For And About Women THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 PAGE THREE Herald Society News 'Mr. and Mrs. Wallace T. Bass had as their guests last week their daughter and son-in-law, Sgt and Mrs. Timothy Donnelly of Wichita Falls, Texas. Guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Stalls were her fath er, Ralph Webster, of Pine town, also Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gurganus and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Elks of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Dale, Win and Lynn are moving this week to Greenville. Lunchroom Menu Menus at Ernest A. Swain Elementary School lunch room for September 30-October 4 will be as follows: Monday Luncheon meat, green beans, cheese slices, school baked rolls, butter, carrot and cabbage salad, apple pie, milk. Tuesday—Breaded steak, dry beans, potato puff, school baked rolls, butter, pineapple, milk. Wednesday Beef stew with onions,carrots and po tatoes. turnip greens, bis cuits, butter, prunes, milk. Thursday _ Spaghetti with meat* balls, garden peas, corn bread, butter, grapefruit sections, milk. Friday Roast turkey, cranberry sauce, creamed potatoes, collards, giblet gravy, school baked rolls, butter, baked custard, milk. FOR SALE 110 Pembroke Circle 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining area in large den, breakfast nook, disposal and dishwasher, wash • er-dryer, electric range. Many other features. Excellent buy in excellent neighborhood. Lot on Twiddy Avenue, 90 feet frontage. Priced right. Twiddy Ins. & Real Estate, Inc. 103 E. King St. Edenton, N. C. Telephone 482-2163 Weekend Specials at j D& M r ~£l\7 On Orders of I fjMjyJ Super ! W Market "g* j SMOKED USDA GOVERNMENT TENDERIZED INSPECTED HAMS FRYERS i HALF OR WHOLE WHOLE ONLY lb. 59c lb. 25c ECONOMY CUT PORK CHOPS lb. 49c ■ SWIFT'S JEWEL n raper Shortening & Cups 3-LB. CAN 9-0 Z. 80 COUNT 69c APRIL SHOWER Peas RED AND WHITE LUNCHEON 303 size Paper 2 can® 39c Napkins 250 COUNT 3 CANS SUN-SPUN PEG. Biscuits 25c 29c Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Handy O. West were his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas West, Norman and Eric of Mar tinsville, Va., and hi s father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. West Sr., of Durham. Bobby Bright of Way cross, Ga., visited hi s mother, Mrs. A. L. Hawk ins, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Britton and family spent Saturday in Norfolk, Va. o— Mrs. Tommy Kehayes and son Martin are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kehayes. Mr. and Mrs. William Crummey and family spent Saturday in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Earl White, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Nix on and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Griffin spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., attending the Grand Ole Opera show. Fred Britton, Jr., of Vir ginia Beach, Va., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brit ton. Mr. and Mrs. Leo LaVoie and Mr. and Mrs. Junius Britton had an anniversary dinner at the Town and Country Restaurant in Wil liamston on Wednesday night. —'■ -O- -■ ■ - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barna cascel and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holmes spent the weekend at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Scot Har rell spent the weekend in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holmes, They also attended the Carolina- State football game Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ward, Susan Ward and Mrs. Elizabeth Minshew attended the Webb-Brink ley wedding in Ocean View on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Var ner of Greensboro spent several days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace. Mr. Wallace is a patient at Chowan Hospital. Melvin B. Ashley and family of Matawan, N. J., were recent guests of his mother, Mrs. L. A. Ash ley. Mrs. John Hollowell and Mrs. A. E. Jones spent Friday in Norfolk. Mrs. J. D. Swindell and Miss Frances Marshbourne spent Thursday in Wash ington, N. C. Mrs. Jack Parker of Rish Square spent the weekend with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker. Miss Mae Barnacascel spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnacascel. Dr. and Mrs. W. I. Hart are spending this week in New York City. HOSPITAL PATIENTS VISITING HOURS: 2 to 4 P. M.