t—SECTION ONE PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, Inc., L. F. Amburn, Jr., president and general manager, 421-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina. ✓ ASraiATttffVi Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton. North Carolina, under the act o i March 3, 1879. L. F. AMBURN, JR..,President and Gen. Mgr. p. EDWIN BUFKLAP .Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year (outside North Carolina) 133.50 une Year (in Norm Carolina) jt3.no Six Months $1.75 Caros of than Ks. obituaries resolutions ol respect, etc., will be charged at regular adver tising rate. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1966 ■ __ t___ A LIF'T FOR TODAY I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.—Phil. 4:13. If by prayer and trust we abide in Christ, we shall find that all his divine love and power are available to us—suffi cient for anything that may befall us. We confess our weakness and failures, O Lord. Help us by daily dwelling in Christ to have spiritual power to i.ve victoriously for Thee. We Learn From Trouble Anything conceived by the mind of man can. under extraordinary, one-in-a million circumstance, go wrong. This was the case with the massive power inter ruption that hit the .Northeast last De cember. It began with an ‘equipment failure in a big publicly-owned Canadian system and spread with domino effect to the other interconnected systems in the region. But, fortunately, people learn from such troubles and take every possible step to see that nothing of the sort shall happen again. That is true of the blackout. It has beer! announced that 22 utility systems operating in the affected area have form ed a Northeast Power Coordinating Coun cil. These systems, which include the Power Authority of the State of New York and the Hydro-Electric Power Com mission of Ontario, represent about 98 per cent of the generating capacity of area. The whole purpose of the new Council is to promote maximum reliabili ty and efficient'}' of electric service in the Northeast. It will retain independent, professional consulting services for the committees of the Council as it may deem desirable. Ihe power systems involved in the blackout did a splendid job of restoring service in a remarkably short time. A major crisis, perhaps even a disaster, was thus averted. And electric utilities the country over are studying the causes and possibilities of such failures with the ut most rare. Every preventive measure will be taken. Hollowed Cotton & Spray Service || SMALL’S CROSS ROADS Baugh s Fertilizers .. Farm Chemicals || Liquid Nitrogen CUSTOM SPRAYING ON ALL CROPS Si w ■ ... FREE SERVICES.. ■ Soil Samples - Tissue Test for Fertilizer Deficiency We Check All Crops For Plant Diseases. ■ ■ J '• ?*f J Joe Hollowed, Owner-Mgr. PHONE 482-4083 |JH UearJ&Seen In the mail late last week wps a postcard from “Dusty” Rhoades, who left Edenton to work on a big pleasure yacht. The card was sent from Nassau in the Bahama Islands picturing the new and beautiful Nassau Beach ! Lodge. Dusty’s message read: “Very nice down south. I believe this is better than your trip to Europe. Ot course, Buff, I don't - think you could stand it here. The girls wear clothes made out of cloth costing $1,600 per yard, and they get 10 cents’ worth.” Anyway, while Dusty apparently is liking his new job, it seems strange to pass his place of business on Water Street and see only an empty build ing. o One of our boys in the Herald shop got older very quickly Friday of last week. Clyde Slade told me it was his birthday, so I asked him how old he was. “Nine teen,” he replied. Well,” I said, “I’m go ing to give you a penny for each year.” But at that point Clyde’s age jumped about a dozen years right sudden like. Leon Halsey got the. unique idea of set ting a basket with eggs about the middle of the sidewalk in front of his feed store one day last week. And for some reason he had a portable electric fan running be side the basket of eggs. Maybe the far. was to chase “customers” away from the eggs, but just the same he found a note reading: “IOU for a quarter dozen of eggs.” The only thing wrong with the note was that it was not signed. Now the eggs and fan are both inside his store. o Quito a few Edenton people, including yours truly, spent a portion of Sunday af ternoon at Pettigrew State Park along Lake Phelps. It was very interesting to