' N 51 Newspaper Devoted To the Progress of the , Albemarle Area Volume mA-Number if. W. B. Gardner Appointed Town Administrator In Passage New Ordinance New Office Created At Special Meeting VlOf Town Councilmen IHeld Thursday Night . In a special meeting of Town Council held Thursday night, Town Councilmen unanimously passed an ordinance which es tablished the office of Town Ad ministrator for the Town of Edenton. The Councilmen spent a lengthy meeting in considering every phase of the ordinance, which is believed to put the town government on a more sys tematic and business-like basis. At the conclusion of considera tion of the ordinance, W. B. Gardner was appointed as the administrator, who will serve in connection with his duties as Town Clerk. The Town Administrator will have the following duties: (1) Be the chief administra tive officer of the town govern ment. responsible to the Mayor and the Town Council for the performance of his duties. The! Administrator shall perform or supervise the performance of all administrative affairs of the town, except the affairs of the Water and Light Department, as he may be authorized and di rected so to do by the Mayor and Town Council. The Admin istrator is further directed to: (a) Perform the duties of the Clerk in keeping town records, documents and other official records of the town. (b) Supervise and administer the personnel policies and pro grams of the Council. He is au thorized to make decisions based Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Tours And Luncheon Feature Os Plmmed For Group AAA Travel Counselors Edenton Chamber of Com merce has completed plans to greet some 30 travel managers and counselors of -American Mo • tor Clubs, newspaper, magazine, radio and television writers when they stop over in Edenton Fri day morning. The group is mak ing a tour of Eastern North Car olina which began in Wilming ton Monday and will terminate in Elizabeth City Saturday morn ing. The group will represent 17 states as far west as Nebras ka, and is expected to arrive in ®denton at 10:30. \ Featuring the entertainment j|2o Years Ago I A* Found In The File* Os < The Chowan Herald v ~~~ ** 1 Little interest was shown in tbal forthcoming election with all office holders filing for re-elec lien and none having any op position. Members of the bar agreed to request a term of Chowan Su perior Court cancelled due to so kew civil cases. Renewed interest was engen dered in a live and aggressive Chamber of Commerce at a barbecue dinner held at Ernest Lee’s Country Club when D. M. Warren urged more interest in 1 the organisation. Lieut. Col. W. J. Huffman as sumed his duties as executive officer at the U. S. Marine Corps Continued or page 5, Section 1 Mitchener x4ccepts Invitation To Goodwill Mission To Europe Edenton and Mayor John Mitchener in particular were sig nally honored last week when Mr. Mitchener was extended an invitation to be a member of the 1964 North Carolina Good will Mission to Europe and the Soviet Union. In extending the invitation to Mayor Mitchener, John McMahon, general counsel of the N. C. Association of Coun ty Commissioners, said the invi tation was extended "because of ! ' your interest and leadership, you would be ait able representative of your area of the state.” <rw* r « ... w. . THE CHOWAN HERALD - Vi ',V .i- ja ft fa ' Legion Auxiliary ; District Meeting Held In Edenton r ;' ■ Very Delightful Pro i gram And Dinner at Methodist Church on Friday • A meeting of the. First Dis trict of the American Legion Au xiliary was held in Edenton Fri day. The meeting was held in the Methodist Church, where a dinner was served by Methodist women. The session wivs called to or der at 10 o’clock by Mrs. G. Lindsey Liverman, president of the First District. Following the advance of colors, the pledge to the flag was led by Mrs. Julian C. Powell of Hertford. The in- I vocation was given by Mrs. Car los Dowdy of Manteo, after which the group sang the na tional anthem. Repeating the preamble was led by Mrs. C. W. Perry of Kitty Hawk. 1 , Mrs. W. E. Mills of Edenton extended a very warm welcome to the gathering and greetings! were extended by Mayor John Mitchener. Greetings from Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the Ameri-J can Legion were presented by E. L. Hollowell, vice commander. Continued on Page s—Section • for the distinguished guests will be tours of some of Edenton’s historical points of interest. The tours will continue until 12:30, after which visitors will be guests at n Khicheon planned at the Edenton Restaurant. Mayor John Mitchener will extend an official welcome at the luncheon | and has planned for an official police escort for the group when they enter and leave Edenton. West Byrum, president of the Chamber of Comirierce, has ar- 1 ranged for guides and hostesses who will come from the Edenton Conl'd. on Paga 4—Section l Mike Parker Wins in Baby Contest! Youngster Is Crowned King At Taylor Theater With 60 babies entered in the baby contest sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club, Mike Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. La- Dell