y t “ns To of the iVolume XXXl.—Number 12. Hospital Auxiliary Play "Night Os January 16th" Friday, Saturday Nights House Is Almost Sold Out For Big Murder! ,'trial to Be Present ed at Court House , Did Karen Andre commit a murder, or not? is the question that must be answered by the jury at the Ghowan County k Court House Friday night, March j 20, when “Night of January The play, sponsored by the Cho wan Hospital Auxiliary, and in cluding all local characters, will be presented again Saturday night with both performances be ginning at 8 o’clock. The question will be answered about 10 o’clock and no one knows the answer yet. Prospects are that the Court House will be filled to capacity, as only a few more seats remain to be sold. Patrons who will agree to serve on the jury ere asked to leave their names with- the door V attendant as they enter the Court House for the performance. Af ter the clerk of court draws the jury members by lot and swears them in, the jury will listen to evidence and render, the ver- j diet on which will depend which' 1 of the two endings written for ' the play will be used. Continued on Page Section 1 t Carey Evans Files For Commissioner Carey M. Evans of the Rocky Hock section on Tuesday filed with Philip S. McMullan, chair man of the Board of Elections, as a candidate for County Com missioner from the Second Township. Mr. Evans is a former County Commissioner, having been fleet ed when the late Raleigfi* Peeie,. after serving many years, de clined to be a candidate. Mr. Evans was defeated by T. O. Asbell, incumbent, in the last election. Robbins Resigns As Engineer For Town i- Howard C. Robbins at Tues- I day night’s meeting of Town Council submitted a letter of resignation as Street Superin f tendent and Town Engineer. Mr. Robbins has served in this ca pacity since August of 1963. In his letter of resignation Mr. Robbins said: “I hereby lender my resigna tion effective as of the 13th day of April, 1964. My reason for resigning is to take a position that I feel offers me a greater opportunity for advancement in my chosen field of endeavor. “I would like to take this op portunity to thank everyone with whom I have been associated for the cooperation and encourage ment tha.t I have enjoyed While being employed os Street Super intendent and Town Engineer.” MYF Sponsoring Herring Supper I Sponsored by the Methodist ! Youth Fellowship, a pickled herring supper will be held' to- , jjfeight {Thursday) from 6 to 8 / 6’clock. The young people are charging a dollar a plate with herring roe also served with the plate. 20 Years Ago As Found In The Files Os The Chowan Herald W <* I Due to what was reported a I' nuisance on the part of a small! army of bootblacks. Town Ceun , cil authorised the police to marie! off sones on Broad Street from 4 Qneen to King Street and on King Street from Broad to Court i Street the boys eouldj. Ik Greensboro. j i v- < 1 THE CHOWAN HERALD liOnly 6 Candidates Tile For Office Up To Early This Week > 11 a Candidates Must File, With P. S. McMullan Prior to 12 O’clock! Noon Anril 17 Up to Tuesday afternoon of this week only six candidates had filed for office in the May Democratic primary election. Philip S. McMullan, chairman of the Chowan County Board of Elections, v emphatically points out that the deadline for any candidate in the election to file is Friday, April 17, before 12 o’clock noon. .Filing must be done -with Mr. McMullan by the deadline in order to have names appear on the county ballots. The Six candidates who filed up to Tuesday of this week were: B. Warner Evans for J Continued or Page 5, Section 1 Exchange Student At Rotary Meeting Miss Nydia Morales Os Costa Rica Will Speak to Club Edenton Rotarians will hold their weekly meeting this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish 'House. A guest at the meeting will be Miss Nydia Morales, a Rotary exchange student from Costa Rica. Miss Morales will speak to the club after the dinner, and President Hiram J. Mayo, urges every Rotarian to be . present. Enters Insurance H B f FRANK M. HOLMES The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States an nounces that Frank M. Holmes has become associated as a rep resentative with the Raleigh agency. Chowan Pooler Contest Winners ■ V y £ ' v y n&. By AflEVii JHL HKISIOVI : 'W^Hk fs i t -':;. - i |. -JP ■H _ -|H | 1 Pictured above are Chowan County winners in the Albemarle ju sixth nrade- Hollv Colombo Edenion Elc*n&Aluv . ! naenion Elementary, tint in fourth grade; Nancy^Twiddy, Edenton,. Chowan County, North Carolina. Thursday. March 19.1964 Vi —————— ' Scene In Chowan ° pital Auxiliary Play March 20 And 21 tsiii . &&■ ~ . , ■!