight. Mr. Knight, whose home is in Norfolk, has been manager for three years and resigned in or der to return to Norfolk. Plans Complete For Albemarle Community Development Work At a meeting held in Edenton Friday plans were made for the 1063 Albemarle Community De velopment Contest. About 50 communities are expected to participate in this year’s contest, for which the deadline for en tries was set at May 15. For the meeting R. W. Long of Raleigh, community develop ment specialist of the N. C- State College Extension Service, $1,367.10 Raised In | Heart Fund Drive Under the able leadership of the Heart Fund drive chairman, J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., Heart Fund volunteers collected a total of $1,307.10 during February. Dr. Ed Bond, president of the Chowan Heart Council, said he was very pleased with this campaign and he wanted to pub licly thank Mr. Earnhardt, Paul Stanton, Harry Venters, Mrs. Onnie Charlton and the many other individuals and groups in Edenton and Chowan County who made this year’s drive so successful. Dr. Bond further stated that the Chowan Heart Council is ac tive year-around and in addition to the annual drive in February, funds are received any time as memorial gifts or bequeaths. College Choir At Baptist Church Group In Charge of Service Sunday Evening The College Choir, composed of students attending Chowan College in Murfreesboro will make its annual guest appearance at the Baptist Church Sunday even ing, March 31, for the 7:30 o’clock worship hour. The director of the choir, James Chamblee, and the College chaplain, Dr. Hargus Taylbr, will accompany the choir for this special service. Dr. Paul Bumgartner, organist, will play for the entire service. As is customary, this group from the neighboring Baptist college will have complete charge of the evening worship service. Chaplain Taylor will deliver the message and the choir, under Cettfemdo.PW'S-Seetioal $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina All Except Three Os Town Officals Seek Re-election In Town Election May 7th Urgent Need The Pilgrimage Committee needs old. interesting items for display in store windows during the Pilgrimage. Anyone who will provide any items of interest are re quested to contact Mrs. Fran ces Shore, phone 482-2771; Mrs. Anne Hines, phone 482-2775 or Mrs. Anna Bass, phone 482-3972. V—— Plans CompleteFor Trade Fair April 4-5 In Edenton Armory Frank Roberts Says Splendid Program of Entertainment Is Ar ranged For Event Edenton’s Trade Fair is sched uled to be held in the Edenton armory Thursday and Friday. April 4 and 5. The event will be in progress both days from 3 P. M., to 11 P. M. Interesting exhibits will be on display both inside and outside the armory, so that it is hoped many people from Chowan and adjoining counties will visit the fair and as a result stimulate trading in Edenton. Various committees have been -vo Prqj) 3—Seek n * l was the principal speaker. He pointed out that the purpose of i these contests is to help com | munities realize their potentials and to bring about changes and ! improvements in the various communities. ! Some present at the meeting expressed dissatisfaction with the score sheet used for judging in that it did not recognize Continued or. Pars s—section I MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A F. & A. M-, will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. T. B. Williford, master of the lodge, urges a large attendance. Eastern Star Chapter Will Hold Open Installation Os Offieers An open installation of officers for Edenton Chapter No. 302. Order of the Eastern Star, will be held in the Masonic Temple Friday night, March 29, begin ning at 8 o’clock. An interesting program has been arranged for the occasion with the following scheduled to serve as installing officers: Mrs. Blanch Twiford, Robert F. Spence, Mrs. Audrey Kirkwood, Arthur Pell, Mrs. Luciile John son, Mrs. Margaret Tillett and Obie Reynolds. Officers to be installed include the following: Newly Elected Bank Directors a. :.J| ■ I |L Mm JB DR. ROLAND H. VAUGHAN BRUCE F. JONES At a meeting of the board of directors of People* Bank A Trust Company held in Roqky Mount on Wednesday. March 20. Dr. Rol and H. Vaughan and Broca F. Jones wen elected as new teem ben of the hoard. /' ; .. t FIGHT CANCER WITH 4 CHECKUP AND CHECK Deadline For Candi dates to File For Of fice Is 12 O’clock Noon April 8 With Edenton's municipal elec ; tion scheduled to be held Tues | day, May 7. all present members ;of the official family, except : three, have filed for re-election up to Wednesday morning. Mayor Jonn Mitchener an nounced last week that he will seek re-election and during the week George A. yrum filed for re-election as Councilman-at large. Councilmen who have filed for re-election are: First Ward, Richard Dixon; Second Ward, A1 Phillips; Third Ward, Elton Forehand and Fourth Ward, Luther C. Parks. For the Board of Public Works all have filed for re-electtion except Ralph E. Parrish. Those who have filed are -Thortias By rum, Jesse Harrell, Joe Conger, Jr., and J. P. Ricks, Jr. The other officials who have not filed are James Bond, treas urer. and J. Edwin Bufflap, Councilman-at-large. The deadline for candidates to file is Monday, April . 8 and I Philip McMullan, chairman of the Chowan County Board of Election, emphasizes the fact that the deadline to file/will be 12 o’clock noon on April 8. More Girl Scout Cookies For Sale Edenton Girl Scouts have a few .more boxes of Girl Scout j cookies left. Anyone wanting to buy a box should contact cither Mrs. Christian Hosford. phone 482-2446 or Mrs. J. P. Ricks, Jr., phone 482-3737. [TivkTca FEN I )A rJ Edenton Golf and Country Club will observe open house Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 o’clock. An open installation of officers for Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, will be held in the Masonic Temple Friday night, March 29. at 8 o'clock. An election will be held Tues day, May 7, to elect officials for the Town of Edenton. Fifth annual spring fishing contest sponsored by the Edenton continued on Peoe 2— Section 1 Worthy Matron, Clara M Bos well; Worthy patron, W Elton Boswell; Associate Matron, Grace W. Byrum; Associate Patron, Walter Wilkins; Secretary. Ruth j Overman; Treasurer, Mary Leary; ( Conductress, Kathleen Skiles; .Associate Conductress, Frances ‘Marshbourne; Chaplain, Charles Overman; Marshall, Jimmy (Oglesby; organist. Caroline Swin ! dell; Adah, Kate Bufflap; Ruth, (Helen Wood; Esther, Catherine Robey; Martha, Pearl Harrell; Electra, Maude Reaves; Warder, Blanche Moore, and Sentinel, Will Harrell.