THE FARMS] JKSIiN CHOWAN COUNTY By C. W. OVERMAN. Chowan County Ag«nl .V ' - > «- mm? — Cantaloupe and Watermelon Field Meeting Friday Morning: Are you interested in seeing how new varieties of cantaloupes and .watermelons are performing in Chowan County? If so, you are invited to attend the field melt ings at the demonstration trial plots that are being conducted by growers. • On Friday morning, July 17, at '8 o’clock, we will meet at the farm of Edward Evans on the Rocky Hock road near the home ,of Willie Bunch. Here we will observe cantaloupe varieties be ing grown in comparison. From Edward Evans’ we will go to Sherlon Layton’s near Rocky Hock Church, where we . will observe watermelon variety comparisons. These plots are lo cked behind Sherlon Layton’s Rome along the field path. ’ From Sherlon Layton’s we will go to Graham Bass’s farm and observe watermelon plots where disease and other 'handicaps have taken out some varieties. From there we will go to Lindsey Ray Bunch’s home farm, where we will observe cantaloupe plots and the effects of insects and other problems. In spite of the severe .dry weather, there are seme canta loupe varieties at Edward and Lloyd Wayne Evans’ and also at Lindsey Ray Bunch’s that are performing exceptionally well. ' Some of the varieties have set over 9,000 cantaloupes per acre while some other varieties have set less than 2,000 cantaloupes per acre. Some of the high yielding varieties appear to have exceptional sweetness and very hjigh quality. We will move along as quickly as possible in order to give you to observe and for us tV) give you as much information as we can at this time. The field tours should not last more than one to one and one-half hours. Strawberries:' Are your straw berry plant leaves looking red dish, parching up and looking sick? If so, the chances are that red spider is working on them in full force. - To control the red spider, dust the plants thoroughly with ifti thion or EthioCrof : "6{JrßF”ffiF plants thoroughly with Demeton or liquid Trithion pr liejuid, Ethion. Usually one application if thoroughly applied to the un derneath sides of the leaves as well as on top will be sufficient to wipe out the red spider. But watch your plants and make an other application in about two weeks if your plants look like they need it. By looking on the jßmderneath side of the leaves very closely, it is better to use a magnifying glass. You can see the tiny red spiders moving found. The Fall Garden: Now is the time to start your fall garden so that you can live at home and board at the same place as far as vegetables are concerned. While we don’t have wet soils at the present time, we have enough moisture in most areas of the county to germinate the seed. | Another planting of sweet corn; should make nice ears for fall ! eating, but plant two or three or ! more rows along together so that you will get good pollination. Insects are multiplying faster than an electric adding machine almost. So protect your vege tables by using recommended in secticides. Insects will continue to be a problem throughout the season. Black Rot on Bunch Grapes: Continue spraying your bunch i"?-, in ■ r...T" .. . ENGRAVED OR PRINTED HllMlnil|lV^wlUu2Al|9Ml all types of jocial printing la at your J&7~£Smf ** # » S .USU||||||yMH^yi command. We will be glad to tpake sug- P Bmjsjjf gestions, show you sample* and quote MB** US\ /#% prices ... a]l without the slightest ah- ’V g ligation on your part. jL Wedding Invitations f j and Announcements ; j. • gz^zlKfj la the wording, design and printing of I With the established customs applying to See Samples al ■I ■■ <> i grapes wi,th formate to control : the black rot disease. If you i haven’t been spraying so far, it 1 should do a lot of good from » now on. An application of two > ta'blespoonfuls of fermate per - gallon of water is a good spray 1 mixture. Add one tatolespoonfu] 1 of liquid detergent or soap to each gallon to make the spray t spread over and adhere to the , waxy coating of the fruit. ; Japanese beetles are very fond ; of grape vines. Dust or spray 1 with Sevin often enough to keep . the beetles under control. Peanut ,aiid Colton Sugges [ lions: To do a good job on con - trolling leafspot diseases in pea > nuts, it is very important that a r copper-sulfur dust or the recom . mended spray material be ap j plied every 12 to 14 days. We have the prospect for a very nice L peanut crop, so 'let’s don’t permit I any leak in yield to occur by , failing" to follow a good leafspot ’ control program, i Next week the first genera-. r tion of new boll weevils should . be migrating over the fields and l laying eggs. Start your /second • series of cotton insecticide ap plications sometime next week. , Make an application every five days for at least four times and I preferably until the cotton stops . squaring. [ Many cotton fields are infest ed with red spider. The regular ’ cotton insecticides and combina [ tions of insecticides will not get ’ the red spider where the infesta , tion is at all heavy in spots. To clean out red spiders it is neces , sary to spray or dust with Tri ’ thion, Ethion or Demeton ac cording to\ directions on the . package. 