PAGE TEN Town Council Proceedings For Month Os May Edcnctn, N. C., May 9, 1967. The Town council of the the Town of Edenton met this day in regular session at 8 o’clock P. M. at the Edenton Municipal Build ing. Members present: Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr., J. Edwin Bufiflap, Luther C. Parks, Henry G. Quinn, David G. White, Leo Kat STRKOM Hint Is Available GREENVILLE A 20- minute color film on the U. S. Strike Command, which will stage the Kitty Hawk military maneuver in this area August 22-28, is available for showing to interested agriculture, civic and service groups. The film provides an orientation on the organi zation of Strike Command, its assigned areas of re sponsibility and its method of operation. Produced by the Department of De fense, the motion picture also depicts STRICOM’s importance to the nation’s defense structure. Strike Command is a PATRONIZE YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER House For Sale or Rent Three bedrooms, two rooms wall to-wall carpet. Extra large choice lot. 100 MORRIS CIRCLE Ralph Saunders Phone 482-2254 BRING US YOUR FILM FOR PROMPT PROCESSING. A] ' By minimizmg engine deposits and cutting friction. Engine* in peek-power condition are naturally more efficient And cold starts don’t bold bade honepower when multi-grade all-weather High Iff Puretube is at week for you. Get m better gas mileage, tool M To protect engine, towp it dean, JLfCfT «Bitepowte..,prtHlghHPPuielube-j|nW^ Winslow OH Company Hertford, N. C. | ImmiMiAm || kaveck and Tom Shepard. Mayor Mitchener called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Chief of Police James Griffin gave a report on the possibility of establish ing a radio watch service in Edenton. No further action was taken at this time. Motion by Henry G. Quinn, seconded by J. unified command which op erates directly under the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. All U. S.-based combat ready ground forces and Air Force tactical units are under the control of Strike Command. Any groups desiring to schedule the film for one of their regular meetings may contact the Kitty Hawk Information Office, P. O. Box 1, Greenville 27834, or telephone 758- 3175 or 758-3176. A pro jectionist and an Informa tion Office representative to answer questions will be furnished upon request. THE CHOWAN HBBALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE I, 1967. Edwin Bufflap and unani mously carried accepting the certification of the 1967 Municipal Election by the Chowan County Board of Elections and making them part of these min utes: Candidates For Mayor John A. Mitchener. Jr.: First Ward, 252; Second Ward, 115; Third Ward, 194; Fourth Ward, 78; to tal, 639. Roy L. Harrell: First Ward, 88; Second Ward, 264; Third Ward, 153; Fourth Ward, 95; total, 600. Joe Conger, Jr.: First Ward, 1; total, 1. Candidates For Town Treasurer: James M. Bond: First Ward, 316; Second Ward, 312; Third Ward, 321; Fourth Ward, 147; total, 1,096. S. S. Campen: Third Ward, 1; total, 1. Joe Doe: Third Ward, 1; total, 1. Candidates For Council man-at-Large J. D. Elliott: First Ward, 214; Second Ward, 164; Third Ward, 234; Fourth Ward, 103; total, 715. Leroy H. Haskett: First Ward, 125; Second Ward, 190; Third Ward, 102; Fourth Ward, 61; total, 478. Candidates For Councilman Tom H. Shepard: First Ward, 304; Second Ward, 283; Third Ward, 281; Fourth Ward, 130; total, 998. Jacob Hobowsky: First Ward, 30; Second Ward, 54; Third Ward, 43; Fourth Ward, 27; total, 154. Leo Katkaveck: First Ward, 237; Second Ward, 143; Third Ward, 196; Fourth Ward, 79; total, 655. Ray Ward: First Ward, 92; Second Ward, 227; Third Ward, 125; Fourth Ward, 84; total, 528. J. C. (Pete) Dail: Third Ward, 2; total, 2. Joe Doe: Third Ward 1; total, 1. Candidates For Board of Public Works Jesse L. Harrell: First Ward, 264; Second Ward, 243; Third Ward, 252; Fourth Ward, 108; total, 867. Tom C. Byrum: First Ward, 265; Second Ward, 242; Third Ward, 255; Fourth Ward, 108; total, 870. Joseph H. Conger, Jr.: First Ward, 264; Second Ward, 242; Third Ward, 255; Fourth Ward, 107; total, 868. J. P. Ricks, Jr.: Fourth Ward, 1; total, 1. John Goodwin, Jr.: First Ward, 1; total, 1. Tom Cross: First Ward, 1; total, 1. Rev. S. S. Griffith: Sec ond Ward, 1; total, 1. G. B. Potter: Second Ward, 1; total, 1. Charlie Roach: Third Ward,’2; total, 2. H. C. Hudson: Third Ward, 1; total, 1. For Abolishing Board of Public Works First Ward, 151; Second Ward, 154; Third Ward, 176; Fourth Ward, 85; total, 566. Against Abolishing Board Os Public Works First Ward, 188; Second