Parker, Jr., was crowned the winner Wednesday after noon of last week at the Taylor , Theater. A large number of babies and parents were on hand to see Mike receive his crown. Mrs. George A. Byrum, presi dent of the Woman’s Club, wel- Continued on Page 5. Section 1 i and the United States Govern . ment Cultural Visitation Ex , change Program. The group will visit Belgium, Denmark, Swe den, the Soviet Union, Czecho- E Slovakia and East and West Ger • many. • They ’will leave New ■ York City on Tuesday, August : 20 and return Wednesday, Sep , tember 9. I The delegation will meet with ■ J governmental officials nod peo •lple generally in the countries to rfbe visited and be able to tell i| them the story of the democratic! *7™ hW ■ j ties. . * j Bdentc 11 foowan County, North Carolina,, Thursday, April 23,1964. | Hypotk “ « al Examination For Glaucoma K Jk i m if £3 Ilk fi * pi M I I 7 : jlßs4 jHj| m Pictured above is a hypothetical examination to detect glaucoma. Examinations for glaucoma will be given at a clinic scheduled to be held Wednesday, April 29 at the Edenton National Guard armory from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. The examinations are free of charge and are sponsored by the Edenton, Hertford and Windsor Lions Cluks. Those persons 35 years and over are eligible to at tend the clinic. It is pointed out that glaucoma can be successfully treated if it is found early, so it is hoped many people in this area will take advantage of these free examinations. Slate Is Now Complete For Democratic Primary Election Scheduled In May Georfce r -4L-4-U Long and Palmer R. Tynch Latest Candi dates to File With Friday of last week be ing the deadline for candidates to file for office in the May 30 Democrritic primary election, three more signed their names on the dotted line before the noon hour. The three were O. C. Long, N. J. George and Palmer Tynch. Mr. Long, at present a mem bers of the County Board of Ed ucation, filed for re-election 'from the Second Township. Mr. Tynch filed as a candidate for County Commmissioner from the Second Township. With the filing date now pass ed, there will be only two con , Continued on Page 4—Section J Spring Festival At White Oak School Various Groups Will Appear on Program Sunday, April 26 The annual Spring Music Fes tival will be held in the White Oak Consolidated School’s audi torium on Sunday afternoon, April 26, at 3:30 o’clock. In addition to the choral group, the Girls’ Glee Club and the Rhythm Band will partici p«*te. Miss Carolyn Coston will be special soloist for the occas ion. For a variety of music, both sacred and popular, the Choral Group will offer selections by Bach and other famous compos ers. A selected group of dynam ic spirituals will climax the pro gram. Pianist and directors for! the festival are Miss E. Miller and Mrs. S. Everett. The public is cordially invit ed to enjoy an afternoon of mu- ] sic and to view the displays in J the classrooms at the termina tion of the program. Graham Farless New Street Superintendent Graham Farlefp, for eight • years connected with the Eden ton . Electric & Water Depart- ( ment, has accepted the position of Street Superintendent. Mr. ; Boost 1$ Received By Hail Os Fame Project Endorsed By Sons of American Revolution The Hall of Fame for Patriots of the Revolution program for action received another boost on Saturday, April 18, when the North Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolu tion endorsed by resolution the Edenton project at their annual meeting in Durham and voted to lend every assistance possible tb create this national shrine in Edenton. J. M. Robinson, executive di rector of the Hall of Fame and an SAR member attended the Durham .meeting and was as sured by the incoming president, William L. Collum 111, of Char lotte, who will attend the na tional meeting of the SAR in I Detroit, Michigan, _ as a delegate that the state-passed resolution will be placed on the national agenda. More Scholarships Offered Students In Edenton Area Mayor John A. Mitchener has announced that two George C. Moore Company scholarships in the School of Textiles at North Carolina State will be restricted to graduates of high schools in Bertie, Chowan and Perquimans counties, effective this year. The announcement stemmed from a letter received by the Mayor from G. H. Dunlap, director of Continued on Page 6, Section 1 George C. Moore Company Now Building Big Plant In Edenton The George C. Moore Com pany, a textile concern with home offices in Westerly, R. 1., is building a branch plant in Edenton. The concern is now building a 75,000 square foot plant on a 25-acre site on Highway 17 in the town’s industrial park area. This is the first of a Jour phase program, officials point out, and the initial phase will employ about 125 people, bringing to Edenton a payroll in excess of half a million dollars a year. Plans for expansion are already on the drawing boards and ;-J*l "P Thomas Hopkins Elected President Os Country Club i Group of Officers Se lected During Meet ing Held on Monday Night Chhwan Golf and