ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume —Number 17. Consideration Is Being Directed To Doing Away With Board Public Works Two Committees andj An Expert Authoriz ed to Make Thorough j Study of Idea i Meeting in two special meet ings Wednesday and Thursday nights of last week, Edenton’s Town Council took action on do ing away with unsightly and dangerous houses and considered operation of the Board of Public Works under Town Council. At Wednesday night’s meeting a target was directed toward some 15 old houses which are considered eyesores and in some cases dangerous, and action will be taken to condemn these houses. In a few instances owners or representatives of the owners promised to either have the houses repaired or to take steps to have them removed. Owners will be notified that they will have until September l to repair houses before condensation pro ceedings s are started. The Councilmfen also consid ered the location of a street along the town’s property line back of the stores on the east side of Broad Street betweer Eden and King Streets. The idea advanced to elect ward councilmen by a vote of the entire town met with a cold shoulder, so that no action was taken on this matter. i;oatty(iMa on Pago 6—S/vtion I LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will hold their I weekly meeting Monday night, | April 29, at 7 'o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. President- Herbert Hollow6ll, Jr., urges every member to be present. - * - * 20 Years Ago As Found Tn l.« FUas Os The Chowan Herald V <* Congressman Herbert Bonner informed The Herald that the Soil Conservation Service had definitely, agreed to proceed with four miles of drag line work on the main canal in the Bear Swamp area At a meeting of the Committee of Management of the Edenton USO Club, John A Holmes was elected permanent chairman. Mrs. James E. Wood, vice chairman, and D. M. Warren, chairman of finances. Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Elected President Os Electric Utilities M - 'f^L :. ■* .'4 ; IH^ iHRkr -iMKr^T fBH« ,jw ? 1 fl I"" ■ JH& fc v fS| jsaipliaSjf %. y§§§B|||s T- 1 ,’£-7" > - * k IJQ7* * 4fc k RICHARD If. (DICIt) HINES Martins in B»M«|t tart w«*k- maanbeTS oi th« North Carolina Municipal ’ Electric Utility Association alactad Richard N. (Dick] Iffir-r- o# Edenton pfMawl for the ensuing year. THE New Director I i ■ • ft l ! 1 ft*; f / m, ... REV. 808 WARE Announcement was made late last week that the Rev. Bob Ware of Greenville. S. C.. has accepted a call to become direc tor of the Emmanuel Baptist church Mission in Edenton. Jacob Hobowsky Chosen To Set Up Emergency Communication Jacob Hobowsky, W4WAK, of Edenton, has been selected to set up an organization of Edenton amateur radio operators prepared to furnish organized emergency communications in time of disas ter, it is announced by Commun ications Manager F. E. Handy of -ttlft Arqerican Rgt|io Relay Lea gue,- national Association of radio amateurs. Mr. Hobowsky’s assignment, which carries the title of Emer- BobWareDiector Os Baptist Mission Succeeds Ebner Boot wright, Who Moved To Florida The Rev. Roy A. Harrell of Elizabeth City has announced that Evangelist Bob Ware has accepted a call to become direc | tor of the Emmanuel Baptist I Continued on Page 6, Section 1 Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 25,1963. Pilgrimage Termed One Os Best' * Staged In lk% i nt* , Members of Won Club Are Very & Elated Over Suet Os 1963 Event Favored with ideal weather, the 1963 “Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside,” held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, attracted people by the hundreds so that this year’s event is con sidered the most successful since the pilgrimage was started. The entire town was neat and tidy for the occasion and with beautiful flowers in bloom everywhere, the visitors were very favorably impressed with the setting. Over 20 houses and buildings were open for inspection of the Coni'd. on Pag* 4—Section 1 Meeting Changed Announcement was Made Shis week that the May meeting of Edenton's Town Council will be held Wednesday night. May 15 instead of Tuesday night. May 14. The change in the meeting is due to the necessity of Mayor John Mitchener being out of town on May 14. gency Coordinator, is to band to gether members of the amateu radio service in his community to. perfe’et arrangements for emergency radio communicatior by hams in the event of natural disasters or other emergencies In addition to use of normal sta tion equipment working from commercial power, ’arrfafeiir sta tions use _self«powered radio transmitting and receiving equip- Conlinued or nfli *—Section 1 State Approves Local Application For $25,000 Grant Purpose to Make De tailed Study of Ex panded Fruit - Vege table Processing West W. Byrum. on behalf of the Edenton Chamber of Com merce, was notified last week by George M. Stephens. Jr., spe cial assistant to Governor Terry Sanford, that the .state has ap proved an application of $25,000 !to make a study of the economic ! feasibility of an expanded fruit and vegetable production, mar- I keting and processing industry in Chowan County and contigu ous areas. The application will be submitted to Washington in the hope it will be approved under the Area Redevelopment Act. Accompanying the request to Washington were letters of ap proval from George W. Smith, ■epresenting the North Carolina Council of Community and Area Development, and Melvin Hearn, representing the State Agricul etural Technical Panel. Spaghetti Dinner At Catholic Church St Ann’s Catholic Church will have another real Italian