Chowan Marriage Rate To Spurt '*The sound of wedding bells will be heard more often in Chowan County from now on. iJNore young couples will be marching to the altar this year and next than in some time. This is evident from the sharp increase in the num ber of young people who will be in the age bracket in which most marriages take place. These potential brides and grooms are the product of the postwar years of the ’4os, when the birth rate hit an all-time high. It appears, from the local population figures and from previous experience, that the marriage rate in Chowan County will reach 12.7 per 1,000 residents this year. Byway of comparison, ac cording to figures from the Department of Commerce and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the local rate was 10.4 marriages per 1,000 in 1904. Throughout the nation, an average of 10.9 weddings per VI.OOO is expected this year. The prediction for North Ca rolina is 9.4 per 1,000. Not since the troops came home in 1940 has the coun try experienced a marriage boom such as occurred that year when nearly 2,300,000 weddings took place. From then on there was a steady decline to a bottom of 1,500,- HE iifii® HBATINO with CLEAN, SAFE, CONVENIENT PYROFAX GAS and iU/arm /naming 'Q(MS HEftTEBS Warm Morning GAS HEAT ERS Spread a CARPET OF WARMTH over the floors of your home. nOP-O MATIC ’ CONTROLS save bending or stooping to adjust tampariture or blower. We Do Our Own Financing! Harrell’s, Inc. Phene iff-111 I KDKNTON, N. C. V Tw >»■» In Mlm in gppilißMi ,t cnkfeii t hitNif wain hMtUs Weekend Specials at D&M 's^ST MillfJ-i On Ordarf of Uflßß Super <**£,. Market » Delicious Western RIB STEAKS lb. 99c Full Cut Western ROUND STEAK.. lb. 99c Fresh Ground HAMBURGER.... lb. 39c Delicious For Stew or Soup RIB SIEW BEEF., lb. 39c Red and White TV DINNERS.... “d* 39c Chicken, Beef or Turkey Kitchen Pride OLEO. «... 2 lbs. 35c Soft-Weve TISSUE.... 2 roll pkg. 25c AU Color* 000 in the late ’sos. Now, however, the curve is moving upward again, with some 2,000,000 weddings in 1908, a total of 2,140,000 in 1909 and about ex pected this year. Examination of the figures shows that the number of marriages In any community is directly proportional to the number of people in the prin cipal marrying agns—2o to 24. In that age bracket in Cho wan County, at the present time, there are approximately 1,330 well above the 1904 total of 1,030. Up, Down Drugs Bad Amphetamines and barbitu rates are the "up and down” ; drugs, usually taken In pill form. They are said to “pick you up when you’re down and bring you down when you’re up.” For most people, am phetamines do have exhilar ating effects, while barbitu rates bring calming. They are powerful drugs, too powerful to play around with. Yet too many people ere doing ao. No one knows how many, but the beet esti mates are that about 200,000 —and perhaps as many as 400,000 persons regularly abuse these and other non narcotic drugs. The case of Mary Jones il lustrates the matter. It’s a hypothetical caae, not a real name, but it is true. Mary takes amphetamines to get going and barbiturates to put her to sleep. She does this day in and out. She takes the “up and down” pills without the supervision of her family doctor. Mary is—or is on the way to being—a slave of these drugs, addicted to them, a “junky” as the slang goes. What is worse, she doesn’t know it. She doesn't know facts she needs to know, like these: The “up drugs,” pep pills also called "bennies” and “speed,” are a group of drugs known as amphetamines. They form one-half of what .is perhaps the biggest part of the drug abuse problem in | the U. S. today. 1 . 'The .other half «4 the-jpreb ■ l«m ’ are th«t “d«wn;; drugs!'--n sedatives, sleeping pills, the large family of drugs made for medical purposes to relax a person. * What do the “down drugs” do? They produce a relaxing effect for most people; in nor mal, medically supervised doses, they mildly depress the action of the nerves, skeletal muscles and heart muscle. In abnormal doses, the effects resemble alcoholic drunkenness. An these drugs addicting? The amphetamines or “up drugs” produce “psychologi cal" dependence —a practice THE CHOW AH HERALD, EDENTOH. