PAGE SIX i.mmm yw 1 ■« 1 > u■ u. 1 - I Lunch Room Menus j Vail. ■ ■»»-< -'-'I "I**-" -- Menus at the John A. Holmes High School lunch room for the week of May 4-May 8, will be as follows: Monday: Com beef with po tatoes and onions, cut green beans, hot biscuits, butter, apple pie, milk. Tuesday: Weiners, weiner rolls, cole slaw, pork and beans, peach es, milk. Wednesday: Fried chicken, po tato salad, buttered corn, rolls, butter, jello, milk. Thursday: Hamburgers, ham burger rolls, creamed potatoes, green peas, apple sauce, milk. Friday: Fish fillets, buttered potatoes, toss salad, corn hread, gingerbread, milk. center hill club meets Center Hill Home Demonstra tion Club met Tuesday night. April 21, at 8 o’clock at the Com munity Building with Mrs. Carl ton Goodwin as hostess. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Mrs. J. C. Boyce, who presented the devo tion. Miss Pauline Calloway, county home agent, gave the demonstra tion on how to mat and frame pictures, using samples of mats properly and improperly cut, (Odors in mats to bring out the color in prints and showing sam ple frames as to width, color and different finishes, all of which was very interesting and infor mative. Announcements were made of the music festival at Chowan High School May 3rd and of the Commissioners’ luncheon Mav 4, at Advance Community Building. Meeting was adjourned with the Club Collect and refresn ments served. This Is The Life By DONALD R. THOMAS J Do you take your marriage vows seriously? When the preacher says in sickness, in health, in joy and sorrow, richer or poorer, ■ until death do yoi, part, do you really mean it or are they just words to you? Marriage shouldn’t be taken lightly because it is from Cod and is as old as the family of man. It’s a 50-50 basis and th«. wife will suffer also if a man makes a mistake. Man should be the breadwinner and the wife should take care, of the home and children. Men, love your wife, and help them . . . Your work is from sun to sun, but thc-i: work is never done. The home should recognize Christ as the head of the home. In all prob lems that arise, God should be called upon and His will follow ed. Train the children in the way of faith, love, truth and obedience and God. will save, (tjie home. Trust, love and obey <|hrist who- is the saviour of the home. The family which prays together, stays together. The Bible says: “Nevertheless, let every one of you in particu lar, so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she. j-everence her husband.’ )'J>- ‘ —Ephesians 5:33. Apt Retort Sailor—Doesn’t this kiss make you long for another? Babe—Yes, but he’s on duty. ■ “It is always easier to be lieve tkam. to deny {Chowan County Churches I IB DENTON BAPTIST CHURCH REV. R. N. CARROLL, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning worship service, 11 o'clock. Training Union at 6:30 P. M. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Mid-week prayer service. Wednesday «t 7:30 P. M. YEOPIM BAPTIST CHURCH REV. TL-RKX JUNES. Pastor Sunday School Sunday moriilng at 1,0 o'clock- Preaching services every first and third Sunday mornings at 11 o’clock. . 1 . GREAT HOPE BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor Supday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship sefcond and fourth Sundays at 11 o'clock. Evening worship first and fourth Sundays at 8 o’clock. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 P. M. CENTER HILL METHODIST REV. C. T. WILSON. Pastor Preaching service every first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. EDENTON PRESBYTERIAN REV. HUGH S EVANS, Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Girls' Meeting all teenage girls— Sunday at 6:30 P. M. Christian Service Brigade—all teen age boys—Tuesday at 7 P. M. Mid-week Prnyer Service Wednes day night at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST CHRISTIAN REV. E. C. ALEXANDER. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Young People's meeting. 6:30 P. M. Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday evening service at 7:30 o’clock. i ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC REV. MlCHajs_ Pastor Sunday masses at 8 A. M. , Holy Day masses at 8 P. M. Confessions before every mass. Sunday School 11:45 Sunday morn ing. Convert, instructions or private con sultation by appointment. Phone 482-2617. CENTER HILL BAPTIST REV. HENRY V. NAPIER. Pastor Morning worship at li o’clock first and third Sundays. , Sunday School at 10 A. M. B. T. U. at 7 P. M. Evening worship at 8 o’clock second and fourth Sundays. Prayer service Thursday at 8 P. M. IMMANUEL BAPTIST REV. 808 WARE. