County News By Mrs. Roland Evan* Sympathy goes out to the Al Owens, W. D. Pru den, Carl E. Freese and *Alva Lamb families. Mrs. R. N. Carroll’s moth er is ill. Mrs. Bernice Ivey is re ported to be improving. Mrs. B. L. Knox is doing nicely after her aocident. Mrs. Mabel Bass is im proving. The speaker at Edenton Agents Attend State Meeting Home Economics Exten sion agents are participat ing in their annual meet ing of the N. C. Association, of Extension Home Econo mists» The meeting is being held Thursday and Friday at Durham Motel, Hotel and the East Central Dis trict as hostesses. Mrs. Frances M. Ward and Mrs. Daisy N. Bembry will be among the 100 North Carolina counties at tending. Mrs. Frances Fuller, president of the associa tion, will preside at all the sessions. The keynote speaker being featured at a Friday luncheon is Voit Gilmore, who is with the N. C. Commission on the Education and Employment of Women. The highlight planned for Thursday after registration and dinner, will be a “Fashion Show” featuring garments made by Exten sion home economists. Miss Dorothy Barrier, cloth ing specialist from N. C. University will narrate the fashion show* '• MM. MZ A lo- mwjdireko— color tv ,/ ■mm B' jTlv ■ / i/aST ha HAOUY • Z4MC IHf I flVf Zenith quality compact WH Mil table model Color TV. _ Metal cabinet In textured Charcoal brown color. AMU M QJ“ FULL ZENITH «Pft|lX#o«/U PERFORMANCE FEATURES ■ m *SSJSmSLfar fall Znltfc unrivaled dependability. L j sh—J o Zend* Super Video BflßOCrllMOl Range Tuning Eyrteae for ■ ultra-sensitive reception. o EunHilne* Color WcMwe Tuho for (raster picture ■ * Zenith Jtedie Cerperalioa ererrmt* the color picture lube in the i ■ Zenith Color TV receivers the— here Mbe Tree from defects in fl ■ meterial artoinf from normal mast tar nee yean from date of orig ■ leal coruumer pwchaaa. Warranty coven repair at color picture tube, ■ er replacement widt rebuilt color picture lube, through any author ■ lead Zenith dealer teyifitft oureer eq live or move; trampona I Men. labor and tervke charge, am the obligation of the owner. I Zenith replacement tube U alee l irrmted iar the full unexplrtd ■ term of the original ove-year varvanty. flUHtltl II imi nils tetstMftncvrt* I* ZtrntN »lid-stst« clock radio. Fodorcs Tcock ffdol, 81000 my’O'iwd Mtimi; MrtMMtic (till control ** Gmßict cafeoitt o cßoci of dooocotor ootoco. n» m*tr!••• h Uhn aim gmm* Jackson's Radio & TV Service W. Eden Street Phone 482-3519 Baptist Church Sunday was Dr. James E. TulL Dr. Tull is professor of theo logy at Southeastern Sem inary at Wake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. John Hol lis visited Mr. and Mrs. Alma Byrum Sunday after noon. Mr. end Mrs. Roland Ev ans visited friends end relatives in Rocky Hock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jerry Evans and Mrs. Hilda Layton are on vacation from Seabrook Blanching Corporation. The Smiths and Mrs. Maria Peele visited Mrs. Nelia Smith in Durham on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ev ans flew to Norfolk Thursday evening. Mrs. Rotie Hollowell had a birthday August 5. Glad to hear of Ivan Cher’s entry in the water melon festival in Raleigh being judged champion of the show. Harry Ward’s was second and Glen Rog erson’s third. The third annual Eden ton-Chowan Shrine Club’s benefit fish fry will be held September 13 and a big parade through down town Edenton. Extension Agents Mrs. Frances Ward and Harry Venters are accompanying a group of nine Chowan County 4-H Club members in attendance of the 1969 4-H Club Congress being held at N. C. State Uni versity at Raleigh. Rose’s plans to open a big department store in Elizabeth City in early Oc tober in the building for merly occupied by Grant’s. Belk Tyler opens today (Thursday) at the South gate Mall in Elizabeth City. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY AUGUST 7, INI. Kl!i Bv'v' i r //7% "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY LEAN-FRESHLY BEEF 3 |.59j |CHEC>^^OMPAR^NYWHER^ |jV\M I r '///J ASSORTED FLAVORS AX YUKON CLUB I DRINKS 3 110 7Qc 3 Regular or fl Low Calorie A&PMONE^AVER^I P\\ \ ' ' 'Jm Hearty and Vigorous—Our Own TEA BAGS 31 M Count fc Package QQC . i A&P BRAND EVAPORATED TjlS t MILK W 3 55" id .. . . « I rvtUKtl' |tm "if'/m •sA SUNNYFIELD B Corn Flakes jl ta- 19c 27c t: r- 35c Ir. Nutley Margarine ■ IN O l*Lb. OOm XI QUARTERS £ Pkgs. tQßeadthese Mi} and reap! "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF CHUCK ROAST 49< = "SUPBR-RIGHT" QUALITY-ALL . "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY BEEF BONELESS Beef Franks VS 59c Shoulder Roast u>. 75 c REDFERN FROZEN CUBED ' M "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY BEEF CUBED Beef Patties 2 °k? 99c Chuck Steak ’-*> $1.15 ALLGOOD BRAND SLICED "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY, LEAN, BONELESS Bacon 65c 2 P L k b g $1.25 Stewing Beef Lt 75 c CAP'N JOHN'S FROZEN i~ ",'UPER-RIGHT" QUALITY BEEF FRESHLY Flounder Fillets 59c Ground Chuck Lb 69c STOCK YOUR FREEZER WITH "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF WHOLE Biff RIB 69* PEARS 19* FLAVORFULLY SWEET , y ICECREAM T.? 1 55 c CHEESE 2 S&:3sc SPECIAL LOW PRICE ON A&P FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 2 » 35c * 3 2 ° S I OO A&P GRAPE, ORANGE, TROPICAL PUNCH OR ORANGE-PINEAPPLE HBuSEjSoI DRINKS 3 89 c *• • ANN PAGE ANN PAGE 1000 ISLAND ANN PAGE REALLY FRESH PORK t BEANS 2 2 c ’ a °‘ 41c DRESSING ,6 8t ? 2 49c MAYONNAISE ?’ r 59c EaftFHlCe APPLIES ONLY WITH THI» COUPON ANN p AGE TOMATO W C *" ,h •«*» ffi SOUP 6 Cons 79c M/ n# Hmif j 1 Pillsbnry’s Best FLOUR I GOLDEN RISE : \ WITH THIS COUPON HHZSSCQaSi 'S Ojt OQ. » BISCUITS 11%- MEAT T»AY J Sw* « SWEET MILK OR BUTTERMILK A-| WQ Without Coupon 29c | m 8-Oz. aa V I Good only at: A&P Food Stores S " •*«*•’ OvC m»mm pmSwumhwE * ■£ 10c | , PAGE FIVE-A