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 15, 1979 With the increase in the number of weddings, there will follow, la due time, a rise in the birth rate, which has been at e low level for some time. For the local business man, the picture is a rosy one, Each marriage represents thousands of dollars of spend ing—for jewelry, clothing, furniture, household necessi ties, appliances, insurance and eventually baby carriages. The initial outlay in setting up a home is estimated at more than $3,000 per couple on average. that can become a habit for mental or emotional reasons. The “down drugs," barbitu rates usually, are physically addicting. Some experts con* aider barbiturate addiction more difficult to cure than dependency upon a narcotic like heroin or cocaine. Are these drugs dangerous to use? They have definite medical and health values if properly used under a physician’s di rection. None is properly available without a physician's pre scription. This is for the very good reason that their misuse or abuse can be dang erous. Barbiturates are a leading cause of accidental poison deaths. Sleeping pills dis tort how people see things; they slow down reactions and responses. They are an im portant cause of automobile accidents. Amphetamines misused can lead to occidental deaths and lo accidents because they can distort perception, judgment, and even cause severe mental derangement. For a free leaflet on “The Up and Down Drugs,” write to Box 1080, NIMH, Washing ton, D. C. 20013. Wka Monkey A wise monkey Is a mon key who doesn’t monkey with another monkey's monkey. —Coast Guard Magazine. BANKRUPTCY SALE CtiMpMe Furniture" Square CTperaPon Baer & Company KD INTON, N. C. January 30 - Friday -10 A. M. “Everything Sella” including: 18 acres of land with railroad siding; complete saw mill operation; two dry kilns; office build ing; frame dwelling; two storage sheds; Insley twenty ton derrick; pettibone; two forklifts; tractor; 1960 Chevy log truck and.trailer; B-4 tractor; 1967 Internation al tractor and Fruehauf trailer; chain saws; office machines and furniture; oth er miscellaneous items. TEBMB TO BE ANNOUNCED AT SALE For Information, Contact: For Inspection: J. Edgar Moore, Attorney, 9 to 3 Mon. to Frl. Trustee in Bankruptcy Richard P. Baer & Co. Rocky Mount, N. C. . Edenton, N. C. Telephone 919-446-1176 Telephone 919-482-2101 * GOTTA GO some to beat old man winter too. Keep up your family’s resistance to colds and illness with vitamins. We stock a wide variety of vitamins to meet each need. KITCHENER'S^ ■M- PHARMACY’ INAL 492-6711 EDENTON. H. C. This Is The Law By aOSHT E. U» (Fee the K. C. Bar Asseetettea) Contracts Os Drunks Is a drunken person liable on his contracts? The ordinary contract or conveyance made by a per son so excessively intoxicated as to be unable to under stand its nature and effect is voidable at his option. Upon becoming sober, his voidable contract may be ratified or disaffirmed. Ratification may be by conduct, as by retaining that which has been received, or failure to disaffirm for an un reasonable time. After con tract or conveyance has been ralified, it becomes binding absolutely, and cannot then be avoided. Upon disaffirmance, that which has been received must be returned, or an offer made to return it, unless it was wasted before the party be came sober. The law does not under take to relieve a man from his contracts made when he is under the stimulus of li quor. It will only afford re lief sometimes when it ap pears that the party seeking it was so drunk that he was destitute of reason and un able to comprehend the na ture of the contract and its consequences, or, in other words, of knowing what he was doing. If a man is so drunk that he doesn’t know what he is doing, he is contractually in capacitated. He doesn’t have a mind that can meet another mind in mutual agreement. A person cannot have a contract avoided merely be cause at the time it was made he was so under the influ ence of liquor that he could not act wisely and discreetly, nor drive a good bargain. This is because many of us who make our contracts “sober as a judge" subse quently discover we have not acted wisely and gotten bar gains. Although it was formerly held that a man should be liable upon a contract made when he was in a state of in toxication brought on by vol untary excessive drinking, on the ground that he should not be allowed to stultify himself, this is no longer the law. If a man is drunk un- Sports Afield By Ted Kesting We all know that more fishing waters will be needed to prevent existing