A Newspaper Devoted To the Progress of the | Albemarle Area Votame XXXl.—Number 36. Shriners Plan To Stage Unique Parade In Edenton Next Saturday Afternoon Large Group From New Bern Will Pa rade on Broad Street At 3 O’clock Sudan Temple of the Shrine at New Bern made public this week plans for its annual pil grimage in eastern North Caro lina cities and towns- Recorder Nelson B. Banks .announced that the Potentate, Herbert B. Ruf fin, of Raleigh, and other Divan officers of the Temple would visit Ahoskie, Elizabeth City, Edenton and Plymouth on Sat urday, September 12. Accom panying the Divan will be seven of the uniformed parade units. In each of the places visited, parades will be held. Purpose of the visits is to recognize and create interest in the Shrine and its benevolent work in behalf of crippled children’s hospitals. The schedule calls for a pa rade in Edenton Saturday after-, noon, September 12 at 3 o'clock-1 The Temple units dressed in full I colorful regalia will be the I Continued on Page 7—Section » Dr. Isa Grant Issues Warning About Water Dr. Isa Grant, District Health Director, on Tuesday issued the following precautionary health measure in regards to individual private water supplies: “Due to recent heavy rains, many low residential rural areas are completely flooded. This re sults in many septic tanks and outdoor privies being completely covered with water, thus endan gering the private water sup - plies.” • ,y' * -*| In such cases Dr. Grflnt ad vises all water used for drink ing purposes be boiled or water secured from some safe supply. 20 Years Ago I As Found In The Files Os The Chowan Herald \ d John A. Holmes, superintend ent of Edenton schools, reported having difficulty in securing teachers to fill vacancies on the Edenton school facility. Mr. Holmes lacked five teaichers with a few more days until the open ing of school. D. M. Warren was selected as district finance chairman for thej West Albemarle District Boy Scouts. | Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Charm And Fashion School In Edenton September 17 And 18 With the announcement that Miss Alice Bell will conduct a beauty, charm and fashion school in the John A. Holmes High School auditorium Thurs day and Friday, September 17 and 18, it is pointed out that she is recognized as the South’s foremost authority on beauty, charm and fashion, and is among the top in the country in her field. This recognition has not been easily acquired. It took many years of study, endeavor and application. 1964 Edition Os Edenton Aces j JCP * m(| B ® *▼ b\ ■» .inter > i<j3hl7'* The 1964 football Mason will opon Friday night on Hicks Fiald when the Edenton Acee tangle with the Galea County High School team. Above is pictured the Acee* squad for 1964. Front row, left to right; Phil Harrell, Durrell Arnbroee, Parry Bynun. Charlie Orer'on, Hiram Mayo, Jr. David Holton, Joe Harrell' Second row: BUI Kitchener. Mika Phelps, Glenn Hassell, Ed Jenkins. Jim Elliott, Bill Griffin. Third row: Bob Bam, Mike Overton, Dwight Flanagan. Wesley Chaeeon, Ikey Davis, Charles Swanner. Fourth row: Dalmond Byrum, THE CHOWAN HERALD Peanut Meeting Tuesday Night County Agent C. W. Overman reminds peanut growers that a county-wide peanut meeting will 1 , be held at the Court House on , Tuesday night, September 8, at 8 o’clock. Mr. Overman points out that ( at this meeting experts will be i on hand to answer questions per taining to growing, harvesting | and selling peanuts, so that it is hoped many peanut growers of the county will attend. Among the speakers will be Joe Sugg of the North Carolina Peanut Growers Association; JJohn Glover, Extension agricul : tural engineering specialist and j Astor Perry, Extension peanut I specialist. 'Ballard’s Bridge I Revival Sept 7-13 Homecoming Will Be Observed Sunday, Sept. 6th The Rev. George H. Cooke, pastor of Ballard’s Bridge Bap ' list Church, has announced that a revival meeting will be held in the church. Services will be gin Monday night, September 7 and continue through Sunday night, September 13, and will be held at 8 o’clock each night. Guest evangelist for the re vival will be the Rev. Dalton Carrington, pastor of the-Frank lin Heights Baptist Church at Kannapolis, N. C. The church will observe home coming and dinner on the church grounds Sunday, September 6, prior to the revival. On this i date the church will honor all members 65 years of age and older. After the noon meal the church will enjoy an hour of singing and fellowship. The public is cordially invited to attend. BANKS CLOSED MONDAY Peoples Bank & Trust Com pany and the Consumer Credit Branch will be closed all day Monday, September 7. The clos | ing is due to the observance of Labor Day. All important