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. , Morning service at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. , Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. EDENTON METHODIST REV. E. C. SHOAF, Pastor Church School Sunday morning at »:4o o'clock. Preaching service Sunday morning 11 o'clock. MACEDONIA BAPTIST REV. JOHNNIE BRADLEY. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. , 11 o'clock and every Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. : Preaching every Sunday morning at Prayer meeting Wednesday night al 7:30 o'clock. WARWICK BAPTIST REV. WARREN L. ROLLINS, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. a i 0 at 7 P. M. Preaching service at 8 P. M. Prayer service Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL REV. GEORGE B. HOLMES. Rector 8:00 A. M.. Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M. Church School. 10:00 A. M.. Adult Bible Class. 11:00 A. M.. morning worship. 7:30 P. M , Young Churchmen. Wednesday, 10:30 A. M., Roly Com munion. BALLARD'S BRIDGE BAPTIST GEORGE H. COOKE Pastor Sunday School Cunday morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching services at 11 A. M. and J P. M. Training Union (BTU) Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. REV. RICiVaFU> H Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. ■ PreacWßE service at 11-,'A. M.y i Evcnirt£f- w:)rsWip at 7:30 o’clock. YPE Wednesday at 7:30 P. M.. fol lowed by prayer meeting. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES JOSEPH R. CODESPOTI Presiding Minister Sermon at 3 o'clock Sunday after noon at Kingdom Hall. Bible- study Tuesday at ,8 P. M. Ministry school and service meet ing Friday nights at 7:30 o'clock. ASSEMBLY OF GOD REV. C. L. WILES Pastor Sunuay School at 9:45 A. M. Worship, service at 11 A. M. Chwst Ambassador serlce at 6:30 P. M : evangelistic service at 7:30 vP. M. : Wednesday night prayer ser vice at 7:30 o'clock. EVANS METHODIST REV. C. T. WILSON. Pastor Preaching services every first and third Sundays at 9:30 A M. fDENTON CHURCH OF ' ' , CHRIST (At Old Naval Biihp Chapel) - \rU£4AM REED. Minister . Biple School IO:OG; morning worship 11:00;. evening worship, 7:00. | lUf | to ftdi if talot.ia tow torritoo », Progressive sales managers are making more and i more use of the long distance telephone as a sales | tool. Try it and enjoy the profitable difference. 8 *6.. »”*** * the chowan sgptti. mmm. apjih. n mt HAPPY HOME PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH REV. HAROLD C. LEAKE. Pastor Sunday School, 9:45; morning wor ship, II o'clock. Llfellners, 6:45; evening worship, 7:45; Wednesday prayer service, 7:25. ROCKY HOCK* BAPTIST REV. THURMAN W. ALLRED. Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Morning worship at 11 o clock. Training Union at 7 P. M. Evening worship at 8 o'clock. COLORED CHURCHES PROVIDENCE BAPTIST REV. F. H. LaGUARDE, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7:30 o’clock. Young people’s and senior choir practice Friday nights at 8 o'clock. Men's Bible Class meets Monday night at 8 o’clock. GALE STREET BAPTIST REV. O. C. WELCH, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Services every second and fourth Sunday at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST EPISCOPAL REV. CLYDE BEATTY, Minister First Sunday at 11 A. M., Holy Com munion and sermon. Second Sunday at 9 A. M., Holy Communion. Third Sunday at 9 A. M., Holy Communion. Fourth Sunday at 11 A. M., morn ing prnyer and sermon. Sunday School each Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ELDER J. A. SAWYER, Pastor Every second and fourth Sunday, Pastor s Day. Every first and third Sunday, Church Day. Sunday School at 11 A. M. to 1 P. M, Prayer and Bible Band Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Wednesday night choir practice at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night choir practice at 7:30 o’clock. .. „ , Frldav night Pastor's Aid Society at 8 o'clock. , , , Saturday night young people s Bible quiz and recreation. KADESH A. M. E. ZION REV. R. R. FURNELL. Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o’clock. PLEASANT GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. C. C. SATTERFIELD. Pqstor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship service at 11 o'clock Choir rehearsal Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Bible study at 4 o'clock Sunday; book study Thursday night, 8 o clock: service meeting and Ministry School Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. CENTER HILL BAPTIST REV. H. C. SAUNDERS, Pastor WARREN GROVE BAPTIST REV. J. E. TILLETT, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11:30 A. M. every second and fourth Sundav. Women's Educational and Mission Union meets every fourth Sunday after the morning service. WELCH'S CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. W. H. DAVIS. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service first Sunday at 11:30 A M. ST. JOHN BAPTIST REV. J. E. GFIFFIN, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Services every first and third Sun days at 12 o'clock noon. Vesper service at 6 o'clock. WHITE OAK CHAPEL BAPTIST REV. R. M. McNAIR, Pastor PINEY GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. M. H. EBRON, Pastor UNION GROVE A. M. E. Z. REV. W. W. LANIER. Pastor RYAN GROVE BAPTIST REV. WILLIAM BEMBERY. Pastor ST. LUKE CHRISTIAN REV. KELLY GOLDMAN, Pastor CANAAN TEMPLE A. M. E. Z. REV. LUTHER BROWN, Pastor Sunday School at 10:15 A. M. Morning worship at 11:30 o clock. Young people’s meeting at 2 P. M. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. Tuesday night first Senior Choir practice at 8 o’clock. Wednesday night second Senior Choir practice at 8 o’clock. HAWKINS CHAPEL A. M. E, Z. REV, M. H. EBRON, Pastor LOCUST GROVE A. M. Z. ?• REV; W. ML LANIER, Pastor I \/fake Ckurck-Going a Ha6ii LV L u E, Sunday Lesson School CfikisWAN PRINCIPLES IN DAILY WORK International Sunday School Lesson for May 3, 1964. Memory Selection: “Whateve; your task, Work heartily, as serv ing the Lord, and not men.” (Colossians 3:23). Lesson. Text: Luke 12:13-34; 16: 1-13; I Thessalwiajis 4:9-12. In our studies for today wet must try to face the fact that people—apd not material pos sessions—are of priinary import ance. And we must also face the faqt that today, as in Bibli cal times, this fundamental fact was often buried under an over active concern for- Self /. . man’s instinct for survival being of primary importance in Nature’s scheme of things. In Jesus’ time on earth, life in Palestine was a thing of sim plicity personified . . . vastly removed from the complicated and organized social order of our world of today. The problem of earning a living, then, was one of the utmost importance. And Jesus, being a realist, knew that this would continue to be im portant to mankind wherever and whenever they might live. His teachings, therefore, have relevance today, because the scope pf his vision was not limit ed merely to the times in which he lived; his far-seeing mind en compassed generation after gen eration to come. Therefore, the. eternal principles which he taught, serve us equally well to day, as they served our fore fathers in the past—as they will serve the yet unborn generations to come. Today we see that as Jesus was teachng, one of the crowd! around him interrupted, request-1 ing that he settle a dispute about Colonial Motor Co. of Edenton BUICK - OLDS - PONTIAC GMC TRUCKS 11 1 i - « 1 • ■—* I i ■ Belk - Tyler’s t EDENTON’S SHOPPING CENTER W. E. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE “ROCKY HOCK" PHONE 482-3022 EDENTON Ww—WWW"" ——— M. G. Brown Co., Inc. LUMBER MILLWORK BUILDING MATERIAL Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHQNE 482-2135 EDENTON L ■ »j ■ ■ ' p—i I —i Edenton Tractor & Equipment Company f YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER AGENTS pOR EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS U. S. 17 SOOTH EPENTON, N. C. ...READ... The Chowan Herald Your Hometown Newspaper * ii Esso Service Center “Tm ffrPfU4sb> ESSO Dealer” ESSO. PRODUCTS - ATLAS TIRES Xm> BATTERIES the division of an inheritance. Jesus was quick to grasp this op portunity to teach about the Christian attitude toward pos sessions. He told the listening crowd the story of the rich farm- . er. The farmer, it was clear-, had plenty ... he was not starving, ' nor was his family. But he be came obsessed with .material pos sessions, mistakenly believing that these provide safety and se curity for the future. Jesus used this opportunity to 1 direct his listens’ attention to the lilies of the field; to the grass. God provided for them. He Would dp, no less for his children. Man must, in order to benefit from God’s help, also help him self. Toil, exhorted Jesus, was an honest thing ... a thing of dig nity and worth. It still pos sesses those