ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXX.—Number 23.~ Watershed For Pollock Swamp In Chowan County Receives $75,640 Loan Covers Land Area of 14,475 Acres at Cost Estimated to Total $403,800 Pollock Swamp watershed pro ject in Chowan County moved another step hearer reality re cently when Wallace Goodwin, I chairman of the Chowan Drain age District No. 1, received a check for $75,640 from Donald Norman, Farmers Home Admini stration supervisor for Chowan County. f This loan will be used as part i of the local Sponsoring organi zations’ share t>f the cost of the | project. Invitations to bid on 1 the proposed works of improve- 1 ments will be issued this week. The Chowan County Drainage District No. 1, along with the Chowan County Board of Com missioners and the Albemarle Soil and Water Conservation District, are sponsors for the project. Soil Conservation Ser vice funds have already been ob ligated for its share of the cost. The total estimated cost for the project is $403,800 with $156,845 coming from federal sources and $246,955.00 from non - federal sources. The project was planned and the proposed works of improve ments are to be carried out with technical assistance from the Soil Conservation Service under the authority of the Watershed Pro- Cont'd. on Pago 2—Section 1 20 Years Ago A« Found In l-io File* Os Tho Chowan Hoi aid T. B. Byrum as advised by Congressman Herbert C. Bonner that Secretary of the tlw? Frank Cox had approved a pro ject to provide quarters at the local U. S. Marine Corps Air Station for the Marine Corps Woman's Reserve. The project called for an expenditure of $270,000 and was to provide bar racks and other accommodations for 440 enlisted women and 32 officers. Speaking at graduating exer cises at the Edenton High School, Congressman Herbert Bonner told the graduates that education is the greatest busi ness on earth and the most cost ly- Mayor Leroy H. Haskett made an appeal for cooperation of merchants and citizens to main tain a cleaner town. Continued on Page 6, Section 1 Edenton Student Has Highest State Teacher College Average John Wesley Jordan, son of Mrs. Annie J. Holley of Edenton, was honored at the sixty-ninth commencement program at Eliz abeth City State Teachers Col lege for having the highest aca demic average in the graduating class. Jordan was elected to be the bearer of the mace, which is the symbol of authority of the college.' It is borne in the com mencement exercise by the grad Loan Boosts Watershed Project 11 It | ll£ i 2 f ' *?&!& - i -**" a Hk iiiiil iII fill I l(| ii fit ii ii Trir **&Wm wriwifaS’ .- ■E* *M > n Mid''' 4."» T ■. L %. Iwxsl •. His v i* — - Pictured in canter U Wallace Goodwin, chairman of the Chowan Drainage District Ha 1. ajAeck tor $75,640 from Chowan County. Looking on is 8. W. Evans, secretary of the guniaations' share of the Pollock Swamp watershed project in VUVWEU WVU *' > ''*&&■£?> •■ft'*** ‘ •. "•, •* N- vfefc •' - r i V* ' -i * THE CHOWAN HERALD [ Bids Scarce j v. J Though the Chowan Commis sioners had advertised for bids Ito make renovations at Hotel Joseph Hewes, only one bid was | received and opened Monday. The renovations are to pro vide quarters for the Welfare : Department, Health Department, the ASCS office and tax office. The Commissioners did not. ' let a contract, preferring to | postpone it until a special meel . ing scheduled to be held Mon day, June 17. Petitions For Road Toße Hardsurfaced Sizeable Delegation of Property Owners Ap pear Before Commis sioners Monday •Chowan County Commission ers were faced with a sizeable delegation at their meeting on Monday when a petition was presented to pave a road in the Rocky Hock section. The road in question is No. 1225. It is 2.4 miles long and connects two hard surfaced roads, namely the road leading from Route 32, No. 1224 and No. 1222 leading from Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Tribute Is Paid To ttfdmParMs Banquet Held Tues day Night By VFW Post Gold Star parents of Chowan County were honored by Wil liam H. Coffield, Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the VFW Auxiliary at a banquet held at the post home Tuesday night. Fitting tribute was paid to parents who lost their sons while serving their country and Mrs. W. H. Coffield, for whose son the local post is named, was especially singled out as the Continued on Page 7. Section 1 uating male student with the highest academic average. The speaker at the commence ment program was the Hon. Terry Sanford, Governor of North Carolina. At the close of the program the Governor per sonally congratulated Jordan, asked about his plans and told him to keep in contact with him. Jordan is an Englsh major Continued on Page 2—Section I Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, June 6, 1963. Officers In d For Chowan Democratic Women ■L i wfeJß __ m m m I Kjft ft w w ■ " ffe , Bp At a recent meeting of Chowan Democratic Women held at the Edenton Restaurant new officers were elected. The officers, pictured above, are: Standing, left to right, Mrs. E. N. Elliott. Mrs. Philip McMullan, Mrs. Herbert Hollowell, Jr. Mrs. Hutchins Winborne and Mrs. A1 Phillips. Seated, left to right, Mrs. John W. Graham. Mrs. Elwood Nixon, Mrs. Lyn Davenport and Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt.