PAGE EIGHT I p Senator Sam J. Ervin Says WASHINGTON—T he s e arc unusual times fur our country. There is a grow ing division and discontent in many aspects of our country’s life. Our society is being tested. Things we recently took for grant ed are being questioned. Cherished institutions are being changed, sometimes for the better, more often not. All this leads me to say that there is an in creasing public awareness and concern with the tend ency of the Supreme Court to assume legislative re sponsibilities and, in the guise of constitutional ad judication, to substitute its own view of proper policy for those of Congress, the states and local communi ties. During the debates on the Omnibus Crime Con trol Act last spring, the Senate took a close look at recent decisions in which the court has clear ly trespassed upon the VOTE Gardner for Governor NOV. sth to oAemembpi By MAKVIN BAKHaM "A narrow window may let in light, A tiny star dispel the gloom of night, A little deed an ancient wrong set right.’’ For most of us great earth-shaking achieve ments will never be ours. We will very likely never be known throughout the world for our accomplishments. Nor will we be known as failures because this recognition never came to us. The most successful of all people are those who have accomplished indirect achievements. The little tasks we perform. Year after year a person who gives his best to needy neighbors, and through this effort he helps them gain tri umph Who can determine how many people see a tiny star. How can we determine the good that comes from a single unselfish deed. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: "One look, and there may be an end to strife; one smile, and hate may sheathe her cruel knife." Colonial Funeral Home Edenton, North Carolina We’re one-fifth Rambler, and all the rest is newL AMBASSADOR SST There was a time when all we made were Ramblers. And, those Ramblers made our image. With the predictable result that we got a reputation for building dependable, little cars that were high on economy and low on sex appeal. We still make the Rambler. It’s a smarter buy than it ever was. But it’s no Javelin. When American Motors can build a hot, sporty car that out-sports the other sporty cars, that’s news. So far, more than 45,000 sporty-car drivers have decided that the Javelin is a better car for the money. The Ambassador SST 4-door sedan is our luxury car. It comes with standard air conditioning, standard V-8, standard auto AMERICAN MOTORS NEW CARS ON SALE NOW. Menton Motor Co. legislative powers of the states and Congress in the field of criminal law. The Senate chose not to accept provisions which I had sponsored which would have exercised Congress’ constitutional power to limit the court’s appellate and habeas corpus juris diction. I am pleased to say that it did adopt, by decisive votes, other provi sions which I supported which symbolize Congress’ opposition to the court’s assumption of legislative powers. These votes con stituted a clear warning that Congress will not long tolerate the creation of an oligarchy of nine men, who impose their own legislation upon the country by 5-4 or even 9-0 votes. The present controversy regarding the nominations of Justice Fortas to be Chief Justice and Judge Thornberry to fill the re sulting vacancy involves many important questions, but at the heart of the matter is the Senate con cern about returning the Supreme Court to the ex ercise of judicial power marked by self-restraint. The vitality of the Sen ate’s responsibility to "ad vise and consent" is chal- THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NOKTI CAROLINA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER S, 1968. lenged in this dispute. Subtly, but importantly, the constitutional function of the Senate has been at tacked by the joint decision of the Chief Justice and the President to permit the Chief Justice’s resigna tion to be effective upon the confirmation of his successor. On other occa sions, the Senate has con sidered the qualifications of the nominee against the demands of the office. O'n this occasion, the Senate has been faced with the task of choosing between an incumbent and his suc cessor. With respect to the qualifications of the nom inee, the Senate must in vestigate a nominee’s past actions and examine his constitutional philosophy if it is to properly perform its duty to “advise and consent.” Where a nom inee has already sat upon the court, consideration of his past decisions is the best way to proceed with this task. A nominee GROUP NOW ENJOYING NEW ENGLAND TOUR Misses Lena Jones and Ruby Felts, also Mrs. Rob ert F. Marks and Miss Lu cille Myrick of Boykins, Va., joined the “Autumn In New England Tauk Tour" in New York City on Tuesday and will travel by bus through the Adir ondacks, the Green Moun tains and the Berkshires. They will return by the coast of New England, taking in Gloucester. Bos ton, Lexington and Con cord. The tour is made up of a group of 25 sight seers from many different parts of the United States. Trickery Colonel—So you lost half your forces by. a trick of the enemy’’ Captain Yes. They rigged up a machine gun to look like a movie cam era, and the boys just fought for the chance to get in front of it. CARD OF THANKS We are taking this op portunity to express our very sincere appreciation to individuals and church groups for their expres sions of sympathy and deeds of kindness during the illness and death of Wilborne Hairell. THE FAMILY. matic transmission, optional velour seats, a long, long wheelbase for an elegant limou sine ride, and an astonishingly low price for the package. We also make the Rebel. The Rebel is the family car that dared to cross the treacherous Baja peninsula. Most of the specially equipped cars that start this trip never finish. The Rebel did. But, if anything changes our image, it will be the AMX, our two-seater sports car. The AMX, specially equipped and mod ified, has set 106 American, national and international speed records. At this point, it looks like our image will never survive. American Motors should be willing to dis cuss not only general con stitutional philosophy, but shhould be willing to dis cuss how he has applied his philosophy to concrete cases. During hearings upon the recent Supreme Court nominations a kind of “Judicial sth Amend ment” was asserted to shield the nominee’s views from Senate scrutiny. -This emphasizes anew that constitutional process must be observed if we are to restore the court to its proper function. Careful selection of those who serve upon the court is the most effective way to ac complish this. In perform ing its “advise and con sent” duty, the Senate, too, has an awesome re sponsibility, and it should not make its judgment up on the basis of friendly assurances of the technical competence of the nom inee. Along with other senators, this is the task I have been performing in recent days. True Don’t worry if a rival imitates you. While he follows in your tracks he cannot pass you. —The Grit. Sunday School Lesson Continued from Page f Today, in this uncertain and strife-torn world in which we have our ignom ino u s existence, Jesus — “God in sandals” walks by our side, strengthening us in our moments of weakness, in our times of dark despair. He comforts us, reassures us, helps us gird ourselves against the setbacks and disappoint ments of which no life is free. Times may change, but God, in His infinite ness, is unchanging. If we so believe, then shall we have comfort and strength witkm us. For God, as revealed in Jesus Christ, is the foundation of our very being. How unfortunate are those who have nothing but them selves upon which to rely! (These comments ore based on outlines of the Interna tional Sunday School Les sons, copyrighted by the International Council of Re ligious Education, and used by permission). #GOODYEAR Bi FALL LAUNDRY SALE I Blfelt VALUES ■ ™ WIK CHOKE j Sm Foil law | , j V/eter Temperatur# Selection*. * Double-Action Walking ml T7 AN j • Mg, Heavy-Duty Transmitter JJ) / .*£») ; MWMMMIBwB • Porcelaln-en-Steel Wash Tub ! «AntematWHi«»£oHrolle<* I 1 .. Mi Only WiitlnjhOßirhai Itr /\ | Ma% on Engineered to wash any size load /