**. •' . » , I I IKB till BBH^Bi K IWBHBBBBBB / cm i ITj I Bays I i E «HK’ Sm im-Wm am llii Jjjflkfii § I BK K BB \Bfßf IB*M M&m jgßHßif § Wk Wzma&to * -jfe A i . b Hi IWffWßfch... j m B B ts W m KBHi' iwHI i B lyjßh-'I aHBMBMBHngfc m m H m ■h m... Pictured above is a scene in the play "Night of January 16th" which will be presented in the Chowan County Court House Friday and Saturday nights, March 20 and 21. The play is spon so? i f“ 4 “ v the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary and promises to orovide entertainment of the first calibre with the cast including all local talent. Seated, left to riohl, is Nathan Owens, Thomas Chears and Frank Holmes. Standing, left to right, Frank Roberts, Mrs. W. J, P. Earnhardt, Jr., Mrs C A. i Phillips and Keith Reeve.—Photo by J. P. Ricks, Jr. W. Lunsford Crew Speaker At Democratic Women’s Meeting In Edenton Monday Afternoon Chowan County Democratic Women will hold a luncheon meeting on Monday afternoon, March 23. The meeting will be held at the Edenton Restaurant beginning at 12:30 o’clock and all women of the organization are especially urged to be present. Guest speaker at the meeting will be W. Lunsford Crew of Roanoke Rapids, state chairman of the State Democratic Execu tive Committee, to which posi tion he was elected in August, 1963. Preyer Guest Df Lions March 23rd Candidate For Gover nor Will Also Speak At Court House Edenton Lions will hold their weekly meeting Monday night. March 23, at 7 o’clock' at the Edenton Restaurant. Judge Rich ardson Preyer, Democratic can didate for Governor* will be guest of the club in keeping ( with the Lions Club program to have all gubernatorial candidates> visit the club and speak to local citizens. Judge Preyer will speak at the Court House at 8 o’clock follow ing the Lions Club meeting, and the public is cordially invited to hear him. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M, will be held tonight [ (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. W. M. Rhoades, master of the lodge, invites all Masons to attend. Mr. Crew is a native of North-1 ampton County but has practiced' law in Roanoke Rapids since! : 1941 except for three years dur-l • ing Wdrld War 11, when he serv ed as a lieutenant on the Air : craft Carrier Natoma Bay and won a presidential unit citation : after his ship was hit by a Japa nese suicide plane, i Mr. Crew, a lifelong Democrat, first went to the State Senate • in 1953. He was re-elected to . serve in 1955, 1957, 1959, 1961 i Continued oi. Pay* s—Section I Caseworkers Will Meet In Edenton Session Begins at 10 A. M. Wednesday, March 25 The Northeastern District Case ! worker’s Association will hold its semi-annual meeting in Edenton Wednesday, March 25, at St. , Paul’s Parish House. The morning session at 10 o’clock will feature a talk by , Ivan Valentine, Assistant Direc tor of the Department of Com munity Colleges, Raleigh. 'His .topic will be ‘Education Oppor tunities Through the Department of Community Colleges.” After lunch at the Edenton Restaurant, the group will have its business meeting. Presiding will be Miss Lelitia Blount, child welfare worker in Pasquotank County and chairman of the as sociation. Jaycettes Rummage Sale March 20 - 21 The Edenton Jaycettes will hold a rummage sale of used clothing Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21. The sale will be held in the Hobowsky build ing on South Broad Street on Friday from 12 o’clock noon to 5 P. M., and on Saturday from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 'I High School Band Presents Outstanding Program Sunday Despite a very inclement da.\ a goodly number braved the rai Sunday afternoon to attend th< winter concert of the John A Holmes High School Band. / very delightful program was pre sented in the school auditorium which brought much applaus* and very favorable comment or the part of those who heard th< .program. •A feature of the program was a number by a newly organized •dance orchestra. This number too, was very well received by the audienee despite the fact that very few practices have -been held. The'numbers on the program .' 