SUNDAY SCHOOL Continued from Page t 'early childhood. He loved everybody—and most particu , larly the sinner—for was not \ he the one who needed love the most? It is, conversely, easy for us to love those who are lovable—who love us. It is somewhat harder to love those who hate us, and who do us an injustice. Yet here is fertile ground for our Christian beliefs and tenets. Who knows, by a truly shin ing example, we witness most fervently on behalf of Christ. And who can resist respond ing to kindness and caring? Jesus was the incarnation of what He taught. He truly came, not so much as to teach the Gospel, but to make it possible that it be taught. It has weathered the storms of many centuries; it has been “put down’’ by ungodly re gimes; but it remains a stead fast rock in the lives of mil lions, still. It has been the hope. to which the despairing have clung, throughout wars, pestilence, famine. And any thing which brings such a deep sense of comfort, of continuity, of security is most assuredly worthy of our un divided loyalty. (These comments are based on outlines of the Interna tional Sunday School Lessons, copyrighted by the Interna tional Council of Religious Education, and used by per mission). ■ i | Freshness Is the reason . . . Coble Milk is produced by skilled Coble Dairy farmers on fine dairy farms through out the length and breadth of Coble Country. A comprehensive system of checks and balances makes our products “Cobleizsd." This enables us to unconditionally guarantee them tor Purity, Fraahnaaa,and Flavor! BUY COBLE LEADING STORES » '•" vsS ijr I Mothers 9 March Volunteers on the Go All Year to Prevent Birth Defects Jane Wyatt, National Chairman of the Mothers’ March to prevent birth de fects, has a timely message for everyone—particularly women: “Don’t get hooked on ‘harmless’ drugs.” Since 1963 the popular ac tress has been leading millions of dedicated volunteers in a crusade directed by The Na tional Foundation-March of Dimes. Their goal is to end a severe national health prob lem that annually strikes some quarter of-a million newborns. To hasten this day, women marchers in all 50 states join with Miss Wyatt each January to raise funds for this vital C3U§6> Contributions help support 111 March of Dimes Birth De fects Centers around the coun try, many of which are located at major medical centers and teaching hospitals. Throughout this network, programs of re search, professional and pub lic health education, patient care and community services are carried out in the care and prevention of birth defects. This year, under Miss Wy att’s leadership, women who ring doorbells and extend the familiar envelopes will leave behind excellent advice about careless use of medications. Volunteers, many of whom be long to leading clubs and organizations, are distributing “Don’t Get Hooked on ‘Harm less’ Drugs!”, a pamphlet that warns against the devastating impact that misuse of drugs may have upon an unborn child. Prenatal Care Emphasis It is certainly possible that heroin, speed, LSD, and the like can cause lifelong heart ache if a pregnant woman in dulges in them. But what about the so-called ‘harmless’ drugs—aspirin, tranquilizers, nose drops, vitamins, ‘diet and cold’ pills?” Scientists are studying many drugs to determine whether they affect the fetus. For great er peace of mind during preg nancy, women are urged to observe a simple rule: Take no medication of any kind from the time you suspect you are going to have a baby. The ex ception, of course, is medicine recommended by a doctor who knows you are or may be ex- Around The Farms In Chowan County By R. M. THOMPSON County Extension Chairman There are several dates that you should mark on your calendar of events that you might be interested in. The second swine meeting will be held Monday, Janu ary 26 and will be led by JW will dis FOR SALE ( 9.1 Peanut Allotment WILL SELL ALL OR ANY PART | CONTACT Haywood Jones - 482-2314 CR Merrill Evans - 482-4422 Oil Makes the Best Heat Sinclair Makes the Best Oil Sinclair superFiame Heating oil is the choice Sinclair automatic keep-fill delivery of many local homeowners because it’s a top- assures you of ample heating oil at all quality, highly refined oil that burns smoothly times, and cleanly to give the most comfort per dollar. Monthly Payment Bidfot Plan Moats water 4 times faster than gas. Six helps you with equal payments over a *imes faster than electricity. Saves you money, convenient period. DRIVE WITH CARE AND BUY SINCLAIR Can Coastland Oil Co. Telephone 482-3411 \ Jjf J THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTOM. