U-BECTIOW PICK PAGE TWO i BROAD STREET BULLETIN _ ' »lItATE_ , ■ Now is a good time to be (thinking about dressing up your [front door for Halloween, [Thanksgiving and Christinas. 'Decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving can be the same. Lett fall, when we visited up nogth, wS saw so many decoca tiins of Indian com tied to gether by the husk and fastened oh the doors. Tradition says that these were used long ago as welcome signs. Other deco rations which could be used are artificial m las tic leaves and small fruit, such as grapes, berry sprays or artificial fall flowers. Then for Christ mas, sprays' of evergreen, pine cones, reasons, etc., can be made into attaKive displays. It finally stopped raining long enough for us to go to the fair a while Saturday night. We were particularly anxious to see the exhibits, which were very good, but we were glad we did hot have to do the choosing for the prizes as they all looked tike firsjETfate entries. It was hiterestipg to watch Mrs. Willie saunders~ demonstrate how to tnake milter and how to decorate a cake. 1 understand she won first prize at the State Fair for 4 decorated wedding cake. She was gracious enough to offer to teach me and I might just take her up on it. We passed the booth of the Home Demonstra tion Club from Roper and no ticed their good-looking cakes, jib we bought a eocoanut one and jjt was even better than it looked. J asked the lady if it was made With a mix and she promptlly told me that it certainly was hfOT. It was delicious and V/orth the extra calories. • According to the Insiders, if Jrou like. good music you have the makings of a star linguist. The ability to listen to music i)nd the ability to learn a langu age are closely related. Music is sound plus meaning. Langu age is sound plus meaning. Peo ple who enjoy hearing good mu- Jic have a natural linguistic headstart becauste they have treater listening ability. The Dutch and German people are the best linguists in the world— are fond of music. I . - | Today Jg: the first since spring that we’ve had to keep the doors {closed against cool weather and i feel imprisoned. But outside in the pecan tree there’s a mock ing bird singing so beautifullly that I’m ashamed to complain about the fOol weather. Besides, there’s always my window “to think otn of.” Aydlett Speaks On Education Continued from Page 1, Section 1 biggest and most important busi ness inXßduch we are engaged.” The SMaker approved the SIOO million %jte>ol bond issue, saying its passfljSjwill get schools out at theßKfiyele of mediocrity. “TTOie ultimate goal,” he said, “should be that any worthy child should be able to get a college education regardless of financial circumstances. The value of a college education is increasing in startling fashion.” Mr. Aydlett pointed out that the World War n baby boom has swamped the public school sys tem for several years and that FIRST OF WEEK AT FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 U. S. Choice Cube Steaks • 89c FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 Fresh Neckbones ' 19c ———- FOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 U. S. Choice, Boneless CTCIAf DECK i CO. 31 tKBCtr • DjC Among the nice people to know around town; D. M. Reeves, such a gentle gentleman. Mae Garris cf the P & Q, al ways with a cheerful word to people, Mamie Parker, with gifts of food for the distressed, end Jimmy Oglesby, always willing to help someone who needs help. Besides these, there are many people who give their time and money without anyone knowing about it. Really, there is not too many indifferent, sel fish people. These cool days bring thoughts again of different foods and one of them is sauerkraut cooked with pork ribs or pork chops. Put a large can of kraut in a baking dish, add a can of water, salt and pepper. Cover the top with the pork and cook in the oven for one hour at 350 degrees. Serve with mashed potatoes and hot rolls. So very good! And Buff reminds me of the good old days when F. F. Muth. made his own sauerkraut and annually had a group of his Masonic friends come to his house and get away with a lot of the stuff. It was an unexpected privil ege I had this past week when Miss Lena Jones took me to meet Mrs. W. A. (Ann) Graham. I was told that Mrs. Graham has been confined to her bed for some time, so I was not pre pared to meet such a lo»vely in valid. I love meeting rgew peo ple and I’m sorry that I didn’t meet Mrs. Graham long ago. Miss Lena is a close friend of Mrs. Graham’s and Visits her | quite often and I’m sure herj cheerfulness brightens the pa tient’s day. Household Hints To keep your storm windows from being hard to raise, apply I a small amount of lubricating oil. lon the track. Use an old hair brush to pick] iup threads and lint from the rug on floors in the sewing room. The brush can also be used for removing lint from clothes when ironing. Heat canned Vienna style sausages with baked beans to make them meaty. Brown sugar and catsup may be added to the beans for extras. If you find that you have too much oake on hand and are afraid it will get stale, slice and wrap individual pieces in wax paper and aluminum foil and | freeze. Then when you have a 1 sweet tooth or get unexpected I company, it will be easy to serve I cake in a short time. there is an urgent need for more class rooms. He also said the college boom has begun ahead of schedule and that this year 87,000 students are enrolled in colleges and universities, which is sev eral thousand above the highest potential estimated. The solution to these over crowded conditions in schools, he said, is the SIOO million school bond referendum to be voted on in the November 3 election. AUXILIARY MEETING The American Legion Auxili ary will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock with Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt. All members are urg ed to be present and are re minded to bring their dues. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EPEBTCW. NOKTH CAHOUNA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1964. 1 i iii • i ■ ■■■ I * iu i 'I m r Choice Western Tender and Delicious 725 WDER., DEL/C/Ot/S? Full Cut, Chuck Fresh Lean BABY JIMWW BEEF Ground STEAKS ROAST BEEF s *69* 39 39 SMALLTO>E 3TO jam STEWING «EII!LtJ(r l purepork" I SSTKS T^u D Luters ~ “ AA ” Grade Swift Premium SAUSAGE FRANKS P oil > ed i l n | m Sliced Bacon Slked Bologna Hb. roll 35c | lb. 45c r! : lb. 49c 1-lb. pkg. 49c PLENTY OF FREE PARKING | FREE CARRYOUT SERVICE! 100 FREE EXTRA 1001 E&KtttaD 1 50 FREE EXTRA 5o) S&H GREEN STAMPS I I S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF I I WITH THIS COUPON AND 1-- 25-lh. Bag White Blossbm Flour | | $5.00 or More in Trade Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 8-9-10 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 8-9-10 inn pg'nV' PEB Tl. Canned Biscuits I rn - 1 peb 100 P&Q Super Market 100 C3IIS 49C1 * Super Market 50 Tall Cans Southern Cooked ALL FLAVOR HI-Q I pet rolls rs n OA c DRINK MM v DINNER ■££ if 5-4V bll>. Shenandoah Valley —Delicious A |> H L Dn4fcf I 7Or Apples 4i39. L f It. 1 *”1. - LETTUCE 17.-OTr|vßj?. Peas49 ’ I I ; .gj. .