A Newspaper Devotcxf To the Progress of the Albemarle Area /■ . \ Volume XXX—Number 51. In Neighborhood Os 150 Attend Annual Meeting Development Association Gov. Sanford High In Praise of Activities;; David R. Dear Elect-! ed New President • In the neighborhood of 350' people representing the Albe marle Area Development Asso ciation gathered in the Edenton armory Friday night to attend i tlie annual meeting of the asso-j riation. The association includes! Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hyde,. Pasquotank, ; Pterquimans, Tyrrell and Wash ington counties, and all were ' well represented. Governor Terry Sanford was the principal speaker for the oc casion and spoke following a de licious barbecue chicken dinner served by the Center Hill com munity. Richard Atkinson, Jr., 1 of Elizabeth City, president ofj the association, presided over the meeting. The invocation was by the Rev. Fred Still, pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church and prior and during the meal .music was provided by The Fabulous Dots of Pasquotank County. Governor Sanford was intro duced by Senator N. Elton Ayd lett of Elizabeth City. The Governor had no prepared speech and was high in praise of the association, which he said | was the first such group to or-| ganize during his administration. He complimented the association r for its accomplishments during Continued on Page 11, Section 2 Two Special Services At Methodist Church Next Sunday morning, Decem ber i 2, at 11 o’clock, the choir of the Methodist Church will present a Christmas cantata with the Christmas story narrative. At 7 o’clock Sunday night a dramatic candlelight service will be held, which will be followed by a Christmas party in the fel lowship hall. Ail members of the congregation are especially urged to attend both services. ’ 20 Years Ago As Found In The Files Os The Chowan Herald ' An appeal was made to con iine Christmas lighting decora tions to Christmas trees inside private homes. Miss Lena Jones, publicity ohairman of the County WAC drive, received a letter of com mendation from Governor J. Melville Broughton compliment- 1 ary to the efforts and. results of I the drive in Chowan County. Mrs. W. H. Coffield, Chairman; of the Red Cross surgical dress ings classes, reported that a to- Contimied on ?age 12. Section 2 Powder Puff Football Game Is Scheduled Thursday Afternoon With Senior Girls vs. Juniors All the fellows who like both football and' girls are in for r treat this (Thursday) aftemoor as the Tri-Hi-Y of John A Holmes High School sponsors a “powder-puff’ football game Twq teams, each composed en-, lirely of girls, will be playing a two-hand-touch football game scheduled to begin at 3:45 on Hicks Field. One team will be composed of senior girls and the other will include junior girls. Coaches kJerry McGee and Billy Hardison jfgll be pacing tl>e opposing side jfijjis as coaches for the two TV game is sponsored by the fef-Hi-Y as a fund-raising pro- : ject, go that an admission of 25 ’ ' • t. P B & ~> Store Hours As has been the custom in the past, most places of busi ness will be closed for the Christmas holiday Wednesday, December 25 and also *he day following. Thursday, Decem ber 26. For the convenience of all customers most of Edenton's stores will be open until 9 o'clock through Christmas Eve. Herald Printed Early Next Week In order for Herald em ployees to enjoy a few days for the Christmas holidays. The Herald will be printed on Monday of next week. It will be necessary, there fore. lo have news items and advertising in the office by Saturday morning. Johnny Winborne Is Selected For Morehead Award Interview One hundred eighty-one North i Carolina high school male seniors j have been selected by More head Award County Committees this fall for further considera tion for . 1964 four-year - all-ex-, pensc'-paid Morehead awards to the University of North Caro lina. These young men, selected on merit alone without considera tion of financial need, will now he interviewed by Morehead District Selection Committees, beginning in January. W. Her bert Hoßowell, Jr., is chairman of the Chowan County Selec Mrs. Wood Privott Elected President Iredell Association •» Succeeds Grayson H. Harding, Who Has, Been President Over Ten Years Mis. Wood Privott was elect ed esident of the James Ire dell Association to succeed Grayson Harding at a meeting of the association held Wednesday of last week at the Edenton Restaurant. Mr. Harding, who had served as president for over 10 years, was praised for the many im provements made to the house during this time. A motion was Continued on Page 6, Section 1 -ents for adults. It is hoped his unique contest will attract i large crowd. The senior team will include Ruth Overman, Judy Byrum, j Betty Hollowell, Sandra Hare, Yvonne Alexander, Mary Thorud, | Sandra Cale, Sandra White, Car-j dlyn Clements, Sandra Bunch, Martha Vaughan, Artie Bass,; Suzanne George, Ellene Tarking-I ton and Brenda Penny; On the junior team will be Glenna Quinn, Claire Belch, Su san Byrum, Betsy Hardin, Shar lie Faircloth, Jane Walters, Brenda Culhrell, Arlene Fry, Miriam Willis, Helen Rogerson, Brenda Stallings, Gayle Oliver, Frances Privott, Johnetta Daven i . THE CHOWAN HERALD Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 19, 1963. Local Legion Post Tops Membership 114 Incentive Goal Legionnaires Compli mented For Achieve ment By State Com mander Edward G. Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion has ex ceeded its membership incentive goal for 1964, according to infor mation received from State Head -1 quarters of the American Leg ion in Raleigh. W. A. Perry, commander of ’ the post, has received a letter 1 from the Legion State Adjutant, Nash McKee, expressing congrat ulations and thanks to the mem bership chairman, all post offi cers, and membership workers for their effort. ' L. J. Phipps of Chapel Hill, Department Commander of the American Legion, issued a state ment of high praise for the local post. Commander Phipps said, “I am proud to congratulate the offi cers and Members of Post No. 40 upon this notable achieve- Cont'd. from Pag*, 6—Section 2 | tion Committee. Among the 181 youths se'ect ed from 826 boys wno were I nominated this fall by high school nominating committees is , JoJ.tmy Hutchins Wmbufne, a student at Chowan High School. Morehead awards were first made to graduates of North Carolina degree-granting colleges in 1951 for graduate study at UNC. Awards were first made to undergraduates in- 1 1953. Since the beginning of the program 374 boys have entered the Uni versity of North Carolina as Moreread Scholars. Band And Glee Club Present Delightful Christmas Concert Goodly Number Gath er In Auditorium to Hear Annual Christ man Concert A goodly number gathered in the John A. Holmes High School auditorium Sunday afternoon when the John A. Holmes High School Band and Glee Club pre sented a Christmas concert. The Glee Club was directed by Miss Suzanne Hardison and N. Stuart Patfen directed the band. Each number by the two groups was expertly presented, so that all who 'attended were very favorably impressed with the delightful program which lasted about an hour. The numbers presented by the Glee Club, with Miss Hardison Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Special Services At St. Paul’s Church The Festival of Lessons and ■ Carols will be presented Sunday . morning, December 22 at 11 | o’clock at St. Paul’s Episcopal I Church. Special music has been pre | pared by the Senior Choir in- I eluding “The Holly and the | Ivy”, “What Child Is This”, “In the Bleak Mid-Winter”, and Aria from “Messiah” by Handel, and “Lullay My Liking”, "Joseph Dearest” and “Ding Dong, Mer rily on High”. The carol service will follow the tradition of Bromsgrove School Chapel (England) with* readings from I Samuel, Isaiah, Saint Luke, Saint Matthew, the Continued on Page 6, Section 1 “...Where The Heart Is” Now, or two thousand years ago, When Wise Men trailed a star, We need not Santa, gifts or snow, For Christmas is where you are. Christmas is where you find its joy, In your heart or on a tree — And all the gift I want from you, dear, « Is just the love you give to me. —Wilborne Harrell Peanut Ton-and One-Half Club Banquet Scheduled To Be Held January 14th January 3 Is Deadline For Growers to Re port Figures to Local ASC Office The third annual Peanut Ton ar.d-One-Half Club banquet sponsored by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce will be heid Tuesday night, January 14 at the Edenton Restaurant, ac cording to Tom Shepard, chair man of the Chamber’s Agricul ture Committee. “'Last year,” Shepard said, “awards went to more than 40 farmers who averaged 3,000 pounds or more per acre of pea nuts on the entire farm quota. This year we expect even more teo attend our awards night ban quet as it has been an excellent year in regard to high yields.” “The grower who has the highest yield of peanuts per acre will receive a special silver loving cup award,” Shepard said. “However, invitations for the banquet will go out only to those who have reported their Continued from Page 7—Section 1 Chowan Farmers Vote To Continue Cotton Program | Chowan County farmers gave overwhelming approval to con tinuation of the cotton market ing quota program. Out of 530 eligible voters, 240 cast their | vote. This represents 44 per cent of eligible votes casting their vote. The referendum Tuesday of last week was held to determine whether marketing quotas will be continued, for the 1964 crops of both upland and extra long staple cotton. Chamber Commerce Directors Endorse “Little Federal Plan” At a meeting of the board of directors of the Edenton Cham ber of Commerce, held Thurs day afternoon, the group en dorsed the "Little Federal Plan”. This plan is in the form of anj amendment to the state’s consti-1 tution, which will be placed be-1 fore the voters of North Caro-1 lina in an election scheduled to I be held