SHOP IN EDENTON STORES DURING 4th OF JULY HOLIDAY r A Newspaper Devoted To the Progress of the Albemarle Area Volume XXXl.—Number 27. Chowan County Joins Majority Oi State In Giving Judge Dan K. Moore Landslide Victory For Governor 't Robert Scott Narrow-! ly Wins Over Cliff! Blue For Lieutenant- i Governor Chowan County voters in Sat-' urday’s second Democratic pri- 1 mary election joined the majori ty of North Carolina counties in favoring Judge Dan K. Moore as North Carolina’s Governor. In Chowan the vote was very close with Moore edging Judge Richardson Preyer by 45 votes. Moore received 800 votes and Preyer 755. In the state, however, Mr. Moore won by a landslide, being given a majority of votes in 62 percent of the 100 counties. Mr. Preyer was high man in the first primary, but lacked! enough votes to forestall a sec ond primary. Dr. I. Beverly! Lake was not so very far be-1 hind the two leaders with; something like 217,000 votes. I Dr. Lake threw his support to Mr. Moore and Dr. Lake’s sup porters in the first primary elec tion obviously went for the most part to Moore, which had quite an effect on the easy victory for the Western North Carolina can didate. In the other run-off election for Lieutenant-Governor it was a very much closer contest Continued on Page 6, Section 1 Donald E. Dale Is Given Promotion — — > Army Specialist Donald E; Dale, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie R. Dale, Route 2, Tyner, was recently promoted to Spe cialist-Four. Specialist Dale is a wheel ve hicle mechanic with Battery A, 6th Howitzer Battalion, 16th Ar tillery, Fort Chaffee, Ark. He was graduated from Per quimans County High School at Hertford in 1962 and entered the Army on August 7 of that year. SECURITY COMMISSION OFFICE CLOSED JULY 6 William A. Hollar, manager of the Edenton Employment Se curity Commission office, an nounces that the office will be closed Monday, July 6, in ob servance of Independence Day. All persons scheduled to re port on that date are requested to report on Monday, July 13. 20 Years Ago At Found In The Files Os The Chowan Herald V / # At a war bond rally $70,000 worth of bonds were sold which exceeded the fondest hopes of J. G. Campen and D. M. Warren, co-chairmen of the Fifth War Loan drive. The county's quota was $426,000 and the goal was in sight with less than $76,000 more to go. Continuing in an effort to se cure a hospital for Edenton, S. N. Vance, a representative of the Federal Works Agency, attended a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in an effort to secure federal aid in building and equipping a hospital. Continued on Page 3, Section 1 Structural Work On Pollocks Swamp Watershed Nearly Done ' *;.? •- 1 ii i ii i . i ,i ■ The structural work' on the Pollock Swamp Watershed is al most completed. About 21.5 miles of mam and lateral ditch construction has been completed. The dirt excavated from the ditches has been. leveled for a travel way along the edge of the; ditches for maintenance. Several bridges have been built Twenty-five culverts for farm road crossings have been instaD ed. Eighty-nine smaller culverts for surface inlets have also been installed. The -travel way will be seeded to some type of grass th Jfci? l work has been going on THE CHOWAN HERALD •5.h (L j CHOWAN'S VOTE IN SECOND PHMMtY ! MOORE PREYER BLUE SCOTT East Edenton 246 243 220 259 West Edenton 279 276 266 273 'Rocky Hock 56 93 37 97 ’Center Hill 102 39 67 68 ,Yeopim 44 34 37 37 Wardville 73 70 39 84 Totals 800 755 666 828 Ringing Bells Will Be Part Os Independence Day Celebration The Edenton Tea Party Chap ter of the DAR will again spon j sor the “Ringing of Bells” in I Edenton as part of the nation wide observance of Independence j Day. I On July 4th the Chowan I Court House bell will be rung (at 2 P. M„ and other bells in .the community are asked to ring at the same time. Last year’s revival of ringing of bells to celebrate Independ ence Day was a huge success lo cally and nationwide. Plans Made For Knitting Contest For Second Year Local Judging of Con testants Will Take Place at the Chowan County Fair Knitters and crocheters from Maine to California will be needling their way to fame against needlework hobbyists this year as r contestants in the 1964 National Wool Needlework Contest. To enable residents of 1 this area to participate, entries , for the nationwide competition, being held for its second sue cessive year, will be submitted for judging locally at the Cho wan County Fair Which takes place from September 28 to Oc tober 3. No entries may be made directly to the contest’s national headquarters. The contest which is being held again under the joint spon sorship of *the National Hand Continued on Page 6, Section 1 112 In Chowan County , Sign Petition In Favor l .Os Governor Wallace! [ , According to a report from ■ Chowan County election officials, i 112 certified signatures have i been received petitioning the I name of Governor George Wal lace of Albama to be placed on the presidential ticket in North . Carolina