busi- I ness should, therefore, be trans acted accordingly. Miss Bell has received many awards for her outstanding ac complishments, including special recognition from the American Business Women’s International,, the Toastmistress International, the Epsilon Sigma Alpha Inter national and Beta Sigma Phi In ternational- Her work embraces public relations and personal grooming lectures to businesses that employ male and female executives. Miss Bell has also served as Continued from Page 7—Section I Edenton, r ° ,u | r an County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 3, 1964. Chowan County Buys 7(13 Per Cent Year’s Bond Quota Sales In County Dur ing July Total $8,636 And For Year Thus Far $50,283 R. Graham White, county vol unteer chairman for U. S. sav ings bonds, reported this week that bond sales in Chowan County during July amounted to $8,636. Cumulative sales for the year total $50,283, which is 703 per cent of the county’s quota of $71,500 for the year. U. S. savings bonds sales in North Carolina during July amounted to $4,260,250. This is an increase of 8.3 percent over July, 1963 and represents the gseatest July sales in 8 years. Cumulative sales for January- July, 1964, amounted to $30,832,- 565, which is over 2 percent greater than comparable sales a year ago. This also represents the largest January-July sales since 1956 and is 61.7 per cent of the State’s 1964 quota of SSO million. Williamston Lions Visit Edenton Club A group of Williamston Lions were guests of the Edenton Lions Club at its meeting Monday night. Included in the group were Leßoy Wood rock,* Ben 1 Tucker, president of the William ston Club and Lions Harrison, | Ange, Sneed, Smith, Daniels, Howell, Griffin, Mobley, Cutris and Rice. Dr. Richard Hardin presented, a report on the Glaucoma Clinic t which was sponsored jointly by! the Edenton, Hertford and Wind- j sor Lions Clubs. Edenton's - share of eye wills secured dur ing the clinic was 61. ’ E, L. HollowelLjftive a report on the White Cane drive, say ing that the goal for District 31-J is $12,000 or approximately $9.00 per member in the district. A kickoff meeting for the drive will be held Monday, September 14th. The club will not meet next Monday night due to Labor Day. Effective Monday night, Septem ber 14, the club will go off the summer schedule and meet ev ery Monday night. Contracts Awarded For Town Insurance Meeting in special session on Thursday afternoon of last week, Town Councilmen opened bids and awarded contracts for town insurance. Five companies submitted bids, for the various insurance poli cies, which went to the three lowest bidders as follows: Fleet—W. W. Byrum Insurance Agency, $793. Comprehensive General Liabil ity—Nationwide Insurance Com pany, $741. Workmen’s Compensation— Federated Mutual Insurance Co., $1,823.01. Firemen’s Coverage W. W. Byrum Insurance Agency, $216. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A, M., will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8, o’clock. W. M. Rhoades, master of the lodge, in vites all Masons to attend. o \ t *lenton Girls To Be Presented To Society 7?. & i JraHHHr W SUSAN HOLMES BARBARA TOWNSON The two girls pictured above. Miss Susan Ellis Holmes and Miss Barbara Whichard Townson, will be presented to North Carolina Society by the Terpsichorean Club of Raleigh at the debutante ball to be held in Raleigh Friday. September 11. Miss Holmes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Daniel Holmes. She is a rising sophomore at Montreat-Anderson College. Miss Townson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs William D. Townson, Jr„ and a granddaughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Murray Pamer Whichard of Edenton. She is a rising sophomore at Brenau College at Gainesville. Georgia. Chief Os Police Griffin Points Out New Parking And Traffic System Operating In Edenton Effective August 15, the new parking ordinance went into op eration in Edenton, according to Chief of Police James H. Grif fin. The new ordinance provides that a 25-cent penalty, plus five cents per hour for every hour in violation will be charged. This means, for example, says Chief Griffin, (1) If a violator gets a ticket for parking over time at 9 A. M., and brings the ticket to police headquarters at 9:30 A. M., he will owe only 25 cents because he has not been in violation the biggest portion of an hour; (2) If he waits or remains in violation until 10 Tl)wn (jou»< il Will Meet September 15 Edenton’s Town Council will hold - its September meeting Tuesday night, September 15, at 8 o’clock in the Municipal Building. The meeting was post poned from Tuesday night, Sep tember 8 due to Mayor John Mitchener being on the Goodwill Mission to