— 7 to 8 P. M. Patients discharged from Chowan Hospital Septem ber 17-24 included the fol lowing: Miss Laverne Cummings, Rufus Stokley, Mrs. Jo Ann Bond, Alan Williams, Mrs. Erma Overton, Mrs. Dorothy Morgan, Palmer Tynch, Franklin Gray, Mrs. Ernestine White, Mrs. Ethel Balthers, Wilbert Harris, Mrs. Irene Holley, Mrs. Sarah Rawls, Fred Cox, Joe Brickhouse, Mrs. Barbara Lyons. Also, Mrs. Dorothy Per ry, George Moore, Charlie Sesscms, William Wil loughby, Miss Hilda Twine, Mrs. Gladys White, Mrs Ina M. Spruill, James Gramby, Miss Shirley Per ry, John Ford, Mrs. Ula Hackstall, Mrs. Thelma Hudson, Mrs. Ella Lamb, Mrs. Birda Spivey, Mrs. Lillie Francis. Births Mr. and Mrs. Don Mor gan, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Junior Bond, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dempsey Jennings, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Over ton, a daughter. How food fads 3 can fool you We don’t mean there’s any thing wrong with eating yogurt and wheat germ and so on. They are fine, healthful foods. But here’s the rub. Advocates of some food fads promise benefits that diet alone can’t deliver. Occasionally, someone with a medical problem will try to solve it by living mostly on cabbage juice or some such thing. Special foods and diets, however, have lim itation—can be harmful when improperly used. So if you think there’s anything wrong with you, by all means see your physician. HollowelVs Rexall Drug Store TWO REGISTERED PHARMACISTS -:- Registered Pharmacist Always m Duty Phone 482-2127 Prompt Delivery w , f : s f J||# Nr * ' M \'Y ' ■ £ jgpr m ''-’i BISHOP-ELECT—Rev. Hunleg Age* Elebush, left, bishop coadjutor-elect of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina. Sunday delivered the morning sermon at St. Paul's Episcopal Church her*. Mr. Elabash is shown here in the church yard with Rev. George Holmes, rector. Rare Episcopal Consecration Set When the Rev. Hunley Agee Elebash is consecrat ed Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina in St. James Church, Wilmington, on October 2, it will mark the first such service for a coadjutor in 64 years and the first in 23 years for a diocesan bishop. On October 31, 1904, Rev. Robert Strange was conse crated Bishop Coadjutor to assist Bishop Alfred A. Watson. Descendant of a long line of churchmen, Bishop Strange’s family were members of St. James when Wilmington was founded in the early Eigh teenth Century. He was baptized in St. James and retired in its Sunday School. He was succeeded in -1915 by Rev. Thomas Campbell Darst, at that time rector of St. James Church, Richmond, Va. A native of Pulaski, Virginia, Bishop Darst served the diocese for 30 years. Dur ing his episcopate Good Shepherd Hospital was founded at New Bern to serve the Negro popula tion of eastern North Caro lina. Woman’s dub Project Is Set A Thrift Sale and Bake Stile, sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club, will be held Friday in the old Habit Grocery Store building on Broad Street. The sale will open at 10 A. M., and close at 5 P. M. There will be many items of clothing for the entire family marked at low, low prices. The Bake Sale will fea ture many delicious good ies, including cakes, pies, cookies, candy and various home-made pickles. The Thrift Sale will con tinue through Saturday from 10 A. M. until 6 P. M. Rev. Thomas H. Wright succeeded Bishop ‘Darst in 1945 and was consecrated in St. James Church on October 5 of that year. A native of Wilmington, Bish op Wright was educated in the Wilmington public schools, the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and Virginia Theological Seminary. His ministry has includ ed New York City, San Francisco and San Antonio; in addition he has served the church on many im portant boards, including the overseas work of the Episcopal Church. In June, 1968, he was elected head of the Pro New Books At Local Library New books received at Shepard - Pruden Memorial Library include the follow ing: Adult Fiction An Hour of Last Things and Other Stories by George P. Elliott. Morning, Noon and Night by James Gould Cozzens. Centenary at Jafna by Mazo De La Roche. Against the Moon, a novel by Jane Gilmore Ruslhing. Adult Non-Fiction Gods, Graves and Schol ars, the story of Archae ology by C. W. Ceram. A Very Personal Presi dency, Lyndon In the White House, by Hugh Sidey. Perhaps and Perchance, compiled by Laura E. Ca thon. Mrs. Appleyard and I, a biography by Louise An drews Kent. The Day I Met a Lion (l* „ CLASSICAL VXJ BALLET CLASSES LIONS CLUB, HERTFORD, N. C. 7 YEARS AND UP M W 3 YEARS TO 6 PRE-BALLET if Register | Saturday, Sept. 28 » Or Write Write Linda Partridge 210 FAULK ROAD NORFOLK, VA. 23502 FOR SALE BB 'E * -4* wpi mi , ' -*■«'- J iur afl 23 Albania Street CALL TOM CROSS 432-3159 = vince of Sewanee, made up of nine southern states. Comparable to an arch bishop in England, in the United States a provincial head is designated Presi dent of the Province. Bishop and Mrs. Wright reside at Porter’s Neck Plantation in Wilmington. They are the parents of four children three sons and a daughter. Hannah Wright Schmidt is married to a Pittsburgh attorney. Thomas H. Wright, Jr., is a Washington attorney. Lt. James Wright is with the Navy in Oso, Washington, and John Wright is a stu dent at Groton School in Massachusetts. by MacKinlay Kantor. Juvenile Childhood of Famous American Series, bio graphies of famous Am ericans. A Lot Os Trust “Why is it,” asked a visi tor to the United States Mint, “that they stamp 1 ‘ln God We Trust” on the pennies?” “That,” explained the guide, “is for the benefit of the people who use them for fuses.” COUPLES HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Britton Byrum and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Dale were honor ed Saturday night with a “Going Away” supper held at the Edenton Restaurant. The 19 couples present gave a silver bread tray to each couple as tokens of their lasting friendships. The gay occasion was con cluded with dancing. Traffic Cases Heard In Court Thirteen cases were tried in Chowan County District Court Tuesday morning with Judge Fent ress Horner of Elizabeth City presiding. Most of the cases called by Solicitor Wilton Walker were for violation of the motor vehicles law. Disposition was made of the following cases: Joseph Elmer Rogerson, following too closely, $lO fine and costs. Kermit Ray Smith, driv ing too fast for conditions, $25 fine and costs. Terry Wayne Pike, speeding, $25 fine and costs. Michael Charles Twiddy, improper registration, $lO fine and costs; no liability insurance, SSO fine and costs. Gary William Farmer, disregarding a stop sign, $lO fine and costs. Matthew Steven Garrett, improper passing, prayer for judgment continued upon payment of $lO fine and costs and not drive for 60 days. Sara Sue Powell, traffic violation, costs. W. H. Floyd, worthless check, 30 days, suspended upon payment of costs and I FAMOUS ZENITH HANDCRAFTED 1 t QUALITY PLUS NEW 2-YEAR I I COLOR PICTURE TUBE WARRANTY* j | Qmjfer/gf j 1 jfk OIAC. 227 sq. in rectangular picture •color tVE ■I x f \\ - The HADLEY • Z4M3C I flUf 111111 Zenith quality compact lUlf. LUVT table model Color TV. Metal cabinet in textured Jt » Charcoal Brown color. m R R r fULL ZENITH M 3 PERFORMANCE FEATURE fli M 9 m w Handcrafted Chassis for Tor Tull Zenith unrivaled dependability. » . « * Zenith Super Video tISnOCrQI lißll Range Tuning System for ■ ultra-sensitive reception. flUfllitlti * Sunshine* Color Picture ■ • Tube for greater picture brightness. I 4 s Zenith Radio Corporation warrants the color picture tube in the Zenith Color TV receivers shown here to be free from defecls in material arising from normal usage for two years from date of orig ; inal consumer purchase. Warranty covers repair of color picture tube, ' or replacement with rebuilt color picture tube, through any author* ized Zenith dealer anywhere owner may live or move; transporta- I lion, labor and service charges are the obligation of the owner. I Zenith replacement tube is also warranted for the full unexpired term of the original two-year warranty. rianfiannnßnannnnnimnMnrainnnnminatt iqcq jjflimnniiiiiiijrnii plus cool* 1 operltton lot loafer life. Touch •« Snooie control, sleep switch end ctoch diet li|hl Pedro lectures automat* tress boost, built-in Waaemafnat* entonna and 1000 milliwatts undutorfed aedm outeut Compact-design cabinet m beautifully grained Recan color. Jgf TU QuOtf t*m mbthntkt ttm* gets —• Jackson’s Radio & TV Service W. Eden Street Phone 482-3519 make restitution of $56.07 to Quinn Furniture Com pany and not violate check law for five years. Floyd was also fined $25 for failure to appear last week. Alexander Martin, speed ing, S3O fine and costs. Julius Laura Hardison, traffic violation, costs. Joseph Leary Heninger, speeding, $25 fine and costs. Edward Rankins, im proper passing, $lO fine and costs. Ken Maynard Jones, speeding, S2O fine and costs; no operator’s li cense, nol pros; injury to personal property, 90 days, suspended upon payment of costs and make restitu tion. Flattered “This robbery was car ried out very cleverly,” said the judge. “Come now, judge, no flattery, please,” replied the blushing prisoner. NIXON’S THE ONE 1968

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