i—SECTION TWO PAGE FOUR Rev. Bob Ware Guest Evangelist At Revival In Saginaw, Michigan TTie Rev. Bob Ware, pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church is away this week in revival ser vices in Saginaw, Michigan. He will be speaking nightly at the Humsberger Heights' Baptist Church there. The pastor of the church, the Rev. Bill Conklin, is an old friend of Mr. Ware from Key West, Fla., where both were I stationed with the U. S. Navy. Both pastors helped work with the Stock Island Baptist Church, an independent work in Key West, where Mr. Ware is one of thg charter members. ■ Mr. Ware left Norfolk by plane early Monday morning and was expected to arrive in Saginaw in early afternoon. He i* staying with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Garrett, who were instru mental in starting the Key West church, where Mr. ■ Ware and Mr. Conklin worked. Speaking nightly, Mr. Ware will address the congregation of the Humsberger Heights church at 7:30 each evening. This series of revival meetings is the first s : nce Mr. Conklin has been pas tor there. Mr. Ware will return to Eden-- ton the first part of next week. In his absence, the Rev. Jesse J.nes of Faith Baptist Church, Windsor', will speak at Wednes cay night services at Immanuel. On Sunday, Donald Outland ot Winfall, a deacon from the Em manuel Baptist Church in Eliza beth City, will take care of both morning and evening worship services. Real Luck! Doctor (to druggist)—Say, you made a terrible mistake in- put ting up that prescription for old Mrs. Rinsewater. It’s lucky she is alive. I know I wrote it cor rectly. What have you to say for yourself? 1 Druggist (consulting prescrip tion) —Why Doc, I must have mixed your signature in with the ether ingredients. This Is The Life By DONALD R. THOMAS L -I IS IT A SIN TO DAiNCE? Ii I should ask almost anv! teenager that, the answer would 1 be “No.” Some say it’s not a i sin if you have a clean heart. I Let me ask you a question I How many boys go to a dance to dance with boys? None is right. They go to the dance to dance with girls. John the Bap tist lost his head and he wasn’t even at the dance. Moses had to write the Ten Commandments twice because the people were dancing and drinking. Jesus said, ‘Do not take part in this world because you are not of this world.” I may make some one mad, but I am not trying to be popular. I am taking my stand for Jesus Christ even if the world hates me. Won’t you accept Christ as your Savior? That’s the only way that you may have life in the world to come. The Bible says: “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh ahd the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world.”—l John 2:16. wEmUrnuSJSL ■ tfert “Accumulated experience and information are equip ment; they are the intellec tual tools that you work w*k.- tim 1 - * i Chowan County Churches EDENTON BAFTIST CHURCH REV. R. N. CARROLL. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning worship service, 11 o clock. Training Union at 8:30 P. M. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Mid-week prayer service. Wednesday •t 7:30 P. M. YEOPIM BAPTIST CHURCH REV. TEKKY JONES. Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching services every first and third Sunday mornings at 11 o’clock. GREAT HOPE BAPTIST DAVID L. HARRIS, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship second and fourth Soodavs at 11 o'clock. Evening worship first and fourth Sundays at 8 o'clock. Praver service Wednesday at 8 P. M. CENTER HILL METHODIST REV. C. T. WILSON. Pastor Preaching service every first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. EDENTON PRESBYTERIAN REV. HUGH S EVANS. Pastor Sunday School Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. , . , Morning worship at 11 o clock. Girls' Meeting all teenage girls— Sunday at 6:30 P. M. Christian Service Brigade—all teen age boys—Tuesday at 7 P. M. Mid-week Prayer Service Wednes day night at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST CHRISTIAN REV. E. C. ALEXANDER, Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Young People's meeting, 6:30 P. M. Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday evening service at 7:30 o’clock. ST. ANN S CATHOLIC REV. MlCHjve,.. mJLzsuv... Pastor Sunday masses at 8 A. M. Holy Day masses at 8 P. M. ' Confessions betore every mass. Sunday School 11:45 Sunday morn ing. Convert. Instructions or private con sultation by appointment. Phone 482-2617. CENTER HILL BAPTIST DAVID L. HARRIS. Pastor Morning worship at l. o'clock first and third Sundays. Sunday School at 10 A. M. B. T. U. at 7 P. M. Evening worship at 8 e clock second and fourth Sundays. Prayer service Thursday at 8 P. M. IMMANUEL BAPTIST REV. 808 WARE. Pastor. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. EDENTON METHODIST REV. E. a SHOAF, Pastor Church School Sunday morning at o'cTocic, Preaching' service Sunday morning 11 o'clock. MACEDONIA BAPTIST REV. JOHNNIE BRADLEY. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. 11 o'clock and every Sunday night at 7 ;30 o'clock Preaching every Sunday morning at Prayer meeting Wednesday night at .7:30 o'clock. WARWICK BAPTIST REV. WARREN L. ROLLINS. Pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. BTU at 7 P. M. Preaching service at 8 P. M. Prayer service Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL REV GEORGE B. HOLMES. Rector 8:00 A. M.. Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M., Church School. 10:30 A. M . Adult Bible Clan. 11:00 A. M.. morning worship. 7:30 P. M., Young Churchmen. Wednesday. 10:30 A. M., Roly Com munion. BALLARD'S BRIDGE BAPTIST GEORGE H. COOKE. Pastor Sunday School Cunday morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching services at 11 A. M. and *#! Israelites’ children were saved. This was the Tweaking point ot Egyptian tyranny. Over-awed, fearing greatly, the Egyptians urged the Israelites to leave their midst, even though, eco nomically it represented a ter rific loss in the labor fbree available to them; * 1 : ' This, then, was the beginning of the Exodus. God had given his people leaders; he had smoothed the path of their flight from oppression. That that same path was to grow thornier, they had no way of knowing. But always,. God’s hand showed in their progress towards the promised freedom. We realize that, throughout our Biblical studies of the .Exo dus, God did not, tangibly, work alone. He used a man named Moses, and his brother, Aaron- — and possibly many others be sides. To accomplish his -pur pose, God needed men who were courageous, far-seeing, discip lined in mind as well as body. There is always the human factor to be taken into account when God issues a challenge. God’s claim comes, but it re quires the responsive man. The sea parted (a fundamental law of the universe, perhaps?) but God created the universe, and ordered its progress by bound aries and elemental laws) and Moses responded, seizing the op portunity to lead his people along the narrow path to free dom. God was, then, using a human instrument to keep his promise to free his chosen peo ple, and that which had been ordained came to pass. And as Christians today, we need to be especially alert to the hand of God working in human affairs. No matter how militar ily powerful a country may be— no matter how economically PagT s—Section 2 John is thinking about “what he wants to be.” No, he doesn’t want to Jbe a jet pilot, nor a nuclear physicist, nor a lawyer, nor an actor, nor a doctor, CHURCH FOR ALL... nor yet a banker, baker, or chemist. John has decided. all for THi church He wants to be a MINISTER. The Church is the greatest I wondered if his .father or his uncle or anyone factor on earth for the buiid else in the family is a minister? Strangely enough, no! >ng of character and good He won’t make a lot of money, and knowing John, he citizenship It is a storehouse certainly won’t particularly like the idea of getting a s ; rong church, neither up to “preach” to people. Definitely he won’t have a democracy nor civilization big shiny car to make his calls. I wondered why John CBn survive - There are four had decided to devote a lifetime to service in the ““** p, , person should attend service* Lnurcn. regularly and support the I asked John for a frank answer and he told me church They are: (l) Fortius ~ , , own sake. (2) For his chil many small accumulative experiences which boiled t) ren ' g p or t he sake down to this: A strong Christian influence from of his community and nation. family, friends, and church kindled a spirit of aware- For the sake of the church ness and devotion which seems to be latent in every illl “pufi human heart. Os course, we can t all be like John. t 0 g 0 t 0 c hurch regularly Few of us have received the stimulus to devote our and read your Bible daily, entire life to the Chlirch. But some of John’s spirit does dwell in all of us. Too often we are unaware that we possess this miraculous gift from God. Re kindle your spirit by going to church this Sunday. Copyright 1964, KeUtsr Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg. V*. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thuraday Friday Saturday I Isaiah John John Acta Romans Galatians .Galatians | 6:1-13 1:36-42 1:43-61 9:1-16 10:5-17 1:1-5 1:11-24 | These Religious Messages Are Published In The Chowan Herald and Are Sponsored By the Fol lowing Business Establishments. Edenton Saving's & Loan Association Where You Save Does Moke a Difference EDENTON, N. C. Edenton Restaurant u Good Food Pleasant Surroundings” MRS. W. L. BQSWELL, Prop. PHONE 482-9723 EDENTON ' . ’ ! ••• • . * Hughes-Parker Hardware Co. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 482-2315 EDENTON j ? ' 1. . This Space Sponsored By A Friend Os The Churches In Chowan County ■ I 1 ' I . II II V ■ ■ ■ 11 Edenton Construction Co., Inc. S* j3j®*iuii.ogirm€To^. PHOKI t * BBO*D ST. . "•‘ilKlialr R Jnn« A'Sinn ‘ A" 88|Woif ' '' OmA«4||RAM 'EM /%Jlllll/n I Leary Bros. Storage Company BUYERS OF Peanuts, Soy Beans and Country Produce SELLERS OF \ Fertilizers and Seeds PHONES: 482-2141 AND 482-2142 Hobbs Implement Company, Inc. “YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER ” Your Farm Equipment f Needs Are a Life [ ] Time Job With Usl \r" M,t V , " 11 i ' '' I ——— Mitchener’s Pharmacy f PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS PHONE 482-3711 EDENTON Quinn Furniture Company f ■ o BOMB OF FINE FURNITURE ' edeNton. n. cl *’* Albemarle Motor Ctitnpaiiin ■ WEST J|IC*S STREET ' ‘ ‘ JEDENTON 4 m tfij, i J ti^.it * ■ • I j; ■*' ~ ■*