Europe. I Mayor Mitchener is expected to return to Edenton Wednesday, September 9. Annual Meeting Os Fann Bureau Will Be Held Tonight , Chowan County’s Farm Bureau will hold its annual county-wide meeting tonight (Thursday) at the Edenton National Guard armory. A fried chicken supper will be served at 6:30 o’clock David Bateman, president, reminds Farm Bureau members that their wives or husbands are cordially invited to attend. Mr. Bateman will present his annual report and officers and a •board of directors will be elect ed during the business meeting. The principal speaker for the meeting will be Walter Lowery of the North Carolina Farm. Bureau. Mr. Bateman points out | that \Mr. Lowery’s address will be well worth hearing and hopes many members of the Bureau I and their families will attend. A. M.. and then goes to the po lice station, he will owe 30 cents, which is 25 cents penalty and five cents for the hour or por tion thereof that he was in vio lation. If he remains in viola tion two hours he will owe 35 cents. All other parking viola tions will be SI.OO, such as park ing at a fire hydrant, in a safety zone, nearer than 25 feet to an intersection, wrong side of street and non-parking zones. Chief Griffin points out that all parking fines must be paid before 6 P. M„ on the same day of violation. Chief Griffin also commented Continued from Page B—Section I Meg ige Jjpeaker At Rotary Today Edenton Rotarians will hold their weekly meeting this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Parish House. A feature of the meeting will be an address by Coach Jerry McGee. Mr. McGee will direct his remarks to the 1964 edition of the Edenton Aces. President West Byrum urges a 100 per cent attendance. Firemen's Slipper Oil Saturday Night Firemen of the Center- Cross Roads Fire Department will sponsor another of their popular chicken barbecue sup pers Saturday night. September 5. The supper will be served at the fire station from 5 to 8 o'clock. At the supper a drawing will be held for an outboard motor, which will take place at 8 o'clock. Proceeds of the supper will go toward purchasing needed equip ment for the firemen, so they are hopeful that the usual large crowd will again patronize the affair. License Examiner’s Office Closed Sept. 7 J. E. White, local driver li cense examiner, announces that his office in the Edenton Police Department will be closed Mon day, September 7, due to the ob servance of Labor Day. Mr. White’s office will be open Tuesday as usual and he an nounces that the office hours will change from the summer schedule to 8:30 A. M., to 5:30 P. M. Ballots Mailed For Election Os Chamber Commerce Directors President West W. Byrum on Tuesday reported that ballots for voting on 12 nominees as di rectors of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce for the next two years will be mailed to Chamber members this week. Six of the 12 nominees receiving the .high est number of votes, will be de clared elected, By rum said- The deadline for return of the ballots is Friday, September 11. The Nominating Committee, E, L. Hollowell, chairman, can vassed the entire membership Legion - Auxiliary Hold Membership Kick • off Dinner Wm. S. Privott Speaks On Ideals and Con : cepts of American Legion Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary held a joint dinner meeting Tuesday night at the Center Hill Community Build ing, the affair being a kick-off dinner for the annual member ship drive for both organizations. A goodly number of members from both groups were on hand, with Commander E. L. Hollowed acting as master of ceremonies. The Rev. David L. Harris, pas tor of the Center Hill Baptist Church gave the invocation, af ter which a delicious fried chick en dinner was served by the la dies of the Center Hill Home Demonstration Club. After the dinner Commander Hollowell introduced invited guests, which included Repre-i senative and Mrs. B. Warner J Evans, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Privott, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. ■ William Cozart, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Deneglio and George Bis sette. Mr. Hollowell then introduced Cont'd. on page 4—Section 1 Hector Lupton ,Jr. Awarded National ’64 Quality Award Edenton Boy Honored In Recognition of Su perior Life Insurance Service to Public The Fidelity Mutual Life In surance Company -of Philadel- 1 phia, Pa., has just announced] that R. Hector Lupton, Jr., has] been granted the National Quail- j ty Award for 1964. This citation is awarded an- j nually to qualifying underwriters j in recognition of superior life insurance service to the public. The award is presented jointly by the National Association of Life Underwriters