How To Foil Bird Predators i What to do when birds f arrive and impolitely help themselves to either the seeds you’ve just planted or the newly sprouted seedfings? One way to foil these ! predators is to install 1 screening over the seed lings, just a few inches above them. That way the birds can’t reach under the screening but the seedlings have room to grow upward. It isn’t hard to tack a piece of wire or plastic mesh to four stakes ham mered into the soil at the corners of a planting. And it certainly stops the birds. SERVICE you can count oni • Company-trained appliance servicemen • We lend cylinders and tanks * • Complete gas service for home, farm and iiMustry • Quality-controlled for better performance and economy • Over 45 years of leadership ... Now serving 28 states • Call us today for details js pyrofax gas . . . ths fust you cun //vs with, for sun/ Harrell’s, Inc. Phone 02-3310 EDEN TON, H. C. four home for modom gas appliances * cooking • heating • water heating For Quick Results. Try A HERALD CLASSIFY! ■MHaMaeMMMHeaeMHMseBii the bold new look in portable tv styling... -ZENITH i mm mtmL 19 PORTABLE TV 1 OIAG. 184 sa in. picture 'new low silhouette The SARATOGA • A2OIO Exciting new 19" viewable diagonal portable TV features an elegant wood grained rectangular styled cabinet in grained Kashmir Walnut color and Gold color, or grained Pecan color and Gold color. VHF/UHF Spotlite Panel. Power Transformer. Dipole antenna. lat a s' 3 featuring a full 184 sq. in, screen) O Lets you see more of the picture! It's higher, wider, bigger, more rectangular 8* 4r Til o —a picture the whole family can enjoy! Handcrafted for plus full Zenith quality features: super dependability! ~i~~ —; • 20,000 volts of picture power • 3-stage I.F. amplifier ™ » • Automatic frtage-lock Circuit Carefully handwired chassis connect ions for greater operat- • Front-mounted speaker i«l dependability, fewer ser vice problems, longer TV life! • Gated Beam sound system NMBjmMjN ~ • rue amiss •Met ns SeMendNt eebe ie Zewtt polity wM-vMeded. tadie. . feeteweTeucb ‘eSeeetecenUel. «jwe«m>^eeg-l^ieee j&mm n» rmttr§m k W rmt fm m* Jackson’s Radio & TV Service W. Eden Street Phone 482-3519 New Flowers listed Yearly Every year in the cata logs and in the seed dis plays yea see new varie ties of flowers. Do you ever stop to think how they came about? The process is a long one and years of intensive technical work are in the background of every new variety. Plant breeders make in numerable crosses, putting the pollen from one plant onto the receptive part of another, growing the re sulting seeds and observing the offspring. Generation after genera j tion is bred until the qual- I ities for which the breeder has done all this, work be come not only evident but “fixed’’ yin she new flow -1 ers. i This means that there will be little or no varia tion in the flowers of the plants that you grow from those of the parents that produced the seeds you planted. What are plant breeders looking for? Perhaps an entirely new flower. But, more likely, improvements or refinements of the pop ular favorites. In these they breed for better and different colors, more resistance to disease, to heat, cold and other cli matic conditions. Also for better growth habit, ea.-ier and perhaps longer flowering and, of .course, for ever more flowers on each individual plant. Probably Probably the reason God made woman last was that He didn't want any advice while creating man. —Coast Guard Magazine. THE CHOWAH HERALD. EDEMTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. APRIL 3. 1969. THE KITE HY MCKKKI.L SMITH The balmy fragrant winds of spring soothes and refreshes as it tender ly fondles the kite while it leaps, jumps and prances about like a girl hops and steps passing over from foot to foot. Like glittering butterflies they encircle the sky; some are caught in the treetops and they rip to shreds and decorate the trees like crystallized rib bons; like falling 1 eaves some plunge straight down while others fly on and on far into the night. While the bright kite flies like a tiny shield far into the sky it witnesses amusing happenings: like little Johnny feeding chick en bones to the dog, or an angry rogue throwing his supper out of the window because it was cold. Cars that come and go from house to house; boys and girls skating on wheels gliding along until one falls and hurts his self, then goes into the house for his mother to put a band aid on it; a skittish horse that breaks and runs, because he is shy. The glitter of people’s gar ments as they blend into a mass walking from stores to stores, or little Mary Ellen at a soda fountain spending her last penny. From the little kite’s lofty height, the earth seems di m and vague; stones of flint nibble at each other from Boy Scouts in a nearby woods; the rapping of a drum from a far away summit. The kite flies on and on toward the star sparkling night, under a trumpet of dark melodies, into the hunger of a million soli tary stars, into soft river trills of night. Far into the night little Johnny’s kite flies under neath the brightness of a , glistening moon. A mound | of turtle shells and animal ! bones can be seen in a dis j mal settlement. Four-foot jed animals on bended ; knees guarded