'jJ; '■ *: " %t'. -'•<■• ’ U&. ifr . -. ;Dr. George Shriver Preaches At Baptist Church On Sunday j Fills Pulpit at Both Services In Absence Os the Pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll Dr. George Shriver of the Southeastern Baptist Theolo gical Seminary in Wake Forest, will make a return visit to the pulpit of the Edenton Baptist Church Sunday, March 22, in l)i£- absence of the .pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll. He will preach at the 11 o'clock morning service and at the 7:30 evening service. ■Dr. Shriver is professor of Church History at the South eastern Seminary, which mot Continued on Page 2—Section ) C. J. Hollowell Files For Commissioner Carey J. Hollowell early this week filed as a candidate for 'County Commissioner from the 'Third Toynship in the May Democratic primary election. Mr. Hollowell has served as a Commissioner for about 10 years. He was first appointed to fill out the unexpired term of the late Emmett N. Elliott. Chowan Beta Club Will Present Variety Show Friday Night | The Beta Club of Chowan High School will present a Va riety Show in the school audi torium Friday night, March 20, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. The show will be composed of local talent and will include Chowan’s version of the Beatles. A charge of 50 cents will be made for adults and 35 cents for school children. All pre-school children will be admitted free. The public is cordially invited to attend and it is hoped a ca pacity crowd will attend. Pro ceeds from the show will aid the Betas in attending the Beta Con vention which will begin in Ra leigh Friday, April 10. ■nder the direction of N. Stuart ’alien, director, were as follows: Hall of Fame, by Olivadoti; Irlando Palandrino, by Haydn; esu, Joy -of Man’s Desiring from ’Cantata 147” by Bach; Melody, >y Harper with Ronnie Sawyer, ;oloist; Tropical Trumpets by Lengsfelder with John Bunch, Tommy Leary, Judy Byrum as cornet soloists. Following a brief intermission the following numbers were pre sented: A Festival Prelude by Reed; Hot - Cha Cha Cha, by Osser; Joshua’s Jump, by Flanagan; Concert Overture in G Minor by Lillya and Isaac and Die Meis-| tersinger by Wagner. ' Edenton Tea Party Chapter Is Praised At State Meeting Mrs. J. P. Ricks, Jr., Local Regent, Run ner-up In a Junior Member Contest Restoration work by the Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the OAR was praised at the 64th annual state conference of the North Carolina Society, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, in Raleigh last week. Mrs. J. P. Ricks, Jr., regent, was named runner-up in the Stale DAR Outstanding Junior Member Contest. The Edenton Chapter yearbook was awarded a blue ribbon. Mrs. Ricks reported to the \ conference on plans for moving i the old Parson Earle school house at Bandon Plantation to the James Iredell property and dedicating the school to Inglis Fletcher. Contributions for the I work, which is expected to cost j about $1,500, were sought. Mrs. Wood Privott of Eden ton, district director, reported at the Wednesday night session on j the various work in the district! Continued on Page 3, Section l ’ Winners Announced In Science Fair At Holmes High School Winners in the recent Science Fair held at John A. Holmes High School were released Ibis week. The winners will receive a free ticket to the World’s Fair in New York and will exhibit I their projects in the District Sci-{ ence Fair which will be held in Greenville Friday, March 20. Complex Matters Hold Councilmen In Long Session Despite Rumors, Grif fin Will Not Resign! As Chief of Police; Streets Renamed Edenton’s Town Council met { in a very lengthy session Tues day night, when the Councilmen were faced with a number of items which required consider- ' able discussion. The meeting : continued in session well beyond ■ the midnight hour. j The first item on the agenda i Continued on Page 4. Section i i Winners In High School Science Fair ->i < x B kill | x ■*»- ;«MpHHH| WHH| iiftiwJ||B • : BHB ■■ BL.JB Pictured above are winner* in the recent Science Fair bold at John A. Holmes High School. In top picture are winners in the S«uor Division, left to right. Betsy Hardin. Barbara Wallace. Hiram Mayo. Jr.. J*m Bass. Joe Conger UI and Gary Ross. Junior DieUion winners in the bottom picture are, left to right, Helen Pnrden, CarroU Lassiler. Grace Sawyer. Wesley Chesson, Ann HaxxrtL Glares Va«a and Chris Y enters.