•~v;£ SECTION TWO Wilborne Harrell The Roundup Only until now has any Pope condescended to leave his ivory tower and mingle with the people of the world, as Pope Paul is doing . . . I think it quite possible that we have seen the end of major wars, such as World War I and World War 11. y The atomic bomb has fright ened nations into a, at least temporary, moratorium on war. There is no doubt that but for the restraint of the total destructiveness of nuc lear warfare, the world would have had before now a major war. We have had and are having crises that could precipitate such an event ... It may sound fa cetious, but I assure you no irreverence is meant: What can be more democratic than a ball field? And Pope Paul’s PITCH for peace at the Yankee Stadium was the greatest PLAY ever made on that diamond . . . When my editor left for England last Bible News 'By MABY ALLRED Member of Wemei’a Speaker* Bureau, American Bible Society At long last governmental permission was received this year to import a limited number of Scriptures to Spain. Distribution plans were implemented for 30,000 Protestants in 300 churches there. In Nigeria the first 10,000 copies of the new TIV Bible were distributed in 20 days! It is anticipated that evange lical needs for 1965 in this country will exceed supplies. Progress is being made to ward completion of the Re vised Arabic Bible for Egypt, This Bible is eagerly await ed by many Christians of North Africa jgnd the-Jdiddle East. Last year there were near ly 250,000 Scriptures dis tributed among African refu gees, many of them in the Congo. One worker said, “The first thing that many of them ask for is the Bible.” Stocks, of Scriptures were made available in the BALU BA, BATETELA, DINKA and WATUSI tribe languages, f And did you know that the demand for Scriptures from the Armed Forces exceeds more than one million Cop ies annually. Only half of the requests for Scriptures can be met with the present support to the Bible Socie ties. Life would be much simp ler if we didn’t try to make people thihk We’re what we’re not. 77c RATED BEST ALL WAYS BY 1,000 REPORTS OF FAMILY DENTISTS IN 116. CITIES OLAG TOOOT PASTE A Announcing THE ASSOCIATION OF Larry (Bubba) Hopkins WITH THE COUINIM. flHfflllffi CO. As Commission Salesman Bubba Invites All His Friends To Visit Him At The COUWHL fIOtNUUK CO. THE CHOWAN HERALD week, I told him to be care ful or he’d come back speak ing like a Limey. Then he wanted to know if I’a line to go along. I said, thanks, but you are “Wrong-way Buff lap”. If I ever take a trip it will be toward the west— the Pacific, Hawaii, Samoa Tahiti, the islands of storiec’ tropical paradise . . . There was one note of humor in the Pope’s appearance at the Yankee Stadium, and that was when the wind threw his cape over his head and knocked his skull cap from his head. But that never fazed His Holiness; he held his cap in his hand for a few moments, and went or with his speech as though nothing had ever happened . . . Here’s something that has always bothered me: How can presidents, Popes, speakers of any kind stand bare-headed in the freezing cold and wind and make speech and seldom catch z cold even. Me—if I walkec a block without my hat, I’d probably come down with pneumonia. PHIL OSOPHER SAYS- It’s odd, but the one person you’ve lived with all youi life, is the one you know the least about— yourself. GRAPHIC CARTOON —Leif Ericson and Christopher Co lumbus are facing each oth er, angrily scowling. Eric son is shouting, “I did!” Co lumbus is also shouting, “I Did!” The caption reads. WHO DISCOVERED AMER ICA? A love for books is ro mance at its best. Patronize your local public library. Edenton, N. C. SPECIAL V. SMH|HHKHn Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina 27932 Thursday, October 14, 1965. 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 THIS PENNY 1 It PLUS A PENNY % I AS A GIFT FROM US ■ Hi frjM JpH BL_. THE SECOND p pVA t t Sale Starts Thursday, October 14th 10 BIG DAYS - ENDS OCTOBER 23 ONE CENT SAT F Here's A Few of The Many Items We Have to Offer Sunbeam Cordless Sunbeam Katherine Beecher 11-oz. Aerosol Electric Toothbrush Electric Razors Butter Mints Shaving Cream Brushes Up and Down Automatically ” "Six Now $11.66 “r?.;;; ’Now 88c ea. Now 2 i 99c M1 31 Saccharin Aspirin Flashlights Antiseptic Solution 100 , s and 100# , s 5 Gr. 100’s Chrome Plated Regular 89c %G , ,00’s and 1000’s M*r 6»c Regular 69c ~ Now 2 ! 90c 1 «r. 100’s and 1000’s Now 2 ! 7Qc Now 2 * 70* Lorie Floral I Bath Powder I Gift Wrajjnßox j iVome - - Bubble Bath Adrienne - Lavender Assort. 3 Rolls Haild Lotioil Each Box 20 Envelopes American Beauty Rose 26” x 80” each roll , ~ Regular 65c Regular $1.75 Regular SI.OO HailU eam Now 2 s 66* Now 2 \ $1.76 Now 2 \ sl*ol Now 2 \ 99c Christmas Cards Quick Swabs Bathroom Scales 6 R ® ll Rayon ( ur,ing Box of 21 3 Inches loo’s White, Pink, Beige Ribbon P«* c k Reg. SI.OO 2 for sl.Ol 2 red ’ 2 green ’ 1 wh,te ’ 1 g ° d Regular 39c Regular $6.95 474 pt p er j> ox Re,. a! Now 2 i 40* Now $3.19 ea. per box 66* Stationery Queen Fashion Batteries Special Hair Boxed Paper and Envelopes ~R , e _ Brush Assortment 1 ™‘ H thr . Ce hlg ° n 9_Volt for Transistor Radios For Men and Ladies Regular SI.OO Saran Wigs Reg. $6.00 Regular $4.00 Now 2 s sl*ol Now $3*37 ea. Now 29* ea* Now 88c ea. Toothbrushes Transistor Rexall j Bayberry N vi on Tape Recorder Facial Tissues Scented Candles * 1 400’s 12” Tall Cello Wrapped Regular 49c Regular $19.95 Regular a»c Regular 39c each Now 2 5 50* Now $12*99 Now 5 s 97c Now 2 i 40* - ... - ■■■»■■■ ■ ■* ling I niiiri I’o exa U D r ug Store Hill I ||Mlrl | \ Edenton, North Carolina IIULLU VI LLL U Phone 482-2127 v SECTION TWi