For And About Women PAGE THREE THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON AUGUST 10, 1967. Üb. »^gHp' ; .. 1 b HffHP ; GRILLED CHOPS —Pork chops from the grill fit right into summertime meal plans. Cook up a spicy apricot conserve, heat the hard rolls, bring out a molded vegetable salad and grill corn on the cob for an easy backyard dinner’. The Herald Kitchen By MILDRED HUSKINS Pork chops from the grill fit right into summertime meal plans. In fact menu plans gear ed to balance flavor, vori ety and good nutrition will certainly include pork. Remember when pork was used only in the win ter soon after “hog-killing” time? Today’s menus can safely include the tender, Baker-Harrell Wedding Slated Mr. and Mrs. Locke Baker announce the forth coming marriage of their daughter, Sherry Lane, to Charles Thomas Harrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thur ~man Harrell of Hertford. The Wedding will be afield at 4 P. M. *n#M*ust 19, at Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church. Friends and relatives are invited, to attend. METHODISTS PLAN PICRIC AUGUST 16 The Edenton Methodist Church will stage a pic nic, featured by a fish .fry, Wednesday, August 16. The affair will be held at Surf Side Park at Cape Colony, to which every member of the congrega tion is invited. All food will be furnished free, so that it will not 'be neces sary for those attending to take a lunch. It is hoped that a large crowd will turn out for this season of fellowship and fun. TWO EDENTON SCOUTS GOING TO NEBRASKA Two Edenton Boy Scouts, Mike Ervin and Jimmy Lambeth, from the Albe marle District have been selected to go to Lincoln, Neb., to the national con ference of the Order of the Arrow.' The Order of the Arrow is an organization honor ing Boy Scouts who have demonstrated their experi ence in camping and other achievements very well REVIVAL SERVICES Revival services will be conducted at the Bethany Methodist Church begin ning Sunday night at 8 o’clock and continuing each evening through Friday. Rev. William D. Moore, minister of the church, will do the preaching. The public is cordially invited HOUSE FOR SALE 3-Bedroom Home in Morgan Park 2 Ceramic Baths . . . Ideal Location 'Beautiful Landscaped Lot • Easy Financing • SEE HAYWOOD JONES OS TOM CROSS 482-2314 or 482-3159 lean and flavorful meat all year around. Rib or loin pork chops should be cut at least one inch thick if they are to be broiled over charcoal or in the oven. Distance of the meat from the heat should be adjusted to allow for slow broiling and thorough cooking. To test for done ness, make a slit in the meat near the bone and observe the color. Pork chops Should be cooked just until pinkness has dis appeared. Fruit accompaniments are especially pleasing with pork. A spicy apricot con serve is a bright one in flavor and color. Coarsely chopped walnuts give it a bit of crunch. Hard rolls, molded vegetable salad and corn on the cob are easy to manage go-withs for the grilled ports chop dinner. Spicy Apricot Conserve 1 cup dried apricots, cooked and chopped. Vz cup white seedless raisins. V\ cup water. 1 tablespoon grated or ange rind. Vz teaspoon ground gin ger. Vi teaspoon ground mace. Vt cup coarsely chopped walnuts. Combine all ingredients except walnuts in a sauce pan. Cook over medium heat five mniutes. Add walnuts. Serve hot with pork chops. If desired, one teaspoon honey may be added -for a sweeter con serve. Makes two cups. Fresh corn is without a doubt one of nature’s sweetest gifts to man. It, like watermelon, is a go along for any first-class barbecue. Here are some suggestions for cooking the full sweet ears now plen tiful. Roasted Corn -In Husk: Loosen husk on ears of fresh com only enough to remove silks. Full husks back in place. Place over grill and cook 20 to 25 minutes .turning to cook uniformly. If desired, corn may be roasted by this method in a 350-degree oven. The baking time is the same as for the bar becue grill. Steamed Corn In Husk: Soak ears of unhusked com one hour in salted water to cover, using one tablespoon salt to one quart of water. Just before cooking loosen husks only enough to remove silks. Pull husks back in place . and cook over grill 20 to 25 . minutes, turning to cook . uniformly. i Roast Corn With Bacon: > Turn back husk only l enough to remove silk. • Wrap strips of bacon i around ears, holding ends . in place with toothpicks. > Pull husks back in place. 1 Cook over grill 20 to 25 : minutes or until husks are [ dry and brown. When corn is almost done remove husks to crisp bacon. : Boiled: Place ears of i husked com in boiling wa ■ ter to cover. Cook, cover i ed, only until milk is set, r five to eight minutes. 1 In Foil: Place each ear ’ of husked corn on square * of foil. Top with a slice of butter or margarine. Wrap securely. