A Newspaper bkvoted |j To the Progress of the Albemarle Area V /U Volume XXX.—Number 47. Criminal Docket In Term Os Superior Court Ends Before Noon On Tuesday *■ Golden A. Frinks Sent To Roads For Viola tion of Former Sus pended Sentence The criminal doeket of Cho wan Superior Court Was complet ed shortly before noon Tuesday with Judge Chester Morris pre siding. The term of court was opened with a prayer by the Rev. George B. Holmes, rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, immedi ately after which the roll of jurymen was called and the Grand Jury selected. Those drawn for the Grand Jury were Dearl B. Parks, Char lie Norman Sutton, Charlie T. Dixon, Sr., Carlton Bunch, Her man W. Nixon, N. E. Hollowed, Jr., Robert Mathis, Edgar Fred erick Bunch, T. E. Lane, C. Spur geon Tynch, Sr., Johnny Jack son, Lyman R. Blanchard, Leon E. Bunch, George W. Lewis, Gar land Toppin, Thomas L. Ashley, W. W. Byrum, Jr., and Rufus Smithson. George Lewis was appointed foreman of the jury. Before going into the business of the court an impressive cere mony was held when William S. Privott presented Robert Bland Smith, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith of Edenton to Judge Morris and the court. Judge Morris administered the oath to the young attorney ad mitting him as a member of the Continued on Page 3, Section i Christmas Seal Health Drive Gets Under Way In Chowan The annual Christmas Seal j campaign «i»ek>wim C<*ui>ly re ceived its traditional sendoff Fri-j day, November 15, with.the gen eral mailing of Christmas Seals j to residents. Proceeds of the | campaign will be used by the ' Chowan County Tuberculosis and Health Association to combat tu berculosis and other respiratory' diseases. R. Graham White, president, said that millions of lives have been saved since the first contri bution was made for a Christmas Rev. George Holmes Men’s Club Speaker The Methodist Men’s Club will hold a dinner meeting tonight (Thursday) at 6:30 o’clock at the churoh. Guest speaker for the meet ing will be the Rev. George B. Holmes, rector of St. Paul’s Epis- CQpal Church. Tony Miley, president of the club, urges all members to at- 1 tend this informative program. 20 Years Ago! As Found In The Files Os j The Chowan Herald > . Due to several recent fires caused by oil stoves. Fire Chief R. K. Hall called attention to the fact that the law required an oil stove to be at least 18 inches from woodwork unless a shield of asbestos or metal is provided. At the request of Lieut. Col. Zebulon C. Hopkins, commanding Continued on Page 6—Section » f BIBLE LAND TOUR 1 By MRS. E. L. WARP \ j V Editor’* Note: Mrs. E. 1. Wort, who durinr the post Hammer toured the Holy Lmd tor a period of five weeks, very kindly has written an I£oMt of her very, pisosaM tour, t Her impressions of the tour will ap pear In Installments, the third of which appears this week. The Dome of the Rock k a huge mosque where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac, The dome is pure gold. Jerusalem id surrounded by high walls. The golden gate through which jesus entered has been waited up since the seventh century fc and tradition says it will re jy - jpuln closed until Jesus, returns. The Garden of Gethsemame is a lovely walled gardeh at the 'loot of the Mount of Olives. The ■vfoed means “olive press.” In , ths%arden are eight dive trees said to be 2.500 years old and THE CHOWAN HERALD >■— ■ —1 Teenager Os Month :>• ||g|M&g|§|. p§| m ... ti.. MISS JUDY BYRUM Edenton Jaycetles have cho sen Miss Judy Byrum, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram By rum, as Teenage Girl of the Month. Businesses Close For Thanksgiving All places of business in Eden ton will be closed Thursday, No vember 28 for Thanksgiving and most stores will be open until 9 P. M., on the next three Sat urdays. Beginning Monday. December 16, through Christmas Eve, most of Edenion's merchants will re main open every night until 9 o'clock for the convenience of shoppers. i j Seal. “But the saving of lives is not enough,” iyj 'ahdcd. ‘.