and the Life j Insurance Agency Management: Association. Mr. Lupton, who is stationed in Raleigh, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Lupton of Edenton. j Commissioners To Meet September 4 Chowan County Commission ers will hold their September meeting Friday of this week. The meeting was advanced a few days due to Labor Day fall ing on the first Monday in Sep tember, the regular meeting day for the Board. The meeting will he held in the Court House be ginning at 9 o’clock\ Methodist Services On New Schedule Services at the Methodist Church will go on the winter ! schedule beginning on Sunday morning. September 6. During the summer church I school began at 9 o’clock and i the morning worship service at 10 o’clock. Beginning next Sun day the church school will begin at 9:45 and the morning worship service at 11 o'clock. roster so as to give those who had nipt previously served as di rectors an opportunity to share the policy-making duties of this office and in its responsibilities to the community and the area served by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce. Members who also served on the Nominating Committee were W. J. P. Earnhardt, Sr-. George W. Lewis, Scott Harrell and West W. Byrum. Board members who are re Continued on Page 3, Section 1 S3.QO Per Year In North Carolina Aces Will Raise Gridiron Curtain Friday Night On Hicks Field With Gates Guest Evangelist | | REV. DALTON CARRINGTON j Revival services will be held lat Ballard's Bridoe Baptist | Church Monday, September 7. | through Sunday, September 13. I Guest evangelist will be the Rev. j Dalton Carrington of Kannapolis, N. C. Prominent Guests At Eastern Star Meeting Edenton chapter No. 302. Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, September 7 at 8 o’clock A feature of the meeting will, ibe official visits by District I, j Deputy Grand Matron, Mrs. j Josephine Twiford of Manteo 1 ' and District Deputy Grand Pa- j tron Sam McPherson of Eliza-1 beth City. A number of other| j officers in the district will also | be guests at. the meeting, so that Mrs. Grace Byrum, worthy ma- j ' t*on urges an local members to] be present. | L.JONS CALL OFF MEETING j Edenton Lions Club will not i meet Monday night, September! ] 7, due to the observance of La-; i bor Day, Regular weekly meet-: ings of the club will begin on] j Monday night, September 14, at! {the Edenton Restaurant. To Conduct Charm School In Edenton ,* „ ' »$•; ||f 'W I|r%- -•* Hf ys mt ■ •« iipi >: • Mmmm §p:« ; ■ ■MSI BUM v . BBSs-. ■> « , t ' « -S§||B MP : Wm. liMHMWl 1 'n l i' M? 1 'i Ml M" iii n, i l i il H iMMii i' 1 bMp 5 ,M . M £ fe Iff I ff %r. immmW ssSSfQwF■■$.•fSSSSi;-;. j,: • liy;’ W&m*?'-*: -♦- . - ''iffLf'l;?:': llPlili!' ills -* v gfeg, ; 1- ' B I A H I 1 Miss Alice Bell, one of the South's foremost authorities oa beauty, charm end fashion, will conduct a charm and fashion school, sponsored by the Chowan County Home Demonstration Club Council Thursday And Friday. SeplsAkber 17 ahd IS, at Hie John A. Holmes High School auditorium TMrata may be pm chased from any Home l>wumetT«tWn Club member. For Quick Results . . , Try a Classified Ad 1 In The Herald Visitors Now In Al bemarle Conference; Local Squad In Good Shape For Opener Edenton’s Aces will raise tha 1964 football curtain Friday night on Hicks Field. For t>ha opening game the Aces wftl tangle with the Gates outfit, with the game starting at 8 o’clock Little is known about the i strength of the Gates, County I gridders, but Coach Jerry McGee Isays this will be a very import- . | ant game in that Gates is now j a member of the Albemarle Con ference. Coaches McGee and. Biliy Hardison have been training tbe Aces since August 15, so that the local squad appears to be in fine fettle for their first real test on the gridiron this season. Both coaches appear to be wdl pleas ed with the showing the boys have made in practice sessions, but are rather reluctant to pre dict just how they will perform under 'fire! The John A Holmes High School Band and Cheerleaders, tike the. Aces have been prac ticing for the opening game and both groups will be on hand t» add interest and color to the game Continued on Page S. Section ) (CIVIC calendar] r ' A county-wide peanut meeting !is scheduled to be held at lh» Court House Tuesday night, Sep tember 8, at 8 o'clock. Chowan County Commission- I ers will hold their monthly I meeting Friday morning, Sep i fember 4, at 9 o'clock. Center Hill-Cross Roads Vol unteer Fire Department will hold a chicken barbecue supper at the fire station Saturday. Septem ber 5 from 5 to 8 P. M. Chowan County Farm Bureau will hold its annual meeting in ‘donl'd. on Page 2—Section 1

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