ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXX.—dumber 22. Dave Tosh Is Appointed As Golf Pro And Manager Os Golf And Country Club Expected to Assume Duties June 1; Wife, Will Be Manager of. Dining Room Announcement was made late j last week that the Chowan Golf and Country Club had employ ed a golf pro in the person of Dave Tosh. He is scheduled to assume his duties as golf pro, manager and superintendent of the local club on June 1. Mr. Tosh will be accompanied by his wife Katheryn who is al so a golf enthusiast and will be ' in charge of the dining room at | the country club. She comes highly recommended as a ca terer. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tosh are natives of Scotland, but they met in this country when Mr. Tosh was at the Sunset Ridge Country Club and Mrs. Tosh at the Indian Hill Country Club, both in Winnetka, Illinois. Mr. Tosh came to the United States in 1920 from Caronustie and Mrs. Tosh is from Glasgow, Scotland. After they were married the couple worked as a team. Sev eral exclusive clubs they man aged are Paducah Country Club in Kentucky, Litchfield Country Club in Connecticut, Cheraw, S- C., Colorado Springs and Den ver, Colorado and Maysville, Kentucky. The local country club is now having a house built next to the country club • building which will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Tosh. The house is ex pected to be completed in four o* five weeks. 20 Years Ago) Ai Found In 1-4 Files Os j The Chowan Herald i .» Due to apparent friction and lack of cooperation and confi dence on the part of Edenton police, a shake-up in the Police Department seemed certain fol lowing a lengthy executive ses sion of Town Council- During ing the meeting each member of the police force was called sep arately before the Councilman for questioning. Continued on Page 4, Section 1 Commencement At Holmes High * Begin Friday Commencement exercises will begin at John A. Holmes High School Friday night, May 31, when Class Night will be held in the school auditorium at 8 o’clock. During the program Virginia Ann Wells will read the class history and Patsy Lee Penny will present the last will and testament. Betty Jo Elliott and Barbara Whichard Townson will act as giftorians and distribute gifts to members of the senior class. Leading Students At Holmes High School ■ . . H Ip /> at 8 o'clock. Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, June 3, at 8 o'clock. Continued on Page 2—Section 1 with Miss Ceceilia Willoughby and Miss Judy Leake as accom | panists. Marshals for commencement (exercises are Scot Ober, Bobby Hollowell. Lois Chappell. John ny Winborne and Danny Long. : Mascots are Anita Lynn Cope land and Stanley Hare. David J. (Johnson is senior class sponsor. The graduation exercise will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. : The invocation will be by the Rev. Harold C. Leake, pastor of Continued on Page B—Section > ** ' m • ■ . MS a g i» a mb- Safe.- ,-M m WB I d FRANCES LEIGH JORDAN Salulatorian