Tin CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA Broad Street Bulletin . By KATE The locust sang this morning, So we know the day’ll be hot, The crickets chirp in the evening In their secluded, peaceful spot. Me? I feel like singing And I’m happy most the time ’Cause the day is bright and sunny And jh|a,part of the world is mine. Isn’t summertime glorious? To be able to sit outside in comfort, to watch the flow ers and birds, to fish and swim and to have all the fresh fruits and vegetables to eat. Next thing to heav en . . . We have a most welcome visitor this week, my child ren’s grandmother fr o m Maryland, who stopped to visit with us on her way to South Carolina, where she will spend some time with her daughter. Grandma is almost 84 years old. Few people would guess it and Grandma doesn’t act her age, when lots of times we wish she would, for we’re afraid she’ll get too tired. She is certainly an inspira tion to all of us and proves the fact that when you are ‘“young in, heart” you can live a young and happy and useful life. It was my pleasure to at tend the ordination Os Thomas Kehayes and James F. Ford ham at the local Episcopal Church this week. Not be ing an Episcopalian, this was my first experience in at tending an ordination cere mony, which was beautiful and impressive. I know how proud the parents of these two young men are and I also noted a gleam of pride in the eye of Rev. George Holmes. Seems like the town of Edenton turns out some mighty fine young people. I forgot to mention another proud person at this ceremony, who is yet in the background, but who never theless looked proud and happy she’ll soon be Mrs. Tommy Kehayes. I read in the Insider's Newsletter about a new de vice in this world of auto mation—a husband-hounding, “bloodhound” device. It is a tiny battery - operated tran sistor, concealed in the locks of the front doors. When a late returning hus band quietly slips his key in the lock, it breaks a circuit linked to a clock. The clock stops, thus telling the wife exactly what time of night her husband got home. Here is a clever tip which might help you when pack ing for your vacation trip: Cut a piece of corrugated cardboard to fit the length and width of your luggage. Place it on top of a layer of clothes already in there and use it as a shelf on which to put your dresses, skirts, jacket and robe. Then you can lift these articles from your suitcase all at once, leady for hanging when the shelf is removed. This will also help you find things in the bottom of the bag with out endless searching and rqhipling. 4wC Ham Shank Portionu9C Center Slices 95C THIS . _ "SUPER-RIGHT " LEAN FRESHLY THRU ————il S& BEEF L. 45c I s UP I ) VnilltC UC.dC ■ FRYER BREASTS lb. SS, FRYER DRUM STICKS lb AS, | \ lUUIvU MENS JIB ■ FRYER THIGHS lb. 45c FRESH FRYER LIVERS lb Ssc H ■SgsBapHBB7 PER^LB BEANS & FRANKS NOTICE! A&P STORES WILL BE OPEN ALL * SALISBURY STEAKS * HH stock DAY SAT., JULY 3,