Tuesday, January 14. It is the hope of the directors that Chowan County citizens will turn out in great numbers to cast their ballots in favor of this proposed amendment. The proposed amendment has to do with the makeup of the • State Senate, which has been re districted. Membership remain ed at 50. but 33 districts were reshaped into 80 new ones, which 11 Longer Hours At P. O. Saturdav [j For the convenience of pa trons and in an effort to I handle last minute Christmas mailing. Postmaster J. L. Cheslnutt announces that the 1 j Edenton Post Office will re !i main open Saturday. Decem ber 21 from 8:30 A. M., until 5 P. M. I Mr. Chestnutt. of course urges local people to mail Christmas cards and packag es at once, and that the Post j Office will observe longer | hours Saturday in order to help as much as possible to have Christmas mail reach its destination before Christ mas. Little Time Left ForChristmasMail ! Warns Postmaster i Longer Hours In Ef fect In Order to Be j Os Service For Late ( Mailing “The time has passed to talk about ‘Mailing Early For Christ • mas’,” Postmaster J. L. Chest ■ | nutt says, “but you can still help us to avoid a tremendous last I minute pile-up of Christmas mail j if you’Jl send all your gift pack ' j ages and Christmas cards right r! now!” [ To the inevitable last minute ; mailers he suggests the use of ; Air Mail for every Christmas Continued on Page 12. Section 2 took Senators from the less pop ulous areas and added more to the more heavily populated areas. If the amendment passes, both houses of the General Assembly would be changed, beginning j with the 1967 session. The Sen- I ate would be based on popula i tion and the House of Represen- I tatives on area. The House I would have 100 members, one from each county, and the Sen ate would have 70 members. It is the opinion of the Cham ber of Commerce directors that it will help this section of the state if the amendment passes and it will hurt the area if it is defeated. For that reason they are urging Chowan voters to take the trouble to go t q the polls on January 14 and vote in favor of the amendment. Dr. Beverly Lake Speaker For DSA Banquet Jan. 23 Annual Jaycee Affair Scheduled to Be Held At Masonic Temple At 7 O’clock Jack Habit, president of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, has announced that the annual Jaycee Distinguished Service Award Banquet will be held Thursday night, January 23 at 7 o’clock. The banquet will be held at the Masonic Temple. Mr, Habit announced that the principal speaker for the occa sion will be Dr. I. Beverly Lake of Raleigh, who has announced' his candidacy for Governor of North Carolina. Edentonians who over the years have been DSA winners include James P. Ricks, Jr., Luther C. Parks, Joe Conger, Jr., John Gilliam Wood, Jr., Dr. Edward Bond. Eugene Ward. Scott Harrell, George A. Byrum and last year West Byrum. Jr., was the winner. Tom Hopkins is also a DSA winner, with the honor bestowed upon him in Plymouth. Edenton Tea Party Chapter Os DAR Supporting Hall Os Fame Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR passed a resolution en dowing and supporting a Hall of Fame for Revolutionary heroes in EMcnton at its meeting held Wednesday of last week at the Edenton Restaurant. The Hall of Fame was re cently incorporated by the F.denton Chamber of Commerce as a national shrine for Revolu tionary patriots. Mrs. James P. Ricks, Jr., re gent, announced the appointment of Mrs, David Redfield as his torian; Mrs. David Holton Good Citizen chairman, and Mrs. George Hoskins as the chapter representative to the Tourist Mrs. Helen Byrum | J Auxiliary President ■ Succeeds Mrs. Dorisl ,j Toler Who Recently Resigned ' The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Wil- j liam H. Coffield, Jr. Post 9280, j Veterans of Foreign Wars, sent their annual Christmas box last week to Caswell Training School in Kinston, N. C. Gifts this year included Dolls, balls, lipsticks and neck scarfs. At a call meeting held last week, Mrs. Helen Byrum was elected to fill the office of presi dent until new officers are elect ed in April. Mrs. Doris Toler ' resigned at the last regular i meeting in November. Christmas Carol Program Sunday At Baptist Church A Christmas carol service will be held at the Edenton Baptist j Church Sunday afternoon, De • cember 22 at 5 o’clock. Partici | pating in the service will be the j church choir and the Concord Choir. A program has been ar j ranged in keeping with the Christmas season, with the con gregation joining in singing fav orite Christmas hymns. Mrs. M. A. Hughes is director of the church choir and Mrs. Lena Leary directs the Concord Choir. Miss Agnes Chappell is organist. The program will include such favorite Christmas carols as “Let All Mortal Earth Keep Silence", “Joy To The World”, “Silent Night, Holy Night”, “Angels We Have Heard On High”, “Praise Continued on Page 11, Section 21 $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Chowan County Reaches