20 YEARS AGO Continued from Page 1, Section 1 Chowan County's watermelon crop began to move with the first boat loaded at the county dock and four more boats wait ing to be loaded. W. C. Hollowell was installed as sachem of the Chowan Tribe of Red Men. According to figures presented by W. M. Wilkins, chairman of ' ffie ~ Finance ComthiheT, 3Ke town's lax rate would apparent ly remain at sl.lO for 1944-45. f Due to dry weather, Chowan County's peanut crop was in poor condition. Herbert B. Jones, 68, died sud denly at his home on East Queen Street after being ill only one 1 day. Colton prices advanced sharp- 1 ly, reaching 22.03 cents per 1 pound for middling 15-16 inch ' in 10 markets. This was the ‘ highest level since July, 1928. 1 Fuller F. Taylor, former prin- 1 cipal at Chowan High School, ' died in Norfolk General Hos pital, where he was a patient for seven weeks. The Edenton USO Club held a very enjoyable lawn party on : the Court House Green. Mrs. CUSTOM HOMES LONG TERM FINANCING VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT CALL HAYWOOD JONES 482-2314 or TOM CROSS 482-3159 THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDEWTOtL NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1964. ~ Regular Exercise Can Provide 3oth Physical and Mental lonic, says 4MA ® y © JL A_ Strttcher (4 to 10 timos). R#*ch high,-riso on tots. Isrk, Isrl Puth-up (6 to 15 tim«>). Men on hsnds end tost; women on hendt end Inset, Stuffing in /sited pe tition, with trunk end neck streight, lower trunk to twe inchet from floor end return. K (X Compressor (6 to IS timts). Lit sprttd-tagltd on back. Roll onto hip and with leg and arm straight touch tot to hand. Rtturn and exercise opposite. *ri . i . i There’s more to physics] fitness thin mere muscles, but you can’t he truly healthy and a bundle of fiab at the same time. To be physically fit you must he both medically fit and dynam ically fit. The two don’t neces sarily go hand in hand, points out Raymond L. White, M.D., director of Environmental Medicine and Medical Services for the Ameri can Medical Association. “Medical fitness means body soundness. This can be deter mined only by a medical examin ation. Dynamic fitness or ’action capacity’ is a measurement of strength, agility and endurance,’’ he said. “A person who shuns acTivity may get a ‘clean bill of health’ from his doctor but if he can’t endure even slight exertion, he’s hardly physically fit. On the other hand, neither is the athlete with i a chronic or undetected health problem.” ’*^*^'**M* *MW-«ntivit TV VC IW | Charles Wales planned the games ' and refreshments. Because of the great demand for food, Negro agricultural workers of Chowan County set up a block system with leaders chosen for each block in Eden- i ton. It was the aim of the work ers to see to it that all available space which could be used would be planted in a variety of vege tables. In charge of the block system were Mrs. Onnie S. Charlton, Alexander Blaine and J. B. Small. Certain moods of mind find ’ an indefinable pleasure in still ness, soft, silent as the storm's sudden hush. —Mary Baker Eddy. 1 j|L High-sUppcr (10 U 20 stops). Run in pl«c«, pump ing kneei «nd arms. M- Curl (6 to 15 tim.i). Starting on back with kneat bant, hands bahind haad, tuck chin and "curl' 1 at far forward at pottibla, aiming elbow to opposite knta. Twitter (6 to 15 times). Sit with lags and arms attended straight. Touch fingers to opposite toe. Return and eurcise oppssita. concerned about strength and en durance in a push-button age. But the fact is, the human body was not designed for push buttons but for work, said Dr. White. “The absence of dynamic fitness through lack of physical exertion is a detriment to health. Furthermore, muscle tone, or lack of it, can be a factor in your whole outlook on life.” Strength and endurance, devel oped through regular exercise, leads to skill and agility and adds to poise and grace. Not only do daily tasks become easier, you also look better and so feel more at ease in social situations. Even more evident, however, are the benefits to physical health, Dr. White pointed out. Since exercise is a factor in weight control, it indirectly aids in preventing degenerative dis eases, such as diabetes and ar thritis, which are more prevalent in the obese. Evidence indicates that exer cise also mev help prevent heart /vwwwwvw—v Attention Is Called To “Spotted Fever” Continued trom Page 1, Section 1 judged as measles or German mpastes. It is an acute com municable disease characterized by fever, headache, muscle pains find a rash. The rash generally begins on the hands and feet and rapidly progresses to cover the entire body. In sevvere un treated cases, delirium, convul sions and death may occur. The organism that causes this PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST CO. Consumer Credit