go through Somerset Place, heme of the Jo siah Collins family. Though the many rooms are bare, one’s imagination could but try to go back to about 1780 when the spacious house and many other buildings were constructed and picture the activities on the huge plantation. Some cf the orig inal buildings of the Collins plantation re main and the area is so well kept that it will provide a great deal of pleasure to anyone who has not visited this historical site. It will be interesting to know that several years . after the plantation was started back in the 1680’s, Jcsiah Collins who lived in Edenton, bought out his part ners in the big plantation enterprise, which in 1860 required 327 slaves to help operate the farm. o Things have returned to normal down Pembroke Circle way. The Kehayes fam ily was right much disturbed by the sud den and mysterious disappearance of their dog Nell. Well, shortly after last week’s Herald was read, Nell was found some way trapped under a neighbor’s house. It is hard to say which was the happiest when the dog was found?—Nell or Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kehayes. The first thing Mrs. Ke hayes did was to give Nell a square meal and, round or square, Nell ate every bit of it without losing any time. o If anybody in Edenton is seeking re ligion; if any backsliders, want to be re stored, and if church members want to be strengthened in the faith, they should be able to do it in Edenton this week. Three revival meetings are in progress, one at the Methodist Church, the Baptist Church and Immanuel Baptist Church. It was thought that due to the three meetings be- THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MARCH 31, 1966. Sweet Potatoes To Be Bought A program for the pur chase of sweet potatoes for distribution to the school lynch program and other, eligible outlets was an npunced today by W. B. Denny, state executive di rector for the North Caro lina ASCS state office. Sweet potatoes must be of the “Porto Rican” type or varieties of similar varietal characteristics. They shall be washed and meet the re quirements of U. S. No. 1 grade, or better, as defined in “United States Standards for Grades of Sweet Pota toes,” effective July 1, 1963, except that the tolerance al lowed for sweet potatoes af fected by soft rot or wet breakdown shall not exceed one per cent and further, lhat no package shall exceed two per cent soft rot or wet breakdown, or 10 per cent total defects, except that at least one defective and one off-size specimen may be permitted in any package. The sweet potatoes shall be treated at time of pack ing with a fungicidal dip or spray suitable for the pro duct in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommenda tions. and must be inspected by the Federal-State Inspec -1 ion Service. The price will be $2.50 per bushel, loaded on trucks at the option of USDA at the point cf purchase, for sweet potatoes purchased and ac cepted under the program. Purchases will be limited to growers, cooperative associ ations of growers ot; grow ers’ authorized agents. Further details of the pro gram may be obtained from the county ASCS office. Growers desiring to sell sweet potatoes under this orogram should submit their offers to the county ASCS office not later than 3 P. M. Friday, April 1. ing in progress a* the same time, attendance would be materially reduced, but I understand that at each church many have been at tending every service. May be we’re getting back to the old days when a lot of things were set aside when a revival meeting was in progress. And one thing is sure—a» little more religion will not hurt any of us; o— ■ According to the crowd at the Country Club Friday night, not many people were left in Edenton. The occa sion was' a welcome to Edenton for Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Evans. Mr. Evans is a law partner of Jimmy Earnhardt, Jr., and with the huge crowd which turned out fer the party, both new comers should know that Edenton folks are glad to welcome them here. m isfcj jfl JOE THORUD (Agent’s Name) of Nationwide Insurance says; “Women pay less than men for insurance’- Nationwide Insurance rates for women are sub stantially lower than for men. Why? Because women live longer. Ask about retirement and triple benefit features. Call today. JOE THORUD 105 East King Street P. O. Box 504 PHONE 482-2429 .r ■ •. *'. J », ; j Chowan Seniors