SECTION TWO .thi Him .*■« ■ i ' 1 - The Roundup By WILBORNE HARRELL B HAWAII _ ALOHA Where blows the “Kona” far | away, j Where steel guitars are strum med, Where soft eyes glow and hulas sway And songs of love are hummed. Where shadows fall at evening tide, Hibiscus bloom against the sun, Where long swells break and surfboards ride, And night falls soft when day l is done. 1 I jWhere peace descends at evening / bell f And steals serene with subtle A hand / ! To weave a magic, moonlit J spell ' Upon a magic, moonlit land. Where low stars burn and moons I swing high, • Where blue lagoon meets sea— A land of flowers, sunshine and sky, Hawaii! (■ 1 " I Rocky Hock Section News By MRS. T. W. ALLRED A whole house full of friends pnd relatives helped Mr. amd Mrg. Murray Tynch celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday, December 15. Miss Lily Saunders had made one of her beautiful “wedding” cakes and after the bountiful buffet luncheon, the guests also helped to eat the delicious cake. This up-coming anniversary had sev- j eral couples .at Rocky Hock Sunday morning telling how long they had been married. I heard two or three admitting to being close to a 50th celebration be fore long. If you were able to attend Ihe Christmas music program at Rocky’Hock on December 22,| you saw how many “singers”! were involved in the lovely > presentation. For those of you who did not, there were about 65 participating in the three choir groups and the special • J.W. DANT 100 PROOF | BOTHER IN BOP J KENTUCKY |Lj STRAIGHT f j|f. BOURBON I |jj WHISKEY foNTUCKV If .. Imsssl *27 s f WN/sKff mm Fjj&SZmaJ PINT j , THE DANT DISTIUMY COMPANY, DANT, KCNTUCKY THE CHOWAN HERALD When the mercuFy drops and ■ we have weather like we’ve had for the past week, my thoughts turn to tropical climes, palm trees, blue lagoons and warm : breezes from an azure sea. Sand girt shores, sunny beaches and , moon-lit nights. A sigh escapes ; me as I blow on my cold-numbed hands and peck away at this dream. For dream it is; but ; everyone is entitled to a dream, even if they sometimes turn in to a nightmare—a nightmare of cold and ice. ; A commentary on the times: everybody complains about not i having any money. But when they buy something they invari ; ably hand the clerk a bill, and it usually is a bill of large de nomination. Nobody, but nobody, ; counts out nickels, dimes, quar ters, halves or pennies when • making a purchase—even a small purchase. They’ll often give you a one-dollar bill or a five for a five-cent newspaper. Why ai«e smaller groups. In addition, a number of people helping with the lighting, decorations, etc., deserve a special bouquet for a job well done. We appreciate all who helped in any way. Mrs. Robert Harrell and Lloyd Wayne Evans planned well in selecting the music, film and coordinating it with the help of the pastor.. Many people have commented on [ the excellent presentation this year and we have a feeling that everyone who helped in any way has begun Christmas in a very meaningful way. Everyone who brought a “White Christmas” gift on Sun day evening also got into the 'real meaning of Christmas early, I We'”know’ there are many fam ! ilies in our community who have ; benefitted from your generosity. A number of baskets were to be delivered -un Monday by the Community Missions chairmen. ' We appreciated a “second- people this way? Are they ashgmed or afraid to make an • unfavorable impression on their friends by displaying a few coins • instead of folding money? : OBSERVATION: Whenever I ; read about these women novel ists who keep house, look after i several children and a husband, : and find time to write, I admit , I get a wee mite skeptical and suspicious. To me, writing is ! almost a full-time job, and house keeping is also a full-time job— and ne’er the twain should meet. As I look at it, writing or house ; keeping, one or the other has got • to give. You have to take your choice—sloppy writing or a slop py house. This will be printed in the after-Christmas edition, and if i you are reading this after the holidays, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and are looking for i ward to a happy, prosperous ■ New Year. hand” message from a former Rocky Hock resident who now lives out in Minnesota, I be lieve. . She sent word that she is delighted to find out what’s going on in her community and church. (That was the whole purpose of this little column. We're glad to find that some body is enjoying it). Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sides will be glad to know that they have landed in Antifeua *(West Indies) and are already making friends and finding their place of service in a small misr sion church. In their stead, have their little friend from Ra leigh, Linda Seagroves, visiting in our home over the Christmas holidays. Linda spent last Christmas wit hthe Sides and we were happy that we could have her with our family over the holidays. Lots of Christmas suppers j a nd parties going on last week. ; Tuesday night the families of I Rocky Hock community all | brought good things to and I had some good fellowship to ! gether at the Community Build ing. Miss Pauline Calloway gave a short presentation of the sig nificance of the Christmas “ever greens” and how they relate to the Christmas celebration. There must have been 75 people pres ent, counting all the small fry. The Rev, Farren Rollins of Warwick Church brought an ex cellent message to the Brother hood “Ladies’ Night” supper I h*st Thursday evening. After all the turkey and trimmings were eaten, prepared by the club women of the community, some rather “extra special” en tertainment was enjoyed. I’m not going to give any more in formation than that, but if you were not a Brotherhood member < or a guest, you missed a real treat. Ask some of those who went! All the joys of Christmas are marred by the sadness that comes when a loved one is sud denly riot here to enjoy it with you. There were others of our community left in that condi- Taylor Theatre Edenton, N. C. . o— ..... Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 25-26-27-28 Janies Garner and Lee Remick in "THE WHEELER DEALERS" with Phil Harris. Chill Wills and Jim Backus Cinema. Scope and Color 0 SPECIAL. ONE SHOW ONLY DECEMBER 28 1:30 P. M. Chuck Connors in "GERONIMO" ( IncmaSropr and. Color Admission All Ages 35c o 1 ■ 1 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dec. 21-30-31- January 1— Elisabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in "THE V.IJVs" ( iaemaSeope amt Color Mrs. Evelyn Williams from our ■ midst. -We will be remembering c "her family in a special way dur- ; ing the holidays. If you were one of the 250 Rocky Hock families on our mailing list, you received our family Christmas wish for every one this past week. If you were not on that list and would like to have our Christmas wish in ipoetry and prose, drop me a note and I will be glad to type you off an extra copy. Since this column will be a day or so early this week, it will be in time to wish you and your family the. best Christmas j ever. I hope that in the midst of all your preparations for making your loved ones happy during this season, of preparing for re unions and celebrations that you did not forget to make your Doors Open 10 O'clock Sharp Friday! I END-OF-3EAR VALUES YOU CAUT AFFORD TO MISS ! EXCirEMEWf AND SAVINGS FOR ALL -HUBIM! I REG. $12.99 54 PIECE SETS BIG GROUP, ASSORTED I “Blue Willow" Pattern Assorted lAfall DirtiiVAC I D| CU C C Giftware VYdll PICtUrCS E | | Bi t Choose from small and large sizes in a number of as- I M sorted scenes, geometries and novelties. Reg. $1.99 on up. I Here a big-value Mmgar ■■ / J W a set of dishes that any- K H f MM W one can afford. They H ■ H V HWa. hm. 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Buy • 6.00 Value M ™ ® them with the lull confidence the Shulton name implies. : Now 3.00 plus tax | | MmK wCle - BELK -TYLER'S of EDENTON^I tion this week as death took own preparations for Christmas, j I hope that you took some time! trying to decide what gift you could give to God who has sent you the best gift He had long ago on that first Christmas. I hope that you have accepted this gift—his gift of salvation through Christ because if you have not, then you really do not j know what Christmas means at all. I hope that as you have j wrapped gifts and sent cards to friends and loved ones, that you have tried to put something of! yourself into the process. I hope; ( you have tried to find some one less fortunate than you are, to make their Christmas happier, and I hope that you have not forgotten to tell the story of Christmas to someone who may never have heard it before. If you have done .all these things, j then you will have a Merry l i Christmas and peace in your heart. One last reminder — when the angels sang “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, Good Will toward men” Plagued Day And Night with Bladder Discomfort? Unwise eating or drinking may be a source of mild, but. annoying bladder irri gations—making you feel restless, tense, | ar.d uncomfortable. And if restless nights, j with nagging backache, headache or mus i cwlaraches and painsduetoover-exertion, Strain or emotional upset, are adding to your misery—don’t wait—try Doan’s Pills, j Doan’s Pills act 3 ways for speedy re lief. I—They have a soothing effect on . bladder irritations. 2—A fast pain-reliev ing action on nagging backache, head aches, muscular aches and pains. 3 A wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the kidneys, tending to increase the output of ! the 15 miles of kidney tubes. So. get the same happy relief millions have enjoyed f 'r over 60 years. For convenience, buy \1 * large size. Get Doan’s Pills today 1 Edenton, North Carolina Thursday, December 26, 1963. I they meant that message for cur! generation just the same as the | one living at that time, j This Christmas, if you can 1 find some way to help spread i Jdi CLIOU CdJ Gil L“J LHJ CiJ C*J (HJ Gil CiJ IHJ Gil IHJ Gy Dm fUj [JJ [VJ (u| 2iJ [uj QjJ rtJJ ruj ruj rtJI rul rul rul nj| ml rui qJJ qJI nJI qJJ nil nJI oJI nJJ nP pJI fiJlruJi TRY THE BREEZY BANKS RESTAURANT on the banks of the Albemarle U. S. 32 at foot of Sound Bridge SPECIALIZING IN Seafoods and Steaks Open Seven Days A Week Trailers For Rent Special Party Room Phone Plymouth, N. C., 793-4277 “Good Will toward men” in your community, you will be helping the “Peace on earth” to become j a reality in our world. I God bless you every one!