PAGE FOUR I— B p, ■ m According to the rules of the House, any member may raise the question of whether or not a quorum is present on the House floor, at any given time. The presiding officer then estimates or counts and if 217 members are not pres ent, he then announces that a quorum is not pres ent and orders the clerk to call the roll. This is known as a “quorum calL” If, upon calling the roll twice, less than one-half of the membership fails to respond, the quorum is not present On Monday, September 23, the above procedure took place and only 177 members were present; therefore, under the rules of the House, it had to ad journ until such time as a quorum was present. I am delighted that I was present inasmuch as this was the first time this has occurred since I entered the Congress. Most of the legislation last week consisted of ac cepting or rejecting con ference reports, which were bills that have been passed by both bodies, but in different versions. Os general interest to our dis trict was the conference report on the extension of the 1965 Farm Act. The House had included a lim itation of $20,000 pay ments to any one farmer. The conference version de leted this ceiling. After a —» anti* gasoline PURE FIREBIRD. CUTS ENGINE WEAR TO KEEP POWER UP Get better mileage, lower repair bills, a better-running car! Only Firebird containsTri-tane additives, proved to cut engine wear. FM UP WITH FIREBIRD* Winslow Oil Company Hertford, N. C. |Jf BE SURE WI TH PURE W Attention Farmers As usual, we are in a position to handle your peanuts with ample stor age spaee. We buy for mills and the Government. SEE US FOR YOUR FALL SEEDS-BULK FERTILIZER AND LIME ALSO LAWN NEEDS AND FALL SEEDS FDR COVER CROPS Let us have your ASC Purchase Order and we will give you Prompt Service for ail Fall Seeds. LEARY BROS. STORAGE CO. Phone 482-2141 Edenton, N. C Report From Washington By Rep. Walter B. Jones long and bitter debate, we were able to adopt the conference report Which basically extends the. 1965 act an additional year or through 1970. This was passed by only a slim mar gin of 17 votes. On final passage, all North Caro lina Congressmen present voted for the extension. The House also took final action on the conference report regarding the Food Stamp Bill. Earlier the House had included a re striction on issuing food stamps to strikers or col lege students unless they were otherwise eligible for food stamps prior to be coming a college student or a striker. Many of us felt that the food stamp pro gram was not designed for such uses, but was insti gated to relieve those of our citizens who are at an economic disadvantage. In any event, the bill as agreed to does permit strikers and college stu dents to use food stamps. In other action, the House passed the bill cre ating the office of the fed eral magistrate. These of ficers will have limited jurisdiction similar to the JP courts of our state. The bill provided for a maximum salary of $22,500 for these positions. The fact that a presi dential election and the subsequent inauguration is rapidly approaching was borne out this week by THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NOW CAROLINA. nVUAAT, OCTOBER «, IMI the beginning of the con struction of the inaugura tion stands and general seating in front of the CapitoL These stands will cover approximately a city block and are placed in irj B PAUL C. WILLIAMS Paul Williams Finishes Basic iCAPE MAY, N. J.—Sea man Apprentice Paul C. Williams, USCG, 18, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank L. Williams, Route 2, Deer field, Edenton, N. .C., was graduated from basic training at the Coast Guard Recruit Training Center, Cape May, N. J. During his eight - week training period, he was a member of the Center’s Ceremonial Band. He per formed with the unit at graduation review every Friday. The 35-member band has performed in parades, on holidays and special occa sions in Washington, D. C., Philadelphia and New York City, as well as sur rounding communities. As a graduate he may apply, if eligible, for ad vanced training in one of the many occupational fields required by the Coast Guard, or he may be assigned to a Coast Guard unit operating in the United States or overseas. Seamon Apprentice Wil liams is a graduate of John A. Holmes High School in Edenton. Taller Finding she tired quick ly, a woman decided to weigh herself. As she stepped off the scales, her husband eyed her apprais ingly and asked: “Well, what’s the verdict, a little over-weight?” “Oh, no,” said his wife, “but according to that height table on the scales I should be about six inches taller.” A Herald Classified Ad the space in front of the Capitol facing the library of Congress. It is now projected that