Sl-sstsssrjg I Around The Farms | In Chowan County By C. W. OVERMAN. Chowan County Aq*nl Bed Spider Mites on Orna mentals: Last week I was called to diagnose trouble on azaleas and some other plants in home ground plant ings. Spider mites were found to be the main trou ble. This insect is very tiny, usually very dark in color, and is found on the underneath side of the, leaves. It is a sucking in sect and can do considerable damage or even kill plants. To control spider mites, plants should be thoroughly sprayed, particularly, on the underneath side of the leaves, with Malathion, Tri thion, or Systox. There are some other insecticides that will do the job. Systox is a systematic i n s.e c.t j.c id e which the plant absorbs, making the plant poisonous to sucking insects for sev eral weeks. Trithion has long lasting effect. Mala thion should be used every 7 to 10 days until no eras ing mites are found. Be sure to read the label and follow instructions on it. Scales on Ornamentals: Scales were also found to be the problem on some or namentals. These are also sucking insects with a waxy coat on them. Spraying with Volk, a summer oil spray, is perhaps most effective. Svery Gardiner's First CheU§3 ' Burpee, flower anil vegetable" SEEDS Famous the world over for th* highest quality and best results! > Come in soon and choose your' favorites front our Urge assort ment-including the newest and best varieties. , J VISIT US EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION j E. L. Pearce SEEDSMAN PHONE 482-3839 ANNOUNCING The Official Opening Os Our New Subdivision Glenwood Gardens Vi ACRE WOODED LOTS . . . DOGWOODS, OAKS, AND PINES. See these Lots Before You Choose js ,: Your Home Site! Good Financing - Priced To Sell LOCATED ZV2 MILES FROM EDENTON CITY LIMITS ON HIGHWAY 17 SOUTH— TURN RIGHT AT JONES FRUIT STAND AND FOL LOW ARROWS 1500 FEET. SEE OR CALL HAYWOOD JONES 482-2314 TOM CROSS Telephone 482-3159 Usually one application is sufficient, but sometimes an other is needed in about two weeks. Be sure to read the label and follow instructions on it. _ Thrip Control on Peanuts: Some peanut growers did not use Thimet or Di-Sys ton at planting time to con trol thrip and leafhoppers. Those growers may dust or spray with Sevin as soon as peanuts are up. Follow the recommended applica tion rates. Thrips are al ready appearing in young peanuts. Where Thimet or Di-Sys ton was used at planting time, no thrip appearance is being found. These chemi s cals are very . effective on • controlling these insects and also serving as repellants for squirrel and coon which dig lup seed peanuts and eat them. Leave A ' Good Cotton Stand: Generally, cotton stands are looking very good and in most fields ex amined there should be no thinning at all. A good cot ton stand at this time should contain an average of 6 td 7 plants per foot of row. or approximately 200 plants in 10 good steps. Growers who have stands no thicker than this should not do any thin ning. A stand of 7 plants per foot of row at this time will possibly end up with about 4 plants per foot of row at harvest time. Growers who making yields, of 1 */u to two bales per acre are those who have a stand of plants averaging around 4 plants per foot of row at harvest time. Cantaloupe, Cucumber and Mtelon Insects: Flea beetles and stripes and spotted cu cumber beetles are feeding ’on many fields that have not been protected against these insects. These insects not only damage plants by feed ing on them, but they also transport disease organisms from a diseased plant to healthy plants as they feed. A good control measure is to spray with 1% Lindane or dust with 1% Lindane plus 5% copper combination. Re peat applications should be made about once per week. The insecticide should not be applied during the heat of the day or early of a THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAT ‘ii, i»6S. morning while the plants are f wet with dew. County News By MBS. KOI. AM) KVANS A Vacation Bible School faculty meeting was held Monday at 4:30 at Edenton Baptist Church. Dr. O. J. Hagles will be at Edenton Baptist Church Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 to acquaint the church leadership with the tithe-now ; program of stewardship de- • velopment. This worship is ; for leaders in every area of ■ church life. Brotherhood is [ especially invited since this ■ is regular meeting time. [ The RA boys of Edenton ] had a ball game on Sunday ■ afternoon. On Sunday, May 16, a con- . cert was given by the com- ' bined bands of John A. Holmes and Ahoskie High ' School bands. The Center Hill - Cross ' Roads Volunteer Fire De partment sponsored a chicken ' barbecue supper Saturday, • May 15, from 5 P. M. to 8:30 ' P. M. at the fire station. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ev- ' ans attended the Coast Guard Air Show held at the Weeksville base Satur day afternoon and had sup per with Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin Keefer in Elizabeth City. Fletcher Perry of Suffolk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Evans and mother. Mrs. Lizzie Lane White of Tyner has returned to her home from the hospital. Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott has been released from the hos pital. Alma Byrum went to the hospital for Observation this week. Mattie Brinkley was injur- . ed in a fall recently. A group of Edenton Jay cees and wives attended the ' Jaycee convention in Ashe- . ville during the weekend. , Congratulations to Pete Dail ' in winning an award for be- . ing the outstanding Jaycee ' president in North Carolina. Robert Carroll White and ' Dallas Thurston Stallings, . Jr., received the Bachelor of [ Divinity degrees at the reg ular seminary commence- ' ment exercises recently. A conference for nurses j in Eastern North Carolina was held at East Carolina College Monday, May 17, from 0:30 to 5 P. M. The first business meeting of the recently organized Edenton - Chowan Rescue Squad was held Friday night, May 14, at 7:30 o’clock at the Court House. Chowan County Fair will be held the week of Septem ber 20-25. This Is The Life By DONALD It. THOMAS BACK YARD SERMON When you’re working in 1 the yard, like mowing your ! grass, do you ever stop to ; talk with the man next ! door. The little woman can ' be hanging out her wash \ and will stop to swap words with the woman across the , back yard fence. We have a good chance to tell them about Jesus. There is al ways someone to witness to like the milkman, oil, w'ood, gas, insurance or mail man. All these could be lost and are on their way to hell. Are you going to point them to Christ or keep quiet and let them go their way? How about your friends that drop in or your neighbor you drink coffee with? We are all lost until we accept Christ and then we are born again or saved. We must tell them about Christ, who died for our sins and how they can be saved. If they refuse and die, their blood will not be on our hands. Our life is so short and what a shame and waste it is not to have Jesus as our Savior. Tell the lost about Christ and he will think there is no better sermon than a back yard sermon. Try and see. The Bible says: “Being bom again, not of corrupt ible seed but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” —I Peter 1:23. I feet : I HURT? 'jsssss ■ >: | YOU CAN WALK IN STYLE AND COMFORT . KNAPP SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN § with vslvaty-soft, air-cushionad | f Innarsolas and buoyant support I to tha archas ... For substan tial savings and aspart Factory- | Fitting Sarvica, consult , Floyd Cayton PRONE 401334*. EDENTON ■a— i i ]\/Ja6e C(iure(i~QoingaHa6jt Sunday Lesson School ; A PEOPLE AT WORSHIP | j International Sunday School Lesson for May 23 • Memory Selection: “Exalt j the Lord our God, and wor ship at his holy hill; for the j Lord our God is holy.”— ; Psalm 99:9. ’ Lesson Text: 2 Samuel :e-8. » Today we study the ques tion: What should be the .relation of religion to na [ tional life? ’ Our lesson for. today eon . tains the story of the Ark, ’ and the symbolism it had .for the nation of Israel. The ’Ark was just a wooden (Chest, carved and lined with ’ gold iniay. Os simple de > sign, it nevertheless had ’great symbolic content for i the children of Israel. Exo [ dus 25 describes how the > Ark was made, shortly after J the escape of the Hebrew's .from Egypt. Throughout ’their journeyings in the wil . derness. wherever they went, j the Ark went u'ith them. ■ Just so long as they had the j Ark with them, the people ■ felt that God was with them, j The Ark was a sort of cen tral shrine for the worship jof the Almighty. ; In the days of adversity • that were experienced by I the Israelites, the Ark fell | into the hands of their ene ! mies, the Philistines, but ’eventually it w r as returned .to the people of Israel and | when David established his .new capital at Jerusalem, he | had it set up in a tent in ’ the very center of the city, j He knew its history, and the .feeling the people had for ; it; to keep them strong in .their faith, he wanted the ; Ark of the Covenant to be > where they could see it ■every day. In that way it ■ served as a constant remind- Jer to the Hebrews that God . was firmly in their midst, [and that they had a respon sibility towards God, and [towards rendering service to > him. [ True Christian worship > contains many facets; there Jilees not necessarily have to ■be a specific place just a [willing spirit, a sense of hu- j 1 mility and honesty, and the I Colonial Motor Co., of Edenton BUICK - OT-DS - POXTIAC CMC TRUCKS - Tyler’s" ' * SHOPPING CENTER W. E. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE "ROCKV HOCK" PHONE 482-3022 EDENTON M. G. Brown Co., Inc. LUMBER MILLWORK BUILDING MATERIAL Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHONE 482-2135 EDENTON Edenton Tractor & Equipment Co. YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER AGENTS FOR EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS U. S. 17 SOUTH— EDENTON, N. C. READ The Chowan Herald YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Bridge-Turn Esso Servicenter “Your Friendly ESSO Dealer” ESSO PRODUCTS ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES Western Gas & Fuel Oil Service 313 SOUTH BROAD STREET Jk 9 B PHONE 483-3123 —EDENTON human being is receptive to God’s presence in his life. Acknowledgment of un worthiness and our innate tendency to sin is still an other facet which, honestly faced and acknowledged, will serve as another step ping stone towards a closer communion with God. From there acceptance of the Gos pel, with all the light and hope it contains for man kind, and the will to shaie the glad tidings with the rest of the world follows as easily and surely as night follows day. In our church services hymns of adoration, prayers and supplication—the read ing of the Scriptural pas sages all lead to the sermon as the central point of our combined worship. There is nothing more soul-satisfying than the able presentation of an uplifting sermon, wherein we can ‘“sort ourselves out” of the pressures of every day living and fasten on a goal that will make us a better person. There are many approaches to worship in this great land of ours; and it is something of which we should be proud. Freedom to worship, each in our own way, is the cornerstone of our country and of civilization. In some faiths simplicity is the key note to worship; those who adhere to this school of thought feel that liturgical trappings distract from the basic act of worship. In other faiths it is felt that the symbolical trappings are important aids to worship, serving as constant remind ers for more meaningful ap proaches to tile act of wor ship. Whatever our Viewpoint in this regard, the fact re mains that communion with God is a very personal mat ter. It goes wherever we go, because it is within our hearts. The Christian car ries his commitment to God within himself, as he goes about his daily tasks of liv ing, and that is as it should be. But how good it is that he is free to meet his fellow men in public worship, in God’s house—and openly and proudly aver his belief in Continued or. Pag* 7, Edenton Construction Co., Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 482-3315 N. BROAD ST, Of The Churches In Chowan County Edenton Savings & Loan Association Where You Save DOES Make a Dijferenee EDENTON, N. C. Hughes-Parker Hardware Co. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 482-2315 EDENTON Edenton Restaurant “Good Food Pleasant Surroundings’’ MRS. W. L. BOSWELL, Prop. PHONE 482-9723 EDENTON CALL AT Whiteman’s Service Center FOR— Complete Line of Groceries and Meats UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT PURE OIL PRODUCTS A. T. WHITEMAN, Owner Byrum Implement & Truck Co. INCORPORATED International Harvester Dealer PHONE 482-2151 EDENTON, N. C. This Space Sponsored By A Friend Os The Churches In Chowan County w SUQOIES The other day Grandad read an account in our ALL - FOR THE church newspaper about the miraculous speed of a B-58 the church for ai_u |[. bomber. He contrasted this accomplishment with Thp church lathe great** factor ¥ the experience in his youth when he spotted his first on earth for the building of charac- n'* airplane five miles outside of town—and then rode iZutrl.f^niualvau.M I^ without a a bicycle into town in time to see the plane circling trvt”e t the capitol building. are four sound reasons why every «*• person should attend services regu- 'V* It seems incredible the technological advances larly and support the Church. l*hey mankind has made in the past fifty years. Men & who rode to Sunday School by horse and buggy as <> f hi* community and nation, hi ¥ , . , „ ~ * i i rmr ror the sake of the < hurch itself, Ta boys, today follow tno flight OI astronauts on IV. which needs his moral and material , Their wives do the family laundry with the twist of a dial, and their grandchildren learn Algebra from programmed textbooks. ;■' One unchanging fact remains. Man still needs God as the center and circumference of his life. ■ And the Church, as God’s expression, remains con stant in the teaching of His Truths. |[ Copyright 1966 Keister Advertising Sendee, Inc. , Strosburg, Vk " •}j jjfr' Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday -fra; Dauteronomy Psalms Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Zechariah Matthew lT 8:11-20 111:1-10 2:6-12 9:23-26 2:17-24 8:1-8 7:21-27 <32? t <£tP tmg t «£&> * <aP t < SiP t gfP t <StP tmg t 032? t t These Religious Messages Are Published In The 4 I Chowan Herald and Are Sponsored By the Following Business Fstahlishments I PAGE THREE Va. Fork Service Center FANCY GROCERIES • OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK • Mitchener’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS PHONE 482-3711 EDENTON Edenton Office Supply EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE PHONE 482-2827 5Ol S. BROAD ST. Albemarle Motor Company “Your Friendly FORD Dealer” W. HICKS STREET EDENTON Leaiy Bros. Storage Company BUYERS OF Peanuts, Soybeans and Country Produce SELLERS OF Fertilizers and Seeds PHONES: 482-2141 AND 482-2142 Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. “YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER” jf Your Farm Equipment Needs Are a Life Time Job With Us! Quinn Furniture Company HOME OF FINE FURNITURE EDENTON, N. C, SECTION TWO

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