'^SMBjyj m , 1 Uoy L. Harwell Political Pot Boils Over; Contests For Five Positions Fifteen candidates including two confessed “lame ducks” are seeking seven offices in the May 6 Municipal Election here. The two candidates for the Board of Public Works are the only ones running unopposed. The deadline for filing was noon Fri day. Needless to say, Friday morning was a busy time for Mrs. George Hos ’ kins, chairman of the Chowan County Board of Elections. Councilman Henry G. Quinn and Roy L. Harrell both filed to oppose George Alma Byrum for the mayor’s post. Quinn, councilman-at-large for the past four years, had said earlier he would not be a candidate. Harrell, a two-time loser for the town’s top elective post, had maintained for two years he would try again. Luther C. Parks, incumbent council man from the Fourth Ward, made a pub lic announcement several weeks ago that he would not seek re-election. However, he said he reconsidered after many people approached him and re quested that he run again. Parks has been on the council 14 years. He is being opposed by Oscar F. Blair, Negro funeral director. James M. Bond, incumbent town treasurer, is being opposed by Mrs. John W. Ricks. The councilman-at-large race received two more entries as the deadline neared. William Collins and Richard L. Satter field, both Negroes, filed for the seat. Alton G. Elmore and James C. Dail had filed previously. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Sr., and J. P. Services Are Held For Mrs. Long, 83 Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Mrs. Corinne Gatling Long, 109 West Church Street. She was S 3. The services were held at Edenton Baptist Church with Rev. R. N. Carroll and Rev. George B. Holmes officiating. Burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Long, widow of Joseph J. Long. Sr., died Saturday morning in Chowan Hospital after an extended illness. She was a housewife. A native of Perquimans County, Mrs. Long was the daughter of James and Molly C. Edwards Gatling. Surviving is one son, J. J. Long, Jr., of Raleigh; one daughter, Mrs. Walter B. Jones of Farmville and Washington, D. C.; one half brother, Johnnie Gat ling of Bethel; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. She was a member of Edenton Bap tist Church. Williford Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. _ aJLi: S mP- ■ r1 "rr" A i Dt oi .Ey $1 fcl A ivl o! -• x . A ; 3Kr^B3CS^‘- Sears . . . First to Open in Northside Shopping Center 'i i Grand Opening Underway At Sears The first store to be built in the new Northside Shopping Center on North Broad Street is now occupied by Sears Catalog Sales Office. The Sears store is observing a grand opening through Saturday. W. D. Townson, Jr., developer, said construction of a second store is expect ed to get underway within the next few days. He said the center is to have five firms. The identity of those to occupy space in die center will be made known It learner! * th u m v I ■ Henry G. Quinn Ricks, Jr., incumbent members of the utilities board, are unopposed for re-elec tion to four-year terms. Incumbent David G. White is seeking re-election and is opposed by Edward Taylor, Jr. Quinn, 50, is president of P&Q Food Center and has varied other business interests. The candidate said he would like to continue to “push” projects along which have been started during his ten ure on the council. He also advocates more citizen participation in town af fairs. Vclume XXXVI—No. 14. public parade Two Big Hurdles < It is seldom that we call attention to things appearing in a particular issue of this newspaper. This week, however, two items are of such interest and im portance that they deserve mentioning. On page 4-A is an editorial concern ing current efforts to secure additional local money to insure construction of a new hospital. Usually things of out side—more often worldwide—interest are discussed in this spot. The fact that the editorial on the hospital question replaces the usual item should be evi dence sufficient to attract your eye 1 . On page 4-B is a map of the proposed new corporate limits of the Town of Edenton. If you live in the fringe area now you can see for yourself whether or not you or your neighbor is included. The widespread acceptance of this am bitious annexation program has been surprising. The majority of the people involved know it is something necessary, something which should have been done long ago, and something in the best in terests of all the citizens. One of our finest corporate citizens has raised objections. They claim im munity from annexation for 20 years— when only six have passed. If such im munity was promised in 1963 the ques tion of legality far overshadowed the good intentions