by the : grace of night. Into the far night it climbs higher and higher; into the night of deep ; woods ring with a splendor i of silence and peace. Some men’s cheeks are red with , love; some art hot with | anger. In the breast of ; night near journey’s end | you fly the hours away. ; Far below the earth looks 11 ik ea yellowish berry ! coated in a flossy wax. I In the early morning j hours the sun turns you a I cranberry bright and you i rest in the bosom of gold :en elements. Proudly in the yard little Johnny cries, “I see my kite; it has lasted through the night.” While it floats in ' the splendor of an early morning’s gift. Over the horizon where the sea meets the sky, an angry hurricane hurdles as in a quick race, the wind blows like a dog that has : set on a throne, an ex ' pression of sadness touches i Johnny’s face, because I only too soon his kite will be captured there. In the i heavens caressed with crude hands and not a ten der breath of light; in the ; wind, at the end of the | string little bits of paper fell from its frame; rap : idly it plunged through i the clouds to the trees j never to fly day or night. Close to the light of time and days it tatters the : trees with paper and i frame all the days that : come and go it will glow i over fields strewn far and near. The little kite shall never be taken from the little boy, but gaze from a tree. From day to day, from night to night Johnny’s kite waves at him from the fragrant arms of an umbrella tree, shimmering in tattered rainbows and resting in the breast of night and waving in the beauty of the day—Johnny, sees his kite every day >nd every night. Standing over Johnny’s shoulder tattered in hang ing paper his kite will iive through dust and wind’s might, though it is clear never again will it fly with an eagle’s might. So deep in Johnny’s dreams his kite remains resting securely in the limbs of an umbrella tree, resplendent in tattered riches and always to light up the sky—to see the un folding of the seasons— like a sweetheart in its bosom it lies. Questions And Answers About Social Security Q. I will soon be 50 years old and have never worked under social secur ity. Can I receive disab ility benefits as a wife on my husband’s earnings record? A. No. A wife cannot receive disability benefits on her husband’s record. She may get regular wife’s benefits at age 62, or at any age if her minor child ren are qualified for bene fit payments. If her hus band dies, she may be en titled to benefits as a dis abled widow if she is be tween age 50 and 60 and meets certain disability re quirements. Q. I became an ordained minister in 1968. I would like to have my earnings as a minister count for so cial security purposes. How do I do this? A. Your earnings as a clergyman are covered for all years ending after 1967 unless you apply for and are granted an exemp tion by Internal Revenue Service. These earnings are considered self-employ ment income for social se curity purposes. The so THE CHOWAN HERALD LEGAL ADVERTISING EXECUTOR'S NOTICE In the General Court of Justice - Superior Court Division - Before the Clerk Having qualified as Exe cutor of the estate of James B. Bunch, late of Chowan County, North Ca rolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of Oc tober, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27tn day of March, 1969. LEON E. BUNCH, Executor of the Estate of James B. Bunch, De ceased. Merrill Evans, Jr., Attorney at Law, P. O. Box 74, Edenton, N. C. 27932 Apr 3 10 17 24c Administrator's Notice In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Having qualified as Ad ministrator CTA of the es tate of Thomas Badham Wood, late of Chowan .County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the -under signed on or before the 21st day of September, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All per sons indebted to said es tate will please make im mediate payment. This 20th day of March, 1969. THOMAS B. WOOD, JR., Administrator CTA of the Estate of Thomas Bad ham Wood, Deceased, 2640 Davis Street, Ra leigh, N. C. 27608. Atty. John M. Harney, 13 W. Todd St., Belmont, N. C. 28012 Mar 20 27 Apr 3 10c Administrator's Notice In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Mary Dail, late of Cho wan County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of September, 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery there on. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This sth day of March, 1969. FRANCES D. COPELAND, Administratrix of the Es tate of Mary Dail, De ceased. Mar 13 20 27 Apr 3p Administrator's Node* In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Having qualified *s Ad ministratrix CTA of the estate of Whit S. Stallings, -t cial security contribution is paid once a year with your federal income tax return. You should file your income tax on Form 1040. Attach a Schedule C and Schedule C-3, mak ing sure that the Self Em ployment Income form on the Schedule C-3 is com pleted. Q. I was 72 years old in March, 1968. In July I took a position as consult ant with a new business in our area and was paid a total of $2,400 for the year. I did no other work dur ing the year. Since I’m over 72, must I file a re port of these earnings with social