Rocky Rock Section News . . 'Si i'p —iii .. "- 1 ■■■»— •" ■ • -r r- 1 by next wftk wi’il be all caught up on ‘‘what’s been going on this last week” but for now we’ll just report on our “early vacation” in Flpfida. Last Thursday we picked up our 6th grader after lunch (with a whole week of assignments to take w(th her) and headed South on 301, Our “sinus problems” disappeared somewhere glong the route and to date they haven't returned ... we hope this is a permanent disappearance! We began to feel like “visiting royalty” when we arrived in Ft. Meade, Florida and found a whole day of celebration had been planned! ASO unit parade, with 2 marching bands and the complete populace turned out to join the festivities. Os course, the fact .that it was PTA Coun try Pair Day wus just a coinci dence! This was really an un usual event, Almost 2000 folks attended the afternoon affair at the hall park, where a Tampa TV celebrity oalted Uncle Bruce 1 entertained the children . . . and the grown-up kids. The event was topped off by a beauty pa geant that evening at Which time “Miss Ft. Meade” was chosen from 11 lovely contestants. I had the dubious honor of being one of the three judges ... by virtue of being from out of town and perhaps because I had once been a member of a Greensboro Little Theatre group! Ha. It was really a tough assignment but a lot of fun We learned that the PTA al ways clears over sl,<jO{} from this day’s activities. Even when it rains they take in their profit. I couldn’t believe it when I learned that the PTA takes out “ram insurance” to make certain that their profit is forthcoming! Now I’ve heard everything! The First Baptist Church of Ft. Meade (where brother-in-law William Holton is pastor) is a -n»n-Lri -i ~i'*u*Lnj~u*u*u~j-1/i/urunnj Voter For And Elect PALMER B. TYNCH For Commissioner Second Township \ Chowan County Subject To Democratic Primary May 30 YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! JJKDANT „ 100 PROOF mil f k . i . I ■ 'p4: r _ ||L .i- • . Mg k .. i j n M Hr Upm --——111——— 1 ■ f -i " ■ r * • lovgly church with friend ly people that: made us feel right at hcgne. It teemed gUpost like a Sunday at home, since 1 taught the youpg Indies’ Sun day School class and MR Allred did the preaching fpr the day. Ft. Meade folks love to sing and we heard some good music- dur ing both services. Marie is the interim music director (directing 6 choirs) and educational direc tor, which makes her a paid full time staff worker of the church. Since she spends most of her time over there, she leaves’ the “home work” in capable hands. One of (he gracious hostesses of the church had both preach er’s families for lunch on Sunday and again we felt like someone special as a beautifully decorated cake graced the buffet table with “Welcome Allreds” on it! • We learned later that our hostess was the caterer for all the church suppers and most of' the civic functions for the town. We should have guessed when • we saw the groaning serving table! On Monday I R£AH,Y felt like the celebrity! Marie had told me that one of her - good friends was entertaining gt lunch in my honor, but when we ar rived (just outside of Ft. Meade) at the ACE RANCH, I had to pinch myself to believe what I saw! The A. C. Wrights, who own the cattle (brahamas) ranch, also have phosphate mines and citrus groves as far as you can see! The home is without a doubt more beautiful than any thing I have ever seen. There was air conditioning throughout the house, wall to wall carpeting or tiling and pine panelling everywhere you looked. A patio pool outside the sliding glassed in dining area was like a movie set, it was so blue. In her kitch en, Mrs. Wright has pn atomic oven, double built-in refrigera tors, restaurant warming ovens THE CHOWAJT gERAUS, TTqaTH CABQfcgSA. TSgtmgDA?. APRIL 30, I (to keep the ranchers’ meals hot for hours without drying out), disposal unit, and everything that you could imagjne for con venience sake in preparing a meal. In the utility room there was a complete