ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN , CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXX.—Number 26. Chowan County Tax Rate $1.58; Adopted Monday By County Commissioners • r - - - Quartet Is Appointed To Represent County, On Mental Health Clinic Board I Chowan County Commission-' ers at their July meeting held Monday morning gave their fi nal glance at the budget for the fiscal year 1963-64 and adopted It as presented *at a previous meeting. The tax rate will re-j main ■ the same as last year, $1.58 with an added 10-cent levy, for rural fire protection outside the Town of Edenton. The overall budget calls for anticipated “expenditures of $595.- 926.92 and includes some in creases in the various depart ments of the county government. The Commssioners, however, were able to meet with the vari ous increases without boosting j the budget. The tax levy of $1.58 per SIOO property valua tion is based on a property valu ation in the county of $21,- 500,000. At Monday’s meeting Dr. Ed Bond reported on a meeting of the District Mental Health Clinic in the interest of organization.-, Each county in the four-county district is called upon to appoint! four members on the board of managers. The Commissioners appointed Mrs. Ed Bond, W. E. Bond, the Rev. Thurman W. All red and Dr. Edward G. Bond to represent Chowan County. | A delegation from upper Cho- i wan Cbunty attended the meet- i ing with Wilbur Hare as spokes-1 man. Mr. Hare, on behalf of, the delegation, requested a full time ABC officer for that section 1 of the county. The Commis sioners, however, took no action. The • Commissioners granted the Chowan Golf and Country Cluh permission to display works on July 4th with the pro vision that they are handled un der proper supervision. Sheriff Earl Goodwin was au thorized to attend the annual convention of the State Sheriffs’ Association. The convention will! be held at Carolina Beach July! 25-27; The Commissioners approved the application of a beer license for the Simpson Sinclair Service at the corner of Broad and Queen Streets. Rocky Hock Group H Meet My Ith Organizational Meet ing Scheduled at the Community Center i The Rocky Hock Community Center will hold an organiza tional meeting Monday night, July 8, at 8 o’clock. The meet ing will be held at the Com munity Center and diie to its importance, all members are especially Urged to attend. Ap ice cream party will be held immediately following the meeting. - - ■ ' __ Howard Robbins Employed As City Engineer By Town Council Information was released early i this week that Howard C. Rob-1 bins has been employed as city engineer for Edenton, a move 'which has been considered for some time by Eden ton’s Town fcoupcil and which is expected to .be a big improvement for work of an engineering nature in Edteton. .. j*j.. - . M*. Robbins will he directly connected and in charge of the 'strict Department and act as consulting engineer fW the • *ia*ictric & Water Department. He will Edenton Thursday, 'August 15. Hr. Robbins is npw in charge if construction of Edenton’s lvy I ■ , , « •»» “TTi^i Mr. Robbins is especially fond of Edenton, which had a major influence in his accepting the [position in Edenton when it was - ' • • . . Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, July 4, 1963. Water T "s In | Edento % ply; Deve X\ \ Art c 0? 1 ' ' Group Nov winning To Visit Other Areas In Order to Display Their Skill Local water skiers, who re cently displayed skills before an appreciative home town crcwd, are now being sought in other places. Plans are being made for the troupe to perform at three places during the next two months. The skiers next will go to Clarksville* Va., on beautiful Kerr Lake in late July. Scott Harrell of the Edenton Marina was pleased with the re-- cent efforts of the group he sponsored. Tentative plans for the future include the construc tion of a six-foot water ski jump ramp, which should add considerably to the list of acts and thrills that will be available in future shows. Now that local skiers have the experience of their first show behind them, future efforts will require less time to organize. Members of the ski troupe are Rita Mayo, Mary Thorud, Scot tie Harrell, Wayne Ross, Frank Bunch, Animal Lafavor, Kappy Kirtley, John Graham, Bud Holmes, Jay Ross, Gray Kirtley, Linda Garrett, Scarlet