Ilocky Hock Section News >11? MRS. T. W. ALLRED Several Rocky Hock folks i&ave had “bump ups” lately and we’re glad to report that ‘nope of them were serious ... . at least not to the per son. I imagine the expense was a little serious! . . . Un’t this a “thriving look ing community” . . . when you ride along and see all the building tne o'idin"' the remodeling and painting and ' repairing going on. Shelia and Jack are going to have a lovely “renovation and addition” real soon by the looks of the progress . . . and Tommy is watching hi* roof go on the now house next door to the o'ld one. I think .Clyde and Shirley Bunch's new one is about to be finished. We hear there are others in the “planning staees.” Sign cf progress! We wish all the mother; of the Junior girls (who had -charge of the WMS program last week) could have been there and seen them do so well in their “MK” program. (If you don’t know what an MK is you should have been there to find out!) The girls are enjoying their continuing mission study in Brazil at regular meeting times this nrnth. La-1 week they went out in the churchyard when thev finished and had a “pinata” which is common in Bra-il and Mexico. (Wonder what that is? . . . Ask your Junior G.A.). The Inter mediate girls are planning to have, their book this next week we think on a Wednes day evening. Not certain of those plans . . . YWA’s will be coming to hear the Adult b- ok taught bv Rev. David Harris next Monday night . . . November 22 at • the church at 7:30 . . . all men and women invited. (We didn’t realize when we pass ed on the word that David was teaching this book at our I SHOP FRIDAYS I j it 9 j NOTICE TO ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS AND GUARDIANS! The law requires an ANNUAL ACCOUNT to be made each year and an INVENTORY to be filed within 90 days after quali fying. If your Annual Account, Inventory or Final Account are past due, we respectfully urge that you file same at once, as we are required to report all such cases to the Grand Jury, which will convene at the De cember term of Chowan County Superior Court, November 29th. VOIR COOPER AT I(>X WILL BE VERY MICH APPRECIATED! LENA M. LEARY Clerk of Superior Court BIG NEWS!! For— 'i : Progressive Historic Edenton, N. C. . ;; NEW BUSINESS FOR EDENTON AND \ :: SURROUNDING AREA ... J j : We Build Houses I < ’ ffli'ffßwSgrSl aJOLr Carolina model i ' Ijjl J HOME COBP. I \ i —l fer. Build the Best; Cost Less % > i 1 |flf’"Vr' I Satisfaction Guaranteed! | If in need of s two, three, or four spacious bedroom | home with attrac ive wrought iron railings and eol- < • umns on porch, we tan do the job for you with NO i ; DOWN PAYMENT if you have a vacant lot We do J all typos of Home Improvements. We install bath rooms, build extra rooms, carports, and repair 1 churches. ‘ , CONTACT -AJfTsiftPLl ----- - j church that he would wind up doing it for almost every Baptist church in the coun | ty!). . Such remarks as “Best tur key dinner I ever .ate” . . I' ‘Wasn’t there a gocd crowd . . . best we’ve ever had for a husbands’ supper” . . . “good speaker ...” etc., wa all that was heard following he good Husbands’ Suppe (for the County) last weel at Rocky Hock Center. Gum Pond Club was hostess we think, and we’re sure that ill the ladies of the several clubs in the area helped as well as many of the young girls who served (anu u to,; those slim and trim ones tt, get through the tight place: with all the tables that liar s o be used for 200 to eat . . and then some turned away! 1 The fall decorations, done by the Oak Grove Club I be lieve, were quite the loveli est .we have seen. An excel lent program . . . good speak er .. . delicious turkey din ner with all the trimmings ... and many door prize donated by a sizeable num her of area merchants anr businesses made for a very enjoyable evening. We have a feeling that there may be n request for a “repeat” on this! Circles meeting this week . . . Brotherhood tonight No vember 10 Thursday evening at Community Building Chicken . . . we hear with TJoyd Peele and Carlton Nixqn chief cooks! 7 P. M Sunbeam meeting Wednesday and R.A.’s Wednesday nicht The Royal Ambassadors were honored in a recogni tion service Sunday' morning at Rocky Hock. This wa' Royal Ambassador week No vember 7-14. Tony Leary representing the Crusader Chapter, and Jerry Peele, for the Pioneer group, read the Scriptures and led in prayer. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EM3WTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1%5. About two dozen of the boys cat in a group. ' Hope you ire planning now for the Brotherhood Ladies’ Night rnd Christmas supper . . . Thursday night, December 16th . . . Even more import uit dates before then . . . veek of prayer for Foreign Missions November 28th through December 4. All organizations will be partici pating and the Lottie Moon Christmas offering IS DUE TO BE TURNED IN DUR iSIG THIS TIME! Our ■hurch goal this year is over '.1,000, Let’s give Christ our 'ift first this year on His lirthday by making our over ind above gift .to Foreign Missions (every dime of which is used for mission causes that must wait for this - offering). This is a churqh-wide offering again as it was last year and it will be sent in before the end of December so PLEASE see that ail members of your Sunday School Class, your Circle, Sunbeams, your Bro therhood, your R.A. group, Farm Election Is Important RALEIGH —The future of .•otton as a basic farm com nodity in North Carolina and the Southeast depends to a large extent on the out ome of two grower referen iums to be held Novembei J 3. That, in substance, is the pinion of many top-level far Heel agricultural lead ers as expressed in the past ew days. In the voting, growers ■ hroughout the nation's cot ton bell will decide whether marketing quotas are to re main in eftect on the 19b6 crop. In addition, growers in the Tar Heel State will determine whether to assess hemselves at the rate of 15' cents a bale on the next three crops to continue their support of the North Caro lina Cotton Promotion Asso ciation. A referendum on pear.ut marketing quotas for 1966, 967 arid 1968 wilt be held m the same date. In each referendum, ap proval by two- thirds ot those voting is required foi ihe issue to carry. Polling daces will be those destg •">ted by Agricultural Stab ilization and Conservation service county offices. A number of tarn, leaden n North Carolina have re eased statements in Hie pas: ew days strongly endorsing the program on the C’otlor ’romotion Association, ac cording to John F. C'amp >ell of Raeford, chairman ol he organization’s public re ations committee. State Agriculture Commis ;ioner James A. Graham ermed the association “one >f the most vigorous and lynamic agricultural com nodity associations” in North Carolina. “We need this program to stay ahead,” he isserted. The organization "has pro vided vital leadership for all •otton producers" in the date, commented Dr. George lyatt, Jr., director of the N. C. Agricultural Exten sion. Service. He praised its Historic Hope Benefit Is Set WINDSOR.^—The prisoners , ire coining to Bertie County. The North Carolina Certral bison Variety Show, which has been billed as “The greatest Show In North Carolina,” and features enrnedv- and dancing, will be staged at the Benu. . . ci .. .> oi -gymnasium -(•■-day, November 20, at f P. M. ine two-hour show will nclude a swing bard, coun ‘ry and western music, min strels, doggers and the Sen; of Prayer. Proceeds from the variety show will be used by the Historic Hope Foundation, Inc., for the purchase ano estoration of Historic Hope, the home of former North ;arohua Governor David 3tone. Historic Hope Foun dation is seeking to raise $15,000 to match a $5,000 (rant from the Richardson . i nnlihiutf Training Union or anjl other group knows that the week of prayer for foreign mis sions is the time that this of fering comes in. This is the purpose of the Week ol Prayer. We meet in specia, prayer for the many cause; of Foreign Missions, wt learn about the needs, ’we pray for them and then we give. Would you. like a delicioir cake or a pie or some othei sweet for Thanksgiving? . . The Rocky Hock Communit; Center is sponsoring anothe one of those fabulous “Bake Sales” at the Belk-Tyler en trance on Wednesday, No vember 24. Better get b: there early if you want thosi “first to go” specialties. Bet ter’ yet . . . call one of . the ladies and tell them . wha you want and they will save .it for you. Mrs. W. H Saunders or Mrs. O. C. Long -will be glad to put you ii touch with any of the gVouj ; if you have a preference so ' some special cake or pie. sponsorship of importani .otton research and said it. legislative program has madi a real impact on current cot ton policies.” G. D. Arndt, general man nger of (he Carolinas Cot ton Growers Association, said the Promotion Associa tion “has been a most im portant factor in bringing about increased interest ii growing cotton” 'in Nortl Carolina. Arndt credited the asso cialion with saving the cot ton acreage release and re apportionment "program de spite strong opposition from western states. He also said the promotional organiza tion has served effectively a; a