‘We • i,are also continuing to wage a relentless fight against the suf ; [ sering, tragedy, loss of time and • | money that result from TB and i (other diseases that affect breath l ing. Many of these other res piratory diseases are not only • gravely harmful in themselves, 'but increase susceptibility to , TB.” Figures released by the Unit ed States Public Health Service ; Continued on Page 7. Section 1 Jaycees Dance On Wednesday, Nov. 27 Affair WilTße Held In Armory Starting At 9 O’clock Edenton’s Jaycees will sponsor their annual Thanksgiving dance, which will be held in the Eden ton armory Wednesday night, November 27. The dance will begin at 9 o’clock and continue until 1 o’clock, with music pro vided by Bud Skiles and his Combo. Table reservations can be made by telephoning 482-3496 or 482- 2375. ROTARIANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Parish House. President Hiram Mayo urges a 100 percent attendance. - - - ing in many native flowers and shrubs. It really seems a “place .apart” from the noise and con fusion outside. We had time to walk here in the garden awhile and feel Christ’s presence near. The "Church of Agony” was built in 1924 over th£ rock where Jesus knelt in agonizing prayer. We visited the excava tions going on at the Pool of Bethesda, which means “House of Healing.” We walked the way of Calvary, 14 stations on the way, each station designated .by a church or mosque. We . thought it would be closed off and a peaceful place but there were bazaars on,eao*i side, some filled with meat without bene i fit of refrigeration in the in tense heat Fast traffic of large _ nr _ •urno nnnctflfltlv Knrrving ] Continued on Page 7, Section 2 Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 21, 1963. Work Started On Repairing Kitchen At Iredell House Extensive Work Now Under Way In Order ! To Improve Colonial Garden Remodeling the inside kitchen at the James Iredell House, a major project of the Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR, was begun this week by the Edenton Construction Company. The work, which will include a mew floor, cabinets and the replacing of rotten timbers, is being financed jointly by the chapter and the James Iredell Association. The improvements are for the convenience of mem bers in serving food to raise funds for further restoration of the house. Plans for the remodeling of the kitchen were presented by the chairman, Mrs. George Hos kins. at a meeting of the chan ter Wednesday, November 13, at the Edenton Restaurant. It was also reported that ex tensive work is being done on the Colonial Garden to put it in good shape for next spring. Continued on Page 7, Section ) Mrs. Cordon Will Be Guest Speaker At DAR Meeting Members of Edenton Tea Party Chapter Will Be Host For Dis trict Gathering Mrs. Norman Cordon of Chapel Hill, state regent of the Daugh ters of I>r»e Amerli’a# Revolution, will be guest speaker at the Dis trict Eight DAR Good Citizen Day here Saturday, November 23. Mrs. Wood Privott of Edenton, district director, said about 75 persons are expected for the day including the 31 Good Citizens representing 10 chapters in the district. The purpose of the day is to further the teaching of Ameri canism by setting forth the his torical, patriotic and educational objectives of the society. The Good Citizens are senior girls attending accredited public high schools selected for their depend ability, service, leadership and Continued on Page 3, Section 1 Aces Honored At Barbecue Supper Affair Will Be Held at VFW Building To night at 6:30 Edenton’s Aces and their coaches will be guests at a bar becue supper which is scheduled to be held at the VFW building tonight (Thursday) at 6:30 o’clock. During the supper a special tribute will be paid to the seniors who were members of this year’s Aces. The barbe cue supper will be served by Joe’s Drive-In. The supper was planned to honor this year’s Aces, who hung up an enviable 8-1-1 record, as well as their coaches, Jerry Mc- Gee and Billy Hardison and rep resentatives of the press and ra dia and others who loyally sup ported the team. / Pat Flaqnagan will act as master of ceremonies at the sup per, \ Firemen Will Sponsor Turkey Shoot Nov. 23 The Center Hill-Cross Roads Volunteer Fire Department will sponsor a Thanksgiving turkey shoot Saturday, November 23, at the fire station. Shooting willi begin at 1 t». M., and continue, until 9 P. M. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be on sale in the fire station during tRe shoot. Proceeds from this event will go toward adding protective equipment and cloth ing for the firemen, so that it is hoped the school have, d Cited For Work Performance ■ H I I H 1 v fKMVBI 111 $ if w lllli fII>HP m™ i» ? '!IS : v Hgr - IJgff ■v % \ til Ilk H 1 IB SOIL KV. V7. - fl ——aea—■wti'WJW' ll ,' 'll x:v. v S&BsKz. , h s. f / Ellon Askew, Jr., construction inspector for the Soil Conserva tion Service, is shown receiving a certificate of merit from T. J. walkup, slate administrative officer, for above average work per formance during 1962. He also received a cash award. The award was recently presented to Mr. Askew at a service staff meeting. Mr. Askew is currently serving as construction inspector on Pol lock Swamp Watershed in Chowan County with headquarters in the work unit office in Edenton. Gov. Terry Sanford Will Be Speaker AtMeeting Os Area Development Group * Annual Meeting Fri-I day Night, December 13, at Edenton Arm , ory at 7 O’clock 1 Albemarle Area Development Association will hold its annual I meeting at the Edenton National , Guard armory Friday night, De cember 13, at 7 o’clock. This an-, ■ nouncement was made by Presi dent Richard Atkinson, Jr., of [ Elizabeth City. , Mr. Atkinson announced that the principal speaker for the Meeting wiliv.be .Govemgr Jlerny ' Sanford. Community awards will be presented, progress reports made by each division, and new offi | cers elected for the coming year. Atkinson urged each of the counties represented in the ' AADA to send a good, large, en thusiastic county group. ( The association comprises 10 counties, including Gates .Cho wan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, I Camden, Currituck, Dare, Tyr , rell, Washington and Hyde. ; Geo. lewis Named CountyKeyßanker Coordinates Farm Ac ■ tivities of Bankers Association NCBA President John J. Mas ' on of Tarboro has announced that George Lewis will serve as “County Key Banker” during the next 12 months for Chowan . County. Mr. Lewis is farm relations j officer of Peoples Bank & Trust , Company. He will coordinate | the farm activities of the N. C. ( Bankers Association for this area. } Pointing to the recognition . that Tar Heel bankers have won for their service to agriculture , through the farm programs of the NCBA, President Mason | Continued on Page 6. Section 1 BANK CLOSED NOV. 28 Peoples Bank & Trust Com pany and the Consumer Credit Branch will be closed all day Thursday, November 28, due to v the observance of Thanksgiving. . All important banking business ’ should, therefore, be transacted accordingly. Adult Classes Scheduled To Be Held At Chowan High School i , 1 Plans are now in progress, to r conduct adult classes in parlia : mentary procedure and conduct L! of business meetings to be held s at the Chowan High School. An organizational meeting is l scheduled to be held tonight i j (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock in the i vocational agriculture building at ! Chowan High School. Both men •'and women are invited to en t roll in then classes, si Everett White, teacher of vo cational agriculture, reports that Early Next Week In order for Herald employees to observe Thanksgiving, The Herald will appear a day earlier next week. The paper will be printed Tuesday instead of Wed nesday, so that all news and advertising copv must accord- I ingly be in the office a day earlier in order to appear in [next week’s issue. Contract Awarded For P. 0. Repairs! Entire Building Now Is Scheduled to Be Modernized A contract has been awarded to Shields & Wyatt, architects, Fenner & Proffit, engineers of Rocky Mount for design of ex tension to and remodeling of the Edenton Post Office building. The work will include air con ditioning, lighting, electrical work, interior and exterior paint ing and related repairs. Plans and specifications for the work are scheduled to be com pleted the latter part of April, 1 1964. The professional services con tract was let by the Atlanta Re gional Office of General Services Administration at Atlanta, Ga. That office will also solicit bids for the repair and improvement work at a date to be announced later. HD Clubs Observe Husbands’ Night Delightful Affair Is Held at Center Hill Tuesday Night The Center Hill Community Building was the scene of a very delightful affair Tuesday .night when Chowan County’s Home Demonstration Clubs observed their 17th annual Husbands’ Supper. The Center Hill Club was hostess for the occasion and served a delicious turkey din- Conlinued on Page 7—Section 1 i there will probably be more wo • men than men who enroll in the ; class. I The classes will be about two hours in length and about 8 or i 10 hours will be needed to com t plete the course. The course is i being conducted as part of the 1 Vocational Education Program