THE CHOW AH rHEHAfcD, EPEHTOH. HORTH CAROLINA, “And they that passed by rail • ed on him, wagging their heads and saving, “Ah, thou that de- Stroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself, and come down from the cross.” —Mark 15:29-30. A few days ago I heard I 'an ex pression used concerning, the people who mocked Jesus on the cross. I thought the expression “the whirlpool of sin” was very descriptive of the scene around the cross. For as Jesus was dy ing the people walked around and mocked Him by shouting all] sorts of insults at Him. The Bible says that even the chief priests were there mocking Him, saying, "He saved others; Him self He cannot save." Here was- a group of people who thought they were doing their duty towards God: that of putting to death one who insult ed pod by claiming to be His Son. I’m sure as they filed around the cross that day., they VS/VST\A/W'i/\/WS/V\/V/VW\AA/ I SAA/SA/V^i YEOPIM 4-H CLUl^J|jg|TS The Yeopim 4-H Club hpld its regular meeting July pthe r.ew 4-H Club House.’Kjs||ieet ing was called to ordfer mF the president, James Brabble. The pledge of allegiance was: given and the 4-H Club pledge, was repeated. The Scripture was given by Sue Brabble, after which the Lord’s Prayer was prayed. The secretary,' Connie Overton, read the minutes and called the roll. James Brabble gave a brief report on the 4-H District Dem onstration Day which was held in Chowan County on June 10 ANNOUNCING EXCLUSIVE DEALER —for Masury Paint l We will now be carrying a COMPLETE S LINE of all types of paint and painting ] accessories. See us before you buy and ’ compare our prices! MASURY PRESENTS rfmeniM A heading (*t WALL and TRIM FINISHES IOTHHHUmn ROMANTIQUE COLORS 'fAiU.'tn BY MASURY Masury—The House of a hundred ■RbmmBHMIIIIB thousand Colors presents its new col - 1 lection of Romantique Colors for tho discriminating decorator. These col ors, available in a complete lino of » superior interior finishes are tho end result of yeors of observation and collecting in this country and abroad. Hero are colors to reflect your good •' 4aste today . . . and for many PERFECTION Alkyd Flat Enamel tho most durable of flat wall finishes. Perfection alkyd flat offers a finish , which combines a rich flat surface . and unusual resistance to wear and 1 washing. A true alkyd enamel with a flat finish. If may bo applied with . roller, brush or spray, dries in from one to two hours, and is Earless. IBBmH WANDA PERFECTION I wLJb Semi-Gloss Finish The sheen of polished salin fie I .3 8 Masury’s Romantique Colors. This fin ! '' ish, with its easy to wash, easy ta If’ dust surface is selected by scrimi siating decorators for woodwork, ' ' f|S§it»«hon., baths, laundries and ploy- V 717 1 '- U f TOO,n, > #r wherever beauty and the of deeming must be combined. ".t • An odorless finish which dries over ,•> ■ . . - tv - night. , fe . ->r - » ’ HBK::la moderne wanda ( i Queen of Rubber Base 1 Flat Wall Finishes . ** S o>> on swiftly and easily with '’roller, brush or spray, and dries with out painty odor in a half hour or less. ’ Requires no priming and moy bo used over plaster, wallbeard, composition beard, masonry or practically any ... ,jf paintable interior svrfoco. Equipment '■ ’ m ■■■» m B-lilUlllßUfel ill WrZ ; --mH£ 2 f>r. j^rvz "The Whirlpool Os Sin > . j ■ By Terry Jones ■ felt perfectly self righteous. Bu I wonder how they would havi fe! if they had known that tht young man hanging on the cros; really was the Son of God. S< they were