in- the November elec i tion. ! George Gelbach, a teacher at ! Frederick Military Institute in Virginia, and a former John A. Holmes High School teacher in Edenton, Is circulating the pe ; tition. Swamp Watershed. The actual construction work has cost around $140,000. This cost has been shared by the local people in the watershed and the fed eral government J ' The benefits in reducing flood ing of low lying cropland are ex pected to return $3.10 for each SI.OO spent on improvements. The improvements are being made under the Watershed Pro tection and Flood Prevention Act with the Chowan County Drainage District No. 1, Albe marle Soil and Water Conser vation District and the Chowan -J fTiJL.niiasLju. Ibdentoß, | o'wan County, North Carolina, Thursday. July 2, 1964. Congress has passed a resolu tion declaring that the anniver sary of the signing of the Decla ration of Independence should be observed each year by the ring ing of bells throughout the Unit ed States at the hour of 2 o’clock : in the afternoon of the 4th day of July. Radio station WCDJ will broadcast at various times Sat ; urday a program on Independ ence Day. Citizens are reminded to dis play the flag on July 4th. J. Eugene Perry Named Chairman For Auto Dealers Appointment Is An nounced By Presi dent of N. C. Auto Dealers Association J. Eugene Perry, manager of the Edenton Motor Company, has been appointed area chair man of the North Carolina Auto mobile Dealers Association for Chowan County, according to an announcement made by E. B. Gamble, president. He succeeds N. J. George. Perry will act as liaison officer between new car and truck dealers in Chowan County and NCADA and the Na- Conlinued on Paste 6—Section 1 Local Radio Amateurs In Field Day Exercise Local radio amateurs partici pated in the United States and Canada field day exercises last Saturday and Sunday at Ahos kie. Emergency transmitters and power generators were set up at isolated places to test the equipment and procedure in competition with other radio amateurs all over the world. The site chosen by the North eastern North Carolina Radio Club was at the fire tower near Ahoskie. Several thousand contacts were made, during the 24 hours, using emergency power en tirely. Contacts were made with Czechoslovakia, the Canal Zone, Brazil and England. The following radio operators from Edenton attended the af fair: Murray Ashley, J. J. Ross, Jacob Hobowsky, J. P. Ricks, Jr., Lyman Partin, Bill Garwood and Curtis Forehand. Everyone in attendance reported a very interesting time. Banks Will Close Saturday, July 4th Attention is called to the fact, that Peoples Bank & Trust Com pany and the Consumer Credit Branch will be closed Saturday, July 4, in observance of Inde pendence Day. ‘ Both banks will be open Mon day, July 6, so that important banking business should be transacted accordingly. HEALTH DEPARTMENT WILL CLOSE MONDAY, JULY 6th The local Health Department wiH be closed July 6, in observance of independence - .j: sWinners In Second Primary Election opr' pBP IE I i , | Hg frfp DAN K. MOORE Governor lieutenant-Governor In a landslide. Judge Dan K. Moore of Canton easily defeated Judge Richardson Preyer of Greensboro in the second Democratic primary election held Saturday. Robert W. Scott of Haw River narrowly squeaked by Clifton Blue of Aberdeen for Lieutenant- Governor. Chowan County was in both winners’ column. Hope Os Playground Site For New Fire Station In Edenton Out Os Picture ! ♦ School Trustees Re-i fuse to Release or Trade Property on Broad Street One of the most prominent sites for a new fire station in Edenton has gone out of the picture as the result of action taken by the Edenton school (trustees. Town Councilmen for a long time have been consider -iag- a-stU—for.-Jhe- new and part of the playground ad joining the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cuthrell was considered the most practical. The area in question was deed ed to the school trustees some years ago and the town sought release of this particular por tion for a new fire station. However, a letter to W. B. Gardner, town administrator, from Superintendent Hiram J. Mayo puts at rest any 'hope of scouring the property for a fire station. Mr. Mayo’s letter follows: Cont'd. on Page 4—Section 1 Ryland Ruritans Will Hold Barbecue Supper The Ryland Ruritans will have a barbecue chicken and barbe cue pork supper Saturday night, July 11, from 6 to 8 o’clock at the Ryland Community Build ing. The profit will be used to pay off the indebtedness on the community building. Ruritan members may be con tacted to purchase a ticket. 1 Also the young adult Sunday School Class of Happy Home Church will have all kinds of homemade cakes for sale at the supper. The profit on the cakes will go toward helping build a classroom for this class. Everyone is urged to attend the supper and bake sale and support the Ruritans and Sun day School Class. Pollock Swamp Watershed Main Channel '% , > I 1 ' 1 'K : 4 J | * ~V| •av - i jP4 p?F L'WB if lUEifig ■»A«i *.