For j4/mJ About Women PAGE THREE THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, jjßfr jy H^^K^n^^HHH^^L4ij ii^^W)l9RMu! JR r JP ' JVftdln?t\VM ., x4L A.Ji jp^wOK^B|^p^yßK '/w~ " i *,iJfl ■ - iHSH Jj^ mScx \ k y \ B ' - ?•£" - BUFFET SPECIAL—Let an attractive make-ahead salad be main dish on your buffet table when you entertain at luncheon for this year’s bride-elect. This Red Crown Chicken Salad could fill the bill. The Herald Kitchen By MILDRED HUSKINS If you’ve a bride-elect in your circle of friends, chances are you’re planning a party. Os course, the occasion will call for your pretti est china and rather fancy food, but it’s the wise hos tess who knows that even the simplest foods take on a festive air when suitab ly garnished and attrac tively served. This very pretty twin layered Red Crown Chick en Salad would be a con versation piece on your buffet luncheon table. Let the mother of the bride serve the salad. Red Crown Chicken Salad \Vi teaspoons unflavored gelatin. V* cup cold water. 1 jar (14 oz.) cranberry relish. * * * 1 envelope unflavored WEEKEND SPECIALS at the PHONE: Q 11 The store large 482-2317 11 it* IWI enough for n .n™rv lr IWI values, yet Free pellvery ______ small enough Every Day on SUPER to take an In- Orders of $2.00 „ .nirrm terest In every or More! MARKET customer! FOR THAT OUTDOOR TREAT TRY OUR DELICIOUS RIB STEAKS... lb. 79c Chuck Chuck Steaks Roast lb. 49c lb. 43c ARM ROAST... lb. 59c RED AND WHITE RED AND WHITE LIQUID issue Detergent 4-ROLL PKG. ° 22-OZ. BOTTLE 39c 35c WBAM.WMTK JjojQd Drinks Bleach flavors 1 GALLON Vt GALLON 49c 39c gelatin. % cup cold water. Vz cup dairy sour cream. Vz cup salad dressing or mayonnaise. 3 tablespoons lemon juice. % teaspoon salt. 2 cups diced cooked chicken. % cup diced celery. Vz cup halved green grapes. Vz cup chopped pecans. Soften one-half envelope gelatin in one-fourth cup cold water; dissolve over hot water. Add cranberry relish, then pour into a six-cup ring mold and chill until firm. Soften one en velope gelatin in one fourth cup cold water; dissolve over hot water. Add remaining water, sour cream, salad dressing, lem on juice and salt; cool un til mixture begins to thicken. Add chicken, cel ery, grapes and pecans; APRIL 13, 1967. pour over chilled cranberry mixture. Chill until firm. Unmold salad on crisp salad green and garnish with frosted green grapes. These festive Egg Salad Molds will win the hearts of your honored guests. They are chilled plan aheads, too, that can be tucked away for last minute serving. Serve your salads on a glamorous silver tray surrounded with wreaths of salad greenery and garnish the tops with inter - twined wedding rings of pimiento. Egg Salad Molds 1 envelope unflavored gelatin. Vz cup mayonnaise or salad dressing. IVg cups hot chicken broth or bouillon. % teaspoon salt. Va teaspoon saffron. 6 hard -cooked eggs, chopped. 4- . ON SAVINGS T / /W COMPOUNDED IJUNE 30 AND I it ■ DECEMBER 30 anticipated .ividdn.! m Insured Up to $15,000 by Federal Insurance Carp. / BUILeiJI NO QUESTION ABOUT IT . . . Either way you'll enjoy OUR SOUND HOME LOAN We’re equipped to give you exactly what you need in financing help—terms to suit your income at lowest possible cost. Service that is expert, prompt, and friendly, too. No question about it... whether you buy an existing home or build your own, we’ll release the funds with the finest financing arrangement for you. Stop by this week! Hefetng people help themselves has been our pride stooe 1905. Save by the 10th and earn from the Ist Edenton Savings & Loan Assn. A Safe Place To Save Since 1905 m 8. Broad St Menton, N. C. The Chowan Herald Society News Mr. and Mrs. Larry Knox and children spent Sunday at Lake Matta muskett. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Harmon and children of Ahoskie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elliott. Ed Taylor and Lewis Learyi attended an Esso convention at Myrtle Beach, S. C., last week. Mrs. Jean Stanaland and David of Elizabeth City spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Brake, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Rogerson were in Wash ington, D. C., over the weekend visiting friends. Bert Hughes participat ed in a national wheel chair basketball tourna ment in Chicago, 111., last week. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Cranmer were Mr. and Mrs. Win ifield Hess of Summitt, N. J. Larry J. Williams attend ed a Goodyear conference in Richmond, Va., on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Finley of Portsmouth, Va., visited Andrew Hawkins on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Barry Ward, Patricia and Kevin of Concord, N. C., will be weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Cranmer to attend the Pilgrimage. Larry Williams and Ron nie Bass attended a GE air conditioning meeting at -Lake Wright Lodge, Virginia Beach, on Wed nesday evening. Carl B. Cranmer spent Tuesday in Lewiston, N. C. Miss Sharon White of Hampton, Va., was the weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David G. White. Misses Kathy Sawyer, Kathy Dowd, Debbie Wil kins, Patricia Ashley and Janet Sadler and Mrs. Edna Reaves, FHA advis or, John A. Holmes High School, attended the state FHA convention in Raleigh on Saturday. Vi cup diced celery. 