Wheeler, Leslie Phipps, Hiram Mayo, Jr., Reny Spencer, Sam Cox and Scott Harrell. George Burdick, former pro fessional skier, is directing the group as well as performing in the shows. Acts that have been accomplished include barefoot skiing, the human pyramid, top side tandem, doubles with a layout, water ballet, backwards swan on shoe skis, wrap-around, wake turns and other stunts. A color film made of the re cent show will soon be available for showings. WilHamston Negro Faces Manslaughter Charlie Ben Biggs, who was involved in an automobile acci dent Sunday night, June 23 in which two people were killed and five injured, has been charg ed with two counts of man slaughter and drunken driving. Biggs, 34-year-old Williamston Negro, was released under $2,500 bond for trial at the September term of Chowan Superior Court and S2OO bond for his appear- 1 ance in Chowan Recorder’s | Court on the drunken driving. charge. * —1 20 Years Ago A* Found Tn Lit File* Ol The Chowan Herald • j Users of electricity In Edenton were agreeably surprised when they received their June electric bill which was mefked "Paid." A slip accompanying the bill said that the Board of Public Works feels that the financial situation at the close of a fiscal year warrants passing on to the customers a 'month's electric ser vice at no cost. Two Edenton boys, William Leary and Gurnie Hobbs, played the role of heroes at Nags (Head when they saved two young la dies from dtowning. The two ladies were Miss Annie Cooper and Mrs. Roger Hunter, both of Elisabeth City. At the Lions state convention held at Winston-Salem, W, J- Taylor, secretary of the Edenton Lions Club, was awarded a sec retarial award for efficiency and promptness in sending in month ly reports to the district gov ernor. Josh Horne, publisher of the Rocky Mount Telegram, in a letter to The Herald, compli mented Edenton for employing J. R. (Fats) Tanner as chief of Police. Mr. Tanner was deputy sheriff for 14 years in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Edith West died in the Continued 6a Page 4, Section 1 ROTA RIANS CALL OFF MEETING TWS WEEK Edenton’s Rotary Club will not meet Thursday afternoon, July 4, due to the observance of Independence Day. The club will meet Thursday, July 11, when .Bill Court wiU have Honored By VFW Auxiliaries Wt ' ’ fir w * isl C H HI HF iff m- «i > H M H. Igßlgiglßl. Mmmmmm, ■9| —1 * «*:»;• If-fit fcfcj I .Jl üßp „ B i BmIWBB . 881 At a meeting of District 1 VFW Auxiliaries of District 1 held in Sunburv Wednesday night. June 19, Mrs. Wilma Dean Bunch of Elizabeth City, president of District 1, presented a set of Sam sonite Air Flite luggage to Mrs. Blanche Hudgins of Sunbury on behalf of members of VFW Auxiliaries in the First District. Town Council Approves Tentative Budget Calling For Same SI.OO Tax Rate Year’s Overall Budget $246,569, Which Is $22,119 Higher Than Last Year Meeting in special session Wed nesday night of last week, mem bers of Edenton’s Town Council worked at great length on the town’s budget for the fiscal year 1963-64. At the conclusion of the meet ing, after figures were juggled j to some extent, the Councilmen came up with a tentative tax rate of SI.OO per SIOO property valuation, the same rate as last year. The overall budget provides j for anticipated expenditures of I $246,569.40 an increase over last year when the overall budget was $224,449.64. The budget for the Admini strative Department calls for expenditures of $18,825.04 com pared with $10,794.81 last year. The Police Department budget estimates expenditures of $40,800 j which compares with $36,455 •, last year. For the Fire Department the anticipated disbursements are $25,543.02 as compared with; $21,44’8 last year. The Street Department, largest of the various department bud- 1 gets anticipates expenditures of $128,070. This compares with SIIO,OOO last year. I Other expenses are calculated to amount to $33,228.33 this year as compared with $45,651.83 last year. With estimated revenue calcu lated to be $159,465.40, the amount to be raised by taxation ' is $87,000, which will be raised | by the SI.OO tax rate. At the meeting the Councilmen also approved a government, grant under the accelerated pub lic works program for $138,000 for water and sewer extensions. Stis will include Brown Com ny subdivision, Jackson