Country Club at a meeting Tuesday night elected officers for the new year. The result of the election fol lows: President, Tom Hopkins; vice president, Tom Shepard; Mrs. Ruth Vaughan, secretary, and W. J. P. Earnhardt, treas urer. Directors are George Lewis, Joe Crissnti and W. P. Jones. Each board member will serve on one of the club’s committees for the coming year as follows: House Committee, W. P. Jones; Greens Committee, Joe Crisanti; Finance Committee, W. J. P. Earnhardt, Sr.; Entertainment Committee, George Lewis; Mem bership Committee, Mrs. Ruth Vaughan, and Golf Committee, Tom Shepard. Many Children Are Out Os School Due To Lack Os Clothes Mrs. W. B. Gardner, attend ance counselor for schools in Chowan County, reports that it is surprising to know how many children are not going to school due to lack of proper clothing. Many children, she says, have no shoes and in some cases card board is placed inside shoes where part of the sole has been worn away. Mrs. Gardner says she will be glad to receive shoes or any ar ticle of clothing to fit school-age children. She says she knows of at least 25 or more children who at present have no shoes. Anyone who has any clothes which might be discarded or of no more use can contact Mrs. Gardner, who will be glad to see that they are picked up. should all four phases be accom plished, the plant may employ as many as 400 persons. Construction is scheduled to be completed by August and the overall first phase should rep resent an investment of about $2,000,000. It is expected that about 80% of the employees will be women. The George C. Moore Com pany ■ manufactures narrow and wide woven elastic braid and power net material for under garments. In addittion to the local plant and the home office Term Os Superior Court fill Begin Monday, April 27 17 Civil Cases Listed On Calendar! Albert Cowper Will Be Pre siding Judge The April civil term of Cho wan County Superior Court is scheduled to convene Monday morning, April 27, at 10 o’clock, j The presiding judge will be' Judge Albert Cowper of Kins- j ton. Cases listed on the calendar i include the following: . j S. F. Small vs. C. T. Dixon! and wife, Lillie H. Dixon. Lester A. Dees vs. Bette Anne! Veazey McKenna (Deese). Maryland Casualty Company' vs. M & W Construction Com-1 pany, Inc., and C. B. Mooney and Jeff White (for motion). James G. White, Jr., vs. W. S. Privott, substitute trustee. Clinton Williams vs. Doris H. Williams. Eleanor Bowen vs. Charlie | Ben Biggs and WilLie James! Biggs. | Continued on Page 7, Section 1 ' Glaucoma Clinic Scheduled To Be Held Wednesday, April 29 Attention is again called to a glaucoma clinic which is sched uled to be held at the Edenton armory Wednesday, April 29. The clinic is free for those people who are 35 years and older and will be in operation from 9 A. M., to 4 P. M. The clinic is sponsored by the Edenton, Hertford and Windsor Lions Clubs and it is hoped many from the counties of Cho wan, Perquimans and Gates will - ' Mrs. Geo. Wood Chairman In Chowan County For Roanoke Island Historical Association Appointment of Mrs. George C. Wood of Greenfield Planta tion, as Chowan County mem bership chairman of the Roanoke Island Historical Association has been announced at Manteo. The association perpetuates the mem ory of the first English settle ment on Roanoke Island in 1587 through the annual production of Paul Green’s “The Lost Colony’’, oldest and longest-running of all the Nation’s outdoor symphonic dramas. The appointment was made by Mitcheners Hosts For League Staff Group Served Steak Dinner at Edenton Restaurant Mayor and Mrs. John Mitch ener were genial hosts at a steak dinner held Monday night at the Edenton Restaurant, when they entertained in honor of four members of the staff of the North Carolina League of Muni cipalities, of which Mr. Mitchen er is vice president. Members of the staff present were Mrs. Davetta L. Steed, executive director; S. Leigh Wil son, assistant director; Ernest H. Ball, general counsel and Mrs. Linda Watkins, one of the secre teries. The quartet arrived in Edenton Monday in order to make arrangements for the reg ional meeting of the League of Municipalities which was held at the Chowan Golf and Country Club Tuesday. To help meet and greet these officials, Mr. find Mrs. Mitchener had as their guests members of Town Council and the Board of Public Works and their wives, i It was a very informal affair which was very much enjoyed by all who were present. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton’s Lions Club will hold their weekly meeting Monday night, April 27, at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Dr. A. F. Downum, president of the club, urges a 100 per cent at tendance. | $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Edenton Officials Host For Regional Meeting Os League Os Municipalities The Winnah! s|ip MIKE PARKER In the Edenton Woman's Club baby contest which closed last week, Mike Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. LaDell Parker, was crowned king in ceremonies held at the Taylor Theatre. take advantage of this very im portant examination free of! charge. Glaucoma is like a thief. Iti steals sight slowly and one is not aware of the loss of eyesight until it’s too late. It is estimat ed that some 800,000 Americans hfive glaucoma and do not know it and are going blind. If glaucoma is detected early, it can be treated and man’s most precious possession, his eyesight, can be saved. ■ Mrs. L. Y. Ballentine of Ra leigh, state membership chair man. All members enrolled prior to June 1 will have their names listed in the sottvenir program of “The Lost Colony’’ and will receive free tickets to the 1964 production of the play, June 25 through August 30. Mrs. Fred W. Morrison of Washington, D. C., Kill Devil Hills and Laurinburg is chairman of the R.I.H.A. board. She ex pressed sincere appreciation to Continued on Page 6, Section 1 i Training Classes In Second Phase First Class In Creative Salesmanship Held Last Week Training classes under the Employee Improvement Program , sponsored by the Merchants , Committee of the Edenton . Chamber of Commerce entered , the second phase with the first class in “Creative Salesmanship” last Tuesday night at the John A. Holmes High Echool. The instructor was Ronedd Brown, an instructor with the College of 1 the Albemarle. Alton Elmore, chairman of the Merchants Committee stated that he was very pleased to have the cooperation of the Board of Education so that these training classes may be held each week Continued on Page 6—Section Flower Show Scheduled To Be Held Thursday And Friday The flower show sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club will I open today (Thursday) at the J Barker House. Hours for the two-day show are today from 1 o’clock to 5 o’clock and Friday from 9 o’clock to 5 o’clock. The theme for this year’s show will be “North Carolina the Beautiful” and will be highlight ed by over 25 invitational ar rangements using themes repre sentative of the state in addition to the entries in the horticultural For Quick Results ... r j Try a Classified Ad I I In The Herald Informative Session Is Held Tuesday at Cho wan Golf and Coun try Club Officials of Edenton were hosts for it regional meeting of the N. C. League of Municipalities which was held Tuesday at the Chowan Golf and Country club. The meeting was for the north eastern section of the state and is one of eight scheduled to be held throughout the entire state. Representatives from towns covering the entire northeastern section were invited to the meet ing a.nd a goodly number re sponded to the invitation and participated in the meeting. Present from the League of Municipalities were Mrs. Dav etta L. Steed, executive director; Robert Harris, field consultant; S. Leigh Wilson, assistant direc tor; Ernest H. Ball, general counsel, ?,nd Mrs. Linda Wat kins, one of the secretaries. The meeting began at 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning when Mayor Mitchener extended a warm welcome to those who were present. Mrs. Steed presented a com prehensive directors’ report, which was followed by an ad dress on finance matters by Mr. Wilson. A fried chicken lunch eon wee served at 12:30 o’clock, after which discussions were continued. Mr. Ball spoke about utility franchising and legislation, which was followed by Mr. Harris, whose subject was roads and streets. A gen eral discussion followed and the meeting adjourned about 3:30 o’clock. I o clock. Rev. E. C. Shoaf President Os PTA Very Interesting Pro gram Presented at Final Meeting Mrs. J. J. Ross and Mrs. John F. White, teachers of the kinder garten and the third grade at the local Elementary School, pre sented their pupils in a program at the monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association on Tuesday night. New officers for the year 1964- ,65 were installed by Mayor John Mitchener with the Rev. E. C. Shoaf, as president; Glen Mabe as vice president; Mrs. L. E. Dav enport as secretary, and Mrs. Ada Barringer as treasurer. The program, entitled “John ny’s Birthday Surprise" was de lightful with many of the chil dren portraying Mother Goose characters. One of the out standing numbers was a skit portraying the Beatles and was accompanied by the mocking hysteria of all females present. Mrs. White and Mrs. Ross are to be complimented on this very outstanding program. <w>/www^/w«, j avic calendar] \ s Thirty AAA travel counselors will stop over in Edenton Fri day, April 24, from 10:30 to 12:30 on a lour of Eastern North Carolina. Edenton Woman’s Club an nual flower show will be held at the Barker House April 23 and 24. Officers for the Edenton Jay- _l Continuedon Page 7. Section 1 and arrangements divisions. For the first time a “popular choice” award will be presented for the most outstanding entry in the opinion of the persons at tending the show. Out of town judges will select the most out standing arrangements and hor ticultural specimens with silver awards and ribbons to be award ed. Mrs. John Raines, chairman, announced chances on two homemade cakes will be sold pt the flower show. ■ - . .-a...

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