waters from being overcrowded and overfished by the steadily in creasing number of anglers. So what is the outlook for more fishing acreage? One of the most powerful factors in this connection is the Land and Water Con servation Fund Act, which will provide some S2OO mil lion a year for the next five years, available to all states. Fishing will come in for an appreciable share of this bil lion-dollar fund, both direct ly and Indirectly. Further indirect benefit to the nation’s 40 million fisher men will come from the ac ceptability of plans providing cleaner water, additional wa ter acreage, new recreational facilities on water, marinas and boat liveries, access sites and so forth. Direct benefit will come from acceptable plans for providing more fishing piers, der the law of contracts, it is immaterial as to the how he acquired that status. A drunken person is liable for necessaries furnished to him, or to his wife and minor children. This is an excep tion to the general rule. He must pay a reasonable price for the necessaries. Thank You I came here as a woman Marine, Married a man tall and lean. He loved the town and all the folks, Fishing and hunting and telling jokes. And now that he has gone his way, There is something I want to say. Now you are my folks and this is my town, For you walked with me when my heart was down, With messages of love and helpful acts, A person just can’t forget all that. If I can ease your burden as you did mine, And be as loving and as kind, Then I will feel that an ex-Marine Finally belongs on your village green. MRS. FRANK ELLIOTT Artie Sez: J|j|j You'll Be Way Ahead HATTERAS INN CABANAS 4 4 1 .jm-" ■ ~ I Your Headquarters For Winter Fishing For Reservations Call 995-5250 Today ... HATTERAS INN CABANAS On The Ocean Side of Hatteras Island ENROUTE DROP BY TO SEE ARTIE ANGE AT NAGS HEAD PRODUCE OR INSPECT HER NAGS HEAD COTTAGES catwalks for fishermen on bridges and causeways and other advantages of the en couragement of angling. As far as pollution is con cerned, we have seen an en couraging about-face in the pussyfooting which has gone on for years because of the political influence of the pol luters, the pollutants coming essentially from industrial and municipal affluents. Federal funds of many kinds can now be withheld until a state cleans up its pollution. A good example is the multi-million-dollars dis posal plant erected by the city of St. Louis when fed eral funds were withheld pending its construction. Because of the pollution abatement in the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, fishermen are reporting a return of sporting species in encourag ing number, according to Sports Afield Magazine’s Angling Editor Homer Circle. Siltation has ruined many fishing areas and the Soil Conservation Service is pur suing a sound program of showing farmers how to keep soil on their fields and out of our waters. Timber is now being harvested in ways that do not interfere with its wa ter-holding benefits. And while the use of “hard” pesticides has done undeniable damage to fish populations, these are now being rejected in favor of fugitive pesticides which have little residual effect oh fish. And millions of acres of water are being made into new fishing bonanzas thanks to advances in the sciences of fish culture, transportation, transplanting, hybridizing and so on. The most notable ex ample is, of course, the coho story in Lake Michigan and possibly others of the Great Lakes. Newspapers\ W’gftimi k m \ n T ’i\ u W l Classtfted Ad fUIMCI Ml /» The v|gnom’siNß\ »££ TIDEWATER TRAILER SALES “The Home of Better Buys” IT’S WHERE r_ .jjgw THE FINEST THE BEST! MOBILE HOMES To Suit Your Terms and Budget North Carolina’B Largest Mobile Home Dealer 70 Mobile Homes To Choose from ... 8-10 & 12-ft. Wide 1,2, 3 and 4 Bedrooms See Peek for a Better Pick ... The Man With The Plans TIDEWATER TRAILER SALES Telrphoi.. 940-5155 Washington, H. C. After 9, Telephone 940-4909 PAGE SEVEN Farm ponds also arc a fac tor in fishing opportunities and the science of managing these has been simplified so that any layman can get into the act. State fish commis sions and state university ex tension exports provide know how and literature to land owners. So it goes. As all these factors are added up and be come part of the total pic ture, I see every reason for optimism about the future of our fishing. I—A