WHO KNOWS? 1. How does the Prime Minister of England get his Post? , n 2. What is the nautical unit of speed? 3. How many feet are there in a fathom? 4. Who was Virginia Dare? 5. Who invented the first adding machine? 6. What is the signific ance of Groundhog Day? 7. What is the birthstone for February? 8. What js pyrography? 9. Which was the forty eighth state of the U. S.? ■ 10. When was it admitted to the Union? N ‘ Answers To Who Knows | ‘ 1. He is chosen as leader of the majority party in the I " ■ P| COLLECT p| R NASH BRICK CO. §1 MMOLI “Manufacturers of Quality Brick Since 1902“ Ml P. O. Box 962 ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. Hii r. j || JOHN ROBERTSON. Rep. “ liPPI! Call Collect After 8:00 p.m. 446-5765 PfTT SEE IT TODAY l9"Skyiine rortabieTV 19* tviult d«*. isuM'tswil, Ul st. * iKUofu'K p*cfh»« KM j The SEABROOK — — The Slim Line Series New lightweight, slim 19" Portable TV in stunning multi-color cabinet. Grained BlaQk Walnut color and Gold color or Grained Fruitwood color and Gold color. Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. Power Transformer. 20,000 Volts * Picture Power. Dipole Antenna. £ 20,000 VOLTS of PICTURE POWER! for unsurpassed picture brightness and clarity • 100% Handwired, Handcrafted • Power Transformer Chass,s • Front-Mounted Speaker • Custom "Perma-Set" VHF Fine Tuning Control • 3-Stage IF Amplifier _____mmmmmm EXTRA CARE makes the quality difference in Zenith TV f V : ALL NEW 1966 l fm/am table radio Control ,or "drift-free*' | ' IFM nc«pMa -* \ Precision Pk ' -jlB Veni ** r ' M Zen|n/»M» ; Tke ENCH*NTNEI& ImM M 790 ExquisitelydesiOriAlAJinet of odlmlaW.O W*tnut veneers and select hardwood MM- * • Largo 6' x 4* speaker. Automatic Biss f 1 Boost Circuit. Broadband FM/RF amplifML V Line Cord FM; Wavemagnet* AM antannas. j§ \s= , I I Jackson’s Radio & TV Service ■ W. Eden Street Phone 482-3519 ■■, ■■■ - * V ■ . i an ■ House of Commons and ap pointed by the Queen. 2. The knot. 3. Six. 4. First white child born in Virginia. 5. A Frenchman named Pascal. 6. An old belief that if the groundhog sees his sha dow on this day, six weeks jf winter will follow. 7. The amethyst. 8. The burning of designs in wood or leather. 9. Arizona. 10. February 14, 1912. You could end most quar rels if you could get people to define what their words mean. Fashions for women are still in what might be term -1 ed the look-and-see era. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY APRIL 21, 1966. I Industrial Extension, Is Beginning By HARDY D, BERRY North Caroling industrial economy will soon get the same statewide extension service that iti agriculture has had for the past 56 years. J ‘ » The moment marking itg beginning was 2 P. M. on Thursday, April 7, in a little noticed ceremony in the State Capitol. < 1 , At that hour Gov. Dan K. Moore, State Director of Ad ministration Ed' Rankin and the State’s Economic Co ordinator Waynb Corpening met in the State Capitol with 33 industrial and edu cation leaders. They launched the State Technical Services program in North Carolina. Despite its somewhat nondescript title, it’s an industrial ex tension service with a long range powerful boost for in dustry. North Carolina State Uni yersily will play a central role in carrying it out in the same way that it has in ag ricultural extension for s half century. Just as North Carolina was among the first in agri cultural extension (it start ed in 1909 well before thi federal government provid ed for a nationwide pro gram in 1914), so is North Carolina among the first with a formal industrial" ex tension program. The state established a small unit at N. C. State University in 1955. Ten years later, in 1965, the fed eral government passed the national State Technical Ser vices Act —the umbrella for the program Gov. Moore has now launched. The new extension pro gram will aid ‘‘the econo- BIBLE VERSE” “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on Ilis name.” 1. Who was the author of the above statement? 2. What was his brother’s name? 3. By what title was he later known? 4. Where may the above promise be found? Answers 1. John the Apostle. 2. James: 3. The “Beloved” Disciple. 