liaison agency for all wht are interested in the wel fare of cotton in North Ca retina. “To me it would be un thinkable for any cottoi grower in the state to fail tc vote tor the nominal assess meat needed to continue ths work of the association,’ Arndt said J. C. ' Whitehurst, Jr., of Greenville, president of tht Southeastern Pesticide For .Tiulators Association, ' said that without the vigorous legislative efforts of thf Cotton Promotion Associa tion “there is no doubt that North Carolina and the Southeast would have los: most of then- cotton acre age." David S. Weaver, formei extension director, said thf association “has rendered sig nificant service” and “i: recognized for its influence across the South in main taining cotton as an import ant segment of the econ omy.” Harry B. Caldwell, execu tive vice, president. Farmers Cooperative Council of Nortl Carolina, said the associa tion’s efforts to protec' growers’ income, encourage j research and stimulate pro j cluction and ginning of bet iter quality lint “has beei | most beneficial to the entin industry” in North Carolina , Foundation and a $2Q,,00( fc rant 'from the General As sembly. Approximately 40 inmates of Central Prison will b< featured in the show. Har rington Manufacturing Com pany is bearing the expens d bringing the show to Ber tie County. Senator J. a Harrington, president, prom ises there won’t be a Out moment during the everinr Tickets may be purchased in advance from members c Historic Hop? Foundatior and will also be available a the door on the evening o the performance as long a; seats are available. Story Time Restless youngster (ht ’■ A. rvi./: Mommy, tell me a story. Mother: Hush, dear. Daddy ' »-i" he i n soon and tell us both one. ttncnlM Doiiontc nujipflal r alien lo VOitint Hours: 19-11 A. M., i-4 anti .'-8 l".. SI. Children nn Orr I? are not permitted to visit patients. Patients discharged from Chowan Hospital during the week of November 9-16 in cluded the following: White Mrs. Ada Bar ringer, Mrs. Achsa Copeland, Willie Cecil Matthews, Mrs Ida Ella Owens, Mrs. Julis 3 arker, Mrs. Patsy Privott, Mrs. Geraldine Madrey, Mrs frankie Spruill, Mrs. Clara lan? Harris, Mrs. Barbar. lunch, Mrs. Wilma • Spencer, Lloyd Chappell, Mrs. Ell. Ambrose, John Wesley Win >orne and Mrs. Nora Has sell. Colored Miss Delores "ohnson, Mrs. Barbara Hol ley, Thomas Griffin ” lildred Liverman, Master Walter Woodard, mts. . sah Winston, Mrs. Eva Wil der, Master William Daven ->rt, Jr and Mrs. Georgia Nixon Wilson. Births White—Mr. and Mrs. La- Oell Parker, a son. Colored Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lee, Holley, a daukh er; Mr., and Mrs. Grady Lee Liverman, a daughter; Mr md Mrs. Felix Rudolf Wins ;ton, a son. County News - / * By MISS'. If Cl. A.VI) EVANS A Thanksgiving service will be held at Edcnton Bap ist Church Thursday morn ing, November 25 at 1( (’clock. The WMU held a missioi ;tudy Monday night Novem- Der 15 at 7:30 o’clock. The book, “Which Way In Bra 'i 1,” was taught by Rev )avid Harris, pastor of Cen ter Hill Baptist Church. Duard Murphy preached Sunday night at Edentor 3aptist Church. The junioi choir rendered special music Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Car roll are attending the Bap ist convention this week. F.denton’s Christmas uaradr will be held Friday, Decem ber 3. The Junior Department o1 the Training Union of Eden on Baptist Church will have a social at the Edenton :hurch Sunday afternoon ai 5 o’clock. Any of junior age are urged to join. Mrs. Lena Evans was hos tess to a Stanley Party oi Vlonday afternoon Rev. Thurman Allred, pas tor of Rocky Hock Baptist Church, is attending the Baptist state convention u. Charlotte this week. Mrs. Thurman Allred is at tending the Advisory Coun cil sessions of the American Bible Society at the Commo dore Hotel in New York. Mrs. Sam Nixon and Mrs Lena Evans visited Mrs. Jerry Evans Tuesday after loon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Perry of Virginia Beach and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bunch of Norfolk visited Mrs. Ethel Perry Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ev ins, Mrs. Milton Evans, Ca olyn and Ronda. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and Debbie, dr. and Mrs. A. L. Briggs, vlrs. Britton Byrum, the Taylors of Rvland and Mrs. Margaret Hoffler and Rob -rta were in Suffolk Satur day. Sympathy goes out to the Nixon and Moore families. Mrs. Gladys Bvrum. Gra -lam Farless, Will Williams, md Mrs. Callie Evans are on ; ihe sick list. Mrs. Carrie Svvanner and Mrs. Alton Elmore had the misfortune to get hurt. The fall production of Edenton Little Theater will be presented November 18 and 20 in the John A. Holmes High School auditorium. . : j □ Barclay's IncWl i | jjflL Bourbon 48 MONTHS Barclay's OLD < Bourbon ' $g5552?5 4/5 QUART 4- . D m . il '*y f : STMOMT (OomON WHISKEY—»O HOOF. IAS. MKLAV A CoTltMfTtO, WOtlA. IU. putmr paraur Continued from Page One above, $1 million a year. Anyone with a vote in how this money is being spent to educate the children of our ;ounty should be willing to face the taxpayers every four years, asking the ques tion: “Do you approve of the way I am doing this job?” The majority of those who took the time to participate in the recent straw poll agreed. But, like the road bond issue, w? feel there is nnre interest in our schools than the poll, indicated. Progress continues to be made in our school system, one that will be strengthened even' more with a merger of ,he two administrative units , Both the city and county boards are pledged to this merger and the question of how to select the board members in the future is but one of the questions to be resolved. This should be done" n the fairest possible way ?o a united front can be pre sented to the people. OUR LOSS —This week’s ‘News From Rbcky "Hock Section” arrived on schedule Monday afternoon. However, he envelope was a mite heavier. - Included with the regular INpatch was a noth which •ve rather had been emitted We’ll share it with you: “With this week’s column an “News From Rocky HOck Section” I am completing al most a year of this kind of -ommunity and church news Because time has become r problem in getting, this col umn done each week (and I don’t think we have missed one all year, even though \v« have been away many times) 1 find it necessary to end 'his kind of writing will (his edition of The Chowan Herald. There are many other ‘hings involved in this de -ision, but so I will not bf ‘misquoted as I have been done a few times in the past” T want to make it clear thal 1 am terminating the column (at least for awhile) be cause it has been taking timr from other tilings that I feel are more pressing, an" 1 because I think someone ?ise could do this kind of reporting just as easily as I have done it. It is with re gret that we have decided this. ' I appreciate, more than I can say, thp courtesv of The Chowan Herald staff' in al lowing me' so many ‘editorial liberties’ in my reporting and in allowing me almost inlimited space in doing it 1 appreciate also the many kind things that several of you have said about reading and enjoying the ‘news column’.” Mrs. Thurman Allred. Mrs. Allred has been a faithful correspendent foil The Chowan Herald and she has gone the second mile to report events from the Rocky Hock section. She is a busy lady and we are sorry the demands on her time were such she had to make this decision. .We haven’t found a re placement for her but hope to do so in the very near future. We wish her wel! in her future endeavors. LEGAL NOTICES » „ Notice of Administration Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of Henry E. Lane, -deceased, late of Chowan County, North Caro lina, ,|his is to notify all per | s-ns having claims against ; the estate of said deceased , to i exhibit them to tile un- I dersigned at Tyner, N, C., on or before the 18th day of I May, 1966, or this notice will debted to said estate will olease make immediate pay ment. This 16th day cf Novem ber, 1966. MARTHA L. L.ANE, Executrix of Estate , i, »»<=nry E. Lane. N0v18,25,Dec2,9c . 6 macMMtc " S fIK Laugh at the weather with a safe, reliable K OK USED CAR that will get you in V comfort. GEORGE. CHEVROLET has a St fine selection on the lot now .. . priced to ;i — ■ isHOpTHTj • -AT—- /-• j W.E.S. I: Chuck Roast, lb. . . 39c I i; Rib Steak, lh 69c | ; • , 2 Cans $ | Cranberry Saiiee . . 39c | I MARTINDALF. 2 Cans $ | Sweet Potato&s . . . 49c | | PILLSBURY 3 Pkgs. | | Cake Mix * .. -89 c | || Apples . . 3-1!). bag 29c I I SUNSHINE Pkg. I | Vienna Fingers. . . 35c j t YUM-YUM | j: Cookies, box .... 45c | ;; LADIES’ $ :: Nylon Hose, 3 pr. SI.OO | itiHhv niimm i | Sausage and Fresh Vegetaf>lus j; | W. E. Smith's Store i | ROCKY HOCK SECTION ;; I PHONE 482-3022 EDENTON. N. C. V-so Swing around to Mitchener’s Phar-|B macy to select cards’® the early bird gets the ill best selection. 0# H || 482-371! EDENTON/ If. Cl PAGE SIX SECTION ONE CARD OF THANKS f : To the Fire Department and all others who helped tus Muring our recent misfortune, we wish to express our sin cere thanks and appreciation. Margaret and j p Keiyieth Flows " ' For Oulek R«Hs Tur [»A HERALD CLASSIFIED