—J. P. Ricks. Jr. photos. Jjkj.oo Per Year In North Carolina Second 8-Hour Shift Will 1 Be Added Next Monday At U. S. Lumber Co. Mill Guest Speaker W. LUNSFORD CREW Guest sDeaker at a meelinq of j Chowan County Democratic Wo j men Monday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock at the Edenton Resiau | rant will be W. Lunsford Crew, Chairman of the State Democrat • ic Executive Committee. In the senior division the win ners were as follows: Biological First Place—Hiram Mayo, “A Parakeet’s Chronometer”, j Second Place Barbara Wal lace, “Do Plants Get Dizzy?” Third Place Betsy Hardin, ■ Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Revisits Edenton RICHARDSON PREYER In Edenton Monday night, March 23, as guest of the Eden ton Lions Club, Judge Richardson Preyer will speak to the general public at the Court House at 8 o'clock following the Lions Club meeting. For Quick Results ... ft Try a Classified Ad In The Retold | «=======^ <§> _ 14 More Workers Em ployed; Output Will Be Doubled In Floor ing Mill Next Monday, March 23, the United States Lumber Com pany’s oak flooring mill at the former air station property near Edenton will put on a second 8- hour shift, adding 14 workers to the present payroll, it is an nounced in a joint statement by L. L, Lester, Jr., president, and Mayor John A. Mifchener. The oak flooring mill, in pilot plant operation the past six weeks since March 9, has em ployed 40 persons. Additional indirect employment would in clude the hardwood lumber mills supplying the rough boards and a number of truck drivers, Lester said. Capacity of the flooring mill naturally will be doubled, Les ter said, by the second shift, production then totaling 50.000 feet of flooring daily. The en- tire production of the flooring ) is being sold to others rather I than Lcsco Homes, Inc., Mar tinsville, Va. Buyers of the flooring are in both North and South Carolina, with some on i Virginia’s Eastern Shore, it was istated. '"''ntinued on Par* 3, Section 1 Elizabeth Moore AuxSiarySpeaker Meeting Held Earlier Due to Play This Week The Chowan Hospital Auxili ary met a week early due to its I play “The Night, of January 16th** which will he premiered this | coming Friday night. Rehears (als are hitting on a high note of j perfection and excitement is j building up as the advance ticket sales are going fast. Tick ets are on sale at Hollowell’s and Mitchcner’s drug stores at $1.50 each. In the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. Jack Leary, Mrs, Ro land Vaughan, vice president, Continued on Page 3—Section 1 ‘i Methodist Layman i J Lenten Speaker At St. Paul’s Church Dr. George G. Ritchie. M.D., of Richmond, Va., a Methodist layman, will conclude the Lenten scries of addresses at St. Paul’s | Episcopal Church on Tuesday, I March 24. Dr. Ritchie, a native Virginian, is a graduate of the University lof Virginia in medicine. He is now a general practitioner in Richmond. He plans to return to school for graduate work in | the field of psychiatry. J His outstanding work among youth crossing denominational ! lines makes him a most valuable influence in a large area. Dr. Ritchie is well known in both Virginia and North Carolina for his interest in religion-medicine. Luncheon will be served at 1 o’clock in the Tarish House on j Gale Street with the Church j women of the parish serving. ,Wm. E. Bond Files For Commissioner William E. Bond early this | week announced and filed as a i candidate for County Commis- I sioner from the First Township, i Mr. Bond is now serving as I chairman of the Board. (civic calendar! Wortheastem District Case workers Association will hold its semi-annual meeting in Eden ton Wednesday. March 25. beginning at 10 A. M„ in St. Paul's Parish House. Chowan County Democratic Women will meet Mondey after noon, March 23, at 12:30 o'clock at the Edeolon Restaurant. Omwntwrig^On. ' ' '.V

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