—Ricks Photo. Planning Board Considering Projects For Full Membership The Edentcfn-Chowan Plan-; ning Board executive commit-1 tee met in tne office of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce' Tuesday to consider several pro-j jects to lay before the full membership an the final meet-, ing for fiscal 1962-63 later this I month. t | A nominating committee also \ was named to come up with a | slate of officers and directors for the coming year. The Edenton-Chowan Planning Board, composed of 10 members from Edenton and eight mem-1 bers from the county was cre-| ated last year by the Town i EdHTStudentT Awardedsls,s4oln Scholar ship Funds Ctes§3 T ight Exercises Heldf Friday Night; Various Awards Are Presented Wayne Ashley and Jo Ann Leary each received two awards during Class Night exercises at John A. Holmes High School Friday. Ashley won the coveted Ro tary Cup and the Most Outstand ing Boy Athlete medal, while Miss Leary was presented the Arion and Outstanding Senior in Activities awards. Other awards: Betty Jo Elliott —Business and Professional Woman’s Club schol arship to promote women enter ing careers in business or a profession. Mac Privott Bus driver’s award presented by the Edenton Continued on Page 5. Section 1 Chicken Supper at Center Hill June 15 Sponsored by the Center Hill Community, a fried chicken sup per will be held at the Center Hill Community Building Satur day, June 15. The supper will be served from 4:30 until 8:30 P. M. A charge of $1.25 will be made fpr adult plates and 75 cents for children’s plates. All proceeds will go into the Center Hill Community Building. It is hoped a large number will at tend the supper, being assured it will be a good meal and at the same time aid Center Hill in securing funds for the new community building, which is now almost completed. Tickets for the supper can be purchased from community members or by calling W. J. Privott, phone 482-3887; Mrs. B. P. Monds, phone 482-3843; Mrs. Cameron Boyce, phone 482-3922, or Troy Toppin’s store, phone 482-9889. DAR Chapter Will Meet On June 12 Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will meet Wednes day afternoon, June 12 at 3 o’clock at the Iredell house. Mrs. J. p. Ricks, Jr., regent of the chapter, says this will be an important meeting in that the year’s business will be com pleted and plans made for next year. (For that reason she es pecially urges all members to attend. . ; Council and Board of County | Commissioners through the urg ing of the Chamber of Com merce. ] The Planning Board has par ticipated in three projects through the Area Redevelop- 1 ment Administration. The pro-j I jects range from a $25,000 sur-1 ivey requested of ARA to deter- • mine the feasibility of a frozen food processing plant for this area to a multi-million dollar loan to an organization that would build a complete pre-fab ncated housing mill and em ploy approximately 350 persons Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Commissioners To Meet On June 17th To Study Budgets Requests From Vari ous County Depart ments Presented at Meeting Monday Chowan County Commission ers received but only, briefly considered various budgets at their meeting Monday morning. The Commissioners scheduled a special meeting for Monday morning, June 17, at which time they will carefully go over all department requests and at tempt to arrive at a tentative budget to be presented at the July meeting. Practically all of the budgets show increases, so that the Com missioners are somewhat con cerned about being able to hold the tax rate at its present level. Budgets presented Monday in cluded the Welfare Department, Center Hill-Cross Roads Fire Department, Edenton schools, Chowan County schools, Sheriff’s Department, Regional Library, Fire Control program and Civil Defense. SS Representative In Edenton Every Thursday In June Icen E. Wilson, district mana ger of the Greenville Social Se curity office, released the sched ule of visits to all counties in the district for the month of June. The schedule calls for him to be in Chowan County each Thursday during this month, June 6, 13, 20 and 27. Mr. Wilson will be at the Court House each Thursday from 9:30 A. M., to 12:30 P. M. Ski Show Scheduled In Edenton Sunday Afternoon, June 23rd George E. Burdick announces! that local water skiers are get ting ready for a 20-act ski show ! which will be presented by the Edenton Marina on Sunday as ■ temoon, June 23, between the hours of 3 and 5 o’clock. Spec i tators will be able to view the . events from the old