I PUBLISHED IN I CHOWAN COUNTY 1 • ' v." i Volume XXa.— wffmber 14 rnxfi 7*' ' —— first Day Sale Os Cai|lina Charter Stamp In Edenton Saturday Many National And State Dignitaries Are Expected in Edenton For Ceremonies Stamp Will Be Un-j veiled By Postmaster) General J. Edward; Day at Elementary l i School at 11 A. M. | j One of the most outstanding observances ever to take place in Edenton will be the ceremony ■ incident to the first day sale of the beautifully designed postage stamp commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Carolina Charter of 1663 on Saturday— and it is predicted that the town will be bursting at the seams with national and state digni taries as well as philatelists from all parts of the country. The entire ceremony at the Edenton Elementary School au ditorium, where Postmaster Gen eral J. Edward Day will unveil the stamp, will be televised by Wl'l'N, channel 7, Washington, N. C., beginning at ll A. M-, and rebroadcast by video tape Sunday at 2:00 P. M. Also broadcasting the ceremonies by video tapes supplied by WITN will be WOSC Charlotte, WSGS Winston-Salem, WETC Wilming ton, WTVD Durham and WUNC Chapel Hill. The Norfolk tele vision station WTAR will also have a news cameraman on hand to film the event. The various committees under the direction of Mayor John A. Mitchener, general chairman and George A. Byrum, president of 1 the Edenton Chamber of Com merce who has called on the leadership of his organization to support preparation for the event, are wrapping up last min ute details to assure smooth functioning of the event from Continued on Page 3—Section 1 j -i.—... [CIVIC calendar) First day sale of the Carolina' Charter commemorative stamp I will be held at the Edenton Post Office Saturday, April 6. Edenton Trade Fair will be held in the Edenton armory to-! day (Thursday) and Friday. April 4 and 5. An election will be held Tues day, May 7, to elect officials for the Town of Edenton. The Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside will be 1 held April 19-21. A week-end revival will be j held at Macedonia Baptist, Church Friday, Saturday and .Sunday nights, April 5. 6 and 7 'at 8 o'clock and Sunday morning 1 at 11 o'clock. Methodist Men's Club yrill j sponsor another pickled herring. Church Saturday morning, April 6. from 7 to 9 o’clock. A civil term of Chowan Su perior Court will be he|d the week beginning Monday, April 29th. Edenlon Jaycettes will meetby members of the band and Continued on Page t—Section 1 chorus. «»» Sycamore Open For Pilgrimage :. m s§ ws&£ ><v l *m ■ - V:-■ * > THE CHOWAN HERALD — : : <- Urgent Need The Pilgrimage Commilteo needs old, interesting items for display in store windows during the Pilgrimage. Anyone who will provide any items of interest are re quested to contact Mrs. Fran ces Shore, phone 482-2771; Mrs. Anne Hines, phone 482-2775 or Mrs. Anna Bass, phone 482-3972. * Heap Much Money! Henry Oglesby,- secretary to Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner, informed The Herald by telephone Tuesday afternoon that Mr. Bonner had been informed that approval had been given for extension and improvements at the Edenton Post Office. According to Mr. Bonner's in formation the cost of the pro ject will amount to $240,000. Just what is included in the project was not disclosed. Lewis Evans, Tommy Castelloe Top Winners In livestock Show The ninth annual Junior Live- i stock Show and Sale was held at the Privott-Asbell warehouse at'Tyner on Wednesday, March 27. The show and sale was sponsored by the Chdwan Ruri- ! tan Club, assisted by the Ry land Ruritan Club. Tommy Castelloe, 4-H Club member from the Advance com- : munity Club, showed the garnd i I champion individual hog. He ' [received a trophy, ribbon and i $lO premium. Robert Boyce showed the reserve grand cham- i pion and received a trophy, rib- 1 bon and $7.50 premium. Arlyn i .Dale, 4-H Club member from the , Ryland Community Club, show ed the third place animal and Band And Chorus Program April 10 The band and chorus of John A. Holmes High School will give a joint concert in the high school 'auditorium on Wednesday, April 110th. | The band will perform some iof the numbers that earned for them the rating of 'Excellent at the North Carolina State Band contest. Selections by Bartok, Vaughn Williams and Schubert will highlight' the choral half of the program. The final number of the concert will be “Canticle to Peace,” a choral number with band. Admission to the concert is Adults 75c and Students 50c. 