—SECTION ONE PAGE SIX • . ' jHBLv SShHI > W'i ff. \ V K £*J pta •‘WRW - Deep Reds Antiques Pastel" ml Sands And Many Others [ "™ ‘ E NASH BRICK CO. If ‘‘Manufacturers of Quality Brick Since 1932” ~~ p. o. Box 962 ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. I|r~» nt*?® JOHN ROBERTSON, Rep. P c s, Call Collect After 6:CO p.m. 446-5765 - -tfS"l|Uagl~ - ~ ll • 1000 Watt,— I2jo i WCDJ i Be sure to tune in with WCDJ at t l 10 30 A. M., £ach day, Monday thru I I Friday, beginnirt ? March 7 thru I t March 18,1966, for programs of the | | Macedonia Baptist Church with Rev. 4 B’ *r Bradley, pastor, assisted by f ithig evangelist, Rev. Meretf- I rett, pastor of the Round Oak | ChureH, Corbin, Va. ral sendees \Vfll be conducted f edonia Baptist Church begin- I unday, March Id and continh- | u Sanday* March 26. the I N*«#ry will he *pen cadi ! t7:30. J . - -- » m m —l .. presentation of ‘My Three Angels” comes up to the highest standards qf the mos) demanding theater goer. “My 'Three Angels.’’ a three-act comedy by Stun and Bella Spevyack, will be presented at « o'c’rek I ri day and Saturday nights. March 25 and 26, at the John A. Holmes High School auditorium. The presentation is unique in that the senior, class, has iemonstrated .that, it can do i truly professional job. They have worked In a pro fessional way, hf~ ng had ge hearsals since October. The elaborate set has a profes ional air. as do the lishl ing, costumes and special effects. This all adds up to a professional presentation and an exciting theater ex oerience. The story takes place in he French settlement of Cayenne in Frpnch Guiena at the turn of the century. Felix Ducotel (played by Norfleet Pruden) manages a shop owned by his cousin, Henry ' Trochard (Bill Mit chener). He receives, word' that Henri, of whom the* to tally amicable Felix is afraid, is coming to inspect bis shop. Felix panics, for his shop and his books are m total disorder. Onto the scene come three convicts from a nearby pris on camp who are repairing the Pucotels’ roof. They =nter the life of the Ducotel family and, with the help of their pet snake, Adolphe, proceed to straighten out the Dneotels’ troubles. The story is heightened by a love affair between Henri’s nephew, Paul (Chris Ct>r drml. and Felix’ daughter, Ma'-ie Louise (Rachel White). Charles Swanner, as the convict Joseph, leads the oth er "angels,”' Jules . (Dwight Flanagan 1 and Alfred (Jim Elliott), through all sorts of mischief. Rarbara Wallace plays Felix’ wife, Emilie, and Suz anne George plays the sin gular Madame Parole. Wil ford Niepraschk is the young lieutenant. Tickets are on sale at all Edenton drug stores, and by members of the senior class. An uncertain number will be sold at the door at 7:50 P. M. both nights, depending on the number of seats left in the auditorium. Mitchener Guts Committee Post RALEIGH—Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr., of Edenton has boon named to a 24- mombor Urban Affairs Com mittee by Gov. Dan K. Moore. • Mayor Mitchener is first • tno nrosidont of the North Carolina League of Munici palities. Biodie S. Griffith of Char ] Vette was named committee i chairman. Other members of the trmiD include: Members of the Urban Affairs Committee were W. Frank Forsyth. Murphy: Tom Alexander, Raleigh: Harlan Boyles, Raleigh: Mrs. Dav °tta L. Steed, Raleigh: John S Stewart. Durham; George ; Roach. Greensboro; J. Garner Bagnal, States*, vide- Travis H, Tomlinsdh, Raleigh; J. Weldon Weir, Asheville; J. Guy Smifh, lam inburg; John Gold, Wmston-Salern; ; .Claude Currie, DufhalVi; George Uzzell, Salisbury; John Morrissew Chape] Hill; Miss Naomi Morris, Wilson; Clinton Foust, Mofagnton; Dr. Isa Grant, Elizabeth Citv; Dr J W FtjWler, Lake { Junaluska; William R Mclntyre, Char -1 lotte; C. fe..- Martin, Talboro; Tony Lampron, Salisbury, and George J. Mondghan, , Raleigh. MASONIC Nodtt ! ThefO ie f itatedj commarficatfrrfl As UiWlimitVfl A.'T. '# Lod# No. ll] Thursday, March 24Hi AIM !