spa ghetti dinner in the parish hall of the church on Wednesday evening, May 1. Sit-down serv ings will be made from 5:30 to 7:30 P. M- and take-out service will also be available for those j preferring to eat at home. In J addition, a bake sale will be con- I ducted in the parish hall j throughout the dinner serving. | Prices for the affair are SI.OO for adults and S(W for children L {including second helping?), with [.all proceeds to go towards re ' pair of the 102-year-old stained ! glass windows of the church. [Tickets will be available at the refoor, or'may be obtained in ad [vartce by calling lira.. Edward W , Groves, Jr., 462-2400 or Mrs. Jack HOWAN HERALD , Claimed Suddenly By Death ? i, j||t Spl WK/ ■■■ y&Sfir' WSfHk ■■ ’ - X m y m JWg JOHN ANDREW KRAMER II Though in his usual health. John Andrew Kramer 11, died sud denly at his home on the waterfront at 12:05 o'clock Friday morn ing. Death was due to a heart attack. Three Edenton Typing Students Invited To Compete Nationally Betty Jo Elliott, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Webb and I wife of Warren Elliott; Pat Pen- j ny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. i L. Penny, and Jo Ann Leary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Leary, Jr., all seniors at John A. Holmes High School, have been invited as student qualifiers to participate in the fourth FACIT Contest in Typing Reg ional Invitation Tournament to, be held in Baltimore, Maryland, j Earle Edwards To Speak At Varsity Club’s Banquet 14th Annual Affair to Be Held on Monday Night, May 6 at Ma sonic Temple at 6:30 Earle Edwards, head football coach at N. C- State College, will be the principal speaker for the 14th annual Varsity Club Sports Awards banquet set for Monday night, May 6. Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Cuthrell’s Department Store Buys Betty Shoppe Building Edenton’s Chamber of Com merce was informed Tuesday by Henry Cuthrell, proprietor of Cuthrell’s Department Store, that his firm had purchased the two story building which formerly housed the Betty Shoppe. Mr. Cuthrell stated that the Betty Shoppe will retain its name and after interior altera Notice Os Appreciation Once again the people of Edenton and Chowan County put ui the "Welcome Mat" and opened their doors and hearts to the thousands of visitors who flooded the .area to enjoy the Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside." It is, indeed, difficult for the members of the Edenton Voman s Club to exoress adequately thair deep and sincere appreciation to EVERYONE for making this event one of the most successful ever held. , ' With its scrubbed and polished look, its freshly mowed lawns and its beautiful flowers, Edenton and the countryside were truly worthy of the favorable comments expressed by the tourists. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that many return again and again, some having rarely missed a tour, be cause they are charmed with Edenton, its people and atano sp^ere. To the town and county officials, to the many organisations, and clubs, to the untold number of individuals who gave their time and effort, we say "Thank You" for your splendid co operation and warm hospitality shown the guests. And we are especially grataful to the weatherman I MRS. R. ELTON FOREHAND. President, v MRS. *W. W. BYRUM. JR. Tour Chairman. I Due to the Junior-Senior Prom ! this date has been declined and | another date and place has been I requested. Mrs. Leah Mayo, I their teacher, will accompany j the students on the trip. I This, is a national contest with 1 ! national competition. t)ver 310,- : 1000 students throughout the na- I I tion competed in the fourth Na j tional FACIT. Os the number, , approximately 10,500 perfect (er- I continued on Page 2—Section 1 I Visitors Delighted ! With Library Visit During Pilgrimage Operation of Regional Library of Special Interest to Number Os Guests Several librarians attended the Edenton pilgrimage and spoke favorably of the collection Shep ard-Pruden Memorial Library has. A question frequently ask ed was about the regional or- Continued from Pago 6—Section • • i lions have been completed, will ■ j open for business, showing a [ complete line of desirable fall t style merchandise. An interior ■ archway and enterance will be r • built between the Betty Sjhoppe i and the present Cuthrell store .! for the convenience of custom ; ] ers. Coui’d. on Page 2—Section 1 Approval Is Given For Planning Board Development Work Organizations and In dividuals Now Elig ible to Apply For As sistance West W. Byrum, Chairman of the Edenton-Chowan Planning Board, last week received a let ter from W. L. Batt, Jr., admini strator of the Area Redevelop ment Administration to the ef fect that the over-all economic development program submitted by the local board had been re viewed and approved. Organizations and individuals in the Chowan County redevel opment area are now eligible to apply for assistance under the Area Redevelopment Act (Public Law 82-27). According to Mr. Batt, it is important to note that approval of the OEDP does not extend to individual projects which may be described in the OEDP or which may be proposed at a later time. Specific projects must be sub mitted separately and will be considered on their own merits Continued on Page 6—Section 1 John A. Kramer Dies Suddenly Friday As Result Heart Attack Many Edenton people were shocked early Friday morning when it was learned that John Andrew Kramer 11, died sud denly at 12:05 at his home on the waterfront. He was 52 years old and died as the result of a heart attack. Mr. Kramer