security? jMjEl&f even though yolf work did not begin Make Sure You Are Registered So You Can Vote For Henry G. Quinn For MAYOR On May 6th Books Open April 18-25 late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent them to the under signed on or before the 14th day of September, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any re covery thereon. All per sons indebted to said es tate will please make im mediate payment. This 10th day of March, 1969. PEARLIE MAE BEMBRY, Administratrix CTA of the Estate of Whit S. Stall ings, Deceased. Mar 13 20 27 Apr 3p SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE . North Carolina. Chowan County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by that certain Deed of Trust executed by Wilbur F. Wheeler and wife, Vivian W. Wheeler, to the undersigned Trus tee, dated October 2,1962, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, N. C-, in Book of Real Es tate Mortgages No. 80, page 157 et seq., default having been made in payment of i the indebtedness thereby , secured and the power of : sale therein contained hav i ing become absolute and i the holder of said indebt edness having demanded i that foreclosure of said in , strument be had, I, the ! undersigned Trustee, will, ■ on Wednesday, April 9, 1969, at 11:00 o’clock ■ A. M., before the Court House door of Chowan County in Edenton, N. C., offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the fol lowing described real es tate lying and being in the Town of Edenton, First Township, .Chowan County, N. C.. and further describ ed as follows: That certain lot or par cel of land together with all buildings and improve ments thereon, beginning at control point (old iron pipe) at the Southeast cor ner of the intersection of First Street and Bond Street, running thence from said point along the Southern margin of the right -of -way of Bond Street North 50 degrees East 62.85 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 70 de grees 20 minutes East 147.05 feet to an iron pipe at the Western margin of the right-of-way of Oakum Street; thence along said margin South 19 degrees 40 minutes West 158.70 feet to an iron pipe at the Northern margin of the right -of -way of First Street North 40 degrees West 207 feet to the point of beginning, containing .4164 acres, and being des ignated as “Lot A” as per plat of W. Leslie Morgan, Surveyor, dated August 11, 1962, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, Chowan County, N. C„ in Plat Book No. 3, page 42, and being all of Lot No. 4 and a portion of Lots No. 2 and No. 2 as shown on plat of North Edanton duly recorded in until after you were 72 and you were entitled to receive all your checks for the year, an annual report must be made as you were under 72 for some months of the year. However, this will be the last an nual report you’ll be re quired to make. Q. I work for various , people as a domestic and j earn $5 to $7 per week from each. Are all of my t employers supposed to withhold social security contributions? f A. Each employer who pays a domestic employee at least SSO in cash wages in a calendar quarter must report these wages and pay the required contribu tions. , the aforementioned office i in Deed Book page ; 565, and being the same ; property conveyed to the • said Wilbur F. Wheeler • and wife, Vivian W. i Wheeler, by W. Carey , Bunch and wife by deed ! dated October 2,1962, and duly recorded as aforesaid in Deed Book No. 17, page - 335, said plats and deed and those instruments men tioned therein being here , by referred to and made part hereof for further de i scription and chain of i title. This sale will be held subject to all taxes due i Chowan County and the Town of Edenton for the yeai 1969 which will be assumed by purchaser. Ten (10%) per cent of , the first $1,000.00 and five ' (5%) per cent of remainder will be required of high | est bidder at time of sale. Dated and posted this 1 Bth day of March, 1969. W. S. PRIVOTT, Trustee. ’ Mar 13 20 27 Apr 3c k E NOTICE OF SALE , State of North Carolina, • County of Ciiowan. > Under and by virtue of ! the power of sale contain ! ed in a certain deed of ' trust, executed by James E G. White, Jr., and wife, ■ Eliza S. White, to W. S. I Privott, Trustee, dated Oc • tober 1, 1964, and recorded I in Deed of Trust Book 82, • pages 287-288, in the office ! of the Register of Deeds , for Chowan County, de , fault having been made in : the payment of the indebt : edness thereby secured and i the said deed of trust be , ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebted ness thereby secured hav ■ ing demanded a foreclos : ure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebt edness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in ; Chowan County, North Ca i rolina, at twelve o’clock noon, on the 11th day of ' April, 1969, the same lying and being in First Town ■ ship, Chowan County, and more particularly described i as follows: That certain lot tri angular in shape and locat ed on the North side of Wildcat Road, and begin ning in the Northern edge of said road at an iron stake; thence Eastwardly along the Northern edge of said road 241 feet to an i iron stake in the Northern ; edge of said road at the > corner of the J. Grant : White tract of