^ er OPttially P invited fc> Ktfflo. TRY A HttALD Cutonnr Ij THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MARCH 24, 1966. IMU . In Tax Case •feedrgf M. Scott, opera tor of Stott Tire A Recapping Cdknpaffy, was given a six mohths suspended sentence on Offch of three warrants Tuesfllay, Inarch 22, 1966, Scott Was convicted of filing frauduMnt State safes tax returns. The sbhtende Was suspend ed on condition that Scott pay the taxes due, keep proper sales tax records in the future, and not be con victed of violating any tax 1 law for'fiiie years. -r Trial was actually held on March 1, 1966, but Judge W. SI Pfivott withheld sentenc iftg until Tbesday to allow Bcott time to resolve his tax liability. ■ According to .testimony of a State Revenue Department representative, Scott had fnade numerous false sales invoices to evade payment of sales tax. For the six month period in the warrants, Scott paid tax of $12.79. Testimony showed that he should have paid $328.09.. Scott pleaded nolo con tedere to the charges. Solicitor- Thomas Chears prosecuted the docket and Judge Privott took the fol lowing action in other cases called: Lonnie Frank Sykes, driv ing drunk, prayer for judg ment continued for two Weeks. On a case in which the defendant was charged with improper brakes, he was found not guilty. Tommie Jordan, assault, 63 days, suspended upon pay ment of $25 fine and costs. Daniel Holley, assault with ; a deadly -weapon, not guilty. William H. Reed, no opera tor’s license, eight months, suspended upon payment of ■ $25 fine and costs. James A. Tadlock, Jr., speeding, 10 days, suspended upon payment of slo’ fine and Costs. The following waivers were received: Bobby Dillard, Ruhand E. Davis and Harvey A. Taylor. Lunch Room Menu Menus at the John A. Holrhes High School lunch room for the week of March 28 to April 1 will be as fol lows: Monday—Corned beef with potatoes and onions, turnip greens, corn bread, butter, orange juice, apple pie and milk. Tuesday— Meat loaf and gravy, creamed potatoes, green peas, rolls, butter, jello and milk. Wednesday—Vegetable beef soup, crackers, peanut but ter and pimento cheese sandwiches, gingerbread and milk. Thursday Spaghetti with meat sauce, toss salad, but tered corn, cheese biscuit, peaches and milk. Friday—Grilled fish sticks, guttered potatoes, corn bread, butter, cherry pie and milk. * WEEKEND SPECIALS * i ; Boneless Round < : Round Steak • 89c : Center Cut , ; I Rib Chops lb. 65c f Fresh Ground 3 Lbs. ! j Hamburger $1.151 I l The preacher for the occa sion will be Rev. Harold F. Leatherman, pastor of First Methodist Church of More head City. Services will begin each' evening at 7:30 o’clock at Edenton Methodist Churefr for worship, preaching and singing. Mr. Leatherman was born in Catawba Ccurtty and was graduated front Blackburn High School, near Newton in 1942. He sen/ed with the U. S. Navy 1943 1946. Fol lowing his service time he received his AB degree from 1 .enoir - Rhyne College in Hickory and his BD degree from the Divinity School of Duke University in 1952. He has served as nastor at City Road Methodist Church. Henderson; Ebenez er Methodist Church. Ra leigh: Mt. Olivet Methodist Church. Manteo, and First Method's) Church, More head City. He is also a member of the North Carolina Confer ence Board of Ministerial Training and Qualifications and is a trustee of the Methodist Retirement Home in Durham. Each evenin'? during the revival there will be oppor tunities for congregational hvmn sinking, special music, prayer time and commit ment to new life goals. All member' of the com munity will be cordially welcomed. A nursery tvMl be avail able each evening for pre school children. Visits Brother Russell Bootwri«?ht spent (lie weekend in Wilson with ins brother Bill Bootvvright. At Convention Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Hines attendin'* a den'al convention this week in Atlanta, Ga. Return From Florida Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Griffin have returned to Edenton after spending the winter in Fort Pierce, Fla. TVfcfflC Report Given Board Okay The traffic plan around EdeittOn Elementary School will be changed to facilitate the flow of traffic oh Queen Street and allow for safer conditions. Edenton City school trus-. tees Thursday night approv ed a recommendation of town counci linen that Court Street be nfiade one way north, in front of the school when teachers begin parking in a newly constructed park ing lot behind the school. The town and school board have ehtered into an •>ereement with St. John’s Episcopal Church for space for teacher pafkfng. Th£ lot ha’s been ‘.prepared .and park irig will be tfflfeetw off Court Stitef ffom Queen to Church streets... * Sups., Hiram. J.-'Mayo said it iS , bSinJ. jsreq4e*ted that buses ldarn A ' $y .60 /w— Mm pi . ».« .... ’’ ‘‘ OOMMOMI Dismas commsy. new yom city, blended whiskey, bd proof. #5% grain neutral spirits by Slip't. Mayo but no ac tion was taken. Dr. Edward G. Bond, chair* man, presided and board members attending were Mrs. J. Clarence Leary, James Bond and West Leary.