Fish Hatch ! ery on Pembroke Creek. Tommy Privott of WODJ ra ; dio will describe the events and entertain onlookers before and ; during the show. Scott Harrell, sponsor, is pleas i ed with practice sessions to date and is looking forward to a great Legion-Auxiliary Officers Will Be Installed June 11 Rev. Harold Leather • man of Manteo Will Serve as Installation I Officer The Rev. Harold Leatherman, pastor of the Methodist Church at Manteo, will install officers of Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary for the year 1963-64. The ceremony will be held at the American Legion building Tuesday night, June 11. The installation ceremony will follow a buffet supper which will be served at 7 o’clock. Mr. Leatherman is a past de partment chaplain of the Ameri can Legion of North Carolina and is presently vice commander of the First District. Commander Alexander Deßlois Isays the post is very fortunate to secure Mr. Leatherman as in stalling officer and urges all members of both organizations to attend. Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Chowan High Has 33 To Graduate Miss Judy Haste Wins Lion’s Share of Awards Graduation exercises were held at Chowan High School Thursday night when 33 seniors’ were presented their diplomas. Miss Judy Haste, daughter of Mrs. Frank Taylor, who was valedictorian of the class, was winner of the coveted Rotary Cup as well as the Mitchener Science Cup, Future Homemak ers of America Cup and a medal Continued on Page 6. Section 1 W. M. Hare Is Elected Up County Fire Chief Members of the Center Hill- Cross Roads Fire Department at a recent meeting elected officers, when W. M. Hare was elected chief to succeed Garland Asbell. Others elected were W. J. Pri vott, assistant chief; Melvin By rum, secretary and chaplaih; Carroll Byrum, assistant secre tary, and Marvin Evans, treas urer. Captains are Troy Toppin and Carlton Asbell and Carroll By rum and Garland Asbell are lieutenants. I effort by the local talent. He said it is not too late for any one from the vicinity to join his group and ski in the show. Try outs can be made by contacting Mr. Harrell or any of the skiers to arrange for practice sessions. The list of acts includes the human pyramid, doubles with a layout, the backward swan, wa ter ballet and barefoot skiing. Mr. Burdick, former professional skier, is directing the practice sessions and said he anticipates a thrilling afternoon of skiing. '/Maybe some spills, top, blit definitely thrills,” he says. Swimming Classes | Scheduled To Start I On Monday, June 17 Applications to Enter Must Be Filed Not Later Than Friday, June 7 Murray D. Ashley, chairman of the Chowan County Chapter if the American Red Cross, an nounces that applications are available in the Civil Defense office to sign up for swimming classes which will start Mon day, June 17, at Sandy Point Beach. Mr. Ashley commented that applications should be turned in no later than Friday, June 7 “We already have a considerable number of applicants and will need some time to schedule and organize the different classes,’’ he says. The swimming classes will be taught by qualified Red Cross! instructors and life savers dur ing the morning hours starting at 9:30 o'clock. There will be no charge for the use of Sandy Point Beach or the Red Cross instruction. Fifty Graduate At Local High School Dr. Thomas A. Collins Os Rocky Mount Speaker Fifty members of the graduat ing class at John A. Holmes High School received their diplomas at graduation exercises held Mon day night, when the principal speaker was Dr. Thomas A. Col lins, president of North Carolina Wesleyan College at Rocky Mount. He was introduced by Richard Eugene Cobb. The class was presented by, Principal Cecil W. Fry and di plomas awarded by Superintend ent Hiram J. Mayo. The commencement sermon was preached Sunday night by the Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Edenton Baptist Church, who urged the graduates to fol low the teaching of the Bible in order to attain success. tittle Gill Kiled At Chowan Beach Car Rolls Over Little Anita Paulette Sides Anita Paulette Sides. 18- months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eugene Sides, was killed in the Chowan Beach area about 11 o’clock Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. Sides and two children had gone from their home to the beach to enjoy a dinner, when Mrs. Sides stopped her car on an incline. She and the chil dren got out of the car and shortly thereafter the car began rolling. Mrs. Sides was unable to stop the forward motion of the car and it ran over the little girl as it proceeded in the wa ter. She hurriedly summoned help and the child was rushed to Chowan Hospital but was dead on arrival. Besides her parents, the child is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Sharon R. Sirine of Norfolk and Donna Joy Sides at home. A funeral service will be held at Rocky Hock Baptist