Will Give Play Bill Jones, known to his friends as “Popcorn” is dis charged from the and returns home only to find his betrothed, Lorie, at the a)tar with another man. It’s election month and Lorie’s father, who is the mayor, is worried about re-election. To add to the confusion, all the college students have gone on strike because of laws the mayor has passed concerning weekend activi ties. A very delightful and amusing story develops as you learn about Bill and all the friends he has met while traveling in the Navy. “Popcorn,” also known as “Stop the Wedding,” is a three-act comedy by Frank Magary. ft wiltvbe present ed by the Senior Class of Chowan High School Fri day night, April 1, at 8 o’clock in the high school auditorium. “Popcorn” will be por trayed by Ddnald Bunch; Sandra Nixon portrays Lorie. father premi n p"t fast mem bers include Wayne Briggs : as the mayor, Marcella Ward as his wife and Linda Good win as Maggie Jones, Bill’s adopted grandmother. Lunchroom Menu . Menus at John A. Holmes High School lunch room for the week of April 4-8 are: Monday: Weiners, weiner rolls, pork and beans, cole slaw, chocolate pudding, milk. Tuesday: Hamburger, ham burger roll, potato chips, pickles, buttered corn, peach es, milk. Wednesday: Vegetable beef soup, crackers, pimento cheese and peanut butter sandwiches, cocoanut block cake, milk. Thursday: Fried chicken buttered rice, lima beans, hot rolls, butter, fruit jello, milk. Friday: Tuna fish salad op lettuce, bread, potato chips blackeye peas, sweet potato pie, milk. HOUSES FOR SALE! • 2-3-4 BEDROOMS • PRICED TO SELL EASY FINANCING Contact or Call WEST W. BYRUM AGENCY 403 S. Broad St. Edenton, N. C. mggggm SHOPI.N.S. I - AT W. E. S. I • I FRESH [ Picnics ..... lb. 37c i \ l FRESH E Stewing Hens . . lh. 22c | GWALTNEY [ Lard . . . . . 4 lbs - 75c | QUART SIZE LIQUID Detergent ..... 35c o INS j Milk ..... 3 03118 43c ; SCOTT | Towels.... 2 roUs 39e > I FROZEN 2*LB. PKIG. : French Fries. . . . 29 c > SUNSHINE Sugar Wafers pkg. 43c Try Us For Fresh Meats and Homemade Sausage ff 0.1 f f, ROCKYhS 1 5 0N° re - ■ ■ ... ' Four To Face Local Charges Three sailosf and their girlfriend are b&ng returned to Edenton from Sievisrville, Tenn., to face Charges of au to larceny and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Police 9hjef James H. Griffin identified the subjects as: Darrell D. ( Tucker, 20, of Columbus, Ohio;>Larry D. 'Bradley, 19, of Bartlesville, Okla.; T. W. Compton, 18, of California; and Miss Bren da Matthews, 18 of Tarboro, w l --' now lives in Norfolk. The three men are stood to be stationed in Nor folk, capt. W. S. Clements and Sgt. J, D. Parrish went to Tennessee to return the sus pect? after they waived ex tradition in a hearing Mon da v afternoon. . Chief Griffin said they would be charged with the stabbing of Phillip Gibbs, 24- year-old South Mills Negro, the larceny of a 1964 Ford. Gibbs is a patient at Cho wan Hospital and his condi tio i is reported as serious. Chief Griffin said Gibbs had been stabbed five times. Elementary School Menus at the Edenton Ele mentary School lunch room for the week of April 4-8 are: Monday: Bologna, toss sal ad, green beans, school baked rolls, apple sauce, milk, but ter. Tuesday: Hamburgers, car rott and cabbage salad, school baked rolls, milk, butter, French fries, catsup, sliced peaches. Wednesday: Beef vegetable soup, crackers, toasted cheese sandwiches, raisin block cake, milk. Thursday: Fried chicken, biscuits, creamed potatoes, raisin ..custard, turnip greens,, milk, butter. Friday: Fish sticks, corn bread, cole slaw, bread pud ding, blackeye peas, milk, butter. FOR SALE! 3 BEDROOM HOUSE i (Located 120 Jackson Street) Hurricane fence surroiHids 60 x 200 j ft. lot. Has knotty pine den, built- i ins in kitchen; storm doors and < windows; central heat. ! ■’ • PRICED TO SELL! • j - - Call f n HAYWOOD JONES I PHONE 482-2314 j - - or - - j TOM CROSS PHONE 482-3159 I if igbai# FOR SALE Azaleas, in all sizes. Priced very reason able. Murriel Byrum. Phone 482-3241. It pd FOR SALE: pontoon boat and I-wheel trailer. S4O. Call after 6 P. M„ 482-2788. Mar3ltfc INCOME SPARE TIME No selling. Refill and collect money from New Type coin operated dispensers in this area. Must have car, ref erences, $550 to SIBSO cash. Ten hours weekly can net excellent income. More time can result in more money. For personal interview write CO-REP., INC., 10 California Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., 15202. Include phone number. ltp PILE is soft and lofty . . . colors retain brilliance in carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham pooer sl. Quinn Furniture Co., of Edenton, Inc. ltc FOR SALE: House at Hobbs acres, Highway 17 south. Three small bedrooms, liv ing room, kitchen Price. $6,000. Call 235-3802, Middle sex, N. C. Keys may be ob tained by calling 482-3985, Edenton. Mar3ltfc FOR SALE: 16 ft. Glasspar with canopy and curtains. 