1 can (17 oz.) small early peas, drained. 2 tablespoons diced pi miento. Stir gelatin into mayon naise or salad dressing in medium mixing bowl. Gradually blend in hot chicken broth or bouillon, using electric or rotary beater. Stir in seasonings; chill until slightly thick ened. Fold in remaining ingredients; pour into oiled four-ounce salad molds. Chill until firm. Unmold on water cress or salad greens. Serves 10. Mr. and Mrs. Elton As kew and son Jesse spent Saturday in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hol lowell, Jr., and Martha Jo and Fran attended the Lions Club State Council meeting and the' Azalea Festival in Wilmington during the weekend. Mrs. Herman Gordy has returned home after an ex tended visit with relatives in Kansas City, Mo., Tulsa, Okla„ and Baltimore, Md. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Sara Atkin son of Salisbury, Md., who visited several days with Mrs. Gordy and Mr. and Mrs. David White. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Perry and Billy visited m m ■ Jr V Hr \ 'J ■ V V v .' v JUNE BRIDE-ELECT Mr. and Mrs. George Medlin Belch announce the engagement of their daughter, Ellen Claire, to Patrick Edward Harmon, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Harmon of Lob Lolly Acres, Raleigh. Miss Belch is a student at Peace College and will continue her education next year at the University of North Carolina. Mr. Harmon is a pre-med student at UNC, where he is a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta fraternity. A June wedding is planned. JOHN A- MITCHENER. To My Fellow Citizens: The progress » hich (or Eden.on is not big r „,e in .his reflects team work. you, as a citizen, impressive for " r- r:i.: P M However, , - pas. « New industry is here . Through new industry five years ing plants, new has b«. astounding. amount of com • pood government, an worked Xhe citiaens - munity services and P exam ple set by our o{ how comm umty ‘spirit goes hevond dm town hnuts. 0 n a continuation ofth* type Proß Tdate for re-election, lam commrtt \S a candidate to within our financial limits. Mun iclpal election. Most respectfully, Q John A. Mitchener, }U with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuthrell and Cindy in Hampton, Va., on Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Hollowell, Sr., Mrs. Maurice Bunch and Mrs. E. E. Harrell vis ited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hollowell in Greenville during the weekend. Mrs. McKay Phthisic and Mrs. Albert Keeter were Monday visitors in Nor folk. Amy and Bruce Hog gard of Norfolk, Va., were weekend guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Hoggard and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Twiddy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGowan and children, Robert, Steve and Anne, and Mrs. Willie T. Jarman of Jacksonville, N. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cox on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Overman attended the dis trict Rotary conference in Wilson this weekend. Mr. Overman led the group singing at the conference. Jack Habit and Alton Elmore were in Wilson on Monday for the business meeting of the district Rotary conference. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Barn hill and Carol spent the weekend in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy FARMERS! Do Not Be Misled ANHYDROUS AMMONIA IS THE NUMBER ONE SOURCE OF NITROGEN BECAUSE Anhydrous Ammonia always contains S3* Nltrogon . . . Anhydrous Ammonia costs loss par aero and par unit of Nltrogon ~ , Anhydrous Ammonia It non loathing longor lasting .. , Anhydrous Ammonia It placed In tho root Mont whora plants toad ... Anhydrous Ammonia Is non - corroslvo . a • OS) 4 ft* M o N l * OLIN ANHYDROUS AMMONIA IS SOLD BY Valhalla Produce Co. APPLICATORS SHERWOOD HARRELL AND CURTIS FOREHAND Phone 482-3426 Edenton, N. C. TOUR Olin ▲ GENT Rose have as their guest Mrs. Rose’s mother, Mrs. Cottle, who will be visit ing them for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ross spent the weekend in Greenville visiting their daughter, Miss Betsy Ross. Other visitors of Miss Ross were Bill Ross of State College and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. DuLaney of Clinton. Major and Mrs. Will O. Speight and children of Goldsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Bunch and children of Hertford were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Speight.