Church this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o’clock. The pastor, the Rev. Thurman W. Allred, will offi ■ ciate and burial will be in Beaver Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be sent to an orphanage. SCOTTISH RITE CLUB DINNER FRIDAY NIGHT Chowan County’s Scottish Rite Club will hold a barbecue chick en supper Friday night, June 7, at Sandy Point Beach. The af fair, at which ladies will be spe cial guests, will begin at 7 o’clock. W. M. Rhoades, president of tt»e club, urges all members and ‘their wives to attend. $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Recreation Program For Summer Is Announced By Director Paul Stanton Honor Student B " ' |jf : i ifJP m ■ JOHN WESLEY JORDAN At commencement exercises held at Elizabeth City State Teachers College John Wesley Jordan of Edenton was honored for having the highest academic average in the graduating class. Revival Scheduled From June 8 To 16 Stirring Messages to Be Brought By the Pastor, the Rev. Bob| Ware “The Man Who Gave A Pig' A Permanent Wave,’’ “The Sin | Edentonians Commit Most' I ,] “Why Edenton Is Overrun With I i Alcoholics” and "The Sin Preach-j ers in Edenton Are Most Guilty • Os” are some of the topics the I Rev. Bob Ware will be preach- i ing on in revival services held | nightly at Emmanuel Independ- j ent Baptist Church June 8-16. | He is pastor of the church. Services will start promptly I at 7:30 each evening. Continued on Page 3, Section 1 i Masons To Ifonor C. H. Wood With 60-Year Jubilee Award Charles 11. Wood, Sr., will be signally honored tonight (Thurs day) when he will be presented a 60-year diamond jubilee award in recognition of being a con tinuous member of a Masonic Lodge for over 60 years. Mr. Wood Over 60 years ago became affiliated with the lodge at Eliz abeth City and later transferred his membership to Unanimity Lodge No. 7 in Edenton. He is now the oldest past master of Unanimity Lodge. The award, due to Mr. Wood’s health, will be presented at his home by H. A. Campen, second oldest living past master of the local lodge. He will make the New Officers For Edenton BPW Club ; 'vr? Wf Pictured above are officers for 1963-64” fox Edenton'* Business and Professionhl. Women's Chib, who were Installed by Mrs. Lena Leary, director - ff 'District 10, at the club's last meeting. They «•: Seated, left to right, Mrs. Anita Baker, J fc. recording secretary; Miss Pauline Calloway, president and Mrs. Julia Hassell first vice president. Standing, left to right. Miss Boaulah Perry, correepond secretary; Mrs. Lorraine Rogerson, second vice president; Mia. Mattie Halsey. Jt.. treasurer and Mrs. Leon Leary. Absent «h*a picture was taken. Mrs. Noah Boyce, pexßamew4soiW|j| HbtWjßWQjrrj FIGHT CANCER I WITH A CHECKUP | AND CHECK Schedule Will Begin Monday, June 10 For For Children as Well As Adults Paul Stanton, Edenton’s sum mer recreation director, this week announced the summer recreation program, which is scheduled to get under way on Monday, June 10. The following have been em ployed to help in the supervision of the program: Eilly Hardison in charge of baseball and softball. Grace Townson will work with the younger children in or ganized activities. David Shields and Earl Jones will be supervisors for the Ne gro recreation program. The following schedule has been announced: Baseball (all games will begin at 2:30 and 4:30 P. M.) Little League, ages 8-12, Monday through Friday at 4:30 P. M. Pony League, ages 13-18, Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 2:30 P. M. Softball—Girls ages 9-18, Tues day and Thursday at 2:30 P. M. Women, Wednesday night at 7 Continued or. Pace s—Section 1 I CIVIC calendar" S. —, Edenion's summer recreation program is scheduled to begin Monday, June 10. I A ski show will be presented !on Pembroke Creek near the I old Fish Hatchery Sunday at | ternoon, June 23, from 3 to 5 | o'clock. Red Cross swimming classes will begin Monday mornino T Une I 17, at 9:30 o'clock ai Sandy ' Point Beach. Center Hill Community will sponsor a fried chicken supper Saturday. June 15, from 4:30 to 8:30 P. M„ ai the Center Hill 1 Community Building. Edenton Jaycettes will meet i tonight (Thursday) at 7 o'clock ai the Edenton Restaurant. Town Council will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday night, lJune 11. at 8 o'clock, i Continued on Page 7, Section 1 presentation as the personal rep resentative of Grand Master W. Edward Burrier of Charlotte, who delegated him to confer the honor on Mr. Wood. The local Masons will meet tonight as usual in the Masonic Temple and will be called from labor to refreshments in order to go in a body to Mr. Wood’s home for the ceremony, after which the lodge will reconvene in order to transact business. This is the first time such a significant honor has been be stowed upon an Edenton Mason, so that T. B. Williford hopes many of the members will join in the delightful occasion.