County News By Mrs. Roland Evans Sympathy goes out to the Lane, Edwards and Brit ton families. Wilbome Harrell is now at home and improving af ter being confined in Nor folk General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Asbell’s little daughter had an appendectomy last week. Mrs. Mary Small’s daugh ter has been sick. Little Kay Manning is able to be out. The E. L. Wells Circle of Lewis Family Holds Reunion Over the third weekend of June all the children and their families assembl ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Orcaro, 305 West Gale Street, for the first reunion of the Lewis fam ily. The affair proved to be very successful and plans are being made for another reunion in the near future. Among those present were, starting with the oldest son: Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lewis and family of Edenton, Ben H. Lewis and son of Wheaton, Md., Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Lewis of Orlando, Fla., continuing with the daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs. John Arcaro and family of Eden ton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waters of Lowell, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. James Odom and family of Rocky Mount and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Winn and family of Fitz gerald, Ga. The largest number as sembled at one time was 37 and a good time was had by all. Diphtheria . . mastoiditis . . scar let fever . . pneumonia were kill ers of children only 25 years ago. Modern drugs have conquered them and saved precious lives. Don’t you agree . . “Today’s pre scription is the biggest bargain in history.” DIAL 492-3711 -:- EDENTON, N. C. anti* gasoline PURE FIREBIRD. CUTS ENGINE WEAR TO KEEP POWER UP Get better mileage, lower repair bills, a better-running car! Only Firebird containsTri-tane additives, proved to cut engine wear. FIRE UR WITH FIREBIRD* Winslow Oi Company jw Hertford, N. C. BE SURE WITH PURE 11/ Edenton Baptist Church met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Gene Perry A Christian youth fel lowship meeting was held at the National Guard armory Saturday night. Mrs. Earline Bass, Miss Sarah Cowand, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Copeland and Mrs. Norma Bulls are on vacation this week. The Ruritan Club ladies' night was held at Rocky Hock Monday night with club ladies serving the dinner. Congratulations to ithe newlyweds, Jane Bass and Joseph Asbell. Congratulations to San dra Shorkey and Madison Phillips, Jr. Congratulations to Sally Lytch and Paul Twdidy. Miss Gayle Oliver, bride elect Os Lowell Gieseke, wan honored at a floating miscellaneous shower Tues day, June 27, at the home of Miss Pat Morgan from 8 to 10 P. M. Hostesses were Mrs. Lloyd Overton, Sr., Mrs. Melvin Lane, Mrs. Billy White and Miss Pat Morgan. Mrs. Edith Perry spent the weekend in Elizabeth City with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hol lowell and family of Ports mouth, Va., attended the Bass - Asbell wedding on Sunday at Rocky Hock Baptist Church. Mrs. Vivian Wheeler’s son, Billy, and family of California will return home this week after a visit in Edenton. Mrs. Hazel Keeter and Miss Christine Harris re turned Tuesday from a trip to London, England, where they visited Mrs. Keeter’s son and family. They report a very enjoy able trip. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1961. we care . 1 “SUPER-RIGHT” QUALITY FRESH ® mm how is your an. m^%stmoLC rib roast F zjl z 27 IVu quality fresh UIIIHIIUU ■ QUARTER FRYER-BREAST SSS „ 37c That depends upon where you buy it. -super-right" quality fresh At A&P, we sell only short-cut, oven-ready Ribs of Beef. QUARTER FRYER-LEG WITH BACK u> 33c "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF, OVEN-READY We remove the excess Short Ribs sell them separately at the lower Short Rib price. H AH We never tuck them under and charge the Rib Roast price. ■■■ We remove the back-strap for easier carving. We remove the excess wasteful chine bone. J \ i ] "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF 1 jL Is all this trimming important to you? RIB STEAKS PER f Well, on an average four-rib roast, boneless QQ LB * K we trim up to IH-lbs. of excess fat and bone. • LB - Ww® • At Rib Roast prices, that adds up! ' "SUPER-RIGHT" LEAN, FRESHLY "SUPER-RIGHT" BEEF xr u P’LP ~,• ■< K fVa- GROUND BEEF u, 4&C SHORT RIBS u,. 29c Next time you buy a Rib Roast, tmnk about these things. "SUPER-RIGHT" FAMOUS QUALITY SMOKED And then think, shouldn’t A&P be your store? || ■Wk kk utoiSLbAvg M COPYRIGHT ® 1967, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. /" HIIIVIX WHOLE /IM° SHOP AHEAD A&P WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, I | I IV I • LB fll JULY 4th HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY! THANK YOU!! - I • 8 TO 10-LB. AVG. A/% • 6 TO 8-LB AVG. jT7j l/ApiCTirC All|| n*Ar ■ AVCD HAM SHANK HALF HAM BUTT HALF L8.53C ALL VAKIt llto-AllW rAlit LAYER ham shank portion lb 39c ham center portion lb 85c HAM BUTT PORT, ° N HAM CENTER SLICES m JANE PARKER REG OR SANDWICH SLICED MIXES m» WHITE BREAD CAMPFIRE BRAND SUPERSOFT M MARSHMALLOWS 2 39c A ; ¥ s 99 C MU • MOUNT OLIVE HAMBURGER • MOUNT OLIVE FRESH KOSHER I DILL CHIP PICKLES * 25c DILL PICKLES a 39c JANE GOLD OR MARBLE coolerlhest $139 peanuts 59c POUND CAKES w 55c EQUJ A&P BRAND CHARCOAL WONDERFOIL ALUMINUM AC \ »- LIGHTER FLUID & 33C J FOIL WRAP “OC J SUMMER COOK-OUT VALUE! A&P HARDWOOD BRIQUET 120-LB. BAG 95c) CAMCO* 10 49 J \ PASTEURIZED PROCESSED, MEL-O-BIT J V 4 DELICIOUS FLAVORS—MARVEL ____ _ _ _ _ | ann page tasty, salad ice milk * 39c CHEESE SLICES !W.?™£ 2 - 25 c MORTON FROZEN CREAM American, Pimiento, or Swiss Americon or Pimiento BLACK PEPPER » 59c BIFA O 140 z OA 6-Oz. 9R|* 12-o*. A7* ANN PAGE STRAWBERRY PIES 3 y oU c ”" c 4/c PRESERVES 2 79c s /I MEL-O-BIT CHEESE 89c k \HNERMEL(M..79 j CANTALOUPES w 3»■*1.00 Ia a. i SEEDLESS GRAPES39c PLUMS-33 L PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH MONDAY, JULY 3rd. COME, SHOP A&P! SAVE CA5d . PAGE FIVE