of local negotiators. Councilmen must be in a position to defend their actions. To continue to have patchwork town limits is among the hardest things to explain away. The complaining member of our proud industrial family was flirting with the town limits years ago. Not to embrace them now would be extremely unfair and not in the best interests of the com- Continuad on Faqt 4 will occupy the second building in North side. The Sears building contains 7,000 square feet. New features include com plete home appliance sales and service center, drive-in tire and battery auto motive service center, and unlimited free parking. * Terry St. Clair, local Sears manager, said the appliance display area has been more than doubled and more than $50,000 in additional inventory has been Continued on Pag* 4 m F ' 'ffl ■ /t. gg iifk. V. - - . cj kjk £ I c n a Luther C. Parks THE CHOWAN HERALD ■ 't R. L. Satterfield Harrell, 39, was manager of Sears here until recently. He is now connected with the federal government in an anti poverty department. In 1967 he came within 39 votes of unseating Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr. In a statement to an out-of-town newsman, Harrell said: “This is the third time I have run for mayor. My one desire is very simple, to me, unique, to help as many people in as many ways as possible.” Mrs. Ricks, who is seeking her first Continued on Page 4 Edenton, Coo wan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 3, 1969. rv B ■ W Jfl . ;' ;* '; ■ .1A •FUNDS FOR HOSPITAL—Mtmbttj of the medical staff at Chowan. Bc?pital .have in dividually given "generous" pledges toward a fund to raise $85,000 in additional local money for the new hospital. In the picture at left. Dr. Edward G. Bond, left, gives them to Thomas Surratt, administrator. Alton G. Elmore, left in p'Uure at right, hands a check for SI,OOO from Belk Tyler Company to Jesse L. Harrell, hospital board chair man. Elmore is manager of the local film. A drive is now underway to secure other contributions. Good Showing Made In Funds Drive A campaign to secure additional local money to insure construction of a new Chowan Hospital has been boosted by contributions from the medical staff and a local business. Individual members of the hospital’s medical staff have given their personal Defendant Jailed A defendant who was called for trial on a speeding charge Tuesday is now serving a 10-day jail sentence for con tempt of court. Delvin Eugene Lamb was charged with speeding 60 miles per hour in a 35 mile zone. His attorney, John F. White, entered a plea of guilty. State Trooper Charles Thomas testified. Then Lamb changed his mind. He had meant to plea not guilty and have a jury trial. This brought on a confer ence between Judge Joseph Parker of Windsor, Solicitor Herbert Small of Elizabeth City, and White. Judge Parker then asked Lamb to approach the bar where he questioned the defendant about what he had had to drink that day. Lamb denied consum- Conlinued on Pig* 4 Holiday In Area Most area citizens will have a long weekend over Easter with Monday being established as a general holiday. This will be the second such holiday for federal employees who were off last Monday due to the death of former President Eisenhower. In addition to federal offices, state, county and municipal offices will be closed. Financial institutions scheduled to close Monday will be Peoples Bank & Trust Company, First National Bank of Eastern North Carolina, Edenton Savings & Loan Association, and the Bank of Hobbsville. Chowan County commissioners will meet at 9 A. M., Tuesday and Edenton- Chcwan Board of Education will meet at 8 P. M., Tuesday. Both have been de layed one day due to the holiday. Edenton-Chowan Schools will be clos ed Friday and Monday for the Easter B* William Collins Council Steadfast On Extension Plan Edenton Town Council has reaffirmed earlier action on an annexation plan de signed to meet the needs of this com munity for the next 15 to 20 years. Thf vote was unanimous Tuesday night at* a called meeting. Two property owners protested the RALEIGH A bill has been prepared for introduction in the General Assembly to change the charter of the Town of Edenton concerning town limits. Rep. Phil Godwin of Gates and W. T. Cul pepper, Jr., of Pasquotank, will co sponsor the measure. The measure is expected to be put into the hopper today (Thurs day). plan. Asking not to be included are George C. Moore Company and Byrum Implement Company. John W. Graham, attorney for the Moore firm, also asked that the Ragland and Parrish property, south of the Moore property to the rail road, also be excluded. Single Copy 10 Cents F ~ j d ML _ l BMHR pledges in what was described as a “most generous manner”. Belk