For And About Women THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, JUNE 1, 1967. PAGE THREE Herald Society News Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Bass were in Riverdale, Md., over the weekend for the wedding of their nephew. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Evans, Jr., visited the Howard Hortons in Vir ginia Beach over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Q. T. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Partin and Mrs. Tom Bass and children attended the com mencement exercises at Atlantic Christian College in Wilson on Sunday, where Tom Bass was a candidate for graduation. Miss Ruth Leary of Dur ham and Mr. and Mrs. Monty Nock and son John of Morgan Town, W. Va., are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Still man Leary. James E. Darnell, Stuart Pattep and Aubrey Davis were at Nags Head on a fishing trip over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Holmes, Jr., and family of Washington, N. C., spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Holmes, Sr. o Mr. and Mrs. William Pettys and sons of Virginia Beach were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Stallings. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pres cott and children of Green ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cox on Tuesday. o Mrs. Scott Harrell, Mrs. L. F. Amburn, Jr., Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Bruce Jones, Mrs. George A. Byrum,_Mrs. Tom Shepard, Mrs. W. P. Jones and Mrs. Gilliam Wood were in flfthmond 'last week "and attended the production of “Hello Dolly.” NOW OPEN... EDEINTWS NEWEST BUSINESS TO SPECIALIZE IN LAWN MOWERS AND CHAIN SAW SALES AND EXPERT REPAIR. Colonial Sales & Service Features TORO. AND OTHER POPULAR MAKES OF MOWERS IN VARIOUS MODELS Expert Repair Service You Will Like • Same-Day Service on Minor Tune-ups • Major Repairs on All Machines by Ex perienced Mechanic • Blades Sharpened and Balanced • Crankshafts Straightened by Machine You’ll Like the Friendly, Professional Service at COLONIAL •.. Try It Today Colonial Sales & Service BERT HUGHES, OWNER 203 S. Broad St. Phone 482-3938 Mr. and Mrs. Graham White and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones spent the weekend at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond were at their cottage at Nags Head over the weekend. . o Mrs. Oscar White and parents took her brother, Dennis Brooks, to Norfolk, where he flew to Colorado Springs, where he is sta tioned with the U. S. Army. o Mrs. R. P. Badham left Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Cox, in Darlington, S. C. Col. and Mrs. W. B. Rosevear spent the week end at Nags Head. Mrs. L. A. Patterson and Mrs. John Wood returned home last week from a trip to the Scandinavian countries. o Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap returned home Saturday night after spending a week visiting in South Carolina and Florida. ■ o Mr. and Mrs. John Gra ham and family attended the graduation exercises of their daughter Anne at Salem Academy Sunday. o Rev. and Mrs. George B. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner spent Thursday at Alexandria, Va., attending the gradua tion exercises of Keith Reeve from Virginia Theo logical Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Jer nigan visited Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Jernigan of Elm City and Mrs. Paul Phillips of Bailey over the weekend. - > O Mrs. Marie Albertson and daughter spent the -Afeekerid ' visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton at Cape Charles, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jen kins spent the weekend in Norfolk visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Reeve, formerly of Eden ton, will move to Fayette ville on June 16, where he will be associated with one of the Episcopal churches. o Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Swin dell have returned home after spending several days with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Swindell and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lewis of Greensboro. Steve Jackson, a student at N. C. State University, visited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Jackson, over the weekend. He left Monday for New Bern, where he has accepted summer employment with the State Meat and Poul try Division. Miss Anne Wells is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wells, and will re turn Sunday for gradua tion exercises at the Uni versity of North Carolina at Greensboro. Mrs. James Gardner has returned to her home in Tyrone, Pa., for the sum mer. Miss Candy Etheridge, a student at the University of Alabama, and Miss Lynn Vickers of luka, Miss., are visiting Miss Etheridge’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Etheridge. Willie R. West is in Clovis, N. Mex., visiting his son and family, S-Sgt. and Mrs. Phillip West. Sgt. West will be leaving soon for Vietnam. o Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Weeks, Austin, Jason and Gregory attehtted gradua tion exercises at Chowan College on Sunday. * £e p. • a: /M ;■, - *., , Hay J m "" DEMOCRATIC WOMEN—Mrs. C. T. Dixon, Jr., Tuesday was elected president of the Democratic Women of Chowan County. Other officers shown following