■*, A - SSBr ■h ' - Pictured above la the mein channel of PoSoek Swamp Watershed near the lower end after completion. This project includes about 21.5 miles of main and lateral ditch construction. A travel way will be established along the edge el M channel for access and iMintfMßw* toy Ha Cm* ... ROBERT W. SCOTT Leroy Heninger Is Red Men Sachem i New Officers Elected At Meeting Held Monday Night Members of Chowan Tribe No. 12, Improved Order of Red IVJen, elected officers for six months 'at a meeting held Monday' night. Leroy Heninger was elected sachem for the next six months, succeeding Thomas Jackson. Other officers elected were: Pro phet, Thomas Jackson; senior sagamore, Robert Whiteman; junior sagamore, Clyde Hollo well; keeper of wigwam, Louis Craddock and trustee for 18 months, William Barrow. These officers will be install ed at a meeting Monday night, July 6 by Guy Williams, triball deputy Great Sachem. Edenton Girls Return From Music School Three members of the Concord Choir of the Edenton Baptist Church returned home Wednes day night from Ridgecrest, N. C-, where they attended a music school. The girls included Gayle Oli ver, Artie Bass and Ann Har rell. They were accompanied by Miss Frances Marshbourne, coun selor. EDENTON POST OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 4 Edenton’s Post Office will be closed Saturday, July 4. in ob servance of Independence Day. There will be no city or rural deliveries, nor will any of the windows be open. Mail will, however, he placed in lock boxes and dispatched as usual. , . . Democrat Leaders Meet In Greenville Monday, July 6th Group Will Consider Party Policy Making For General Election In November Chowan County Democrats will be represented at the district meeting of county chairmen and 'vice-chairmen when members of 'the State Campaign Committee i are selected, it is announced by !Tom H. Shepard, county chair | man. The party leaders are sched uled to meet Monday night, July 6 at 7 o’clock at the Holiday Inn jat Greenville with Lunsford Crew, state Democratic chair j man. Mr. Crew will meet in all . congressional districts next week. 1 Principal business will be the j selection of a man and a wo man to represent the district on the 22 member State Campaign | Committee. Campaign plans, coordination :of the state, district and county | campaign procedures will also be 1 discussed. Crew explained that the State Campaign Committee is the principal policy making group for the November election and the members serve as liaison with the state and county cam- Continued on Page 6, Section 1 Boaters And Fishermen Warned To Be Careful Over July Fourth Edenton Chamber of Com- 1 merce President West W. Byrum reminds boaters and fishermen ( that the week of June 28th through July 4th is National I Safe Boating Week in North i Carolina. With the July 4th 1 week-end certain to witness I more pleasure craft afloat than < at any other time during the i summer, both boat owners and i passengers should be certain that < all adequate life-saving devices be aboard. J Records on file at the North i Carolina Wildlife Resources < Commission show that as of June < 25, more than 40 boating acci- i dents have occurred on the pub- < lie waters of the state with 26 ( Rotary Officers Installed Today West Byrum Succeeds Hiram J. Mayo as President Edenton Rotarians will hold their weekly meeting this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Parish House. At this meeting new officers' for the Rotary year will be in-1 stalled, with West Byrum suc ceeding Hiram J. Mayo as presi dent. Zech Bond is the new vice! president, While William D.l Holmes, Jr , will again be treas-j urer and Britton Byrum, ser geant-at-arms. The directors are Dr. Polk Williams, Jack Habit, J. D. Barnhill, Zech Bond, Bill Holmes, William A. Hollar and Alton Elmore. All Rotarians are requested to attend the meeting. Sgt. David Blount An Expert In Firing Army Sgt. David Blount, son of Mrs. Evelyn S. Blount of Edepton, qualified as expert in firing the M-14 rifle in Ger many, June 15. The versatility of this light weight rifle allows the individual soldier to fire it automatically, mount a bayonet for hand-to hand combat, or to launch a rifle grenade against enemy armor or personnel in fortified positions. Sergeant Blount is assigned to the 317th Engineer Battalion’s Headquarters Company in Ger many as a ration distribution chief. The sergeant is a 1948 gradu ate of D. F. Walker High School and was engaged in fanning be fore entering the Army- $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Edenton Merchants Plan Three Big Trading Days As July 4th Celebration [ Cotton Blossoms] S .. j Paul Ober, Rocky Hock farm er, was the first to report pick ing a cotton blossom for this year. Mr. Ober picked a full ' sized blossom Saturday and brought it to The Herald office. Tuesday morning of this week I Dick Lowe of the Advance ccm j munity brought two cotton blos- some to The Herald office. CionaiirorGr | At Baptist Church Very Impressive Ser vice Held Sunday