this Congress will adjourn around October 10. County News By Mrs. Roland Evans Paul Wallace is a pati ent in Chowan Hospital. Mrs. Lillian Turner i Bunch is on the sick list. Mrs. Laia Smith has been in the hospital. Mrs. Grace Britton is a hospital patient. Rev. Meredith Garrett, pastor of Rocky Hock Bap tist Church is conducting a revival meeting at Yeo pim Baptist Church this week. Services are held each evening at 8 o’clock. Ginna Jones was chosen Miss Homecoming Queen and Beth Katkaveck Prin cess at homecoming Friday night for John A. Holmes High School at Hicks Field. Training Union will re sume Sunday at Edenton Baptist Church at 6:30. Congratulations to the newlyweds, Monds - Hollo well, performed Saturday of last week. In the neighborhood of 20,000 people attended the Chowan County Fair last week. Mrs. Julie Chappell of Tyner and Mrs. Hilda Layton and two daughters and families of Suffolk spent the weekend with Mrs. Layton. Scottie Phelps visited his brother Mike and wife at Richmond, Va., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Saw yer, Scottie and Claudia Ann of Morehead City vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Roland Evans and Mrs. Edith Per ry Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Malvin Lane will be hostess to a Stanley party October 2 at 8 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bunch, Mr. and Mrs. Mar cus Bass went over Wil liamston way Sunday af ternoon. The Oyster Bowl parade will be held in Norfolk on Saturday. PAULA LANOR MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Jackie L. Morris of Virginia Beach, Va., announce the birth of their first child, a daugh ter, Paula Lanor, bom September 17. Mrs. -Morris is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keepe of London, England. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morris of Tyner. Really Laiy “Rastus, your dog seems to be in pain.” “No suh, he ain't in pain. He’s jest lazy.” "But surely he must be suffering or he wouldn’t howl like that,” “Jes’ plumb laziness, jes’ laziness. He’s sittin’ on a thistle.” lyler j "NT-". l>ls l \ <; i • \«>! !! I lI.M lOK I'UMMI' !'!,’< >< I sv|\ ! Vietnam Village Display Slated RALEIGH—A “Vietnam Village” will be on display at the 101st N. C. State Fair October 14-19. The exhibit will include a chiefs hut, school, four typical peasants’ homes, water buffalo and swine pens, a Viet Cong booby trap display and under ground shelters used by peasants to hide from ene my soldiers. The village will be con structed by the inspector and instructor staff of the Marine Corps Reserve Training Center on West ern Boulevard. Most of these Marines are Vietnam veterans. The Tar Heel fair will be the second in the na tion to have such an ex hibit. The other one was shown at the lowa State Fair this year. The village will be lo cated on the northwest end of the grounds near the lower lake. Straw woven into mats and bam boo framing, materials similar to those found in Vietnam, will be used in the exhibit. Fair Director Arthur Pltzer said the exhibit Is being added to the fair because of the obvious in terest of many North Ca rolinians in Vietnam. Legal Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Exe cutrix of the estate of R. C. Privott, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the under signed on or before the 3rd day of April, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ibis 26th day of Sep tember, 1968. RXJTH P. PEELE, Executrix of the Estate of R. C. Privott, Deceased. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., Attorney at Law. Oct 3 10 17 24 Administrator's Notice State of North Carolina, Pasquotank County. In the General Court of Justice. Superior Court Division Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Elnora H. Mizelle of Pas quotank County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Elnora H. Mizelle to pre sent them to the under signed within six months from date of the publica tion of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said es tate please make immedi ate payment. This the 23rd day of September, 1968. J. S. MIZELLE, Administrator 608 Hemlock Street Elizabeth City, N. C, Oct 3 10 17 24p Notice Serving Process By Publication State of North Carolina, Chowan County. In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division George Reid Lane, Peti tioner, vs. Robert Lester Lane, a Minor, and wife, Marcid Glassbem Lane; and Marian Lane Evans, a Minor, and Husband, Bobby Earl Evans, Re spondents. To Robert Lester Lane, a Minor and Wife, Marcid Glassbem Lane: Take notice that a plead ing seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: A Special Proceeding for the sale of intestate’s land wherein the respondent, Robert Lester Lane, as an heir is entitled to a share in the proceeds of such sale and the respondent, Marcid Glassbem Lane, as his wife is a party in in terest. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than November 4, 1968, and up on your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 25th day of Sep tember, 1968. LENA M. LEARY, Clerk of Superior Court. Sept. 26 Oct 3 10 17c Administrator's Notice i In The General Court Os Justice Superior Court Division Having qualified as Ad ministrator CTA of the es tate of Wilbome Harrell, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of March, 1969, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of Sep tember, 1968. J. A. CURRAN, Administrator CTA of the Estate of Wilbome Hat*- rell, Deceased. Sept 19 26 Oct 3 10c NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Chowan County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contain ed in a certain deed of trust executed by E. H. Wiggins to I. R. Williams, Trustee, dated the 22nd day of January, 1959, and recorded in Book 75, pages 35 and 36 in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County; under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substitute trustee by an instrument of writing dated Septem ber 19, 1968, and recorded in Book 25, page 19 in the i office of the Register of i Deeds of Chowan County; , default having been made 1 1 MORE PEANUTS per acre MORE DOLLARS per crop A Peanut Picking Combine to suit the need of any Peanut Grower or Commercial Operator anywhere peanuts are grown In the world Byrum Implement & Truck Co. PHONE 482-2151 EDENTON , N. C. in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being with' the terms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof far the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the un dersigned substitute trus tee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Court House door in Eden ton, Chowan County, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock noon, on the 30th day of October, 1968, the lands conveyed in the said deed of trust, therein described as follows: Situate in Chowan Coun. ty, North Carolina, that tract generally known in the locality where situat ed as State Land and Rocky Hock Swamp, and bounded by the lands of William Nixon, Tom Wil son, Jerry Nixon, Ben Harrell, John Smith, Z. < Evans, A. Bass, Calvin Haste, W. H. Pierce, Ed Whiteman, Will Bunch and others, containing 1,000 acres, more or less, and be ing the first tract convey ed to M. G. Brown from the State Board of Educa tion, by deed recorded in | Deed Book N, page 514, Register of Deeds office of Chowan County; being the same tract of land con veyed to C. J. Wiggins by deed from Mrs. Pattie C. Brown, Evelyn Brown and Catherine Brown, which deed is recorded in Deed Book 4, page 554, office of , the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, N. C; and being the tract of land which E. H. Wiggins in herited from his father, US CBSSMOW TaylorDieatre EDENTON, N. C. Thura* FrL and Sat, October 3-4 5 Edd Byrnes and Kareen O'Hara in "ANY GUN CAN PLAY" Sun., Mon. and Tuet., October 6-7-0— James Stewart, Dean Marlin and Raquel Welch in "BANDOLERO" Coming Oct 9-10-11-12 MU Farrow in "ROSEMARY'S BABY" NO ONE CNDER IS ADMITTED First Floor SI.OO Balcony 75c C. J. Wiggins, as his sole heir at law. A depoosit of 10 per cent of the first SI,OOO and 5 per cent of the re mainder will be required of the high bidder at the time of the sale. The sale will remain open for a raise 10 days as required by statute. £ Dated and posted this 23rd day of September, 1968. J. FRED RILEY, Substitute Trustee. Oct 3 10 17 24c BOYS 8 THROUGH 13 -ENTER OUR PUNT, PASS & KICK COMPETITION NOW! I' ' **» \bIT 2nd place FUN! ,roph » REGISTRATION ENDS OCTOBER 11! HURRY I You have a good chance of winning one of these hand some, all-metal trophies. We will award a Ist, 2nd and 3rd place trophy for each age group ... for a total of 18 local awards! YOU could be one of the lucky competitors to go on to more advanced competi tions and even win a free trip for yourself and your dad to an NFL game . . . AND YOU may be one of the National finalists and go to the NFL Play-Off game in Miami, Florida, and the “Tour of Cham pions” to Washington, D. C. with your mom and dad. -Great fun and absolute ly FREE! Enroll iS'Punt,' Pass A Kick Competition NOW. Just bring your mom, dad or legal guard ian with you and register. Get our FREE booklet by NFL stars, with stories and tips on punting, passing and kicking. Get a free PP6cK pin, too! Don’t miss the fun! Registration Ends October 11 Enter Now! Competition Event Hicks Field Saturday, Oct. 12 2:00 P. M. Albemarle Ford

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