Branch 210 SOUTH BROAD STREET EDENTON, N. C. ANNOUNCING . . . COMPLETE . . . BANKING FACILITIES ACCEPTING DEPOSITS - CASHING CHECKS SAYINGS DEPOSITS ❖ Hours: Open Daily from 9:00 A. M., to 4:00 P. M. Saturday 9:00 A.M., to 1:00 P. M. / * * LOW BANK RATE FINANCING ON AUTOS, FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ' 4 ❖ ALSO PERSONAL LOANS FOR ANY SOUND PURPOSE Member F.D.I.C. JL 1 JL I JL Side Bender (6 to IS times). Reite first on# arm then the other streight over heed. Stride Squet (4 to IS times). Hends behind hoed, stride forwerd deeply with right leg. Keep loft toe in place, left knee off floor. Return end exor cise opposite. and blood .vessel diseases. Active people have fewer heart attacks and a better recovery rate when such attacks do occur. The best exercise is enjoyable exercise. Activities such as hik ing, swimming, skiing, tennis or gardening along with their phys ical benefits can provide relief from tension, thus serving as a safe, natural tranquilizer. When there is no opportunity for taking exercise in such form, however, a daily walk and series of calisthenics can provide much the same tonic. Above are a few examples of scientifically sound exercises, taken from the AMA pamphlet, “Physical Fitness.” Used daily, they will help to increase muscu lar strength, body suppleness and motor reaction, and to improve cir culation and other body functions. Start out slowly, Dr. White warned, and gradually work up to the point where you can do all of these exercises quickly without flopping, * I disease (Rickettsia) is very sim- > ilar to a virus and is transmit ted by the bite or the dog tick. The disease is most common on the eastern seaboard, especially ■ in North Carolina, Virginia, j Maryland and Tennessee. The i largest percentage of cases oc cur in the months of July to 1 September when the ticks are most prevalent and when people spend more time out of doors. Almost three-fourths of the cases are in pre-school and school age children. In calling attention to the 1 ISOMETRIC EXERCISES The following exercises do not involve movement, but rather muscular con tractions. One of. their edvantages is that many can be done at times ar.J places where ricr~»l c 3 would be impossible, such as in the office. Hold each contraction force fully for six seconds. Repeating is not necessary. (1) Organ Grinder. Push hand against hand, then pull hend egeinst hend. (2) Thinker. Push forehead against palm, then push back of head aoainst palm(s). (3) Bird. Put back of hands against door jambs, thon push palms in the seme menner. (4) Sampson. Push palms against door jambs, then straight en arms high against jambs and push again. (5) Siesta. Sitting with back against one door jemb, push foot against other side, then push other foot in seme manner. seriousness of this disease, Dr. Grant gave the following prac tical preventive suggestions: (1) Parents should examine their i children at least once a day for j ticks. If the ticks are present, j they should be removed gently v/lth tweezers or forceps so that ■ the head of the tick does not re main imbedded. (2) tDog own ers should hemovve all ticks from their dogs each day. (3) The possibility of “Spotted Fev j er” should be kept in mind w henevver a person complains ‘of a rash and fever during the J. warm summer months. Anti biotic treatment' is effective if instituted early. Edenton Boy Scouts At Pipsico Cam p Continued from Page 1, Section 1 Experienced counselors are on hand to instruct and advise the boys. Attending from the local troop are Jeff Mabe, David Copeland, j Ronnie Alexander, Ervin Lane, Dillard Dixon, Tommy Guinor, Steve Jackson, George Holmes,! John Douglas, Mike Covington, Steve Johnson, A1 Partin, Tom my Jackson, Mike Ervin, Fran kie Kutkaveck. Robert Smith, Joey Covington, Logan Elliott and Paul Bunch. Selective Service CaHs 18-Year-Olds Continued from Page 1, Section 1 examination will "... enable those who ate qualified for military service to plan intel-" tigenily their future careers in this respect. It Will enable those found unqualified to get to work promptly on the edtica- THE CHOWAN HERALD Phone 482-2221 PAGE SEVEN -SECTION ONE - tion, training or health, service*', f which can be of benefit tej them.” „ | The President also noted that[ "... early examination will not mean early induction. There j will be no change in the pres j ent practice of calling older reg- I istrants for actual induction into 1 ' the Armed Forces before young- ones are called.” ! At the present time, men are >' being reached for induction be . i tween 21 and 22 years of , | age, as a national average. In ■ North Carolina the average age .! of involuntary induction is about . ■ 22f a-23, Mr. McCachren said. BIOODSHFD B6XSCORE OH N.C. HIGHWAYS Raleigh—The Motor Vehicles Department’s summary of traffic : deaths through 10 A, M. Mon . day, June 13: ’ Killed to date .... 746 , Killed to date last year . ..628 ■ l 1 " ’ ~ TBY A HERALD CLASSIFIED

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