land, of : which this is a part, and > the Major Drew tract of : land; thence North west ! wardly along the Southern boundary of the Major Drew tract of land to an iron stake at a lightwood , stump in the Major Drew i land line; thence South -1 wardly 91 feet to the place , of beginning; and being the , same land, conveyed to the E said James G. White, Jr., E by Carthenia N. White and i others by deed dated Oc i tober 17, 1953, and duly : recorded in the office of Q. Will the social secur ity that I pay in one state be good in another st£te? A. Yes. Social security is a federal program and all credits earned are made a permanent part of your record, no matter where you worked or lived. CLOSE-OUT PRICES on all LIGHT FIXTURES NOW REDUCED 1/2 PRICE LARGE SELECTION IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM! mm-WOOD CARPET to. 417 S. Broad St., Edenton, N. C. the Register of Deeds of Chowan County in Deed Book 10, pages 435-436, said deed and those instru ments mentioned therein being hereby referred to and made part hereof for further description and chain of title. The property will be sold subject to taxes and assessments; the highest bidder will be immediately required to make a cash deposit not to exceed ten per cent (10%) of the amount of the bid up to and including $1,000.00, plus five per cent (5%) of any excess over $1,000.00. This 11th day of March. 1969, W. S. PRIVOTT, Trustee. By W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr. Attorney at Law. Mar 20 27 Apr 3 10 Administrator's Notice In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of George D. Asbell, late of Chowan County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of Sep tember, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of March, 1969. MAIE P. ASBELL, Administratrix of the Es tate of George D. Asbell, Deceased. Mar 20 27 Apr 3 10c Administrator's Notice Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Mary M. Bazemore, late of Chowan County, North Ca rolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of Sep tember, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will" please make im mediate payment. This 17 th day of March, 1969. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Administrator of the Es tate of Mary M. Baze more, Deceased. Mar 20 27 Apr 3 10c NOTICE TO PUBLIC (Amended) Docket No. H-46 Before the North Carolina Utilities Commission In the Matter of Application of the Edenton Housing Authority for a Certificate of Public Con venience and Necessity for the construction, maintenance and estab lishment of 309 dow-rent housing units. Notice is hereby given that the Edenton Housing Authority of Edenton, North Carolina, has made application to the North Carolina Utilities Commis sion for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity tor the construe-* PAGE THREE-C BIRTH ANNOUNCED Sgt. and Mrs. Jimmy D< Jones announce the birth of a son in Agana, Guam, March 27. Mrs. Jones is the former Linda Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Perry. Sgt. Jones’ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Jones, both of Edenton. tion, maintenance and es tablishment of 309 low-rent housing units, and for au thority to exercise the right of eminent domain in fulfilling said project; to purchase or otherwise ac quire property for use in connection therewith, and: for other purposes incident thereto, all as provided in the pertinent provisions ot Chapters 40 and 157 of the • General Statutes of North Carolina; and Notice is further given that said application will: be heard before the North Carolina Utilities Commis sion at its offices in the: Ruffin Building, One West. Morgan Street, Raleigh North Carolina, on Tues- j day, April 22, 1969, at 2:00 P. M., at which time and place the Commission will hear testimony by any and all interested parties for or: against the granting of said, application. Protests should be filed with the Commission on or: before 5:00 P. M. April 10,. 1969. Notice is further given that Applicant shall cause this Notice to be published in a newspaper of general: circulation in the area once a week for two successive weeks prior to the date for filing protests, and furnish ■ proof of publication. Issued this 21st day of March, 1969. NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION Mary Laurens Richardson, (Seal) Chief Clerk. Mar 27 Apr 3c ~ lixecutor'sTnotice Having qualified as Exe cutors of the estate of Clara Griffin Pulley, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or be fore the 27 th day of Sep tember, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 24th day of March, 1969. THOMAS I. SHARPE, JANIE MAE LEE, Executors of the Estate of Clara Griffin Pulley, De ceased. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., Attorney at Law. Mar 27 Apr 3 10 17 Administrator'! Notice In the General Court of Justice Having qualified as Ad ministratrix CTA of the: estate of Ruth R. Holmes, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of September, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery there on. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 24th day of March, 1969. KATHRYN H. GOODWIN, Administratrix CTA of the Estate of Ruth R. Holmes, Deceased. I • Mas 27 Apr 310 J7c