Slate Tax Help Available Here R. M. Midgett, local reve nue collector for the N. C. Department of Revenue, ad vUes that personnel to assist in the filing of state income and intangibles tax returns will be available on Monday and Wednesday of each week until April 15. Persons desiring assistance in filing these-returns are re* quested to contact the. state office on the . second floor of the County Office Building in Edenton between .8:30 A. M. and 12 noon. on the above days. Midgett requests that tax payers bring with them the pre-addressed forms which were mailed to them from Raleigh. Completed returns should be mailed .directly to the N. C. Department of Revenue in Raleigh, 27602. Under North 'Carolina law, a motorist is legally drunk when his blood alcohol con tent exceeds .10 per cent. It is pleasant to meet hu man beings when they try to be pleasant. Some religionists are so involved in the housekeeping of the church that they for get the of religion. ■ ’ ■mm ,;-f-t~. m ■■ ■ A . ■■if jns|p||. ' fjjp IE? W ' I IfR Hv i IX-*, .* I \ * MARCH BRIDE-ELECT—Mr. miu Mrs. ounnnie F. Chap pell of Tyner announce the engagement of their daughter, Brenda Kaye, to Harold Lindsey Hurdle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Hurdle of Hertford. Miss Chappell is a student at Chowan High School. Mr. Hurdle ; ls a graduate at Petquim ans County High School, and also a-graduate at the N. C. School of Automation in Baleigh. He is now employed at the United Piece Dye Works. . The'wedding will take place March Bin Center Hill Baptist Church at 3 P. M. The pub lic is cordially- invited. - Weekend Specials at • d& m 'zjfs? On Orders of Sliper Or^More Market WHOLE ONLY FRYERS» 28c CUT-UP FRYERS lb. 32c Economy Cut Pork Chops . . . Ib. 55c Luter’s Franks. . . 1 lb.pkg-59c Fresh Ground Hamburger... 3 lbs. $1.17 Red and White Cake Mix . . 3 boxes 89c Kraft’s Macaroni and Cheese Dinner, 14 oz* box ea. 43c Quaker Instant Oatmeal box 39c «• i-or. savings Red and White Instant Coffee 79c £ jp Mary Florence Berryman Three Area The Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met at Edenton Restaurant Feb ruary i 11. After the members present had eaten lunch and attend ed to the organization's busi ness, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. W. B. Shepard, chairman of the local Ameri can history essay contest, who had charge of the pro gram. Mrs. Shepard introduced Nancy Boswell Students Win DAR Essay Contest the four winners of the local contest, who were accom panied by their teachers and parents. Two of the girls read their essays while the other two talked about what being in the contest meant to them. Each was given a certificate of award for out standing work. Their subject was “The Declaration of Independence and Its Signers." The winners this year, were as fdlldwe: Fifth Grade Mary Flor ence Berryman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Berry man, a pupil at Chowan Aca demy. Sixth Grade Nancy Bos well, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Boswell, pupil at For And About Women PAGE THREE THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, FEBRUARY 19, 1970. The Herald Society News Mr. and Mrs. George Muth, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. George 1 Muth, Jr., ahd son Rad visit- 1 ed Mrs. Muth’s brother and sister, Frank and Tillie Muth, Sunday. "Mirtin Zimmerman -of' Rocky Mount spent the week end as guest of his stepfather, J. E. Bufflap and visited his , mother in Albemarle Hospital ( at Elizabeth City. ( Miss Dorothy Bufflap has returned to Elizabeth City to be with her stepmother, Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap while she J is hospitalized iin Albemarle Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tay- j lor of Sea Level and daugh ter;, Elaine Hamilton of ' At lantic spent Sunday with Mrs. Dora Lassiter and at tended the funeral of Mrs. Annie Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert "King spent Sunday with their daughter, Jo Ann, in Nor- • folk, Va. Mrs. Geneva Gadow and Denny of Chesapeake, Va., spent 'the weekend here vis iting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leo LaVoie and Jerry and Mrs.. ,W. H- White visited Mr. arid "Mrs.' Robert White in' Virginia Beach, Va., on Sunday. "'' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gard spent Sunday in Elizabeth City with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Las siter of Portsmouth. Va.. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mfs. Dewey Whitehurst and attended the funeral of Mrs. Annie Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stalls and Karen visited rela tives in Washington on Sat urday. Jimmy Lassiter of Waverly, Va., spent Sunday here visit ing friends and relatives. Mrs. Marvin Wilson of Cha pel Hill spent the weekend with Mrs. John A. Bunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Perry and Keith of Portsmouth, Va., spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrell and Mr. and Mrs. Sristoe Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Britton By rum of Norfolk, Va., spent the weekend here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunch and boys of Mt. Olive spent the weekend visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shel ton Rogerson and Mr. and Mrs, Haywood Bunch. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Jethro and family of Portsmouth, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. IX L. Jethro, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Saw yer and Stevie spent Sunday in Manteo visiting relatives. Kv . "'jirt Waverly Ann Copeland Chowan High School. Seventh Grade Waverly Ann Copeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Cope land, a pupil at Hertford Grammar School. Eighth Grade—Joyce Eileen Hollowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollowell, pupil at Perquimans County High School. Their essays have seen sent op to compete for dis trict honors. Interest in this project which is nationwide and sponsored by: -the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, has grown by leaps an.d bounds. The Edenton Tea Party Chap ter has taken part for the past four years. Terry Wheeler of Chapel Hill visited hie family over the weekend, Mrs. Sally Langley of Greenville is spending this week with her daughter and ion-in-law, Mr. ■ and . Mrs. Bobby Harris. Mr. and Mrs. David White visited their daughter, Shar on, of Newport News, Va., this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Halsey I had as their guests over the weekend her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Hampton, Va. . Mr. and'Mr ' TV:’ 'by T! and Mrs. Sally Langley spent Tuesday in Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Wins lt w and Candy 1 visited their Son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Euljon Win;low, in Kinston. | Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Courtney of Suffolk, Va., j 'Visited Mrr and Mrs. Ray Griffin over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Perry J visited their' daughter' hnd her family, Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Cuthrell in Newport News, Va., over the weekend. , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams and children spent Sunday in J Creswell visiting Mrs. Wil liams’ parents.' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stroud, Sr., spent the weekend in Wilmington visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stroud, Jr. Miss Beth Tolley of Raleigh spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Clara Tolley. Mrs. Doris Tew and Mrs. A. J. Hill of Burlington spent the weekend with Mt. and Mrs. Billy Tew and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roberson and family spent the week end in Yanceyville visiting Mrs. Roberson's parents. Mrs. Ida Mae Roberson is spending some time at Clin ton visiting her sick sister and brother. jGCE) I ikwwtiiiwTwwny George Parker Bidder, a 19th century Englishman, was a hu man computer. Typical of the problems he could solve in his head is this one: If a pendulum swings 9% inches in one second, how many indies will it travel in 7 years 14 days 2 hours 1 minute and 56 seconds if each year consists of 366 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 56 sec onds? Bidder had the answer— -2,166,625.744% inches—in lass than a minute! A tuning fork that executes 261 vibrations a second pro duces a middle-C note. But so doea abuse saw if run at a speed where 261 teeth cut into the wood every second. ■■■■■■l ■ I*. Joyce Erleen Hollowell The first year only one es say was submitted, by Mary Alice Byrum, an eighth grade pupil at John A. Holmes High School. This won state honors and was runner up in the national contest. The second year between 20 and 30 essays were submitted. Mi chelle Tabeau of the sixth grade at E. A. Swain Ele mentary School won in the state. Last year four schools par ticipated,' Submitting 78'-es says. One of these, a paper by Becky Harrell, a fifth grade pupil at Chowan High School,, won first place in the state fifth grade level. This year six schools en tered the race, submitting 130 papers. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Twid dy and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holmes of Hampton, Va., and attended Disneyland on Parade. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zim merman, two children and Greek nurse of Washington, D. C., spent the weekend vis iting Mr. Zimmerman’s moth er, Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap, a patient in Albemarle Hospi tal at Elizabeth City. SHOP DOWNTOWN ELIZABETH CITY -0R - MORE VARIETY MORE STORES MORE PROFESSIONAL J&jfcv BUSINESSES jfmW NEW BUSINESSES PLENTY OF PARKING LARGE OFF STREET \ PARKING V Most Stores Open T'ill 8:30 P. M. j Chowan Golf Pro Fires First Ace By LEW DEXTEIt Well, the old pro finally got one, a hole in one, a first for Lew, and he got it on the 11th hole, 178 yards with a 3 iron. Lew was playing in a foursome with Jerry Dow num, Woody Copeland and Jim Partin. The ladies now have a bul letin board and all golf in formation for the ladies will be posted pn it. Ladies’ Day last week had a small turnout. Come on, girls, let’s hit the ball. How ever, a tournament was held and Mrs. Ruth Whichard won on the fewest putts. The rest (JfIt^SALE CONTINUES... I .Will Lay Away S SO In Fashions V Hos Your Choice... ■ EVERYTHING H includedyfr^t^^ EXTRA of you ladies had better come out and practice on ine put ting green or buy one of the pro’s indoor putting cups and practice at home. Remem ber, putting is half of the game and any time you one or two putt you are cutting strokes off yoir score. Three and four putts just add strokes. We hope to have our new score cards in the shop for this weekend and they should be easier to read and will have corrected yardage and handicaps. Just a note to help you score better. Before you start your round why don’t you hit a bucket of bulls on the range. This will loosen up your muscles and get you warmed up. A few players have pulled a muscle on the first tee and cannot enjoy their game or play as well; as they might. I know Gnc player who hasn’t played jor a week' because of this. Right, Oscar? A reminder for two ilcpis. One, please turn in yfour scores on the handicap board so that you can establish a handicap. You’ll need one when we start our tourna- Continued from Page 3