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until tender over grill. Flavored butter goes , good with steaming, hot com on the oob. Here are some you might try. Com Butters Soften one-fourth cup butter or margarine and add one of the following: chopped parsley; two table spoons finely chopped chives; one tablespoon finely chopped fresh onion; one-half teaspoon oregano; one-eighth teaspoon minced fresh garlic. This amount should serve to butter six ears of com. This recipe for fresh com pudding includes cot tage cheese and will serve from six to eight people. Country Corn Pudding 2 cups fresh com, off the cob. Vt cup cottage cheese. 3 tablespoons chopped fresh green pepper. 3 eggs, well beaten. 1 teaspoon salt. Vi teaspoon black pepper. Vi teaspoon sugar. 2 tablespoons melted but ter. 1% cups light cream. Vz cup dry bread crumbs. In large bowl combine com, cottage cheese and green pepper. Add beaten eggs, salt, pepper, sugar, Stir in melted butter, cream and bread crumbs. Pour into a buttered one and one-half quart casser ole. Place in a pan of hot water and bake in a mod erate oven (350 degrees) for about one hour or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Serve immediately. Here is a sour cream dressing you might try with your next bowl <3 cole slaw. Sour Cream Dressing 1 cup sour cream. 2 teaspoons salt. 1% teaspoons sugar. Mi teaspoon paprika. % teaspoon white pepper. V< cup white vinegar. Combine all ingredients except vinegar in a bowl Gradually stir in vinegar. Mix thoroughly and chill When ready to serve cole slaw add dressing to shredded cabbage mixture and toss lightly. Makes one and one-fourth cups dressing. Society News Mr. and Mrs. Larry iCnox and family are va cationing this week at Nags Head. ■ o Jo Ann Covington, Linda Hollowell and Mary Jo Wozelka attended the East Carolina orientation pro gram last week. o Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and children are va cationing at Nags Head this week. The Edenton Jaycettes attended a program Thurs day evening at Vepco, Elizabeth City, which was presented by Miss Sandra Compton, home economist. Mrs.. Ruth Lewis of Vir ginia Beach, Va., is spend ing several days in Eden ton visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Smith, Gibby and Gil of Arling ton, Va., have returned home after spending a few days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brit ton and family are vaca tioning at Nags Head this week. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dav is and daughters of Hamp ton, Va., visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boyce and Mr. and Mrs. Carson Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin Odom of Greenville spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cam pen. o Mrs. Katherine Bass and Paula spent several days in Hickory, N. C., visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gabbard. O Sonja Edwards left Sun day for Raleigh, where she will be employed by the Tobacco Stabilization Com pany. o Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond visited their son and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond, Jr., of Leaksville last weekend. Mrs. Dollie Bradley and children of Whitakers vis ited her sister, Mrs. Mae Belle Wooten, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ed wards and Sonja have re turned home after vaca tioning at Nags Head last week. Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Hassell and Meredith Has sell of Riverdale, Md., vis ited with Mrs. Horace Has sell over the weekend. Beverly and Sherry Bond of Leaksville are visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond, this week. o Warren Cram of Norfolk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morgan and daughter Pat. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wooten, Donna and Greg ory have returned home from a vacation at Clear water, Fla., visiting rela tives and other points of interest. Mrs. Willie B. Moore and grandson, Billy Moore, are visiting relatives in Cowtown, S. D. 1 . y > \ ® \T\ Surveys prove anything, ■ we guess. We just read one that said B people visit the neighborhood phar ■ macy more than any other store. ■ Well, we can believe that . . . w* ■ see our friends lots more often than, I say, the folks at the shoe store. That's I because of the variety of products H I we sell and the extra hours we’re open. H I And, of course, in time of illness ■ we're your source of medication ... prepared to the highest professional Wk , Hollowell's mm REX ALL DRUGSTORE JR u *BB-8127, Prompt Delivery ; Gail Nielson left Monday to start her training at the Greenville Beautician School at Greenville. o ■ Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Griffin and son spent last weekend at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Mead ows and family are vaca tioning at Nags Head this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alton El more and family are vaca tioning at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. James Bos well and Mr. and Mrs. James Ellis spent