Ward, 219; Third Ward, 173; Fourth Ward, 87; total, 667. Judge W. S. Privott ad ministered the oath of of fice to the following: John A. Mitchener, Jr., Mayor two years. James M Bond, Treas urer, two years. Thomas H. Shepard, First Ward Councilman, four years. Leo Katkaveck, Second Ward Councilman, four years. J. D. Elliott, Council man-at-large, four years. Jesse L. Harrell, mem ber Board of Public Works, four years. Thomas C. Byrum, Jr, member Board of Public Works, four years. J. H. Conger. Jr, mem ber Board of Public Works, four years. Councilman Bufflap ««*> a few remarks and wished the Council Godspeed. Mayor Mitchener than pre sented Mr. Bufflap with his nameplata and thanked him for his SO years of service tq the town. Councilman Luther C. Parks was elected Mayor .pro-tom by —f—rttrr. The Mayor then made the following appoint ments: Street David G. White. Finance Committee—Leo Katkaveck, chairman, Tom H. Shepard and Henry G. Quinn. Parks and Playgrounds Commissioner, Henry G. Quinn. Assistant Fire Commis sioner, J. D. Elliott. Assistant Police Com missioner, Thomas H. Shepard. Mayor Mitchener ap pointed Oouneilmen Elliott and Parks, Administrator W. B. Gardner and Fire Chief W. J. Yates to a committee to formulate plans for the formal dedi cation of the new Fire Station Building. Town Attorney, W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr, reported that the commissioner ap pointed by the Clerk of Superior Court in the condemnation proceedings against Miss Charlotte Virginia Small had set the value of the property at $6,500.00. The members of the Council are to meet on the site on Thursday, May 11, 1967, at 5 P. M. Motion by Henry G. Quinn, seconded by J. D. Elliott and unanimously carried tentatively approv ing the contract between the Edenton - Chowan Air port Commission and the Albemarle Flying Service which desires to operate the Edenton Municipal Airport on a 24-hour 7- day a week basis. The final contract is to be brought back to the Coun cil for final approval. Motion by Henry G. Quinn, seconded by Luther C. Parks and unanimously carried, the following reso lution was adopted: Whereas, the Industrial Committee of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce has designated May 15 - 19th as Industrial Appreciation Week, and r Whereas, Town Council of the Town of Edenton realizes that industry in Chowan County contributes greatly to the economic and social well-being of all her citizens, Now therefore be it re solved that the Town Coun cil of the Town of Eden ton expresses its sincere appreciation to all our lo cal industries, large and small, new and old, for the part they have all played in making Edenton a bet ter place to love and work, and Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolu tion be spread upon the minutes of the proceedings of the Town Council held on May 9, 1967, and a copy forwarded to the Edenton Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Mitchener re quested Councilman Quinn to gather all available in formation on low rent public housing for. Eden ton. He is to attend a meeting on this subject at the Institute of Govern ment on May 25, 1967. Town Administrator W. B. Gardner reported to the Council that the Police Department and Street De partment would begin en forcing the town’s trash can ordinance in the im mediate future. Ray Ward, present in the audience, suggested the Street De partment personnel handle the cans with more care. Motion by Luther C. Parks, seconded by David G. White and unanimously carried accepting the low bid of General Electric Corporation in’ the amount of $8,391.93 for furnishing of rules, crossarms, insula tion, conductors and hard ware and accessories for new substation facilities Motion by Luther C. Parks,, seconded by Henry G. Quinn and unanimously carried requesting the Bectric & Water Depart “ant to ascertain the cost of installing a water line in Beaver Hill Cemetery and to prepare to imtall same after final Council approval Councilman Parka, Shep ard and Quinn recommend, ed that all available tim ber be cut at Beaver Hill Cemetery and that this ■raa be prepared for grave sitea. Motion by David G. White; seconded by Lea Katkaveck and unanimous ly carried aeoepting the committee’s recommenda tions and ordering the same to be done. Motion by Thomas H. Shepard, seconded by Dav id G. White, and unani mously carried appropriat ing $120.00 to be paid to Sgt. H. J. Lupton for the training of his police dog. Motion by Luther C. Parks, seconded by David G. White and unanimously carried approving E. & W. Department