PAGE FOUR I—SECTION ONE The Chowan Herald , jjJTpublUhed every Thuriday by The Chowan Kjßerald. Inc., L. T. Ambum. Jr., president and manager, 421-425 South Broad Street, ** Edenton, North Carolina. - ' <-> L. F. AMBURN, jß.—President and Gen. Mgr. J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager Jr •' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'Zone Year (outside North Carolina)—-■ *3.50 i- ,One Year (In North Carolina) *3.00 ?*Slx Months J l - 75 * “ Entered as second-clasg matter August 30, (i>Cl934. at the Post Office at Edenton, North ijjcarollna, under the act of March 3. 1879. ' Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of etc., will be charged at regular adver- V -..rising rate. THURSDAY, JULY I, 1965. A LIFT FOR TODAY . . . That your faith and hope might be in God.—Peter 1:21. a, J'gith in God is not static; it grows as we commune with him, as we discern his guid hand and understand his will for us. Perfect our faith in Thee, our Father, that we may be blessed with Thy gift Os peace and calm to carry out Thy will here on earth. * Summer’s Itchy Foot 4 One thing that can be said for Sum mer _ it’s a press’ sure cure for Spring Fever. The combination of heat and humidity can bring a quick end to those wild impulses which so recently drove us out into yard and garden and unaccus tomed toil. But that same summertime sultriness also sets the stage for an equally pre valent and more aggravating and tenaci ous affliction that has been known through the centuries as “athlete’s foot.” No respecter of non-athletes, either, the spectator at summer sports is quite a$ susceptible to this disease as the par ticipator. For whosoever plants a naked foot on boardwalk, poolside, patio, beach or locker room is equally likely to collect those fungi that have made so many so unhappy for so long! Through the ages, treatment of ath lete's foot and other ringworm infections has been based more on hope that con fidence. Remedies have been concocted !that give varying degrees of relief. But never until now this very year of 1965 —has there been any preparation that .might be called a cure! Today, thanks to the medical and pharmaceutical gen iuses of the Schering Corporation, your •doctor can write you a prescription for a called Tinactin that will not only j relieve that fiendish itch between your 7’ rrrT £3%. Sr 4/.; .Vii jfj a>- REFRIGERATORS— New and used Frigidaires. Big trade in. Low down payment. Harrell Gas & Coal ■ Co., 409 South Broad’Street, Edenton. Phone 482-3310. Julyl,Bc MALE HELP wanted. Own your own Rawleigh business in Chowan County or Eden ton. Many thousands of dollars sold there. Perma nent business for steady, de pendable man. Write Raw leigh Dept. .NC G 210 816, Richmond, Va. I ju1y1,15,29p i_ . - BLUE Lustre not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer sl. Quinn Furni ture Co., of Edenton, Inc. ltc FOR SALE 4-room house; ten acres land, partly clear ed. Six miles from Edenton, Cowpen Neck section. Call or write Mrs. S. J. Britt, 213 S. Tillery St., Rocky Mount, phone GI-23906 after 6 P. M. junelo,l7,24,julylp FOR SALE 1957 Cadillac, air conditioned, full power. $500.00. Tent, Bxl6, $45.00. Contact Horace Eason, Cho wan Beach, Edenton, N. C. June24,Julyl,Bc Training For Civil Service Jobs Men-Women; 18-52. Start as high as $lO2 week. Prepa tory training. Experience . usually unnecessary. For in formation on jobs, salary, re quirements, write today, giv ing name, address, and ■ phone. If rural, give direc tions to home. Write Box F, c/o Chowan Herald. june24,julylc SINGER MACHINE—In like new cabinet. ZIG - ZAGS, makes buttonholes, fancy stitches and darns, etc. ? Lo cal party may finish pay ments of $11.14 monthly or pay complete balance of $54.19. Full details and where seen write: Home Office, “National’s Time Payment Dept.” Box 283, Asheboro, N. C. June24Julyl.B,llc VACATION! . . . Parkerson Apartments. Cine and two bedrooms, bath, kitchenette. Linens, maid service. “Ev erything furnished except food.” Tel. 441-5216 Nags Head, N. C. expAug26c WANTED: Poplar logs and 69” blocks. Hertford Ve neers, Inc., Hertford, N. C. Phone 426-7420. Aprltf amount frill not be big,” he added. .“But it will help 3 some, especially in the case of homes which are heated electrically. / - Elsewhere in today’s Her- 5 aid is an ad spelling out \ the exact cost to the con sumer under the new rate. Try A HERALD Classified FOR SALE —3-bedroom new home. 300 ft. south of Eden ton city line on Route 17. Phone 482-4518. jun24tfc FOR SALE Three-bedroom house with den, central heat, and storage room attached to house with cement floor and electricity. No. 34 Westover Heights. Call 482-3511. junl7tfc FOR RENT—3-room furnish ed house. N. Oakum Street. Phone 482-3189. l'tp FOR SALE—GE Refrigerator ' $35. Good condition. See Agnes Chappell or phone 482-3763 or 482-2144. junel7tfc WANTED Man or woman for an established insurance debit in Edenton. Good starting salary. Write P. O. Bo){ 63, Edenton, N. C. June24Julylc MEN WOMEN AGE 18 - 52. Prepare now for U. S. Government jobs. Thousands of openings year ly. Salary up to $4690 yearly. Civil Service offers security, good salaries, paid vacations, raises, paid sick leave, liberal pension. Gram mar school sufficient for many jobs. Stay on present job while training. For fur ther information write to Southern Training, Box 165 c/o this newspaper giving name, address, phone, age, time at home and present employment. exjulylsc ? FOR RENT Three-bedroom cottage at Nags Head. Phone 482-2389 . junl?tfc HOUSE FOR RENT in Cen-/ ter Hill community. Ap ply at George Chevrolet Co., phone 482-2138. DeclOtfc JOB OPPORTUNITIES await graduates”. Enroll now at the Carolina College of Commerce for classes begin ning June 28, day or night; ’'diploinas in Accounting Secretarial Business Administration NCR Machines IBM Key Punch Our placement program can not keep up with the de mand, we need more stu dents to fill these positions. For complete information call or write the Carolina _ College of Commerce, Shar-T --ber Building, Elizabeth City Phone 338-8934; and/or 121 North Main Street, Rocky Mount Phone GI 2 6317. \ expJulylc