'Advanced tickets will be on sale Nt o >n; Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 4, 1963. PLANS COMPLETE FOR TRADE FAIR TODAY - FRIDAY ;one Contest Now In Edenton flection T o Be Held May W J. D. Efliott Will Op pose Richard Dixon; All Councilmen Have Now Filed As of Wednesday morning all present members of Town Coun cil and Board of Public Works and Treasurer have filed for re election in the Municipal election to be held Tuesday, May 7. The latest to file were Ralph E. Parrish as member of the Board of Public Works, J. Edwin Bufflap as Couhcilman-at-large, and James Bond as treasurer, who filed Wednesday. A contest has developed, in the First Ward, where J. D. El liott has filed as Councilman. He will oppose Richard Dixon, at present Councilman from 'the First Ward. , The deadline for prospective I candidates to file for office is 12 o’clock noon next Monday, April Bth, after which there will te no more opportunity to file for any office. i received a ribbon and $5.00 premium. Richard White the champion pen ofA'Mll'igKkgs and received a trophy, ribbon and $lO premium. Johnny and Bob by Winborne showed the re serve champion and third place pen of three, respectively, and received $7.50 and. $5.00 plus their ribbons. They are from the Cross Roads Community 4-H Club. In the swine fitting and show manship contest Gene Harrell from the Rocky Hock Club plac ed first, Richard White second and Robert Boyce third. Lewis Evans from the Oak Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Legion Birthday ObservedTuesday Representative of FBI Guest Speaker at Dinner Members of Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion and Auxiliary members celebrated the 44th anniversary of the American Legion at a chicken dinner held Tuesday night in the Legion building. A goodly num ber of members from both groups was present as well as a number of visitors. Commander Alexander Dfeßlois presided and after calling upon J. L. Chestnutt for prayer, he .read a message from the nation al commander, exemplifying the Legion programs dedicated to betterment of the nation. Following the dinner W. T. Willoughby was called upon for prayer and Mr. Defßlois recog nized the guests'. The principal speaker for the occasion was Robert L. Walters, Continued on Page 3—Section i Special Programs On Local Radio Station A special program began on radio station WCDJ Wednesday of this week. It. wiU be known as a coffee break program which will be broadcast Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 10:10 0 CIOCK. ~ y ’ The program will be in charge of Mrs. Frank Holmes, who will present pertinent information Unveiling of Carolina Charter Stamp k . ■ J* ■' • *•' •''? jmHT W ’ v ' iw.t •’<•* > I 18. ‘v '7 1 hHHH'M HHIIm m ■■ Us 1 H* s. s' 4MNNH&. .: : -i. .f . - x-Alßre.SHflswiPßlN The above picture was taken at the unveiling of the Carolina Charter commemorative stamp recently in Washington. Present for the occasion were, left to right. Senator Everett Jordari Sec retary of Commerce Luther Hodges; Francis E. Winslow, chair man of the North Carolina Tercentenary Commission, Senator Sam Ervin and Postmaster General J. Edward Day, who will be in Edenton for the first dav sale of the new stamp. Three Edenton Veteran Doctors Honored By Hospital Trustees At Party H&d Saturday Night The Chowan Hospital Board of Trustees entertained at an in formal party in the nurses’ home living room on Saturday evening, March 30, in honor of the mem bers of the memcal staff in com memoration of "Doctor’s Day”. A special tribute w'as paid to the three senior members of the staff, Dr. Frank Wood, chief of staff and organizer of the hospi tal, Dr. O. L. Holley and Dr. L. P. Williams, Sr. Silver trays were presented to these three physicians by the president of the board, Jesse L- Harrell. Mr. Harrell, in present ing the trays, expressed the feel ing of the people of this com munity that It is most fortunate Craftsman Fair Is : Predicted To Be Best Ever Held Annual Affair Will Belt Held In Elizabeth City Two Days, April 17 and 18 The Albemarle Craftsman Fair will be held in the Elizabeth 1 City armory Wednesday and ' 1 Thursday, April 17 and 18. The ' < doors will be open each day from * 1 to 9 P. M. Glee Clubs from < nearby schools will perform * twice each day, singing songs I which were popular in 1663. The theme of this year’s Fair. ; will be centered around the Ter- 1 Jor.linucU on Page 3 —Section 1 Commissioners Reject Boost In Pay For Welfare Department Chowan County Commission ers at their meeting Monday turned thumbs down bn a re quest coming from the Welfare Department to raise salaries of personnel in the local office. 