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JANUARY IS, IETO 1 IP HI |J§ MOTHERS' MARCH volunteers are active in March of Dimes com munity service projects throughout the year. They march in January to raise funds which help support needed programs in the fight to prevent birth defects. 1 pecting a baby. Information material, such as the pamphlet, “Don’t Get Hooked on ‘Harmless’ Drugs!” 'is an example of the impor tance which the March of Dimes places on the need for prenatal care. This theme is stressed in year-round public health education programs sponsored by the voluntary health organization. Miss Wyatt reports that the organization has launched pre natal care programs in more than 50 metropolitan areas and hundreds of smaller communi ties. These projects are done in cooperation with public health departments and major women's service organizations. In addition, civic and social clubs, religious and fraternal associations, youth groups and churches participate in special educational projects. Along with prenatal care programs, volunteers also are working closely with local public health departments and medical societies in many areas to encourage widespread use cuss selecting breeding stock. On the second of February Jack Parker will discuss building construction of swine houses. On the 9th of Feb ruary David Spruill will dis cuss management. All of these meetings are on Mon day and will begin at 2 o’clock .at the. Center Hill of new vaccines against rubel la (German measles) and Rh blood incompatibility disease. Both are major causes of birth defects. Progress in Prevention Other preventive methods used in the struggle against birth defects include genetic counseling and new techniques for diagnosing some defects in the unborn child. Surgery on newborn babies is becoming more and more successful in correcting life-threatening malformations. The task of preventing birth defects is still an awesome one, but concerned women throughout the country are making it possible for the March of Dimes to help chil dren born handicapped lead happy, useful lives. “More im portant,” says Jane Wyatt, “they are leading the fight to prevent birth defects from striking children yet unborn. They march to bring hope to future generations and help to those who need it now.” Community Building. On Wednesday, January 28, the North Carolina Yorkshire Association will hold its sale for bred gilts, boars and open guilts at the Livestock Arena in Plymouth. The show will begin at 11 o’clock and the sale at 1:30 o’clock. * .-Wit ■) . f: . Another important meeting is scheduled for February 3 at the Center Hill Commun ity Building and will begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon is on peanut production. Par ticular emphasis will be plac ed on variety selections, ma turity determination, weed and grass control, along with root worm control, fertiliza tion and the use of Alar. We would like to see as many producers of peanuts at this meeting as possible because it is a real good opportunity to refresh yourself on informa tion you might already know as well as learning something now. At this meeting the prizes for the highest yields according to the ASCS mar keting cards will be present ed to the top three produc ers in Chowan County. We hope that you will make every effort to attend. Much Knowledge Needed To Work With Alcoholic : (Editor’s Note; This is the third and final article of a eerie* on alcoholism). By JETT RAT WHITE In my preceding articles I have attempted to describe the complex illness of alee holism. None of us can he p solve a problem unless he ..a derstands the nature of the problem. I sincerely hoj i these articles have enriched your understanding of alco holism. One might ask, “How can I Use this knowledge to help an alcoholic?” First, ask your self if you still have a feel ing of resentment or criticism of that person’s drinking. One must have the emotional strength necessary to tolerate it for a while, knowing he cannot help an alcoholic re cover overnight. If you can face the situation without be coming panic stricken, you have achieved understanding end you can begin to help him. An alcoholic can sense resentment and he can, also, sense an understanding atti tude. Think for a moment about your past attitudes—especial ly if you are wife or husband of an alcoholic. Did you “rake him over the coals” when he drank, reminding him of his neglect of the fam ily, his failure to accept re sponsibility, his weakness of character, etc.? What did it accomplish? Did you wallow in self-pity at