laundry plus the heating and air conditioning units. Outside the house there was a tool room built on the back of the garage which also has private bath houses for the workmen on the ranch plus a dressing room where they can clean up before going home if they like. Off the business of fice (and den for Mr. Wright) is also a private bath and closet Which Mrs. Wright says always has a complete change of cloth ing so he can get out of his “ranch clothes and be present able before he comes into the rest of the house! Incidentally, we were curious about the shelves of shoes ... all sizes and all kinds . . . which we saw in the garage, just off the side entrance of the house. Mrs. Wright laughingly told us that her two boys . . . and her hus band . . . always left their “out side” shoes here and changed to another pair with soft soles be fore coming in on that gorgeous carpet! This sounded like a pretty sensible solution to me. The garage houses the two “Cadillacs”, the one station wa gon and the speed boat. The two boys in the family have a suite of rooms, bedroom and den combination with their own color TV. They have walk-in closets, hath and their own outside en trance. The 13-year-old daugh ter has a dream room that any little girl would drool over! Mrs. Wright’s bedroom looked Uke a picture in some “house beautiful” ad. I almost got lost in her walk-in hat closet! I thought for a while I was in a department store or a hat shop! I would have bedn delighted to just look at the house, but in addition to getting my fill of "seeing how the other half live” ... ha ... I also thoroughly enjoyed the luncheon. Mrs. Wright had invited 25 ladies to lunch and we had about a do zen of the most delectible salads that you’ve ever tasted. I ate dishes I had never even heard of before! I decided that this was dangerous ... I could learn to like this kind of living! From Monday through Wed nesday nights, my husband and I each taught one of the books on Baptist Heritage to Ft. Meade Baptists. We had about 100 coming and they were gracious in being good listeners . . . (Honorarium for these studies made it possible to take this “early vacation” so we were grateful for the opportunity to do this). Wednesday evening the whole Training Union group brought their supper and ate together at the church before the last ses sion, so we had some more good fellowship with them. We hated to leave on Thursday morning. Our families get together so sel dom that the children hartlly Taylor Theatre Edenton, N. C. Thursday and Friday, April 30-May 1— Vincent Edwards, Albert Finney, George Hamilton in "THE VICTORS" DIE TO LENGTH . . . SHORTS <:3O, FEATURE 8:00 Saturday, May 2 DOUBLE BILL Audie Murphy in "SHOWDOWN" —and— Barry Sullivan in "PYRO, THE THING ; WITHOUT A FACE" Technicolor Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, May 3-4-5 Jane Fonda and Cliff Robertson in "SUNDAY IN NEW YORK" Cinema Scope and Color Wednesday, May 6 SHOWS CONTINUOUS FROM S:SO Jeanne Cooper in "BLACK ZOO" CLnem.Soopr and Color Get Free Movie Tickets by Tradihg With The Following Merchants: RICKS LAUNDRY A DRY CLEANERS TASTEE FREES, EDENTON FAQ SUPER MARKRT KITCHENER’S PHARMACY I WESTERN OAS A FUEL OIL BEBYICE, INC. HOLLO WELLS HF.XALL I DRUG STORE I MU PERRY’S TEXACO SERVICE knew each other. We got a special tbrill in see ing all the orange groves as we traveled back and forth. Polk County, where Ft. Meade is lo cated, is the citrus capital of the world. It is also one of the largest producers of beef cattle in the world. The black angus is the most popular breed and can be seen everywhere you look on the rolling hills. One other industry makes Polk County a very wealthy area. This is the phosphate min ing. One third of the world’s phosphate needs are met 'by the “Bone Valley” formation, a shield shaped area some 50 miles long and 40 miles wide. Land values increased from $1.50 per acre to S2OO per acre when these rich deposits were accidently j found. The Florida Geological I Survey has said there are still over 