last week at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Billy White and Tommy visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom White in At lanta, Ga, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Har rell and family spent last week at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Divers spent the weekend at Nags Head. O- M Mr. and Mrs. Zackie Harrell and family of Windsor visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harrell and Mr. and Mrs. Fahye Byrum over the weekend. Ronnie Wooten has re turned after spending a month with his grand mother, Mrs. L. E. Jones, of Clearwater, Fla. 0 Carolyn White, Carolyn Morgan, Nellie Sumner and Monnie Divers spent the weekend at Nags Head. Mrs. Lula White spent a few days last week visit ing her sister, Mrs. Jack Drake, in Leonard, Md. o The John Twiddy fam ilies spent last week va cationing at Nags Head. Mrs. Ramon Harmon and sons of Ahoskie spent a few days last week with Mrs. Judy Lane. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smith spent the weekend in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Hollowell Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. John Jethro and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Twiddy and girls attended the Nixon-Bruton wedding in Elizabeth City Sunday. Duard Murphy, Mrs. Lena Leary, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt and Mrs. Luther Keeter accompanied 22 Intermediates from Edenton Baptist Church to Ft. Caswell last week to attend Youth Music Week. o Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Beach, Sr., and son have returned to Richmond, Va., after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Leary. o Bill and Jim Garwood left Wednesday morning for their home in Charles ton, S. C., after spending two weeks as guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Ida Mae Roberson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wells had as their guests Sunday her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick of Hertford. IfC- £*4 I K. m - jmMI LOCAL DEBS MAKE PLANS—Nellie Wood (seated) and Martha Vaughan, local debs, look over a copy of Debutante Days. With a host of parties still to be at tended, these girls will be presented to society at the 41st Terpsichorean Ball on September 8. Activities Keep Debs Real Busy By JANE S. WEIKEL Girls from all over North Carolina will be making their bow to soci ety at the 41st annual Terpsichorean Ball in Ra leigh on September 8. Among them will be Martha Vaughan and Nel lie Wood of Edenton. Both girls are typical of the “Deb.” Filled with poise, personality and charm, they light up when the conversation of the so -4-H Members Observe Court Fourteen members of Center Hill 4-H Club were observers in Chowan Coun ty District Court Tuesday morning. The young rural citizens were accompanied by their leader, Mrs. Daisy Jordan. Judge W. S. Privott was presiding at the weekly session of court. WiEDDING SATURDAY Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock Miss Joyce Gaino, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaino of St. Ann’s Parish, will exchange vows with Bruce Mac Swain of Virginia Beach, Va. SHOP I. N. S. AT W. E. S. • — « FRESH CUT Pork Chops lb. 49c GWALTNEY’S Bacon lb. 69c Ice Milk y 2 gal. 39c PINT JAR Duke’s Mayonnaise.. .jar 29c SNOW DRIFT Shortening 3-lb. can 73c SUNSHINE Vanilla Wafers box 35c 8-oz. Jar Instant Tea and 2 lbs. Sugar, .both for $1.69 Try Us For Fresh Meats and Homemade Sausage W.E. Smith's Store ROCKY HOCK SECTION FBONS EU-MIl EDENTON, N. C. cial events past and future. Recently at Nags Head the girls entertained 150 guests at the Carolinian Hotel. Swimming, eating and dancing, with a combo prividing the musical back ground, made it a real run in the sun day. Friday night found Mar tha and Nellie at a party in Wilson. There they at tended a black and white “Truman Capote” party. After returning home to rest just- a little, Saturday night found them in Smithfield attending a Cartoon Carnival. Martha has chosen her father, Dr. Roland H. Vaughan, as her chief mar shal. Her escort will be Berne Reeves of Raleigh. Nellie will have her father as her chief marshal also. He is Charles Wood, Jr. Her other escorts will be Jim Elliott of Edenton and Bob Hounsell of Whit iker, Calif. Parties and social gath erings seem to stand out in the life of a Deb, but these two girls haven’t forgotten that studies have to be kept up, too. Martha has been attending summer school and Nellie has turn ed her talents to sewing. One thing is evident. Even though rushng, shop ping, going to parties and studying are the “main event of the day,” these girls maintain a quality. They greet you with a smile that radiates friend liness. 0# SUMMER SHOE CIEAMNCE mJw il ■ 3m Buy Ist Pair At Present Pricel Buy 2nd Pair For Only K (1 week only) 0# S. Broad Street Edenton, N. C.

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