Street, U. S. Highway 17 west of Hewes Street, Leigh and Barker Streets, I Albemarle Street and Twiddy. Avenue, the Industrial Park, | Dock Street, Granville Street to] the Virginia Road, Church to 1 Oakum, Oakum on Mill Avenue to King Street and Albemarle Street. During the meeting bids were opened to furnish gas and oil for the town’s rolling equipment. The low bidder was Simpson’s Sinclair Service, which was awarded the contract for the new fiscal year. Coastland Oil | Company was awarded the con- ( [tract to furnish fuel oil and ker osene. The Councilmen also accepted a strip of land 25x490 feet in the Cypress Lodge area. MEETING CALLED OFF Unanimity, Lodge No. 7, A- F. & A. M., will call off its regular meeting Thursday night, July x 4, i due to the observance of lnde-| pendence Day. _ Mayo Installed As Rotary President Other Officers Take Over Duties at East . Week’s Meeting Edenton Kotarians at their meeting Thursday installed Hi-, I ram J.. Mayo as president for the new Rotary year. He suc ceeds Col. W. B. Rosevear, who was given a round of applause for a very successful year under his administration. Mr. Rosevear j expressed his appreciation for I the interest and cooperation he had received during the year. The installation ceremony was conducted by C. W. Overman. Others who took office were West Byrum, Jr., vice president and Richard Dixon, Comdr. Zech; Bond, Blair Gibson and W. B. Gardner as directors of the club. \ civic calendar! S. —j) Chowan Golf and Country Club will stage special events on July 4. Rocky Hock Community Cen ter will hold an organizational meeting in the community cen ter Monday night, July 8 at 8 o'clock. An emergent communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A- F. & A. M.. will be held Tuesday night, July 9, at 7:30 o'clock. A baseball game between the Rocky Hock RA's and Ballard's Bridge RA's will be played on the Chowan High School dia mond Thursday night, July 4, at 8 o'clock. Bridge lessons will begin the first week in July. Chowan Tribe No. 12. Im proved Order of Red Men, will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock. William H. Coffield, Jr. Post, No. 9280. Veterans of Foreign! I Wars, will meet Tuesday night i at 8 o'clock. Classes tor Civil Air Patrol, ! pilots and future pilots will be [held Friday night at the opera tions building at the Edenton airport. 14 Negroes Apply For Enrollment In Local White Schools Applications from 14 Negro children have been received to : enter John A. Holmes High I School and the Edenton Ele mentary School. However, the applications were not made on the proper form, so that the Edenton school trustees have allowed 10 days beginning June 29th to secure and fill * out the proper application forms, which can be secured from Superin tendent Hiram Mayo. The names of the 14 Negroes I seeking enrollment in the white schools were not divulged. VFW Auxiliaries Os First District Meet At Sunbury Mrs. Doris Toler, Pre sident of Local Aux-| iliary, Honored Dur ing Meeting A meeting of the Sunbury Ladies’ Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was held at the Post Home at Sunbury on Wed nesday night, June 19. The meeting was opened by Mrs.~Vera Hofler, president of the Sunbury Auxiliary, and minutes of the previous meeting were read. Mrs. Wilma Dean Bunch of Elizabeth City, president of Dis trict No. 1, presented a set of Samsonite Air Flite luggage to Mrs. Blanche Hudgins of Sun bury. Mrs. Hudgins was recent ly elected president of the La-1 dies’ Auxiliary of the Depart | ment of North Carolina, Vet erans of Foreign Wars, at the Department Convention in Ashe ville June 7 through the oth. She was president of District No. 1 for a number of years and was first vice president of the Department last year. She has taken a very active interest in the VFW and is one of its best champions. She has a VFW family in fact. Her husband. I Bill Hudgins, has held a number 1 of offices in the district and De- j partment and her daughter Sally recently became a member of the Auxiliary in Sunbury. The luggage was presented to Mrs. Hudgins in behalf of Dis trict No. 1, Ladies’ Auxiliaries, which includes Edenton, Eliza beth City, Plymouth and Sun bury. A two year district president pin was presented to Mrs. Doris I Toler of Edenton by Mrs. Hud gins. Mrs. Toler is now presi- ‘ dent