was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grant Kramer of Elizabeth City and grandson of the late Mr. and | Mrs. John Andrew Kramer. He was executive vice presi dent of the Edenton branch of Officers Installed : For Local Jaycees State President John Kennedy Principal tSpeaker Officers for the year 1963-G4 were installed Tuesday night for j Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Commerce. The installation was held in connection with Ladies' | Night which was held in the American Legion building. A very interesting program was prepared with Carlton Jackson, 1 retiring president, presiding. The invocation was given by, the Rev. Hugh Evans, followed, by introduction of guests by | Nathan Owens. Tony Miley presented spark, plug awards which went to Bob j Waller, Pete Dail, James Perry, j Caswell Edmundson, Carlton | Jackson, Bill Easterling, Jack. Habit and Nathan Owens. Carlton Jackson presented framed appreciation certificates which went to Frank Roberts on behalf of radio station WCDJ; Mrs. Jackie Ricks, representing the Virginian-Pilot; Bill Cozart, 'representing The Daily Advance, I 'and J. Edwin Bufflap, represent-] ing The Chowan Herald. Four spoke awards were pre-' sented by Tony Miley and recipi-' •ents of this honor were Dave! Ottoway, Clyde Williams, Frank] rfontinued on Page 4—Section * May Meeting Changed For Woman’s Club Edenton Woman’s Club will meet Wednesday afternoon, May 8, at '1 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. The date of the meeting has been changed to a week later than the regular meeting time, May X, due to the N. C. Federation of Women's Clubs’ convention to be held in Asheville April 30 for three days. | The Edenton Club is expected to be represented by six mem bers, including Mrs. J. D. Elliott, president of District 16, Mrs. Joe . Thorud, Mrs. Elton Forehand, •Jr., Mrs. George A. Byrum, Mrs. John Raines and Mrs. Leo sKataveck. $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Richard N. Hines Elected f President North Carolina Electric Utilities Group Eagle Scout X . , ■ *■ Av ■■ : - m At a Court of Honor held in Norfolk, Wayne Briggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Briggs, Jr., of Tyner, was advanced to the rank of Eagle Scout. He has transferred from a Norfolk Boy Scout troop to the Center Hill troop. ■; Peoples Bank & Trust Company ; j and a director of peoples Bank j& Trust Company of Rocky j Mount. He was a member and I past president of the Edenton | Rotary Club and past chairman of the North Carolina District jl Bankers Association. Mr. Kramer was educated at Duke University, after which he became a North Carolina state I bank examiner. In 1945 he join |ed the Bank of Edenton, which I later joined the peoples Bank & 1 ! Continued on Page 6, Section. 1 Evans’ Bill Halts School Squabble Legislation Will Re quire Rehiring Sup erintendent Taylor Chowan County School Board's squabble over rehiring W. J. Taylor as superintendent appar ently came to a head this week when Representative B. Warner Evans is reported to have intro duced a bill in the General As sembly to rehire Mr. Taylor for another year. Continued on Page 4, Section 1 Local Typewriting Winners | jHr* iff * v y Pictured at top are thee seniors at John A. Holme* High School who have been invited as student qualifiers to participate in tha fourth tacit contest in typing tor national honors. The trio in cludes. left to, right, Jo Ann Leary. Pat Penny and Batty Jo El liott. At bottom is pictured Arlene Fry and Jean Goodwin, who were awarded achievement medals as class winners in the reg ional contest. „ ... FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP , AND CHECK Organization Repre sents 71 Municipal Electric Systems In North Carolina At the North Carolina Munici pal Electric Utilities Association meeting held in Raleigh last w®k, Richard N. (Dick) Hines was elected president of the North Carolina Municipal Elec tric Utilities Association. This organization represents 7! municipal electric systems i:i North Carolina aha operates un der the- auspices of the Non > Carolina League of Municipali tics. 7.|;\ Hines has been active in thejassociution’s affairs since :• s rea'tion, serving as director, leg islative committee chairman, and vice president. He also serves as a committee member oi the \merican Public Power \ssocia tion. which is a national. organi zation serving the interest of municipal electric utilities. Mr. Hines is a native of Eden tori, attending the public schools here and receiving- his electrical ■rigineering degree in Washing on, D. C. He was associated with the Carolina Power and Light Com oarvy in Raleigh and Fayetteville the Town of Hertford and Kings Mountain prior to becoming su perintendent of the Board of Public Works of Edenton in 19401 ROTARIANS MEET TODAY Edenton's Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Parish House. The program will deal with men tal health, so that President W. B. Rosevear is anxious to have ! a 100 per cent rqeeting. [ci vTcca lenijan] An election will be held Tues day, May 7, to elect officials for the Town of Edenlon. Edenton's Town Council will hold its May meeting Wednesday night. May 15, at 8 o'clock in stead of the usual date. Tuesday, May 14. Edenton Woman's Club will meet Wednesday afternoon. May B.* at 1 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. This meeting has beeft changed, from Wednesday, May 1, due to the state conven tion. Edenton Varsity Club will hold Its annual soorts award banquet Monday night. May 6. at 6:15 o’clock in the Masonic Temple. Continued on Pane B—Section ?

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