a meeting at Edenton Restaurant are: Mrs. Leo Katkaveck, first vice president; Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Sr., recording secretary; Mrs. Elwood Nixon, second vice pres ident; Mrs. W. H. Winborne, treasurer; Mrs. T. S. Leary, Jr., corresponding secre tary. Mrs. L. F. Amburn, Jr., third vice president, was absent. Mass Schedule At St. Ann’s Father Joseph J. Lash, pastor of St. Ann’s Cath olic Church, announces the following schedule of masses: Sunday, 8 A. M. Guest priest for this coming Sunday will be Father Vincent Carty from Nor- 1 folk, Va. Father Carty will also take care of Co lumbia. Point of interest: A 12:30 mass will Be added to the Sunday schedule beginning with the 11th of June and continuing through the summer. Bobby Farless, a student at N. C. State, has return ed home for the summer. 0 Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Jackson of Springfield, Va., and R. B. Jackson of Detroit, Mich., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Jackson over the weekend. o Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lewis and family will leave Greensboro June 9 for Jacksonville, Fa., where they will make their home. Would You Take A Job ' If A New Industrial Plant Is Located In The EDENTON AREA? A manufacturing firm is considering the location of a job in a new plant in Edenton, please complete this form plant in the Edenton area provided enough men and and return it immediately. All information will be kept women are available for work. This survey is being confidential. F conducted by Edenton Junior and Senior Chambers of Commerce and Employment Security Commission. If Please be sure to answer each question by filling in you are a man or woman who would take a production blanks or putting a circle around the proper number. Name last name first name middle name Mailing Address Telephone Number Town County SEX MY AGE IN YEARS IS BETWEEN SCHOOLING MARITAL STATUS 1. Male 1. 17-24 Years 1. Grammar Grades 1. Married 2. Female 2. 25-34 Years 2. Some High School 2. Single 3. 35-44 Years 3. High School Graduate 3. Other 4. 45-80 Years 4. College Height Ft In. 5. Over 60 Years 5. Other - show type below Weight. .lbs. HOW FAR DO YOU LIVE FROM WORK STATUS If EMPLOYED, CIRCLE THE NUMBER OF Edenton? the county in v*uch you now work. 1. In Edenton I. Now working oI Chowan o 6 Washington 2. Outside-under 10 miles 2. Have worked in past but 02 Gates 07 martin 3. 10-14 MILES MOT WORKING AT PRESENT 03 PERQUIMANS 08 BERTIE 4. 15-25 Miles 3. Never had a job 04 Pasquotank 09 Hertford 5. Over 25 miles 05 Tyrrell 10-Other If you are mow working, name your present job: If you are working, or hava aver worked, pleasa circle the Industries below, n j. n and glva the job name(s). iCCtIITO I*ol*lll ta-kw-y N.m. „t Job ttew Lon, H.M? Mail This Form To 01. Farm work D ~ 02. Food processing r*. u. Drawer F, “ SjESms Edenton, N. C. 27932 04. Textile Mill 05. Lumber and Wood 06. Furniture Mfg. 07. Metal or Machinery 08. Construction O* Take To o». store or other Employment Security 10. ZIZZZZ Commission Office 11. Domestic Work Not Later Than June 10,1967 12. Other type firms - ———. If yr u know of a fritnd or ralativa living outsid# of tho county who would Ilka to have a fob, plaaaa mail ono of these forms to him. ENGAGED Mrs. Lessie Ward of Ty ner announces the engage ment and approaching mar riage of her daughter, Lin da Faye, to Bobby Baker Stallings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stallings of Bel videre. The bride-elect is also a daughter of the late Clayton Ward. A June wedding is planned. CONSULT THE R. Elton Forehand Agency, Inc. ABOUT “Excess Liability Coverage” The Coverage That Begins Where Other Liability Stops! Automobile - Personal - Landlord Professional Malpractice Industrial Providing Limits of $1,000,000.00 or More MAXIMUM PROTECTION FOR MINIMUM COST Call Us Today - 482-3314 DECLARES DIVIDEND The Board of Directors of The United Piece Dye Works at its meeting Thursday in New York, declared a dividend of $1.37% per share on its preferred tock. The divi dend is payable on July I to holders of record on June 23. Services Held For Mrs. Sarah Jordan Funeral services were held Sunday at Ballard's Bridge Baptist Church for Mrs. Sarah Byrum Jordan, 83, of the Ryland Com munity. Mrs. Jordan died Friday at Chowan Hospital after an illness of three weeks. A native of Chowan County, Mrs. Jordan was a daughter of the late Isaac and. Penelope Byrum. Her marriage was to Arthur WEEKEND SPECIALS at the PHONE: ft o mm _ 482-2317 11 Jf* M The store large ft M Qf IWI enough for Free Delivery mwm values, yet Every Day on GTTDIi'D enough Orders of $2.00 Jojdw, a* to or More! I MARKET | customer! *** GRADE “A” WHOLE ONLY FRYERS lb. 25c DELICIOUS FRESH GROUND Rib Steaks Hamburger lb. 79c 3 »>s- $1.15 LYNHAVEN RED AND WHITE Mustard Napkins -a 60-COUNT PKG. T- 2l< ioc RED AND WHITE —————— I P* CATES SWEET PICKLE turkey . JfL Salad Cubes CHICKEN 16-OZ. JAR 6 fw SI.OO 29c GIBBS 52-OZ. CAN Pork and Beans ... 39c Jordan, who survives. Also surviving is a daughter, Evelyn N. Jor dan of and a bro ther, -Isaac -Byrum, also of Ryland.. / She was a member of Ballard’s Bridge Church. Services were conducted by Rev. George Cooke and Rev. Harold Leake. Burial was in the church ceme ' tery.