of i Vocational Agriculture and Home • Economics Departments of Cho wan High School. Other adult] - evening classes will be offered' t at a lkter date, New Parking Area IsNowCompleted; Handles 175 Cars Adjoining Area Will Be Devoted to Park ing Facilities at Lat er Date i Edenton’s new parking area has now been completed back of the stores on the east side of Broad Street. Eden Street has also been hard surfaced and ex tended into the parking area so that there is now convenient ac cess to the parking area which, when marked off, will accom modate in, the neighborhood of 175 automobiles. Another area will later provide additional parking space which, when completed, will increase parking facilities to about 214 cars. The old warehouse on county property has been torn down and when time permits ce t ment will be torn up by town employees and removed to a fill on Jackson Street preparatory to extending this street. This ad ditional area will subsequently be hard surfaced and marked off for parking. The new parking area will be under the supervision of, Edenton police and is expected to greatly relieve the serious parking sit uation on Broad Street. There will be no charge for parking in the new area. Eight Edenton Aces Placed On 1963 AA All-Conference Teams Eight Edenton Aces were plac ed on the AA All-Conference team which was announced last week. Three of the Aces were named on the first string team and included Harry Spruill as a back, Douglas Twiddy as an end and Charles Overton as an in terior lineman. On the second string were Hi ram Mayo, Jr., as a back and [Walter Small as an interior line man. On the honorable mention list Local Police Pick Up Florida Youths Trio of 17 - Year - Old Boys Charged With Automobile Theft Edenton police arrested three Florida youths about 11 o’clock Sunday night at the Laundromat adjoining the A&P Store on North Broad Street. The police suspected that the trio had plan ned to rob the coin boxes in the Laundromat. The three youths were Jerry A. Gray, 17, and James Skipper Hardy, 17, both of Clearwater, •Fla., and Larry Howard, 17, of Daytona Beach. The police learned that the boys had stolen an automobile at Miami and headed north. The police also report that a Georgia license plate was stolen and placed on the stolen car. The boys were turned over to the FBI for prosecution on charges of stealing an automo bile. Slides Will Feature Boy Scout Meeting All Boy Scouts and their par ents are invited to be present at the Scout hut for a meeting Monday night, November 25, at 7:30 o’clock. A feature of this meeting willi be color slides of the 1960 Scout Jamboree at Colorado Springs in Colorado. The slides will be shown by Lieut. Col. Edward Bass, who attended the Jam boree. Mr. Bass will also give infor mation about the 1964 Jamboree to be held next year at Valley Forge to camp at America’s his tory making site, where George Washington made history. All Scouts and parents are in vited from Edenton, Rocky Hock and Center Hill communities. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions Club will meet Monday night, November 25, at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Res ] tauranL Dr. A/ F. Downum, •president of the club, urges ev ery Lion to be present. $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Town Council Tentatively Awards Contract To Build New Municipal Building Glee Club Secretary (T v - ’ -■>• -- < - Mi&jgm , M _• mm Wm 1. mm k mm 1 a J ; | fticnara £>. a i.cmnan at IN. C. Stale College, has been elected secretary of the Col legiate Glee Club. For four years Richard was an active member of the Chowan High School Glee Club, which is di rected by Miss Ceceilia Wil loughby. He was soloist, a mem ber of a male quartet and presi dent of the Glee Club in his senior year. