SECTION ONE PAGE SIX Physicians From Area To Hear UNC Doctor CHAPEL HILL Under standing the rote of growth and development in children with anemia will he stressed at a 17-county medical meet ing in Edenton on January 19. Dr. Campbell McMillan, a pediatrician at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine who specializes in blood diseases of children, will speak to practicing phy sicians at the Edenton Res taurant. In an afternoon lecture, his topic will bo “Coming to Grips with Childhood Ane mia.” He will point out the most common causes of the disease and will, emphasize that an expert isn’t necessary to begin the correct diag nosis. At 7:31 P. M„ Dr. McMil lan will discuss “The Solitary Mass: A Pediatric Emergen cy.’’ His talk will, focus on early diagnosis of tumors as the re:.! answer to protecting children front cancer. This is the second in a series of medical meetings which will alternate weekly between Edenton, Ahoskie. and Elizabeth City. The sc ries is sponsored by the Cho wan - Pasquotank - Hertford mcd cal societies, the UNC School of Medicine and the UNC Extension Division. Practicing physicians from the following counties are in- • Y?opiin 4-H’ers | Ilokl Meeting December 17 members of the Yeopim 4-H Club met al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yates Parrish on the old Hertford Road. Mrs. Parrish gave each girl and lady a lovely Christmas corsage arid the hoys candy. Each member took fruit, which was divided in four paits and placed in Christ mas baskets and boxes. Then we w*-nt to visit four shut ins. We sang Christmas car ols and left fruit for them. It was very impressive and brought out the true mean ing of Christmas. After car oling we a ain went to the Parrish’s lovely home, which was very tastefully decorat ed for Christmas. We were served so many Christmas goodii s, which were truly enjoyed by each and every one. Our thanks goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Parrish for be ing so nice to our club at Christmas. A smart fruit seller makes it a point' to pack his boxes so he can turn them up—side down be fore the customer. The best ideas germinate in honest, idealistic ininds and are not the result of S'df-soeking thouehts. I You'll never run low when you ■ deal with us. Our degree-day ■ deliveries assure you of an I heating Qil money can buy— I from every drop. Give us a I call—then relax and enjoy I onflGr 4 SonrgSg) INCORPORATED Phone 482-2614 or 482-22S&—Edenton vited: Beaufort; Bertie; Cam den; Chowan, Currituck; Dare; Edgecombe; Oates; Halifax Hertford; Martin; Nash Northampton; Pasquo tank; Perquimans; Tyrrell; and Washington. Dr. McMillan is a gradu ate of Whiteville High School, served as a hospital corpsman with the U. S. Navy in 1945-46 and received his medical degree from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine in 1952. He has been on the UNC medical faculty since 1963 after two years of private practice in Laurinburg. : Ms \ J aB .\£SK V SB m&iMK •■•J’JHS I ' : :is‘ $ VW® ' DR. CAMPBELL McMILLAN | Moore Predicts Continued lrom Page One been in a town with the co operative spirit of the citi zens of Edenton. “The gen eral attitude of the people it Edenton and Chowan County is just great,” he states. He points to progress that has been made in the past five or six years and says: “This is what happens when the average citizen becomes in terested in his town.” Lighting of the runway at Edenton Municipal Airport will be q great asset to the entire community, he says. The chamber executive says he is more interested in the expansion of existing in dustry than in getting new plants. “All existing firms expanded in 1965 and that is a healthy sign,” he contends “The future looks quite promising for Edenton, Cho wan County and the Albe marie area,” Moore said. “If we continue to receive sup port from all concerned as demonstrated in the past our accomplishments are un limited.” Most people feel that their neighbors have it pretty easy. Every minority has the idea that it should rule the nation. r-,re>/=MS,B m unraa/iran. r - 4 - P . . .f Ws’llE NjVJI MTHNW... A„ -, —IHW<#»WMKMOOW ~~~ always wantih* somethin®- oppressed eaaA-oNuno have MCH AS OMR (NMfCNHENCE ! a M Wfe PO THE TWIST- ROCK AMP —»--T— -ißr 3 rs Sf..