4. John 1:12. Never Lost No opportunity is ever lost- The other person takes those yqu miss. —Bulldozer, San Bruno. Calif. FREE With Your PurcKoss ' - y r St any wfey f?ri AR TRACTOR A EDENTON ASK TIRE CO. Owned and Operated-by Edenton Feed & Livestock Co. Edenton, N. C. mic development of North Carolina and __ the employ ment of its people through the wide dissemination and application of science and technology in business, com merce and industry.” It will be administered through the *N. C. Depart ment of Administration and will involve major divisions of the University of North Carolina, other educational institutions, the Department of Conservation and De velopment, the Research Tri angle Institute, the North Carolina Board of Higher Education, the North Caro lina Board of Science and Technology, the State Eco nomic Coordinator and oth er state offices and agencies. Plans for the new pro gram were developed at the equest of Rankin by Uni versity of North Carolina officials. Work Begins Immediately An immediate one - year jlan and a five-year plan •vcrc outlined. Work will begin immedi ately on a number of tech licul services projects: 1. A technical informa tion center v ill be estab lished at N. C. State Uni versity to “make scientific and technical knowledge available to the commerce and industry of the state.” 2. N. C. State’s Indus trial Extension Service and Mineral Industries Labora tory, working with the N. C. Board of Science and Tech nology and the Department of Conservation and Devel opment, will develop a “pro file of industry needs and interests” in scientific and technological information. 3. An analytical project to interpret the profile in formation will be established to provide a “guide for fu ture technical service plans in relation to the economic welfare (and goals) of North .Carolina industry." 4. The “breadth and depth” of the current In dustrial Extension Service and Mineral Industries Lab oratory wilj be extended through a three-phase indus trial liaison activity. A con centrated effort will be made to acquaint industries with the technical services work, to provide them with tech nical information and to pro vide feedback information for other service projects. 5. An organized series of educational television pro grams will be prepared for updating engineers and plant managers. ETV courses in business management science and industrial statistics will also be established. 6. The Industrial Exten sion Service will expand its training aids library, de velop seminars for industrial development with the N. C. Area Development Associa tions, establish conferences on the availability anti util ization of mineral resources and conduct pilot studies with educational television as a means of communicating technical information The total budget for the first year’s operations under the Technical Services Act is $179,227. Five-Year Program The five - year-plan pro vides for expanded and new technical services for all areas of North Carolina’s in dustrial activity. It in cludes work by the Indus trial Extension Service, the Schools of Textiles and For estry, apd the Department of Food Science at N. C. State; the N. C. Board of Science and Technology; the Research Triangle Institute; the Bu reau of Business Services and Research at the Univer sity at Chapel Hill, and co ordinated work by all of the existing agencies of state government and higher "edu cation, including the Depart ment of Conservation and Development,'the State Eco nomic Coordinator; the BoaTd of Higher Education; the Department of Administra tion, and the State Planning Committee. The overall program will operate with a Governor’s Advisory Council (the 33 who met with him at the Capitol); an executive dom mittee from the University, state agencies afid industry; and a director who will be located at North Carolina State. If the success of the agri cultural extension service is any measure, the future for the technical extension ser vice seems equally promis ing. fRYTHING GOES DURING THE /- COLONIAL MOTOR CO. Best Buys of flu* Year on Every Size IL*re! wmmmmmmmmmar Full Size... Small Size Every Size 1965 Pontiac Catalina 111 Between 4-door Sedan Power Steering and Brakes. |% 2 Chrysler Wagon 1964 Pontiar Grand Prix 9-passenger; Power Steering/Brakes. Air Conditioned Air Cond., UTO Trans. Like New ! Full Power Like New " 1963 Ford V>-Ton Pickup 1963 Olds Dynamic ‘ 6 Cylinder Real Nice! 4-door Hardtop Extra Clean Automatic Transmission An Unusually Good Buy. See Us Today For The Best Deal On a New BUICK - OLDS or PONTIAC *• i » -See the Man who has everything for You in Used Car Savings! COLONIAL MOTOR CO., INC. E. Queen Street Dealer License No 1263 Edenton, N. C. IQP AUTOMATIC DELIVERY now have a Texaco You'll an automatically. Texaco iue! burns so so corn from every drop. Give us a J.H. Conger& Songs?] INCORPORATED Phone 482-2614 or 482-2223—Edenton PAGE FIVE I—SECTION TWO