75 HP Evinrude motor; long trailer and other accessories. Like new. Phone 482-2637. Mar3l,Apr7c FOR SALE “Aristocrat” camp trailer, gas stove, re frigerator. Self-retained. Call or see H. E. Bass after 5 P. M. Phone 482-3615. Mar 31 Apr 7,14,21 c WANTED TO RENT Fur nished house qr apartment by' permanent family. Need two bedrooms. .Phone 482- 2328. Mar3l Apr 7p FOR SALE—Frontier house trailer, 1964 model, two bed rooms, 10x50. Can be pur chased by taking over pay ments. Harry T. Wiggins, George C. Moore Co., Eden ton - mar 31 tfc FOR RENT A furnished apartment. Couple only. Hot water, private bath and gar age. 219 East Queen Street Phone 482-2561. ■ tfc INCOME TAX Need some one to fill out your state and federal income tax forms? Phone 482-2246, Edenton, N. C., after 6 P. M. every day. mar24,3lpd FOR SALE: 14 ft. Fiberglas. nboard boat. 1961 Falcon cai ingine; excellent for pullin; two or three sets of wate: ; kiers. Boat, motor and trail er complete for $400.00 Car be seen in or cal 182-4232. expMayl2' FOR RENT Downstairs apartment, North Oak u ir Street. Apply George Chev rolet Company or call 482 2138. mar 17 ts FOR RENT —House at Cen ter Hill. Apply Geor g e Chevrolet Company or cal) 482-2138. mar 17 ti FOR REJIT: 2-bedroom hous< ocated 107 Morris Circle New heating plant; new paint inside: Call Dr. A. F. Downum, 482-3218. Mar 3 tfc SINGER SEWING MA chine; In like rytnr cabinet ZIG-ZAGS, mSkes button holes, fancy stitches, darns, ate. Local party, may as- _ sume payments of $11.14 ‘ monthly oi> pay complete balance of $48.60. Cane be seen and. tried out Ts 'interested write “NatiopSl Repossession Dept„” .Mrs Frye, Box 283, Asbeboro. MECHANICS WANTED— Auto and body. Apply George Chevrolet Company. " mar 17 ts MEN AND WOMEN Age 18-52. Prepare now for U. S. government exam inations. Thousands of open ings yearly. Salary up to $4,690 yearly. Civil Service offers security, good salaries, paid vacations, raises, paid sick leave, liberal pensions. Grammar school sufficient for many jobs. Stay on present job while training. Write to Transco Services, care this paper, giving name, address, time at home, pres ent employment, phone and age for further information. Not government connected. Privately owned and operat ed- exp Apr 28c FOR SALE: Underwood man ual used typewriter in good J condition. Call 482-3511. Febl7tfc 1 IT'S SPRING PLAK "t NG TIME. Write today 'or Free copy New Planting Guide - Catalog in color of fering Virginia’s largest as sortment: Fruit Trees, Nut Trees,. Berry Punts, Grape Vines and Landscaping Plant Material. Salespeople want ed. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Va. 22980. Exp Mar 31c For Sale Four bedroom hbuse on North Broad Street. Very convenient to downtown section. Steam heat, three bathrooms and plenty of garage space. Phone 182-2435 1 ri. •• HELP ‘ WANTED: Male or female—Wanted men or wo men to earn $2.50 to $3 per hour part-time or full time. No capital needed. Will train vou. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NC C 210 31, Richmond, Va. i Mart, 10,17,24,31 p WANTED: Poplar logs and 69” blocks. Hertford Ve neers, Inc., Hertford, N. C. 17944. Aprltf ROOMS FOR RENT by week or month. Reasonable rates. /Private rooms with shower and hot water heat. Jordan Motel, U. S. 17, five miles from Edenton. ' Mar 3tf Ne Sell |E|WBHI| ,:,imous ElasysS 2, Ll Pekrce, SeedsmanM Phone 482-3839, Edenton, N. C. AUTOMATIC sewing machine: just ike ijl' in extra nice cabi :et tw area. Local ptjrty nay SBnish payments of or pay com ilete balance of $47.12. Can >e segp .and tried out locally. Vrite: Mrs. Nichols, “Nation .l Repossession Dept.”, Box 183, Asbeboro, N. C. . , expMar3lc PWIN_ NEEDLE automatic 'ig ak sewing machine in lice effiinet. Makes button- / ioles,Sews on buttons, etc. » ”an Ji* seen and tried out ocflly. Takp over payments

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