**** THEN WE CONFOUND EVERYONE RY PARTIES WHO KEEP TSU.INO THE ? i. V H i THi WORLD THAT we VOLUNTARILY investing in ourselves world that the unitep states is VIA THE WYEOU. SAVIN* ELAN H A Sou I TO PAL IN TWO VVORLP WARS WE |Bt\ TOUTICS .< SNORTS 1 WHATHAVE T<* C* THE* StiWE^PwJrcKSSwl a [ jBSBK ROHI-TO DEFEND FREEDOM YOU SCRAWN®.' ‘ \ \ ! II? (ISIE§AMM§ PBm f@ir sDB f Town To Push Continued from Page One the end of the first six lease portions of the prop erty. Gardner reported on the condition of the budget at months of the year. He said tax collections were $98,000 ind all expenses were nor mal . Mayor John A. Mitchener, fr., commended Gardner for he efficient manner in which the town’s business tas been conducted. The council took action to secure property on the west side of Broad Street for off ircet parking. Gardner said t is hoped that sufficient property can be secured to lark some 64 cars. He said in off-street parking lot on he west side of the street would be a great deal of as sistance to downtown mer ■hants. Councilman Henry Quinn oroposed that Edenton make a bid for one of two alco holic rehabilitation centers that will be constructed by the state. Councilmen agreed this would be like having a lew industry in town and Mayor Mitch‘Her will ap point a committee to work >n this prnjiet. James H. Griffin was giv en the oath of officp as chief of police. lie returned to the department on January 1 after working with the State Board of Paroles for two months. tj iM,U On, : . r '1 m> i “I represent the Mountain Wool Company, madam. Would you he interested in some coarse yu ns?" "Gosh, yes. Come in and tell me a couple.” The accident toll in this country is big enough to war rant serious attention and so, if you want to save your own life, be careful in 1966. the CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, TOUBSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1966, ‘By Numbers’ Salute Given State RALEIGH—North Carolina was saluted “by the num bers” when the North Caro lina Motor Carriers Associa tion presented industrial fact booklets to Gov. Dan Moore. J. T. Outlaw, executive vice president, NCMCA, pre sented the booklets covering pertinent facts on each of the 100 counties of North Carolina. Basic North Carolina facts in the 103,000 booklets in clude: Population, 4,766,103; land area, 49,067; households, 1,239,700; effective buying income, $7,166,755,000; retail sales, $4,975,282,000; farm in come, $1,412,324,923; whole sale sales, $6,982,616,000; me dian family income, $3,956; travel expenditures, $467,- 000.000; employment, 1,605,- 478; highway miles, 71,845.0; motor vehicle registrations, automobiles, 1,545.908, trucks, "r'rt * 79/ - - . nTfr+Zr - - • ,a Ola credit) CO«l«e wfcwre nW) t j. x / 0 2 ~~ tax wc on *cfunp r 1 19. If payments (line 17c) arelgMartbwwa»attf|« * > / f j J 21. Subtract line 20 from#?. Apply to: M U.S. Savings Bonds, vvß excess refunded; or □ Refund only. \ 5 Under penalties ot petjunrj that I Have »najnin«d this return, inclualiiMjpcoitipQnying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correft|i»a^pjje«^lfpfe^edbyape^^^^j^rtaxpayef ( his declaration on all information of which he has any HERE* it #nt» ■ Slffl |)§f| . ««« . * t . , • Siginabire of preparer oteer then taxpayer " Atffm . . /' ' ' 'fl Get your tax refund in cash, and chances are the money fritters away. Get your tax refund in the form of a U. S. Savings Bond and chances are you’ve got it saved. Tucked away to be part of a down payment on a home some day, a stepping stone to somebody’s education, or maybe just a big help when some emergency pops up. You’ll find an opportunity to take your refund in Savings Bonds when you come to that line at the bottom of your ’64 tax return. As well as hanging on to your refund, you’ll have the satisfaction of seeing it grow 331/3?£ bigger as your Bond matures. You'll also have the satisfaction of helping your country. