Fvt Quick JB nulls ~ 1 try a Classified fid l lln The Beratd K I . Velum* XXXll.—Number 1. i * i Jones Takes a Look _ gs> Tax Listing Increase Eyes 1 The dumber of individual tax payers fin Chowan County may reach p. record high of 9,000 in 19®, according to W. P. Jones, tax; supervisor. As property owners through v. 1 j ■ iHW' fl mmmw |B BB m v9HBH^ ■ Hu iiiii 1 S Hess ’ wUwmmmm A BBpBBHBHBHHBHBfcc JmAg&zZ'. ,*,?■» JBk Ilf M:S, .TAX LISTING BEGINS.—-W. P.' Jones, Chowan County Tax Supervisor; is pictured here with a tax listing form which an es timated 9,000 people wi’l complete in this county for 1965 lax ables. Jones has estimated an increase in total listings as well as a 10 per cent boost in total valuation for 1965. Everyone owning property in Chowan County piust list it for taxes prior to Febru ary 1, or pay a 10 per cent penalty. Requested Contribution Is Cut For Final Two Doses Os Vaeeine Plans for the second dose fcf oral polio vaccine to be givrni to resklents of a nine area of Northeastern North Car olina on Sunday, January 10, began to take shape today. Public clinics, mostly in the schools, will be open from noon until ft P. M., on January 10, to provide the second-dose of the vaccine to about 50,000 persons , in the nine county area. V In Chowan County clinics wilt be operated at .the Edcnton ami ony, Chowan High School, Whirr Oak School and St. John’s Com munity Center. “During the first Stop Polio Sunday on November 15, and in the make-up clinics that follow ed we gave more than 52.|0g0 doses of the oral vaccine,’’ Dr. T. P. Brinn of Hertford, Chair-- man of the Stop Polio Comifiit tee of the First District Mecrtcni- Society, reported. "Because of the generosity of those who visited the clinics on the first Stop Polio Sunday, bur committee has voted to cut >ur requested financial contribui on for the final two doses to a it ,n- Deadline Nearing For DSA Nomine ?s Nominations for the recipi nt of the Distinguished Serv re Award in Edenton must be sub mitted by January 15. Eden 1 on v! Jaycees arc currently accept ng nominations for fthis coveled award. . 1 The wiiyiej- for distinguisHcd service to the community during 1964 will be announced at a D£A banquet January 28 at the Ma sonic Temple. The event vHI! begin at 7 P. M. Nomination blanks can iW picked up at Hollowell’s gtore, Mitchener’s Pharmacy Peoples Bank & Trust Company. wf i Anyone iftf Edenton can subm t IF- na«e of a deserving persoh I' they would like to see re< a ognized lor service. M Bill McDonald of Hickorj. g state Jaycee president, will key. M note the DSA banquet. j I Jaycee President Pete Dail L states that to be eligible, a norm* ftjHiee must be between 21 and 30 of age. The award, accord-I to ©ail, is given for achieved wj ment, leadership and service to I mk Edenton and the suirouadttß MfeAkJxtra Step To The Litter Cans, Keep Edenton Clean ^ 1 •’■ W fr*' / '- • .■'• > ‘ r ;*- -• • - - * - - ? THE CHOWAN HERALD a out the county started listing their possessions for taxes on January 2, Jones said real estate listings alone may reach 7,000 this year. It ia estimated that 2,000 additional people will list imum of 25 cents,” Dr. Brinn an nounced. A contribution of 50