Night A very impressive coronation | service for the Girls' Auxiliary i was held at the Edenton Baptist Church Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. The theme of the ser vice was “We’ve A Story To ! Continued on Page 3, Section 1 fatalities, Byrum said. More than 9,000 boats were checked during the month of May in North Carolina by the State Wildlife Protectors who are responsible for enforcing safe boating laws and regulations. Os those checked 555 were being operated in an unlawful manner with 40 failing to have life-sav ing devices aboard, Byrum add ed. Most of the fatalities, Byrum said, were from drowning, but nearly all of these accidents could have been averted if boat owners and passengers had taken proper precautions and had op erated their boats in a prudent and courteous fashion. Rev. E. Cliff Shoaf Returns To Edenton Year’s Methodist Ap pointments Made Thursday With appointment of ministers taking place Thursday at the an nual Methodist Conference held at Burlington, the Rev. E. C. Shoaf was returned to the Edenton Methodist Church. It is I Mr. Shoaf s second year for the I Edenton church and members of I the congregation are delighted that he was returned for another year. Mr. Shoaf was also ap pointed district director of Chris tian vocations. The Rev. R. L. Jerome was Continued on Page 6—Section 1 SAVINGS & LOAN OFFICE WILL HE OPEN JULY 4th The Edenton Savings & Loan Office- will remain open Satur day, July 4. The office will, however, be closed Monday, July 6 in celebration of Inde pendence Day. Norfolk Couple Donate Land For Skinnersville Civic Center Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Rough ton, Sr., cf Norfolk, Va., former residents of Washington County and owners of Rough ton Pontiac Motor Company in Norfolk, do nated 14 acres of land with growing timber, a two-story dwelling, a one story cottage and tool shed, all to be used for a community center for Skin ners ville in Washington County. The property is known as the Albemarle - Grill site where the highway goes to Columbia and Plymouth. Plans for the future are a ball diamond, tennis court and play* For Quick Results ... I Try a Classified Ad In The Herald Stores Open All Day Saturday, July 4th; Event Given Wide Publicity Edenton merchants have agreed to remain open Saturday, July 4, instead of closing in order to observe Independence Day. In connection with the store opening, merchants have plan ned three big days of savings in order to attract shoppers to Edenton. These big days will be observed today (Thursday) Friday and Saturday, during which many special bargains will be offered to shoppers. During the three days many timely items have been drastically re duced which will prove to be money-saving purchases. Edenton merchants have de clared an all-out war on prices on timely merchandise for the home and family, and they are hopeful that many people in Chowan and nearby counties wul celebrate the Fourth of July by realizing considerable cash on merchandise they need at pres ent. The three bargain days are sponsored by the Merchants Committee of the Edenton Continued on Page 6—Section 1 Bill Goodwin Wins IJ.N.C. Scholarship Edenton friends will be inter ested to know that Bill Good win, son of Mr. and Mrs. W P. Goodwin, was one of six stu- I dents at the University of North Carolina School of Journalism to be awarded merit scholar ships for 1964-65. Young Goodwin won the Ger ald W. Johnson scholarship. All winners have a 3.0 journalism average and a 2.5 overall (B and C-plus). Goodwin is now on a cruise with the Naval Reserve and in a letter to him, forwarded to his parents Dean Norval Neil Luxon had* this to say: “Dear Bill Congratulations on making the spring semester Dean’s List. “I know that all the members l of the staff of the School of 1 Journalism join me in these con gratulations because in doing cutstanding work you are meet ing the primary responsibility for being a student. “About twice as many made the Dean's List this spring as did last fall, which indicates to me that the quality of the stu dent body is improving. “Best wishes for a pleasant summer.” [ CIVIC calendar] Edenlon merchants will ne open for business Saturday, July 4 and plan to hold special bar gain sales Friday and Saturday, July 3 and 4. Bells in Edenton will ring al 2 o'clock Saturday, July 4, a? pari of the celebration of Inde pendence Day. Ryland Ruritans will hold a barbecue chicken and barbecue pork supper at the Ryland Com munity Building Saturday night, July 11 from 6 to 8 o'clock. Continued on Page 6, Section 1 ground. Mr. Roughtcn also plan# to contribute for a chapel to be erected. The first meeting was held June 22 at the site with Mrs. Howard M. Ange of Edenton prAiding. The group voted to name the organization “Skin nersville Civic Cento-, Inc.” The following officers were ' elected for the coming year: , Delbert Patrick, chairman; Charlie W. Ange, vice chair- . man; Jennie Arnold, secretary and Viva Ange, treasurer. The Skinnersville Civic Can- 1 oliii