800 million tons of phos phate in Bone Valley in Polk County. One of the most fascinating things we saw was a huge drag line (especially manufactured for Virginia Chemical Co.) which is used in the phosphate mining. Mr. Red Collier of Ft. Meade is the only man who can operate this giant piece of equipment . . . and incidentally this is the only one like it in the world. The company took Mr. Collier out to Wisconsin to see it being man ufactured, and taught him how to operate it. It has an air-condi tioned cab . . . and cost TWO MILLION DOLLARS; It weighs over 1,500 tons and can remove over 2,000 cubic yards of earth an hour! Lynn learned some things this week that the books could not impress on her. I suppose our stop at Marine land on the way home was Lynn’s biggest thrill. This is one of the most fascinating places I’ve ever seen . . . with the edu cated porpoise and whales and all the under-sea activity that you can watch. I think this would be my idea of an ideal family stopping place in Florida and one that was well worth the price of admission! We appreciated North Caro lina’s good .roads before we left but they looked even better af ter seeing some of South Caro lina and Georgia's narrow rougo strips. We saw the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel opening ad vertised as far down as Daytona Beach and we decided after see ing so many Canadian licenses and other northern states, that some of them had already found this route opened up to them. It was a most enjoyable trip, marred only by the knowledge that two of our church family had died in our absence and we had not been able to share the time of sorrow for the family, t It was doubly good to get home and find that someone had missed you! BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peeples announce the birth of a 7-pound daughter, Amanda Kay Peeples, torn , Saturday afternoon, April 2b in Chowan Hospital; y I OH, MY ACHING BACK Now! You can get the fast relief you need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause restless nights and miserable tired-out feelings. When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or stress and strain —you want relief—want it fasti Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong food and drink—of ten set ting up a restless uncomfortable feeling. Doan’s Pilla work fast in 3 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action to ease torment of nagging backache, head aches, muscular e :hes and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irritation. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. Enjoy a good night's sleep and the same happy relief millions have for over 60 years. For convenience, ask for the 'irge size. Get Doan’s Pills todqyl Fabulous! Seamless !r FiVk Quality! Sheer 400-Needle .Mesh NYLON HOSE 1 1 • ’;t J T 1 rtlol Only St... Dollar Store 294 N, Poindexter St. [i ' ' ' y ■ Girl Scout And Brownie News «> Girl Scout Troop No. 719 met! Monday, April 27, 1964, at the Barker House. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Burns. The minutes were read and the roll called. Then we talked about Girl Scout Camp. Then some of us worked on our badg es. Later we sent down to the drug store for some drinks and nabs. After that the meeting was dismissed. KATHY DOWD, Scribe. Girl Scout Troop No. 720 met at the Boy Scout Cabin Wednes day, April 22, 1964. The purpose of the meeting was to learn how to put up tents. Jeff Mabe and Grays Vann helped us and show ed us how. First each patrol put up a tent with the boys helping us. Then we had a race. The Horseshoe Patrol won. Mrs. Anderson told us we must make a patrol flag for each patrol. She gave us some pamphlets l about a camp we can go to. The meeting was then adjourned. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED j~j Come in Today g © CHEVROLET <§ □ TRANSMISSION „ uk „. „„ Q as spemusrs malic transmission. The I h W mucmcejMc. Service Department at I—l (B GEORGE CHEVROLET FOR THE FINEST is staffed with experts V REPAIRS . . experienced in Irans- I^l OR mission work of all fIUP fil JUSTMEWTS kinds . . Have yours |~| j ca»». rnifi k*yi#S Ch©Ck©d SOOfIJ Clean - up - Paint - up WITH PAINT FROM STOKE' and o assorted colors liXteriOl* Made with Vinvl Plastic -*-y s House ramt EXTRA WEAR „ „ 7 , c .,. on walls and woodwork For W OOd Sidillg in & Trim EVERY ROOM r Emulsion Type • one Coat Covers ®Qne.pqat Covers o. ~ ! © Tough and Durable ' -f9■'! # Fumeproof Resistant ar # Scrubbable X»#3.00 gal. S 3OO g al - Quarts SI.OO Quarts SI.OO MONEY BACK GUARANTEE % PAN& roller PAINT set DOLLAR STORE “The Albemarle’s Most Unusual Store” 204 N. POINDEXTER STREET Elizabeth City, N. C. STORE HOUMS: MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 9 A. M- TO 5:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY-,.-..—• A. M, TO 9 P. M; I Mrs. Junius Lassiter i Dies Friday Afternoon IMrs. Maude H,- Lassiter, 74. ! died Friday afternoon at the Chowan Hospital after a short illness. She was a native of Chowan County and had lived in Edenton for 45 years. She was the daughter of the late Jack and Sallie B. Harrell and the widow of Junius E. Lassiter. She is survived by two soas, Ervin Lassiter and Harry Lassi ter of Edenton; one daughter, Mrs. Lynol P. Moore of Norfolk, Va.; three brothers, Hoskins Hai rell, Lonnie” Harrell and Joe Lynn Harrell, all of Edenton: two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Heath and Mrs. 'Ethel Whitson of Eden ton; 13 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was a member of the First Christian Church. Funeral ser vices were conducted at the Wil liford Funeral Home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The Rev. E. C. Alexander, pastor, of ficiated and burial was in Beaver i Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were Haywood Harrell, Roy Harrell, Bob Wein traub, Henry Allen Powell, J. L. Harrell, Gerald Lassiter and An drew Whitson. DOLLAR STORE VALUES SI.OO Values for Entire Family Sun Glasses , - -2 pr, SI.OO Large Flower Pots , ,SI.OO Large Assortment 58 Items Tools 2for SI.OO Large Assortment Electric Lamps. x .SI.OO J-Wax - Simonir • Vista • Tone •' Miracle Liquid Car Waxes SI.OO Oil Filters SI.OO For Home i\nd Car lnstant Wash Bfrush ,-,,-SI.OO Fender Ajuto Mirrors $2.00 Seal Beans Light Bulbs ----- SI.OO 10-W-30 McAtor Oil.l. -. .4 qts. SI.OO Automatic Transmission Fluid -----2 qts. SI.OO t Power Mower and Outboard Motor Oil a----- 4 qts. SI.OO Black Flag Insect Spray V 2 gal. SI.OO Guaranteed 10 Years —• Vi inch Garden Hose -.60 ft. $2.00 Large Bag Grass Seed L SI.OO Car Floor Mats -4 2 for SI.OO l>/ 2 Bushel Laundry Baskets SI.OO Waste Baskets 4- --3 for SI.OO Spark Plugs X---. 8 for $2.00 Large Bread Box .-SI.OO Toilet Seats.. $2.00 Large Assortment Wicker Baskets ..-.._2 for SI.OO Large Cast Iron Frying Pans » SI.OO Small Cast Iron Frying Pans . 2 for SI.OO Large Aluminum Frying Pa(ns SI.OO Small Aluminum Frying Pans 2 for SI.OO With Lid 4<3uarl Aluminum Cooker .J. - SI.OO 10-Cup Aluminum Percolator ( SI.OO Drinking Glasses, 12 for SI.OO 8-oz. Water Pitchers 2 for SI.OO 30-qt. Ice Chests.- -SI.OO 1-gal. Ice Jug ----- - SI.OO Men’s & Boys’ Socks. 6 pr. SI.OO Ladies’ & Children's Tennis Shoes , pr. SI.OO Men’s Work & Casual Pants - - - pr. $2.00 72x90” Sheets . SI.OO Wash Cloths I ..12 for SI.OO 60x70” Beach Towels _sl.oo Kotex.. -4 3 boxes SI.OO Ladies' Gowns - Slips - Dusters SI.OO Little Girls’ Shorts Sets.. „*i „-i SI.OO Girls’ Shift Dresses SI.OO Ladies’ Half Slips 2 for SI.OO $1.98 Value * Ladies’ Blouses SI.OO Baby Dress & Slip SI.OO Baby Undershirts ~-, 3 for SI.OO Girls’ Pedal Pushers .2 pr. SI.OO (3.98 Value Ladies' Handbags. .1 SI.OO Men’s Straw Hats .'I- -SI.OO DOLLAR STORE “The Albemarle’s Most Unusual Store” 204 N. POINDEXTER STREET Elizabeth City, N. C. STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU THURSDAY. • A. M„ TO 5:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SATWAY -- v .—l A. M* TQ «P. K. -SECTION TWOs PAGE THREE

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