I—SECTION ONI PAGE TWO Commissioners To Teil l ff Jury About Hotel Floor! Chowan County commis sioners Monday handled rou tine matters and received reports from various county departments. Chairman W. E. Bond told fellow board members he had investigated the cost of installing a new floor cov ering on the second floor of Hotel Joseph Hewes. He said one estimate tan as high as $3,000. Commissioners instructed the chairman to appear be fore the Superior Court Grand Jury arid explain their position. Two recent juries have recommended that action be taken to improve the floors on the floor where county offices are maintained. Edenton Woman’s Club is working on a plan to light the Chowan County Court house and Chairman Bond said he had met with Ihe group. The cost of the pro ject and the extent to which Care Cupboard Is Established A Care Cupboard has been established by a commission at Edenton Methodist Church to provide year-round assist ance to deserving families. John A. Taylor, chairman of the cupboard, said this new agency will accept items which can be used and pass them on to those in need. Taylor said the Care Cup board is a project of the Commission on Christian So cial Concern at the Metho dist Church. “The Metho dist Church cares about the welfare of all the people of the community,” the chair man said. He added that from time to time the sick in this com munity need sheets, blankets, and other items and they could best be handled through a central agency. The cupboard will also handle various items of clothing, toys, staple food items and the sort. A committee composed of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Rev. Cliff Shoaf will screen those in need before assist ance is given. Items may be left with members of this committee or those who wish to donate something can call Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Sr., Mrs. Cecil Fry, Mrs. L. C. Bur ton, Mrs. Jean O’Neal, Jesse Wilson or F. A. Jordan. Women Past 21 WITH BLADDER IRRITATION Suffer Many Troubles After 21, common Kidney or Bladder Irritations affect twice as many women as men and may make you tense and nervous from too frequent, burning or itching urination both day and night. Secondarily, you may lose sleep and! suffer from Headaches, Backache and feel old, tired, depressed. In such irri tation, CYSTEX usually brings fast, relaxing comfort by curbing irritating germs in strong, acid urine and by anal gesic pain relief. Get CYSTEX at drug gists. See how fast it can help you n Quality (| Hi-Spaed Printing Service j| Attractive V printing at m 11 j| One good way to get .Mil 1 people to read what you ■B want them to is to make -"""H/ it look good. That’s ihyßL what we’re in business i for. See us soon. When you come to us, you know what real fine printing is ... no matter what it’s for . .... our imaginative staff can create the type of printing to give ________ ■ IL * you the prestige you want! wmTTTT^ihM _____ —— Vlflf ’; - yj. ■lHlVlita Phone 482-2221 1 m. onit Jt* iisiiii a the county will participate was not known. W. P. Jones, tax supervisor, and W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., attorney for United Proper ties, Inc., discussed tax val ues on the Cape Colony de velopment. Earnhardt said unless the firm is given some relief bv the commissioners it is doubtful if they can stay out of financial trouble. He was requesting that all unsold property in four subdivisions be taxed as acreage rather than as individual lots. Jones recommended that values be changed on a num ber of lots and some of the property be considered as acreage. The jail report, submitted by Glenn H. Perry, showed 28 persons jailed for from one to 31 days at a cost to the county of $162.31. Mrs. J. H. McMullan, wel fare director, made the fol lowing report: Old Age Assistance: 118 cases, $5,497 grant for an average of $46.58. Aid to Families with De pendent Children: 41; $3,339, $17.86. Aid to Permanently and Totally Disabled: 50; $2,420; $48.40. Aid to Blind: 12; $401; $33.41. General Assistance: Two; $86.32 total. Ten persons were hospi talized in the county at a cost of $1,728.70. The coun ty’s part of this was $320 with $1,408.70 coming from joint funds. Four persons were hospi talized outside the county. The total cost was $1,164 of which the county’s part was $lB and the remainder com ing from joint funds. Thirty-three persons re ceived medicine with the $452.10 cost coming from joint funds. There were two dental cases with joint funds paying $34. Mrs. McMullan reported $247 cases receiving financial assistance with 59 service cases handled by the de partment. In addition to Chairman Bond, commissioners in at tendance included C. J. Hol lowell, J. Clarence Leary, C. M. Evans and Dallas Jeth ro, Jr. Mass Schedule At St. Ann’s Father Joseph J. Lash, pastor of St. Ann’s Catholic Church, has announced the following mass schedule: Thursday, 7 P. M.; Friday, 7 A. M.; Saturday, 10 A. M.; Sunday, 8 A. M.; Monday, 7 P. M.; Tuesday, 7 A. M.; Wednesday, 7 A. M. This coming Sunday at 3 P. M., there will be a Vo cational Day Rally held at the church hall. Young boys who are interested in study ing for the priesthood will assemble from points as far as Rocky Mount, Roanoke Rapids, Tarboro, Elizabeth City and our own boys from Columbia and Edenton. Vyg Q|VE I 1 LB. AZALEA FARMER BROWN feftON B/ft/ FREE! FREE! FREE! *** ... % W m With Purchase of 1-lb. Pkg. n . „ gs . MJrllm PORK SAUSAGE I tB P ™ B Answer: Page 178 of Index, under Solomon’s I H ~Tqjl 1 Temple in (lie Blue Ribbon Bible in iGREENg fFT 2t RS E 1- Z ■ ■ STAMPsH for ONLY lb € [hENUInIHoUNTRY II). I MEtegjjMi 8 SMOKED SAUSAGE 6<)< I ARMOUR STAR BLADE IN CHOICE WESTE RN BEEF I HMST-39 j ARMOUR STAR BONELESS I BONELESS I ARMOUR STAR BONE-IN CHUCK ROASIj STEW BEEF MB STEAKS 111. 55c I lb. 55t I lb. 89c JOIN OUR AZALEA BRAND First Choice No. 303 Rosed ale .S'c”. (S SLICED BACON Biscuits Green Peas .« ONLV 95c DOWN J? >t _ AS LOW $1 WEEK fl ■■ M JTR M MM \ "* t ’■ ■ "* lb. Q7C 649• 99t 1 -TK NYLON HOSE quart 27c £.:zl J I pr, 29c MORTON’S FROZEN 1-LB. STRIETMANN’S 1 LB. SUNSHINE g N.B.C. LARGE SIZE KIRK S TV Choc. Fudge Honey j Oi ?o Eco Castille DINNERS Sandwich Grahams Cookies Detergent Soap ea. 39t lb. 39t lb. 39t lb. 49c box 25«2bar523« SUNSHINE STATE - FROZEN Edenton N.C. , i Ora*. J«i» 7fT|f\ iPSL* \ APP^4tar3sc THE CHOWAN HERAL&, BMSNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1»«5.