of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, j William H. Coffield Post 9280,; , Edenton. Mrs. Hudgins also gave a re- | port on the Department of North Carolina VFW Convention held June 7 through 9th in Asheville Each auxiliary in District No. 1 was represented at the meet ing with Plymouth having three present, Elizabeth City having eight present, Edenton having two present, and Sunbury hav ing six present. A social hour was held after the meeting during which Mrs. | Maude Fearing of Elizabeth City j played the piano. The meeting was then adjourned. Fred Keefer New Red Men Sachem; Tribe Elects New Of ficers For 6-Month Term Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improv ed Order of Red Men elected officers for a six months term with Fred Keeter being elected sachem to succeed Robert. Brooks. Other officers elected were Prophet. Robert Brooks; Thomas Jackson, senior sagamore; Leroy Henninger. junior sagamore, and J. Edwin Bufflap, trustee for 18 months. Clyde Hollowed, William E \ Barrow and William D. Harris were appointed «s the tribe's j representatives on a committee to work with the state organiza tion on behalf of a retarded chil dren’s movement adopted by the Great Council of North Carolina. MASONS CALL FOB SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 9 T. B. Williford, master of Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F. & | A. M., anounces that an emer- 1 gent communication will be held J Tuesday night, July 9, at 7:30 o’clock. The purpose of the meeting is to examine two can didates and Mr. Williford urges a large attendance. Immediately following this meeting the Chowan Scottish Rite Club will meet. VFW MEETS TUESDAY William H. Coffield, Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night, July 9, at 8 o’clock. Commander Noah Goodwin, Jr., urges a •large turnout of members. 1 $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina W. J. Taylor Settles School Squabble By Submitting Resignation On Monday i New r President r t'j j p^BBBk Ik 1 B 1 k i 918 I i t l I' ! HIRAM J. MAYO Edenton Rotarians at Tues- j day’s meelinq installed Hiram J. ; Mayo as new club nresideni. He I succeeds Col. W. B. Rosevear. ( George K Mack ln: Group Honored For i | Highway Service: Edenton Man Among J I 41 to Receive 40-Year « Award Representing ! 1,640 Years Service j Forty-one highway employees ■ from across North Carolina, rep- ■ resenting 1,640 years of service : were honored by a special , awards program held in Ra- 1 I leigh Thursday. i Gov. 'terry Sanford. Highway .Commission Chairman Merrill | Evans and Director W. F. Bab | cock were joined by highway ; 'officials and personnel to pay special tribute to the group. ' Speeches by Chairman Merrill Evans and Governor Sanford proceeded a presentation cere mony. Each employee with 49 j years of service was presented a framed certificate by the Gov . ernor and service pins were 'awarded by Assistant Chief En gineer Ivan Hardesty. | Among those to receive the ; 1 40-year award was George K. Mack of Edenton. Schedule Is Released For SS Representative Icen E. Wilson, district mana ger of the Greenville Social Se jcuritv Office, released the sched ule of visits to all counties in !t he district for the month of July. For Chowan County Mr. Wil- ; son will be at the Court House Thursdays. July 11, 18 and 25 from 9:30 A. M . to 12:30 P. M. Baseball Game On 1 Chowan Field July 4 There will be a baseball game Thursday night, July 4th at 8. 'o’clock at the Chowan Highj< School ball park. The Rocky I Hock RA’s will play the Bal lard’s Bridge RA’s. All are urg -led to come out and have an en- Ijoyable 4th of July night. I ! Ringing Os Bells In Edenton To Feature July 4 Celebration The Chowan Court House bell. | along with church bells in Eden-1 ton. will ring July 4th at 1 P. M. EST as part of the nationwide | observance of “Let Freedom Ring” on Independence Day. | As it was 200 years ago that ■ Joseph Hewes, a signer of the jDeclavation of Independence, moved to Edenton, a wreath will be placed at the Joseph Hewes monument on the Court House Green Thursday to commemo rate Hewes’ participation in signing of this historic document that marked the birth of our country' as a free and independ ent nation. The' local observance is spon sored by the Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR. Everyone is urged