actually not throwing insults. They were throwing ‘ sinsults.” They were caught ir the whirlpool of sin and didn’t even know it. There are a great many people living today who think that the things they are doing are right eous, yet they, too, are caught in I the whirlpool of sin and are too 'blind to see it. How can we tell if we are in the whirlpool of sin? There is only one way—if Christ is ab sent from our daily living, then He must not be present in our hearts either. And if He isn’t in our hearts, then we are filing around the cross in the whirl pool of sin. ‘‘He that is not with me is against me.” Matthew 12:30. at Chowan High School. Harry Venters gave a talk on 4-H Club Week Which is held at Raleigh Members played a game and following that very delicious re freshments were served by Con nie, Debbie' and Nancy Overton. —Tommy Brabble, Reporter. CARD OF THANKS The family of Allison Minshew wishes to take this means to ex press their thanks and apprecia tion, for. the kindness and sym pathy during the illness and death of their husband and father. —Mrs. Minshew and Children. quauty deuc v all BE -i„ 1,, \ ■ ,i, 1,-, ii i WM I U By | U 11% M # B "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED 25 TO 30 LB. rIV" Iv J ID. ZtC ; WHOLE BEEF RIBS Z NIWI STAINLESS STEEL R gg Century Razor Blades 10x.89cl ■ per IS ijMr® PORK SAUSAGE OT*! 1 ■ 1 il ii in MM TEJmi 7-INCH RIB ROASTS i 1- lb. roll JVC IBilßjlw „53 c ss’‘ 43“ 0R chopped SHORT RIBS OF BEEF 29c ||§ UMA C BEANS OR '^ P 15c OTP Al/ ■ -TffS SAT. JULY 18TH f WE IH | i fc j • A&P POTATO MORSELS • A&P CRINKLE OR FRENCH FRIES OR B REV A&P Cottage Fry Potatoes 2 39c HB H eJ. MARVEL Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry or Neopolitan J A »p .kiqtakit CUSTOM-GROUND—MILD & MELLOW rim. ... - ■ coffee EIGHT O’CLOCK' yfHEIEI M ! k’i g Geffiee sole! e 67‘liT? H H |BB ■H VIM DETERGENT MARCAL PAPER PRODUCTS Xjf’ ■■■■l BBBM VIM UtltKuElNl WHITE TEA NAPKINS _ 80-ct. Pkg. 10c 'iVyflßSf- 1 TENDER FRESH M aMI COLORED NAPKINS 3 60c. Pkgs. 25c nl r«r»IPI7XT np AXTa aIL OO EM3 WHITE DINNER NAPKINS 40-ct. Pkg* 15c y. '••JiiftiWfljg. lu GREEN REANS 2 lbs. 33c MB 2Vi-Lb. m _ freezer wrap paper so- *iß" Ron 49c SALAD FRESH ' Puekoae Blf C WHITE TOILET TISSUE 4 Roll Pkg. 37t r' ciTrfTMDFDC o iu c iq P racKoge w white paper hankies 3 1 00-ct Pkgs. 25, - J-tffiufgr L UL-'UiVIJOIIfIvO Ills. 13C KITCHEN CHARM WAXED PAPER . 100' Roll 20c SERVE CORN ON THE COB—SERVE B CDCOU VCI I DU! A ADRI ■ salad dressing % 35c elbow macaroni _ 2 ,va 37c I rtf toll YtLLUvv lIUnN _ peach'pies - v ;-39c angel'food cake . 39c HI NABISCO WHITE HOUSE "1"! ~ Mg A B OREO CREMES __ Vkg* 3“C EVAPORATED MILK _ 0»-"i“;7/C ■ PECAN SANDIES ';,; 4bc KRISPY CRACKERS ’pkg”: aVc I ism pHSCARS m• NO LIMIT ON PURCHASES AT A&P m mBIj I PERFECT STRIKE CHUM SALMON V,;, 49c H M • B TOP NOTCH PARTY PIES 3 Si.oo M FREbH TASTY CARROTS 2 b* g 19c | a&P PINEAPPLE JUICE o?cl 4 29c H RIPE WATERMELONS 39c whole69c ml De ,. Moßte ,ss = —| HH IH wm |JI pineapple 'as 35c '£*2. 29c 35c • OUTSTANDING LOW PRICES ON HEARTY AND VIGOROUS OUR OWN PACKAGE LEVER SOAP PRODUCTS I B B ea Tjjd !/j Gal. 12 £: $175 laundry detergent laundry ditergent laundry detergent - | I nm-r WISK LIQUID KS 73c FLUFFY ALL.. >• 79c ACTIVE ALL ..CM.79q I m ■IARS LIQUID LAUNDRY detergent laundry detergent td-cents off label B 1 MSUU. wiktop " cold water all & 79c SILVER DUST. 85c RINSO BLUE 71ef I « *l* SWAN LIQ»» 63c BREEZE -W 85c LUX LIQUID 63c ■ ' ; . Jp ' -j., yr*—•