being married to an alcoholic? Did you bear your heavy burden in silence, withdrawing from all outside activity, shutting yourself and your family from the world? Or did you secretly enjoy the words of sympathy? In either case, FOR YOUR Painting and Chain Link Fencing SEE OR CALL SAM SAWYER & SON AFTER 3 P. M. ItS JACKSON BT. EDENTON, N. C. PHONE 4g2-EOM FREE ESTIMATE TWo years from now a 1970 Buick should be a little newer than most Skylark LeSabre suo^oudmo. Buicks are built that way. controls for fast, easy starting in The final result is lasting value. Checked and rechecked. any weather. An integral part of every Buick. Buick drive trains are balanced Every time. Standard equipment on the Buick right on the cars. • Every Buick V-8 engine is precision that’s waiting for you at the Buick Buicks have semi-dosed cooling balanced and inspected right on the Value Center, systems. assembly line by a unique compressed The Buick showroom nearest you. They should never overheat. air technique known as air motoring. Where you can learn all the facts Every Buick has a strong, Buick developed it. about the new cars that will 1 long-lasting body by Fisher. It's another Buick exclusive. stay new longer. Oil All Buick V 8 engines have That, incredibly, is only the Where you can begin Jbß! carburetor time modulated choke beginning. enjoying Buick value. I Buick Value. Something to believe in. neither your situation nor that of the problem drinker was improved, was it? If you are the husband or wife of an alcoholic, “Look at - ourself and join the human race.” Now that you, the husband or wife, have joined the human race, a good place for you to start rejoining is the nearest Alcoholics Anony mous group. There is one near you. Look in the tele phone directory. Every AA group has open meetings. Seek the advice of AA and steer the alcoholic toward AA. Should he express no inter est in accepting treatment at this time, drop the subject. You may have accomplished more than you realize. Your change of attitude, your re fusal to allow his drinking to disrupt what peace of mind you may have attained, will start him thinking. Wait a day or so and cas ually leave some literature you have read where he may notice it. Should he begin to show interest, try not to act surprised; do not be tearful; do not make an issue of it. Don’t rush out to make ar rangements either. Only he can make the decision to ac cept treatment. Let him make the decision as any ma ture adult would; don't try to take credit for it. The alcoholic cannot ac complish this tremendous task alone. Generally he cannot make up his mind that he is going to stop drinking and start rebuilding his life on a more satisfactory level of ad justment. Most alcoholics try to do this, and they invari ably fail when they attempt to use their own inner re sources exclusively to accom plish it. Their emotional problems are too deep for self-analysis. They need to cooperate with others just as they need the cooperation of others. Almost everybody is now familiar with the work of Al coholics Anonymous. It is a THE FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION OF AHOSKIE ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THE Elizabeth City Branch Office Located at 806 W. Ehringbaus St. *¥111“ Office Hours: 8:30 - 5:30 Monday Thru Friday The Federal Land Bank makes long-term farm loans, with repayment in annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly installments. Loans are made through local Federal Land Bank Associations, which own ail the capital stock of the Land Bank. Fluids for making loans are obtained by the sale of bonds to the Investing public. The amount loaned is based on the normal value of the farm and may be used for any agriculture purpose or other requirement of the owner of the property. Loans are made on part-time, as well as full-time farms. Loans are also made on forest properties. The BUrabeth City Branch Office will serve Chowan, Perquimans, Paaqugjank, Camden and Currituck Coun ties. The Ahcdkie office will serve Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, and Gates Counties. HEADQUARTERS OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 421 Peachtree Street 806 W. Ehringhaus St. Ahoakle, N. C. Elisabeth City, N. C. Phone 332-2721 Phone 335-2158 A- L WIGGINS L. GARY TAYLOR Manager Manager • Serving America* a Farmer a: PROVIDERS OF PAGE THREE fellowship of men and women who share their experiences; strength and hope with each; other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from:-' alcoholism. TRY A HERALD r; ’ CLASSIFIED AD