Tyler Com pany has contributed SI,OOO. While Chowan County commissioners have reaffirmed their support of the hospital program, R. Graham White, chairman of the building and fund rais ing committee, said additional contribu tions from individuals, businesses and industry will be necessary. The board of trustees have until April 8 to secure additional local funds prior to reporting to Duke Endowment. The Endowment has promised to participate in the project, the extent of which is not known. It has been estimated that $85,000 in new local funds would be necessary to have sufficient money available to let the contract by April 21. If this is not realized and new bids have to be taken, a substantial increase in cost is antici pated. Contributions, which are tax deducti ble, are now solicited. Individuals, busi nesses or industry can mail such con tributions directly to the hospital or to White or Jesse L. Harrell, head of the board of trustees. The Chowan Herald will acknowledge any or all contributions which the donor desires to be made public. q 9wmm -M U ■ Hk EXPLAIN ANNEXATION— Rep*. W. T. Culpepper, Jr, left, and Phil Godwin mn **~ w “ with Town of Edanlon officials m Godwin's office in Raleigh aa a ITTOTinnail an nontten plan is explained. W. B. Gardner, administrator, center, aid Councilman J. D. Elliott were accompanied hr R. Graham White, chairman of the P tannine Bna.il —J Zoning Commission, in making the presentation of First House District legWetorsT^ Lad. islation h expected 4a be introduced today (Thursday). - r I ill iJj Councilman J. D. Elliott said the council should forget the entire project if the Moore property is left out. He then made a motion that earlier action be reaffirmed. This was seconded by Henry G. Quinn. Graham, in his lengthy presentation, cited the contribution his client is al ready making to the community. He said the Moore firm is the county’s larg est taxpayer and the town’s best custom er of electricity. He also pointed out that the payroll at the plant is nearing sl-million annually. The attorney produced copies of a letter from Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr., to the firm, dated June 26, 1963, in which the town agreed not to annex the property for four years. “We also will strongly recommend that future councils follow similar ac tion for a period of at least 20 years,” it was added. Graham said this was an inducement. “The firm feels it was given a commit ment, they acted on this commitment and have already expanded,” he said. He also hinted future expansion is being contemplated. He also expressed the belief that an nexation of the Ragland and Parrish property would hinder future industrial development of the area. Hank Durham, Moore executive vice president, recalled the 1963 negotiations leading to the local plant. “We have lived up to our part of the bargain,” he said. He denied rumors his firm has not been interested in future growth of the community. He said opposition has been expressed when some plants look ed seriously at the Edenton area, only because they would not have been Continued on Page 4 Cox Is Sentenced On Three Counts Thomas Spencer Cox, 36, of Ports mouth, Va., received both an active and suspended prison sentence Tuesday af ternoon after pleading guilty to three charges involving a burglary at M. G. Brown Company. Cox was found in the building the morning of January 11, 1969. Two safes had been “cut” and one was open ed where a small quantity of money was taken. Judge Joseph Parker of Windsor, pre siding in Chowan County Superior Court, sentenced Cox to from five to eight years in prison for possessing burglary tools. Another five to eight year term was given for breaking and entering but is to run concurrently with the other, on condition Cox pay S3OO allotted his court-appointed attorney, W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr. Cox was given a 10-15 year sentence for safecracking. It, however, was sus pended for five years and was to begin at the expiration of the first term. Edenton Patrolman W. S. Clements was the only person to testify in the case. He described how he had seen a broken window at the mill at 1:20 A. M. Upon investigating further he found a canvas case filled with tools just outside the building. When officers entered the building Cox surrendered, saying, “You’ve got me.” Cox was described by his attorney as being an expert meatcutter who had not been in serious trouble previously. Norman Leroy Prince, charged in a companion case with Cox, petitioned Judge Parker Monday afternoon for a new attorney. He said he was dissatis fied with the way his court-appointed Continued on Page 4

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