bills in the amount of $43,081.77 for payment. Motion by Luther C. Parks, seconded by Leo Katkaveck and unanimous ly carried approving the Town of Edenton bills in the amount of $9,842.90 for payment as follows: Administrative Department Town of Edenton, E. & W., $102.54; Nor. & Car. Tel. & Tel. Co. T $45.07; Edenton Office Supply, $93.06; Williaanston Office Supply, $21.22; James M. Bond, treasurer, $25.00; W. J. p. Earnhardt, Jr., at torney, $75.00; total, $361.89. Fire Department Nor. & Car. Tel. & Tel. Co., $32.46; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $8.20; Ricks LEnificlry^r Cleaners, $6.18; Savin & Hill Co., $23.00; M. G. Brown Co., $7.75; Goodyear Service Stores, $48.00; Bunch’s Auto Parts, $12.80; Byrum Hardware* Co., $12.56; Town of Eden ton, Street Department, $10.23; W. J. Yates, fire chief, $158.00; total, $319.18. Police Department Donald S. Lavigne, $43.69; Wayne Mizelle, dog warden, $20.00; Harvey Williams, dog warden, $20.00; Motorola Com. & Electronics, $1,500.00; Town of Edenton, Street Depart men, $214.48; Coastal Elec tronics, $68.60; Byr u m Hardware Co., $4.64; Eden ton Restaurant, $15.87; Goodyear Service Stores, $89.68; Bill Perry’s Texaco Service, $15.00; Edenton Office Supply, $4.49; Bob’s Gun Shop, $3.60; Hughes- PaTker Hardware Co., $2.60; Dr. L. A. Dees, $23.00; George Chevrolet Co., $69.95; Meilink Steel Safe Co., $4.50; Mitchener’s Pharmacy, $3.40; Ashley Welding & Machine Co., $5.68; total, $2,109.18. Street Department J. H. Conger & Son, $61.22; Edenton Office Supply, $15.20; Hughes- Parker Hardware Co., FORD COMMANDER [\| QVy J Today’s most Ikl advanced ” 111 C lIW ■ five-plow I w mm ml W r cm nis FORD 5000 ril/C New leader in J § f ( rORO 4000 SrVo. EdflfaL, d 1111 t W 1)HB buili FORD 3000 TII Extra-margin ' M WORK FORD2OOO _TI A 111 If New economy ** ■ ** «nf%LAST Stop ia end ess them sow! I PAnn FfbntnnTrartnr£.fri * & jfeA * 1 tOßniun i loCiur frflWMnem ux ruit u w ' Qu< * n st Extd - - Diai 482 ' 3123 $60.36; Nor. & Car. Tel. & Tel. Co., $11.00; Byrum Implement & Truck Co., $33.69; J. D. McCotter, $573.04; Town of Edenton, E. & W., $64.96; Ward’s Gulf Service, $6.12; George Chevrolet Co., 91c; Dicker son, $47.43; Goodyear Ser vice Stores, $21.03; Motor alo Com. & Electronics, $15.00; Hobbs Implement Co., $301.79; Bunch’s Auto Parts, $52.50; Sinclair Re fining Co., $555.93; Byrum Hardware Co., $15.32; Hobbs Implement Co., $70.28; Ashley Welding & Machine Co., $44.13; Town of Edenton, Street Depart ment, $208.34; M. G. Brown Co., $97.60; total, $2,255.85. Other Expenses Colonial Broadcasters, $12.00; The Chowan Her ald, $264.80; election ex penses, $1,034.11; Govern ment Guide, $7.00; Byrum Hardware Co., $6.96; J. H. Conger & Son, $6.00; Edenton Office Supply, $1,164.61; Charlotte Bil liard Supply, $108.05; Mat thew Bender, $25.75; Fed erated Mutual, $1,611.60; Reminds [another..] BE REMINDED . . another sum mer is about here, with outdoor fun and weekend trips. A new exciting stock of Outdoor Games . . Picnic and Camping Supplies . . Swim and Sports Equipment for you at Mitchener’s . . Browse and shop NOW at Mitchener’s. DIAL 482-3711 -:- EDENTON, N. C. Management Information Service, $35.00; W. E. Mills, building inspector, $25.00; Earl Jones, clean ing, $75.00; Zoning Bulle tin, $15.00; election ex pense, recount, $50.00; P & Q Super Market, credit, $3.93; N. C. Public Em ployees’ Social Security Agency, $82.50; Buxton White, $10.50; Town of Edenton, Raleigh trips, $206.15; Town of Edenton, E. & W., $60.70; total, $4,796.80. Total bills, $9,842.90. Salaries paid in April, 1967: Administrative De partment, $1,639.66; Police Department, $3,502.63; Fire Department, $1,585.00; St. Department, $4,260.00. Total expenses, $20,- 830.19. Receipts from taxes and miscellaneous revenue, $24,- 023.68. Receipts in excess of disbursements, $3,193.49. There being no further business, the meeting ad journed. W. B. GARDNER, Administrator. A ■L BIG Merchandise PRIZES • Men's Sport Coats • Florsheim Imperials • 3 Arrow Shirts • 2 Arrow Shirts To Be Drawn In Our Showroom AM You Do Is Let Us Appraise Your Car And You Are Eligible For The Drawing! COME IN TODAY Added Attraction For Subscribers —of Look, Life and Post Magazines Enter Ford’s $4,000,000 Cash Award Contest 66,000 Cash Awards BRING Your Award Check and Get Your Free Appraisal NOW! Magazine Publication Dates Mag 12 Life Mag 30 Look June 3 Post Ends June 30,1967 COME TO Ford Country TODAY! Albemarle Ford Your Achievement- EDENTON, K. C. -• ... . _ .

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