Quota To Help Attract Travelers To Use U. S. 17 To Speak In Edenton <y _____ * Hi H ■ DR. I. BEVERLY LAKE Edenton Jaycees will hold their annual Distinguished Ser vice Award Banquet Thursday night, January 23, when the guest speaker will be Dr. I. Beverly Lake of Raleigh. Committee of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce. Mrs, Hoskins, chairman of the Kitchen Committee, reported that the remodeling of t.he Ire dell House kitchen was expect ed to be completed during De-1 eember. Mrs. J. L. Pettus. garden i chairman, reported on the ex- j tensive work on the garden, and j said, ‘ the garden has been put j to sleep for the winter.” Mrs. Ricks was elected to' represent the chapter in the State Junior Member Contest. The January meeting will be held at the Iredell House at 3:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, January' 8. RED MEN TO NOMINATE OFFICERS MONDAY NIGHT; Chowan Tribe No. 12. Improv ed Order of Red Men, will meet Monday night, December 22. at 7:30 o’clock. There will be nomination of officers at this meeting, so that Fred Keeter, sa chem of the tribe, urges an ex ceptionally large attendance. | Fruit Cake Sale! i i | The final shipment of fruit j : cakes has just been received! ! by the Edenton Woman's Club ( I for the Christmas season, j I Claxton and Hostess holiday | j fruit cakes are available in j j one through five pound sizes j j for SI.OO per pound, j Cakes may be obtained! | from any member or call! I Mrs. W. H. Hollowell, Jr., I | (482-3649:). Mrs. R. J. Boyce j j (482-2624) and Mrs. Wesley j | Chesson. Jr.. (482-2336). Farm Bureau Official Explains Constitutional Amendment To Be Voted On In Jan. 14 Election How will County citizens be represented in the State Legis lature —under the present sys tem of membership and under the proposed amendment to the state's constitution? David T. Bateman of Edenton. president of Chowan County Farm Bureau, explains the two plans for legislative representa tion as follows: “In the special session of the Legislature this past fall, the Senate was redistricted for the iirst time since 1941. Member ship remained at 50; but the 33 old districts were reshaped into 36 new ones. Changes in num ber of Senators per district were 'W - MM* . A -i* i-—-- _ ,:.-S » For Quick Results , . Try a Classified Ad In The Herald Edenton, Hertford and Elizabeth City Join In Billboard and Bro chure Advertising The fund-raising drive put on by the Albemarle Area Hiway Committee, W. P. "Spec” Jones, chairman, for tourist advertising by the tri-cities of Edenton, Hertford and Elizabeth City has been highly successful, according to West W. Byrum, president of the Edenton Chamber of Com merce. The advertising funds will ful fill a budget of SB,OOO for a two year period. The bulk of the funds will be utilized to erect seven large 12 ft. by 30 ft. bill boards at strategic locations north and south of the new ! Chesapeake Bay bridge-tunnel to , turn tourists along U. S. 17 and | through the tri-cities. Byrum j said. | Mr. Jones and the Chamber's Hiway Committee and assisted |by the Chamber’s Tourist Com j mittee. Jim Earnhardt, chairman, , obtained Edenton's quota of the total amount last Tuesday and ]so reported at the Albemare Area Hiway Committee’s mect [ ing held in Hertford Wednesday. Edenton's quota was $2,400. Those organizations who con tributed in addition to the Chamber of Commerce werejjj Edenton Rotary Club, Lions I Club, Tea Party Chapter. D.A.R.. Continued on Page 2—Section l Varsity Club Dance OnChristmasNight Music Furnished By Bud Skiles and His Orchestra Plans are rapidly being com i pleled for the annual Christmas dance sponsored by the Edenton Varsity Club. The dance will be held in the Edenton armory Wednesday night. December 25, beginning at 9 o'clock and con tinuing until 1 o’clock. Music for the dance will be furnished by Bud Skiles and bis orchestra. Table reservations can be made by phoning 482-2336 or 482-3084. [ crvic calendar] Third annual Peanut Ton-and- One-half Club banquet will bs held at the Edenton Restaurant Tuesday night. January 14. A Christmas carol service will be held at the Edenton Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. De cember 22. at 5 o'clock. A Christmas cantata with the Christinas story narrative will bo presented by the Methodist 1 Continued on Page 11. Section 2 made according to population changes since 1941, taking Sena tors away from thp less popu lous areas and giving more Sena tors to the more populous areas. "House membership. which had been reapportioned by the 1961 Legislature, remains at 120. Each of the 100 counties is per mitted one Representative. The more populous counties divide the extra 20 Representatives. “The Legislature will be set up under this system for 1965. If the constitutional amendment does not pass by the peoples vote on January 14, 1964, make up of both the Senate and the Continued on INfe 11 faction 1

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