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett S. White of Tyner. • j was Douglas Sexton as a back : and Durrell Ambrose and Perry . Byrum as interior linemen. ■ j The complete first siring All -1 Conference team consists of 1 I Freddie Combs and Francis i II Combs of Perquimans and Harry ' ■ I Spruill of Edenton as backs-J j Jimmy Hunter of Perquimans ■ j and Douglas Twiddy of Edenton I j as ends; Mack Nixon and Gene I Yohn of Perquimans, Charles I Overton of Edenton, Jimmy 'tonlinned on Page 4—Section ’ Mrs. Hollowell Is Elected Chairman Girl Scout Council First Area Meeting of Group Held In Eden ton on Tuesday Af ternoon Mrs. W. H. Hollowell, Jr., was elected chairman of Area Associ ation 111 of the Greater Tide water Girl Scout Council at a meeting Tuesday at the Barker House Also elected from Edenton were Mrs. R. Elton Forehand, a delegate, and Mrs. James P. j Ricks, Jr., to the nominating : I committee. All are members of the Eden- I ton Woman’s Club, who sponsor .Scouting in Edenton. The Wo- Continuaa on Paq« 3—Seek 'n J i MYF Group Plans To Hold Herring Supper The senior MYF of the Eden • ton Methodist Church will spon sor a pickled herring supper Fri . day night, November 22. The supper will be served at the church from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. Tickets can be purchased from j members of the MYF or they will be available at the door. ' Plans Moving Ahead To Form Hall Os Fame For Edenton The Edenton Chamber of Commerce is readying plans to move ahead with the idea of es tablishing a national shrine for patriots of the Revolution, West W. Byrum, president of the Chamber says. “At the last reg ular meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Chamber, Byrum stated, “it was unanimously vot ed that the idea was worthy of development and that non-profit incorporation papers be drawn for the ‘Hall of Fame’. “While this is a long range ' project,” Byrum said, “its po tential for attracting tourists r T For Quick Results . . . Try a Classified Ad In The Herald j> ! Total Cost Amounts to $141,207; Far Above Original Estimate of About SIOO,OOO Meeting in special session Wednesday night of last week, Town Councilmen tentatively awarded a contract for the con struction of a new Municipal Building. Bids for the building were far above expectations. It was expected that the cost would be in the neighborhood of SIOO,- 000, but due to the necessity for driving piling, together with con tingencies and engineering fees, the cost soared to $141,207. Thj actual bid for t,he building was $127,601 with the following con tractors being low bidders: Gen eral construction, Dawson Con struction Company of Kinston, $108,000; plumbing, Kinston Plumbing & Heating Company, $4,810; heating and air-condition ing, White’s Heating & Sheet Metal Company of Williamston, $8,900; electrical, Davis Electric Company of New Bern, $5,891. Bids will be open for 30 days and actual awarding of contracts depends upon information re ceived from the Housing & Home Finance Agency, operating un der the Department of Com merce. A grant of $68,000 has Continued on Page 7, Section 1 Frances Holton In Order Os Scorpion Miss Frances Holton, daughter of Mrs. David Q. Holton of Edenton, has been elected to the Order of the Scorpion at Salem College in Winston-Salem. The honor was announced by Dean Ivy M. Hixson. The Order of the Scorpion is an honorary service organization. The honor is awarded by the membership of 14 students in recognition for outstanding ser vice to the college. Miss Holton is a senior at Salem College. Her major is chemistry. She is vice presi dent of the senior class, vice chairman of the judicial board of student government, vice chairman for May Day, and make-up chairman for the Salem College Pierrette Players. Bake Sale Will Be Held November 27 The Rocky Hock Community will sponsor a bake sale at Belk-Tyler's store Wednesday, November 27, beginning at 9 A. M. All kinds of cakes and pies for Thanksgiving and other goodies will be on sale, with proceeds going toward curtailing indebtedness on the Community Club. Advance orders can be made by calling Mrs. W. H. Saunders, phone 482-4024; Mrs. O. C. Long, phone 482-3010, or Mrs. Marvin Smith, phone 482-3026. [ CIVIC calendar] Albemarle Area Development Asociation will hold its annual meeting in the Edenton National Guard armory Friday night, De cember 13, at 7 o'clock. Good Citizen Day for the 81 h District of the DAR will be held in Edenton Saturday, Novem ber 23. Edenton Javcees will sponsor Continued on Page B—Section > from all parts of the country, we feel, is of high rank.” The increase of hundreds of tourists going through and stop ping over in Edenton will be mounting steadily in the years ahead partly through the efforts of the Coastal Historyland Trail Association with promotion of its package tours and through the normal increased flow of traffic on U. S. 17 due to the time-saving shortcut effected by the new Chesapeake Bay Bridge* Tunnel soon to be completed. “The board of directors of the

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