qualities today. A Christian finds dignity in any work needed for man’s welfare, no matter how humble the job may be, and when faithfully per formed, it adds to the dignity of the one who does it. When men work diligently and wisely, to the best of their ability, using the faculties with which Qqd has provided men, they can afford to trust in God to see that their material needs are met. Unfortunately, too many of us either take no pride in our work . . . downing the tools of our trade the minute our workday ends; or we work solely for the material possessions that can be the fruits of our labor ... a , bigger car, a fancier home—the numerous outward signs of suc cess by which we are inclined to set such store. And the energy, the thought, the, planning that we put into these fleeting sym- . bols, would be much better uti lized in our thought for God’s ; kingdom, and our spiritual in- I heritance. Continued on Page 7. Section 2 -ir i-ii-i_i—ir*w u-<--i-,-,- ——— - —*—■ —~ • These Religious Messages Are Published In The Chowan Herald and Are Sponsored By the Fol lowing Business Establishments. Edenton Savings & Loan Association Where You Save Does Make a Difference EDENTON. N. C. im W n W , ~i.» ■■■. M)W l WJ» ■ ■■■ >n .1 Edenton Restaurant “Good Rood t- Pheasant Surroundings” MBS. W. L. BOSWELL. Prop. PHONE 432-9723 EDENTON Hughes-Parker Hardware Co. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 482-2315 EDENTON !■ l . .HI \pi I ■> 111 ' .1..1U.11 l II". ■ "I I ' i in ■mu -iiJi" . !'»'! ■ " -m' 11 ■ This Space Sponsored By A Friend Os The Churches Ju Chowan County - , „ ,~i r.i:■?'" ~ i!.# l\i ■ Edenton Construction Co., Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 482-3315 / . N. BROAD ST. ' 'I ■ ■ Frank R. Jonea & Son FRESH PRODUCE PHONE 482-2510 , EDENTON 5 bL I ’ ■ 1 - * r ■'""*: ... _ . L COMPLETE ELBCTRfCAI* SBRVICB ■ 'm • . , . . .. •. ' , *v V. - JjL I THE CHURCH FOR ALL AU FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the build ing of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse «f spiritual values. Without a Strang church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There arf four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the' church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his chil dren’t sake. (3) For the ink* of bit community and nation. (4) For the sake of the church itself, Vihich needs bis moral and material support. I’lau to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Copyright 1964, KeUter Advartising Service, Inc., Straiburg, Vs, 4- -L ; ■'// Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Psalms Psalms NahuAi II Corinthians Ephesians I Timothy I Peter 146.-1-10 147:1-11 1:1-7 9:6-15 3:14-21 6:3-10 5:1-11 “Don’t forget Tippy’s treat!” Even if we’re a bit late leaving for church, Susan and Mark must take their paper bag of surprises for Tippy the squiFrel, Tippy lives in the park beside the church, and he’s one of many happy, heart-warming things that our family looks forward to on Sundays. We are rearing our children in the Christian faith because we know from our own experience how much it means to young people growing up. Without a right sense of values, youngsters are so likely to get into trouble. Already Susan and Mark are learning to trust in the loving protection of God, and to turn to Him with their little problems. Through the stories of Jesus they are beginning to understand whqt it means to follow Him, We pray that this childhood pattern will strengthen and form a steadfast foundation for the whole of their lives. No parents copld ask for more. Leary Bros. Storage Company BUYERS OF j Peanuts, Soy Beans and Country Produce SELLERS OF Fertilizers and Seeds * 0 PHONES: 482-2141 AND 482-2142 'S-> - J Hobbs Implement Company, Inc. “YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER” Your Farm Equipment Needs Are a Life '7^*^ Time Job With Us! V^ ow " Mitchener’s Pharmacy ''' ’ i * PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS j > \ PHONE 482-3711 EDENTON 1 .. il I ■ 1 ■ 'v•' ;v n - Quinn Furniture Company , l] HOME OF FINE FURNITURE EDENTON. N. C. '■w'iwii'p ' . V~ \\.i jiytfSfi ■;> i ffijflSS ' Albemarle Motor Company “Your Friendly DraUF* ’■ **■*■»«• WEST HICKS STREET EDENTON 11 '• ; r- Hkte&tea Office Supply { EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE <■ > r A . PHONE 482-2627 5Ol S. BROAD ST. |P" wi ■■ «P- 11 " "■ ■■■ mm ■ » By rum Implement A Truck Col I .ft.y.&• ‘c'S. j- ' v J 4 lINTPRXTATTOVAL HARVFSTFR DFAIFR I