'Funds for the increased pay ments would have come from a $6,500 appropriation made by the last General Assembly to each welfare department in the state, but which locally cannot be used for any other purpose at present. It was pointed out when the re quest was made in March that in having such a fine group of I physicians who are dedicated to j the purpose of treatment of the | sick. The party was arranged by the wives of the doctors and was attended by the doctors and their wives, members of the board of trustees and their wives I aqd three former presidents of j the board, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. | Byrum, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conger, lSr j Dr. Wood, a native of Edenton. began practicing in Edenton in : 1946 from Marion, N. C- He I received his B-S. degree at the 'University of North Carolina and Conl'd. on Pago 4 —Section 1 31 Who Failed To List Taxes Facing Action Os Courtj County Commissioners Give Green Light For Planning Board to Proceed With Work Chowan County Commissioners in conjunction with their regular meeting Monday, sat as a board of equalization and review. They had only two complaints which came from N. J. George arid the United- States Lumber Com pany. In both instances an in vestigation will be made before action is taken. It was reported that 31 persons Continued on Page 4, Section 1 these funds, if not used for, sal aries, would be lost to Chowan County. The Commissioners’ -principal objection to increasing the Wel fare Department salaries was, they feel, that it seemed some what unfair to raise some sal aries and not salaries oi other county employees. » > • The Commissioners, however, did agree to pay mileage at the rate of 7 cents per mile for board members living outside the city limits. Jurors Drawn For Civil Term Os Court Week Os April 29 Judge Elbert Peele of Williamston Is Again Scheduled to be Pre siding Judge Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday morn ing drew 36 names from the jury box, who will be sum moned for Superior Court jury duty. A civil term of Chowan Superior Court is scheduled to be held the week beginning Monday, April 29. | Judge Elbert Peele of William ston. who presided over this week's term of Superior Court, is again scheduled to be the pre siding judge. Those chosen for jury duty in . elude the following: David Ober, W. J. P. Earn hardt, Sr., Luther Bunch, Amos i Felton Twiddy, Jesse F. Harrell, j Russell Wheeler, Guy Russell IByrum, Willie Albert White, Quinton 'Bass, Hubert L. Chap j pell, Carroll A. White, John Linwood 'Parrish, L. B. Taylor, .William Davis Stevenson, Floyd 'Ray Dail, Edmund Whtie, Clar jence Edward Britton, J. W. ’(Wince) White, Vivian O. Cope jland, Oscar E. Duncan, Dan Mor jgan, Jr., James Edward Byrum, i Jarvis Larry Skinner, Marshall 'W. Mansfield, Mayo Lawrence, |J. F. Phillips, Jesse L. Harrell, (H. r M. Spivey, Frapk Miller. J. Keith Reeve, Cecil Gilbert By rum, Charles H. Wood, Jr., B. F. Bateman, Roy Preston Long, Preston Dale and John Parrish. Judge Elbert Peele Presiding Over Term Os Superior Court Judge Elbert Peele of William- j ston presided over a term of Chowan Superior Court which j opened Monday morning. Sheriff Earl Goodwin called upon the Rev. George B- Holmes, rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, to open the term with | prayer and after calling the roll j of jurors, the Grand Jury was. drawn. Those chosen to serve on the | Grand Jury were Arthur J. j Charbonneau, Alma Twine, An thony Gosser, C T. Dixon, Jr., Walter S- Lane, John N- Bunch J (Foreman) Alexander Deßlois, j Clarence P. Harrell, C. A. Perry, I John H. White, Willie Overton,) 1 Special Hours Al Post Office April 6 Postmaster J. L. Chestnut! an nounced early this week that special hours will be observed at the Edenlon Post Office Sat urday. According to Mr. Chestnutt