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds STAR-SPANGLED SAVINGS PLAN FOR ALL AMERICANS w reaa «ga, - * & .*-> « 376,884 and trucking employ ment, 294,417; truck taxes, $97,497,159 and truck wages, $1,194,367,278. The booklets are being distributed to local county commissioners, mayors, mer chants associations, chambers Os commerce, industrial de velopment groups and gov ernment leaders. “It is our pleasure to serve North Carolina in this new industrial development tech nique,” Outlaw told Gover nor Moore. “We sincerely hope the business and industrial de velopment leaders and groups may utilize this free fact booklet in the future promo tion of industrial develop ment throughout North Caro lina’s 100 counties,” Outlaw concluded. Additional free copies for industrial or research use How to hang on to your tax refill**! this year may be ordered from J. T. Outlaw, NCMCA, P. O. Box 2977, Raleigh, N. C. 27602. Surprise Party Given Mr. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hobbs had a surprise birthday party for Hilery T. Hobbs Saturday night at his home in the Paradise section. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Long surprised him with a beau tiful birthday cake which was served with punch and ice cream. Mr. Hobbs was 86 years old and 20 people called on him during the evening to wish him many more happy birthdays. Mr. Hobbs loves to .have his friends call on him any time they can. Think it over when you ask for your refund year. . ' Rally Planned Continned from Page One December is expected to car ry over to the general elec tion on February 5. He said since Jones has Republican opposition, efforts are being made to get out a big Demo cratic vote. The district rally with representatives from the 15 counties already in the dis trict, as well as new counties added by the special session cf the General Assembly now in session—will be stag ed at the Williamston High School gymnasium. A bar becue dinner will be served along with the political speeches. Nat Johnson, chairman of the Martin County Demo cratic Executive Committee is handling local arrange ments for the rally. Quick facts about Sorlot E Savings Bondi V You get back $4 for every $3 at maturity V You cap get your money when you need it ' V You pay no state or local income tax and can defer federal tax until the Bonds are ««h»fl V Your Bonds art replaced free if lost, destroyed or stolen —~ - . • ■uy I Send* for front h-H Bonds for cvrroot fmomo An Ancient Alliance ) ■ The feline family outdates man by thousands of years! As soon as man arrived on the scene, though, they struck up an ac quaintance that has lasted and grown throughout all time. The early Egyptians worship* . ped the cat as a god. In fact, the honored position which cats oc cupied in society under the Phar aohs has never been equalled. The cat was sacred to the Egyp tian goddess, Pasht (whence the name “Puss”). Cats were wor shipped, paraded and garlanded. Because cats have always had the qualities of beauty, intelli gence and grace the cat popula tion of today is up to 26 million. Equally at home in city apart ment or country home, the fas tidious and well-mannered cat ia a welcome and loved companion. Because cats are intensely self sufficient creatures, some people have labeled them arrogant, dis - obedient and unpredictable. Ac cording to the experts at the Purina Pet Care Center cats really have a keen appreciation of comfort and companionship. The key to getting in their good graces is to treat them as they are, not as a dog or’ unruly child. They know intuitively 1 whether they’re loved and under i stood, and they have innumer , able subtle ways of making their • desires and feelings known. From its place as a god the cat has come down a peg to enjoy ing and being enjoyed, in many 1 homes. If you don’t own one yet, i you have a great friendship ia store for you.. _^ifiaSK»wnu. Sound Off Bores won’t bother you if you monopolize the conver sation yourself. —Courant, Hartford. Not Bad It wouldn’t be a bad idea 1 at that to put the designers of bathing suits in charge of cutting governmental bud gets. —Herald. Miami.