the windows will open at 8 o’clock Saturday morning and close at 5 P. M. Cancellation of the new Caro lina Charter stamp at the win dows will begin in the morning at 9 o'clock and close at 5:30 P. M. Mr. Chestnut! also announced > that a station will be set up at the Elementary School Saturday morning from 10 o’clock to 12 o'clock noon in order to sell the new stamps. TV Program Will Publicize Local Tour A trio of Edenton ladies will appear on a television program Tuesday morning, April 9. The program will provide publicity for the forthcoming pilgrimage of Historical Edenton and Coun tryside and will be televised over the Greenville station, chan nel 9. Those who plan to take part on the program are Mrs. F. A- Jordan, Mrs. Frances Shore and Mrs. Tom Bass. j $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Special Entertainment Is Arranged To Be Featured By The Earls Os New York Honored By Ford TP DMAS F. HOPKINS At a banquet held in the Gold en Triangle in Norfolk Saturday, Thomas F. Hopkins, salesman for Albemarle Motor ComDany, was presented the Ford Motor Com pany's Top Hatter Award. The honor goes to only 500 car and truck salesman as the nation's leading Ford realership salesmen. PRE-SCHOOL CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED APRIL 5 There will be a pre-school con ference at the Edenton Element ary School FridayhKjming, April 5, at 9 of chil dren beginning school in Sep tember, 1963, are requested to be present. Vernon Lee Jenkins, George E Privott, T. C. Bunch, E R. Eas on, E. L. Brinkley, Duncan R. Scruggs and Elton Evans. Judge Peele made a brief charge to the jury in which he informed the jurors that the court does not make laws, but are charged with enforcement of laws as they now exist. He specifically told them they were not chosen to try cases but rath er to decide if reasonable evi dence is found to believe that a crime was committed and that the person so charged should be brought to trial. He gave specific instructions relative to presenting true bills, continued on Page 2—Section 1 Feature Entertainment At Trade Fair /I A A “w Inf ‘P* J Ms* aJn2f ? Mk I K 1 m I M m Ml jH| Pictured above are The Earls of New York, who will feature entertainment at Edenlon’s Trade Fair in the Edenton armory 1 today (Thursday) and Friday. Entertainment programs will be presented at 4. 7 and 9 P. M. each day. t - . 0 FIGHT CANCER WITH 4 CHECKUP AND CHECK ‘A 6 Programs Are Sched | uled to Be Presented Each Day In Armory At 4,7 and 9 O’clock l ! Plans have been completed for Edenton’s Trade Fair which will be held in the Eaenton armory today (Thursday) and Friday. The armory will be open and various exhibits on display each .day. from 3 P. M., until u p. m. 1 Both inside and outside the ; armory attractive exhibits wilt |be on display by the various ; merchants and business concerns. ;It ik hoped many people ::i 1 Edenton and Chowan County, as ;well as adjoining counties will Igo to the armory to view the groups of exhibits, which are | predicted to be even better than in last year's event. , To add to the interest of the Trade Fair will be outstanding : entertainment. Frank Roberts is in charge of this phase of the i Fair and has arranged a pro gram which should delight all who attend. The feature attraction will he j The Earls", of New York. This cuiartet includes vocalists and a jazz organist, and is reputed to , be one of the best known vocal j groups in show business today. I They are well known for their record hits which include such | numbers as "Remember Then” and the current record hit "Never." I Besides this feature, Mr. Rob erts says a dramatic group from John A. Holmes High School will present a program under the di rection of Mrs. Medlin Belch. A i talent show will be presented by a group from Perquimans High j School and band music will be provided by the D. F. Walker High School Band. The entertainment program will be presented in the armory at 4. 7 and 9 o’clock each day. Assistance Offered To File Tax Returns James M- Johnston, local N. C. Department of Revenue repre sentative, announces that his of fice will be open April 8 through ! April 15 to 3ssis t in filing N. C. j state income tax returns. The office will be open from j 8:30 A. M.. until 5 P. M., with ithe exception of Saturdays.

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